Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2198 Join forces to attack

"Hmph! You're just a little talented, but you want to stop me?!"

With a cold snort, Justin's figure suddenly swayed, and he transformed into three black shadows, respectively bypassing the sword light that shot towards him, and shot towards Du Long from three different directions. .

Seeing that the target was close at hand, Justin did not hesitate to use the shadow clone technique, one original figure plus two shadow clones, trying to keep the strength of the three figures from declining too much.

The light of thunder and fire in his eyes flashed slightly, and Du Long instantly saw the location of the opponent's true form. He did not show any abnormality, and continued to accelerate forward and escape. At the same time, with his three heads and six arms, he continued to sway five or six times behind him. Remote attack.

The power of these long-range attacks is not particularly powerful, but the attack range is relatively wide. Du Long's intention is obviously to prevent the opponent from getting close.

Faced with such a large-scale long-range attack, Justin frowned slightly. He was obviously very angry at Du Long's approach. Now he could either continue to avoid these completely non-threatening attacks, or defeat them head-on. A straight line pursuit.

However, no matter which method is used, it will always cause the problem of hindering the forward speed, and Du Long will take the opportunity to distance himself from him again.

"Just continue to struggle to your death!" Justin, who was furious inside, said with disdain on the surface: "No matter how you struggle for life and death, you will inevitably die in the end!"

After the words fell, he finally made a choice, which was to blast these long-range and large-scale attacks in the way head-on. With the powerful strength of the Great Demon King realm, he instantly defeated those long-range attacks.

Boom boom boom. . .

Under the collision of energy, Du Long's long-range attacks were instantly exploded. Under Justin's counterattack with Arrancar, those long-range attacks had little effect.

Although the distance between the two people had been slightly widened, such a small change still could not reverse the situation. Du Long was about to be chased by his opponent.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

Du Long pretended to be helpless, gritted his teeth and unleashed long-range attacks again and again, as if he wanted to use all his strength to prevent his opponent from getting closer to him.

However, the devil is taller than the Taoist. Facing Du Long's long-range attacks again and again, the Dark Demon King Justin is not without any means to deal with it.

Originally, there were only three figures chasing him, but in an instant, six more figures appeared. A total of nine black figures accelerated towards Du Long from nine directions.

If it was just that the number of shadow clones increased, then Du Long had various ways to deal with it. However, something unexpected happened to him. After the number of these shadow clones increased, not only did his movement speed not decrease, but it also increased. Speeded up a bit.

Originally, the speed of his magic was faster than that of Du Long, but now it suddenly exploded again. When the two phases were superimposed, several shadow clones were about to reach the best attack position.

"Depend on!"

Amidst the strange screams, Du Long suddenly waved his hand in the direction of Justin's true body, and saw a figure appear out of thin air, and then shot straight towards the opponent.

Justin was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to kill this uninvited guest, but stopped immediately.

"Sir Justin, please show mercy! I am Godalin of the light clan!"

Godalin suddenly appeared and screamed in horror. He could feel that the aura on his body was a little weak. It should be the sequelae of using light energy to repair his body.

"Well... to show my sincerity! I will send the person back first, and ask the Dark Demon King to be merciful and let me live!" Du Long took advantage of Justin's dazed moment and accelerated slightly to engage with him. Create a small distance.

"Hmph!" Justin glanced at Godalin with some disdain, and without thinking too much, he snorted directly at Du Long: "You stupid primitive human being, I never promised that I would be with you after you let him go. , spare your life!"

"Haha! Where to escape!"

The other shadow clones laughed one after another, and excitedly accelerated towards Du Long. After their speed was significantly faster, they saw that Du Long could no longer escape.

Until now, Justin had not dared to accelerate and pursue Du Long because he was afraid of death. Now he used the shadow clone to take risks and accelerate, so he didn't have to worry too much about losing a shadow clone.

In order to be able to kill the threat of Du Long, he was willing to take the risk of a small number of shadow clones being swallowed by the rift in time and space. This shows how afraid he is of Du Long, an emperor-level powerhouse.

The eight shadow clones accelerated towards Du Long from eight different directions, and the speed was so fast that he no longer had a chance to escape.

Facing the eight extremely powerful shadow clones charging towards him, Du Long pretended to be panicked, but a sneer that was not easily noticed flashed through his eyes.


An invisible energy appeared out of thin air, and it was Du Long who instantly opened the forbidden air field, making it impossible to communicate within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Justin's pupils shrank slightly, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly surged in his heart, but he quickly suppressed this uneasy feeling, and said with some sternness and inwardness: "Humph! They are all already mortal. , no matter how much you try to raise suspicions, it’s useless, it can’t change your fate of death!”

From Justin's point of view, the reason why Du Long suddenly released the restricted air domain was clearly to scare him, and he wanted to use this low-level method to gain a chance of escape as much as possible.

However, just when he took it for granted, golden light suddenly flashed across the bloody sky and earth, and golden light appeared out of thin air, as if golden rain was falling in this world.

"This is..." Justin looked at the golden light around him in astonishment. He vaguely thought of something in his mind, but he was unable to determine the origin of the golden light in the sky.

"Quack, quack, quack..."

Just when Justin's face was full of astonishment, a strange laughter sounded like a broken gong, and then a golden figure suddenly appeared next to Du Long.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

The golden light in the sky gathered in all directions of the world, and instantly transformed into pieces of golden feathers, covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand miles in radius.

Within a thousand miles, an energy trap composed of golden wings appeared, instantly blinding Justin's eyes and shocking him so much that his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets.

"Golden Feather Trapped Sky Formation?!"

Justin's eyes widened in astonishment and fell into a sluggish state, and he immediately called out a familiar but unfamiliar term, which he had just come into contact with for this blood sea mission.

Precisely because he had just come into contact with it not long ago, he felt a little unfamiliar with this term, but when he saw the large formation trapping him in front of him, he immediately shouted out this familiar term.

"Quack! Since you can recognize this formation, you must have done a lot of homework, right?! You two tribes of light and dark are very well prepared for this trip to the blood sea!" The Golden Winged Dapeng King sarcastically said. The meaning was very obvious and he said with a strange smile.

"Golden-winged Dapeng King!!" Justin's pupils shrank sharply, and he exclaimed as if his hair was fried: "You are the Golden-winged Dapeng King... Then this 'primitive human'... No...it should be called Du Long now, right?!"

"Haha!" Seeing that the Golden-winged Dapeng King successfully released the enemy-trapping formation, Du Long was no longer in a hurry to take action. He chuckled and said: "Good eyesight! Finally recognized my true identity. Got it!"

"First the Forbidden Sky Area...and then the Golden Feather Encircling Sky Formation...You don't hesitate to reveal your true identity. Are you determined to kill people and silence them?!" Justin narrowed his eyes slightly, looking nervous. Yu yet still has a bit of ruthlessness.

"Since I have even used Brother Peng Wang's Golden Feather Entrapment Formation, wouldn't it be a pity if I didn't catch even a single fish?!" Du Long grinned with a bright smile.

"That's all! It's not enough to keep me!!" Justin suddenly shouted loudly, turned around and wanted to shoot away in the direction he came from, obviously intending to escape from this blocked space.

"How dare you call yourself Lao Tzu in front of me?!" The golden-winged Dapeng King's eyes were as sharp as blades and fell on Justin's body as he sped away: "This is a great formation that traps the sky. Even time and space can be suppressed within the scope of the formation." , you can’t see any space-time rift appearing in this airspace at all, how can it be a magic circle that you can forcefully rush out of?!”

Boo hoo hoo. . .

Golden lights appeared out of thin air, and then began to shoot electricity all over Justin's body. It was the Golden Winged Dapeng King who used his famous trick, a terrifying attack of golden feathers fused with the power of thunder and lightning.

The golden light in the sky shoots away at high speed like a needle threading a thread, and their targets are all locked on Justin. As the creator of the Eye of Thunder, the Golden Winged Dapeng King is definitely more accomplished in the Eye of Thunder than Du Long. It is much higher, and naturally it is easy to find the true body of the original body among the many shadow clones.

Justin's expression suddenly changed, and now he began to secretly feel some regret. On that battlefield before, Du Long had a divine space power that could compete with him.

When he ran out to chase Du Long alone, he actually completely forgot about this incident. Otherwise, how could he have fallen into such a dangerous situation? !

Faced with the lightning and golden feather attack that shot from the sky, the Dark Lord Justin could only grit his teeth and release several shadow clones, and then these shadow clones guarded his true self in the center.

Ding ding ding. . .

In an instant, the golden feather attacks in the sky fell on the protective circle of the shadow clones. A group of shadow clones began to join forces to attack, blasting away these golden feathers with thunder and lightning power.

The crisp sound of gold and iron clashing began to resound throughout the airspace, and those golden feathers seemed to be endless, like a violent wind and rain pouring down on Justin.

Feeling the terrifying backlash of these golden feathers hitting weapons or shields, the Dark Lord Justin could only be said to be tired of dealing with it. He could only parry but had no ability to fight back.

As both powerful men at the late stage of the Divine Realm, Justin vaguely felt the huge gap between himself and the Golden-winged Dapeng King, which also accelerated the main reason why he had no intention of taking on the challenge and wanted to escape from this place as soon as possible. .

"Haha! I'll bother you, Peng Wang, to deal with this dark demon king personally. I'll go deal with the light god king named Godalin! Since I can capture him alive once, I will definitely be able to capture him a second time or even a third time. Three times!" Amid bursts of excited laughter, Du Long ran towards Godalin with a fierce face.

"No!" Godalin immediately turned around and ran away, going straight to Justin's side and shooting away: "Dark Demon King, I'm here to help you. Even if I can't kill the enemy, I can at least stop him. No matter how bad the attack by a small number of golden feathers is, they can be used as human shields.

Like a frightened bird, Godalin rushed towards Justin without any principles or limits, showing an ugly face of disregarding the dignity of a powerful person in the God King realm in order to survive.

Justin showed a look of disgust, but he did not refuse Godalin to come closer to him. Instead, he allowed him to enter his defensive circle, standing back to back with himself, always ready to defend against attacks from all directions.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Du Long's mouth. This smile was very hidden and did not attract Justin's attention for the time being.

Justin didn't have time to think about anything else at this moment. Faced with the high-intensity golden feather attack of the Golden-winged Dapeng King, he could no longer spare any extra thought to think about too deep issues.

Amidst the sounds of gold and iron clashing, the Golden-winged Dapeng King controlled the golden feathers with all his strength to launch a fierce bombardment against the enemy himself, while fighting with the shadow clone blocking the way.

In order to win the battle quickly, he went all out as soon as he took action, and actually directly transformed into the true body of the golden-winged roc. His whole body was protected by extremely strong golden wings, and his movement speed was instantly increased to the extreme.

The golden wings trembled slightly, and instantly turned into a golden light and rushed towards the shadow clones blocking the way. The shadow clones were exploded one after another wherever they passed.

When the shadow clone is exploded, streaks of thunder and fire rays will be shot out from the golden-winged roc king's eagle eyes, aiming directly at those soul energy bodies that are trying to return to their original form.

The thunderous fire of the Golden Winged Dapeng King is no ordinary flame. The Ming King's flame, which is said to be able to burn all things, refers to this kind of thunderous fire in front of him.

Waves of screams rang out from Justin's own mouth. The pain from the severe damage to the soul energy made him, the majestic dark devil, scream in pain without regard for face.

He is still just a clone of the eight realms, and the soul energy body in these clones is relatively powerful, so it would be a shame to lose it.

Amid the bursts of painful wails, Du Long glanced at Godalin who had successfully arrived beside Justin, seemingly inadvertently, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Justin naturally saw the look he was looking at him, and his eyes changed slightly. After seeing Du Long shake his head gently, he immediately disappeared the strange look on his face, and returned to a look of panic. look.

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