Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2211: Paying homage to crime

call out!

Du Long, who successfully killed Cruella with one blow, used Nuwa's time and space footwork again without hesitation, aiming directly at Thor, the God of Light, who was struggling to escape.

As a result, he made his first mistake since he learned this movement technique. He saw that the God King of Light moved sideways just right, barely able to avoid Du Long's attack route.

Under Nuwa's time and space footwork, Du Long could only fly forward along the established trajectory. There was no way to temporarily change the movement route, and then he could only watch as he passed by Thor in an instant. And pass!

'How can this be? ! Could it be that Thor, the God of Light, could detect his attack trajectory with his spiritual consciousness and react instantly? ! ’ A doubtful thought flashed in Du Long’s mind.

No wonder he had such doubts. Ever since he learned Nuwa's space-time footwork, this was the first time that he had failed when he felt that everything was infallible!

When he thought about it, once Nuwa's space-time footwork was launched, the targeted target should not have time to react. Theoretically speaking, the attack and kill of this kind of movement was almost impossible!

However, before he could figure out the reason, he couldn't control his steps using Nuwa's space-time footwork, and suddenly hit the edge of a space-time rift, making a tooth-ache-inducing impact.

This is the depths of the Blood Sea, and there are extremely deadly space-time rifts everywhere. Originally, Du Long's plan was to slow down his forward speed by attacking the counter-shock force of Thor, the God of Light.

It's a pity that the God of Light, Thor, dodged away. As a result, Du Long was unable to stop his advancing body in time, and in the end he could only crash into the rift in time and space miserably.

Sparks flew everywhere, and his whole body was thrown away by the huge impact. A deep scratch could be seen on the golden armor on his chest!

This is a top-grade golden battle armor with super-artifact strength. It was refined by Du Long using the top-grade ores collected from the edge of the Tiandi battlefield. But at this moment, under the impact of the space-time rift, a deep scratch appeared!

As long as you think about it with your toes, you can imagine that if it were not for the protection of the high-grade super artifact armor, he would have been cut into two parts by the time and space rift just now.

Suppressing the waves of chills rising in his heart, Du Long relied on the power of this impact to finally stabilize his body, and then turned his head with some fear to look at the rift in time and space that had disappeared.

‘Damn it! I didn't die in the hands of the two powerful men of the Divine Realm. I almost died in the hands of this space-time rift. Fortunately, this space-time rift was relatively thin, otherwise I might have been swallowed up on the spot and my life and death were unknown! ’ Du Long thought to himself with lingering fear, and then turned to look at Suo, who was meeting Jesse, the Great God of Light, at high speed.

With the fall of the Dark Lord Cruella, the battles in the other two battlefields stopped on the spot. The Great God of Light Jesse and the Dark Lord Daolong broke away from the battle and flew away in the direction away from the Golden Winged Roc King.

As for the second ancestor of the mutant mermaid clan, he lost his fighting spirit and quickly broke away from the battle with Li Hong, then rushed towards the mutant sea clan without looking back.

"Quack! Du Long boy! You really didn't disappoint me!" The Golden-winged Dapeng King hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not pursue the two retreating opponents.

After the many shadow clones of Dark Lord Daolong are broken, it is not easy to kill the opponent quickly. Even if you can desperately blast one or two shadow clones, it doesn't make much sense.

Du Long, who missed the attack, was originally hesitant to use Nuwa's time and space footwork again to chase down the God of Light Thor, but in the end he did not take the risk again.

Before finding out how the God King of Light evaded his attack, he rashly launched another attack. If he was dodged again by the opponent, he would very likely fall into a larger space-time rift. If you fail to kill the enemy but lose your own life, you will lose a lot.

'well! ’ Du Long sighed softly through his spiritual consciousness: ‘What a pity, that bastard who failed to attack the King of Light, Thor, actually managed to dodge it! ’

The Golden Winged Dapeng King hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said with a bitter smile: 'Nu Wa's time and space footwork is indeed very powerful, but it is not unsolvable. You are lucky to have been able to attack the Dark Demon King before! Do you really want to attack Thor, the God of Light again? ! Having learned from the past, will they still stand there stupidly and attack you? ! ’

'Could it be that. . . Can the divine consciousness exploration in the realm of gods lock the movement trajectory of Nuwa's time and space footwork? ! ’ Du Long instantly guessed a certain possibility from the words of the Golden-winged Dapeng King.

‘What do you think? ! The Golden-winged Dapeng King rolled his eyes fiercely and said: "If you practice Nuwa's Space-Time Footwork to a perfect state, the God of Light may not be able to completely lock the trajectory. Otherwise, you really think that this half-hearted Nuwa Time-Space Footwork is Is the law invincible? ! ’

Du Long was a little embarrassed. It seemed that there was a gap between the divine consciousness detection between the emperor level and the divine level. This was also the main reason why many emperor level experts were unable to lock their targets and were successfully attacked and killed by him again and again.

'Fortunately, I didn't activate Nuwa's time and space footwork again. Otherwise, it's really possible that I didn't kill the opponent and fell into a certain time and space rift! ’ After wanting to understand the reason behind it, Du Long muttered with some fear.

Soon, people from the Buddhist and Taoist sects gathered together with the primitive human race, while the light and dark races gathered with the mutated sea race.

It can be seen that the two tribes of light and dark are extremely wary of Du Long and others, and they actually retreated far to the edge of the sea area, as if they would retreat into the sea of ​​blood when they saw that the situation was not going well.

Above the sea, onlookers from all forces were scattered in various places, gathering in twos and threes. They seemed quiet on the surface, but in fact they were whispering about the war that had just ended through their spiritual consciousness.

‘You are indeed worthy of being called the Eastern God of War! How could he fight alone against two powerful men in the realm of gods, and yet be able to successfully kill one of his opponents, and even make the other one turn around and run away in fear? ! ’

'yes! I originally thought that the legend about the Eastern God of War was a bit exaggerated, but when I saw it today, I realized that not only were they not exaggerated, but some were underestimated! ’

‘With the strength of the Emperor Realm, he was able to counterattack a powerful man in the Divine Realm. How did the Eastern God of War Du Long do it? ! ’

‘The level of understanding of the mysteries of heaven is extremely high. . . The application of various Mahayana magical powers in Buddhism is flexible and changeable. . . Coupled with some of the attacking and killing methods of the legendary Goddess Nuwa, this created the Eastern God of War in front of us! ’

'Everyone in the world is talking about the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism in the East. The Taoist sect is much more powerful than the Buddhist sect in terms of attack power. Why do I see the opposite from the Eastern God of War in front of me? ! ’

‘No! What is strong is the evil figure in front of him, not the gap between the magical power of Buddhism and the Taoist sect. If the Eastern God of War in front of him worships the Taoist sect, he will definitely be able to show a strength that is not weaker than the current combat power! ’

‘That’s true! Have you seen the King of Light who was almost scared out of his wits? ! It really echoes the words of the Dark Lord Cruella. If you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, be afraid of teammates who are like pigs! ’

'Ha ha! Aren't you afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs? ! This is a very insightful statement. I believe that the reputation of this new God King of Light, who has just taken office, will soon become infamous because of this statement, right? ! ’

'Hahaha. . . ’

With the defeat of the light and dark clans, the forces on the scene that were originally extremely dissatisfied with them no longer had any scruples, and began to secretly send messages to mock this extremely arrogant and domineering top force.

On the other side, Du Long finished cleaning up the battlefield and reunited with the Golden-winged Dapeng King and others. The Golden-winged Dapeng King was not in a hurry to enter the Jiuyou inheritance space to continue practicing. He seemed to have many questions to ask Du Long.

"Gah! Good boy! Although I have known for a long time that you have the strength to kill opponents in the early stage of the Divine Realm, but today I saw with my own eyes that you can still kill one of them powerfully under the siege of two powerful Divine Realm men. It really makes me sad. It’s an eye-opener for me!” The Golden-winged Dapeng King praised unreservedly upon meeting him.

"Haha!" Du Long laughed dryly and said, "Brother Peng Wang has given you the award!"

"You kid, stop being so modest!" King Golden-winged Dapeng waved his hand and said: "Before they can break through to the realm of gods, they can kill opponents at that realm. In the endless years of Pangu world, there are probably not many evildoers. It can be done!"

"Oh?!" Du Long wasn't very interested in this topic at first, but he couldn't help but ask after hearing this: "Brother Peng Wang must know some strong men who can kill God-level opponents with the Emperor's Eye. ?!”

"That's natural!" King Golden-winged Dapeng said with a smile on his face: "Your Master Sakyamuni is one of them, and Yuanshi Tianzun, Hongjun Taoist, and Chi You, a primitive human race, have also done it! "

"What about Brother Peng Wang?!" Du Long couldn't help but ask again: "Have you ever killed an opponent in the divine realm with the strength of an emperor?!"

"Me?!" The golden-winged Dapeng King said with a slight blush on his face: "Brother, when I was at the emperor level, there were not many strong men in the god realm in this world! Therefore, I have never killed anyone beyond the level. A strong person in the divine realm can only defeat a certain opponent in the divine realm at most!"

"That's it!" Du Long immediately lost interest in continuing on this topic. He immediately turned to look at Li Hong and said, "Senior Li Hong! You know a lot about the ruins of the Jiuli tribe. I wonder if you have any suggestions for this place. Woolen cloth?!"

Li Hong looked at Du Long with a somewhat complicated expression, then turned his head and glanced at the surrounding sea area and said: "I grew up in the Jiuli tribe, so I naturally know this place well. It's just that I was not very strong at the time. His right to speak is not particularly high, so he is not very clear about the various protective formations within the tribe. At most, he only has some general understanding!"

"That's it!" Du Long nodded and waved his hand to release a shielding restriction. After isolating them from the outside world, he said through a voice message: "I dare to ask senior, if there is Jiuyou Immortal Cultivation Technique within the Jiuli Tribe." The Mahayana Chapter? ! ’

‘Maybe? ! ’ Li Hong replied with some uncertainty: ‘As far as I know, within the Jiuli tribe, there is only the inheritance of the Lower Three Vehicles Jiuyou Immortal Kung Fu, as for the Mahayana Chapter. . . That’s not certain! ’

'Can not be sure? ! ’ Du Long was a little confused and said, ‘How do you say this? ! I hope you can teach me! ’

'well! ’ Li Hong sighed deeply and said: ‘You must also know that the inheritance of the Nine Nether Immortal Cultivation Technique must be achieved through some mysterious method, right? ! Ever since the Nine Nether Immortal Lower Three Vehicles inheritance space sank to the bottom of the sea, our primitive human race has cut off this inheritance! ’

‘The inheritance space left in the tribe was built by the Great Demon Chi You. After the war, we were unable to rebuild the inheritance space on our own. Even countless children in the tribe were unable to practice this supreme body-training technique! ’

'Before the war broke out, no one in the entire Jiuli tribe except Chi You, the Great Demon God, was able to practice the Nine Nether Immortal Kung Fu to a superior and perfect state. It is precisely because of this that Chi You, the Great Demon God, did not build the Mahayana Nine Nether Immortal Cultivation Technique. Space for inheritance of skills! ’

'According to the meaning of the Great Demon God, when someone in the clan can practice the upper, middle and lower three vehicles to the state of great perfection, they will naturally pass on the Nine Nether Immortal Mahayana Kung Fu. Because of this, I am not I wonder if there is any Mahayana Nine Nether Immortal Kung Fu passed down within the Jiuli Tribe! ’

'I see! ’ Du Long suddenly realized: ‘This is a bit troublesome. I have traveled hundreds of millions of miles to come here, and I don’t want to hide it from you. My goal is to inherit the Mahayana Nine Netherworld Immortal Kung Fu! ’

‘Senior Li Hong must also know that I have practiced the Nine Nether Immortal Cultivation Technique in the upper, middle and lower stages to reach the state of perfection, so that’s why. . . The Mahayana Chapter of Jiuyou Immortal is bound to be obtained! ’

'Well! ’ Li Hong nodded with a complicated expression and said, ‘I can understand the mood of little friend Du Long, but after all, the Nine Nether Immortal Cultivation Technique is the inherited technique of my primitive human race. . . ’

'Ha ha! ’ Du Long waved his hands and responded with a smile: ‘Senior Li Hong has thought too much. What is the difference between primitive humans and us? ! In fact, we all belong to the same human force, and we all belong to the same human force in the Pangu world. Our common enemies should be those outside the world. Those are the alien races that will never stop fighting! ’

Li Hong raised his eyebrows slightly. He obviously knew what kind of forces Du Long mentioned in the extraterritorial world, and he did not refute his words for a while.

‘Du Long is right! ’ The Golden-winged Dapeng King intervened at the right time: ‘In that world-destroying battle in the extremely ancient period, why were you not completely exterminated after you committed Tao Tian’s crime? ! Even that guy Chi You wasn't killed, was he just imprisoned? ! ’

Under Li Hong's puzzled gaze, the Golden-winged Dapeng King paused for a moment before continuing: 'The reason is very simple, that is, Ancient Ancestor Pan did not want to see a powerful force in this world destroyed in one day. He wants to give you a chance to redeem yourself and make meritorious deeds, and this is the main reason why Buddhism and Taoism want to form an alliance with you! ’

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