Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2215 Strength Gap

‘Jesse! You think of a way to block the others, is there any problem for me to deal with that Du Long alone? ! ’ The Great Demon King of Darkness, Leopold, secretly sent a message to the powerful gods of the light and dark tribes.

'OK! Jesse agreed without thinking and said: "Daolong and I will continue to entangle the Golden-winged Dapeng King. The original human race will be dealt with by the leader of the mutant mermaid race. The remaining four people will each have two people to deal with the spectators." Zi Zi and Sun Monkey! ’

'clear! ’

A group of people nodded, and there was no problem with this distribution. Except for Shizu and Li Hong being evenly matched, both the light and dark tribes almost had considerable advantages.

It can be seen from Jesse's combat configuration alone that the main target that the light and dark tribes want to deal with has never been the primitive human race. It is surprisingly Du Long who they have always wanted to get rid of!

'kill! ’

Now that the opponents have been assigned, there is nothing to hesitate about. The Dark Demon King Leopold roared angrily and immediately rushed out first. Naturally, the others did not dare to follow behind without any hesitation.

"Quack! Good time!!" With a strange laugh, the Fighting Saint Buddha Sun Wukong dodged and rushed out without hesitation.

As a fighting Buddha of this generation in Buddhism, he was suffering from the fact that he never had a suitable opponent to hone himself and improve himself, so naturally he wanted to be the first to jump into the battle.

Immediately, a Dark Demon King and another Light God King Realm strongman came out and directly faced the Fighting Saint Buddha Sun Wukong. He didn't care who his opponent was at all. When he saw someone approaching him, he naturally started to fight without saying a word.

Under the guidance of two powerful Westerners, the three of them quickly moved away from this sea area and started fighting directly over a certain sea area.

Perhaps because he hadn't done anything for a long time, Sun Wukong was extremely excited about fighting the holy Buddha. The golden cudgel in his hand was swung with golden light all over the sky. Although he was fighting one against two, he was not at a disadvantage at all.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Sun Wukong, who was in a three-headed and six-armed state, was fighting wantonly and said with an excited smile: "Damn it, I have been forced to cultivate myself for so long, and the golden hoop in my hand is almost rusty. It’s rare for you bastards to come to our door today, so of course I, Old Sun, will have a good time playing with you!”

Amidst the strange laughter, he swung the golden cudgel in his hand with all his strength, hitting the shadow clones so hard that they could only parry and had no chance to take the initiative.

Their mission this time was just to entangle their opponent. The real task of killing the enemy fell on the Dark Lord Leopold, so even though they were a little embarrassed, they didn't worry too much.

On the other side, as the fighting saint Buddha Sun Wukong entered the battle state, the God of Light Thor and the other Dark Lord who had just arrived joined forces and said: "Master Guan Zizai! The two of us want to discuss with you, Wanwang Complete!"

"Junior brother Du Long, be careful!" Guan Zizai turned around and told Du Long, then he stepped out of the queue and said coldly: "Since you two tribes of light and dark are determined to take action, then no matter life or death, you can only leave it to fate. , just don’t regret it later!”

Guan Zizi's figure was as graceful as a fairy and left with his opponent. They also found a new battlefield and entered the battle directly. The battle on this battlefield seemed a bit lax, which was similar to the fierce battlefield where the Saint Buddha and Sun Wukong were fighting. An extremely sharp contrast.

I saw that Guan Zi was holding a jade purification bottle in one hand, and the other hand was still whisking dust. Thousands of dust threads were ever-changing, and each dust thread was like an extremely sharp blade that could instantly pierce time and space and reach some incredible location.

These dust threads have both extremely sharp assassination capabilities and flexible winding skills. Once entangled, they will become extremely thin and sharp blades. There is no doubt that they can instantly cut off the enemy's head.

Faced with these seemingly soft and harmless dust threads, but in fact they were extremely dangerous, Thor and the other Dark Lord worked hard and concentrated on dealing with the invasion of dust threads all over the sky. They did not dare to do anything. The carelessness of underestimating the enemy.

Ordinary people may think that Guan Zizai is a kind and compassionate Bodhisattva. However, these strong men from the light and dark races have heard about the terrifying aspects of her anger. If they really want to push the other party into panic, they will definitely not kill people. Be kind and gentle.

In short, Guan Zizai seemed to have easily suppressed the strong men of the light and dark tribes without using all her strength. Until this moment, many people at the scene still could not see through her true strength.

This scene fell into the eyes of Jesse and Leopold. These two powerful men at the level of the Great Demon (God) King frowned at it, and they seemed to vaguely feel that something was wrong.

‘Leopold! After this Avalokitesvara broke through and reached the realm of Buddha, its strength became more and more unfathomable! 'Jesse, the Great God of Light, couldn't help but send a message secretly.

'Yes! ’ Leopold frowned and responded: ‘If this person is not eliminated, he will definitely pose an extremely huge threat to the light and dark races! Especially for the bright clan, after all. . . It was you who forged a big feud with him back then! ’

Jesse nodded slightly. Back then, the Light God Clan also wanted to nip the threat in the bud, so they took the initiative to send people to deal with Master Guan Zizai, and thus formed a deep rift.

This is somewhat similar to Du Long. As Du Long grew up in the immortal world, he often had enemies with the Dark Clan. Even his eldest son Du Fengyang died at the hands of the Dark Clan. This hatred was deep.

Master Guan Zizai is also an ascendant. At the beginning, the Immortal World where she lived was dominated by the light clan. When she was growing up, she often saw the light clan dressed in hypocrisy and doing shameful things.

Naturally, she couldn't tolerate some of the evil things she saw, so she took action against the Guangming Clan. This action created a problem, and she was hunted down by the Guangming Clan all the way to the Ascension God Realm.

In short, the various evil deeds of the light and dark tribes in countless immortal worlds have forced out powerful men like Guan Zizai and Du Long who are naturally evil, and they also have deep hostility to the light and dark tribes.

"Senior Golden Winged Dapeng King! We didn't have enough fun fighting just now, how about we continue to compete?!" The Great God of Light King Jesse obviously wanted to resolve the battle quickly.

"What a fight!" King Golden-winged Dapeng immediately puffed his beard and said rudely with eyes wide open: "Since you are determined to put Du Long to death, then I will no longer care whether you are bullying the younger with your elders today. , prepare to die!”

call out!

The golden wings of the King Peng unfolded, and the King of Golden Wings rushed directly towards the Great God of Light Jesse, and was then deliberately taken away from the airspace by the opponent. The Dark Demon Lord Daolong followed closely behind.

At this point, only Du Long, Li Hong, the Dark Demon King Leopold and Shi Zu were left.

Anyone with a discerning eye can instantly understand that the reason why the two races of light and darkness left the Dark Lord Leopold behind is definitely not to deal with the primitive human race, so their good intentions will naturally be revealed.

"Haha! Li Hong! The accounts between you and me haven't been settled yet, let's go aside and continue to settle the accounts!" Shizu, the second ancestor of the mutant mermaid clan, laughed and challenged Li Hong.

"It's a bullshit!" Li Hong imitated the tone of the Golden-winged Dapeng King and said something rude. Then he turned to look at Du Long with some worry and said, "You are facing the Dark Demon King alone. OK?! You must be careful!"

"Don't worry!" Du Long waved his hand and said: "If you can't beat me, you can still escape. It's not that easy to kill me like this! Senior Li Hong should also be careful. Don't distract him and give him something to do. People with ulterior motives leave loopholes!”

"Okay!" Li Hong nodded and said, "Then I'll go! You must be more careful!"

After finishing the explanation, Li Hong stepped out and shot away in a certain direction with Shizu. As a result, only Du Long and the Dark Demon King Leopold were left.

"Haha!" Leopold glanced around and then smiled at Du Long: "Boy! If you still have helpers, call them out quickly, otherwise, you may have to kill Crewe for yourself today. I paid a heavy price for it!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Du Long was too lazy to continue to talk to the other party: "Since the great demon king of the dark clan is ready to shamelessly bully the small, then take action quickly and don't do it there. A prostitute has to build a memorial arch for herself, there is no need for that at all!!"

"Hmph! Since you are eager to die, I will grant it to you today!!" The Dark Demon King Leopold was angered on the spot, and with an angry roar, he went straight towards Du Long to kill him.

There were no other people around to hinder him, so there was no need to go out and reopen the battlefield. Everyone seemed to have left this central area to Du Long, intentionally or unintentionally.


Du Long was not polite and directly transformed into the most powerful fighting state. With three heads and a thousand arms and magical powers of heaven and earth, a golden giant with a thousand hands appeared in front of everyone again.

In order to deal with the Dark Demon King Leopold, Du Long didn't dare to hold anything back at all. He went all out when he made a move, and he didn't know whether he could withstand the opponent's attack.

Although he had previously cooperated with the Golden-winged Dapeng King in the sea of ​​blood to kill the Dark Demon King Justin, at that time he was using the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond in the Thousand Hands state with all his strength, and he could still kill him continuously. Kill Justin's shadow clone.

However, after all, it was with the cooperation of the Golden-winged Dapeng King that he had an opportunity. Now he has to face a powerful person at the level of the Dark Demon King alone. He wants to be like before It might be difficult to be so easy.

Clang clang clang. . .

The shadow clones in the sky joined forces to strangle, and attacks came from all directions like raindrops. Du Long, who was in the state of three heads and thousands of arms, immediately used his new sword technique that combined the coiled snake sword technique and Chi You's combat technique with all his strength. .

The sounds of gold and iron clashing resounded through the sky, and the expression on Du Long's face changed drastically in an instant. Waves of extremely powerful counterattack force spread along countless arms, making him feel like he was about to be unable to maintain the Thousand Hands Magical Power. Posture.

Feeling the terrifying energy shocks coming from thousands of arms, Du Long tried his best to maintain the state of the Mahayana Thousand Hands Magical Power, and did not dare to slack off at all. Once the Thousand Hands Magical Power was destroyed, his end would be almost certain to be tragic.

'Oh no! The strength of the dark demon in front of me is much stronger than that of Justin before. He simply can't handle it alone! ’

'But it will take a few days for Taiyi Zhenjun and the others to arrive here. I'm afraid I can't wait that long. Without reinforcements, do I have to abandon this clone? ! ’

Just as soon as they made contact, Du Long immediately felt the huge gap between himself and his opponent. Previously, he could barely compete head-on with opponents who were in the early and middle stages of the Divine Realm by relying on the advantage in the number of arms. In the end, he could still Use the advantage of body speed to kill the enemy.

Now, when he actually faced a powerful man who had reached the final stage of the divine realm, he finally began to feel the huge gap in strength. This could not be made up for by having a large number of arms!

'no! This clone must not be given up! Putting aside the fact that the Dragon God Ring carried on the clone cannot fall into the hands of the enemy, his clone seems to be surviving alone in the world, but if any one of the clones dies, it will probably cause irreparable damage to the other two clones! ’

'By then, if I still want to go further in Xuantian Jue Kung Fu and other aspects, the difficulty will be countless times higher than it is now! ! ’

‘In this case, even if my identity as Si Wu is revealed, I must do my best to block the dark devil in front of me! ’

As his thoughts changed again, Du Long immediately made a decision, that is, he could not give up any clone no matter what, and for this reason, he did not hesitate to expose the secret of his identity that he had tried so hard to hide before!

Swish, swish, swish. . .

The sword snakes in the sky continued to fly at high speed. Du Long did not immediately use the Chi You Poison Dragon Drill to fight. He was still waiting for the opportunity to experience as much as possible the terrifying combat power of the perfect and powerful person in the late stage of the Divine Realm.

The sound of gold and iron clashing kept ringing out. Under the extremely terrifying collision of force, many cracking wounds began to appear on his body, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth without him realizing it.

On several battlefields not far away, Guan Zizai and the Golden-winged Dapeng King were always paying attention to Du Long's situation. When they saw that Du Long was no match at all, and the mere energy collision had already injured his body, The two finally became anxious.


The Golden-Winged Dapeng King was the first to go berserk. He directly entered a huge combat state. In the form of the Golden-winged Dapeng, he began to launch an all-out attack on the many shadow clones and the God of Light Jesse that surrounded him.

As he went berserk, the unprepared Dark Lord Daolong was instantly blasted by two or three shadow clones. Then he hurriedly began to concentrate on defense, fully cooperating with the Great God of Light Jesse to block the crazy Golden Winged Dapeng King. .

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