Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2188 Little guy

Hua Hua Hua. . .

Hundreds of figures, wrapped in layers of blood and sea water, slowly rushed towards the two battlefields where the primitive humans were!

The three-headed and six-armed Du Long was running back and forth around this group of mutated sea clans. Seeing that he was unable to stop the opponent from moving forward, he could only wave his sword and ax to the three magic weapons and bombard the defense line composed of blood and sea water with all his strength.

During the rolling waves, Du Long failed to blast away the defense line of the sea water. With the strength of hundreds of emperor-level experts, the seemingly weak blood sea water was very tough.

There was a powerful man in the realm of gods chasing after him. He couldn't stay in a certain position for too long. He could only dodge with one blow. Naturally, he couldn't break through the blood and sea water defense layer in front of him. .

In this way, despite Du Long's efforts to stop him, hundreds of mutated sea clan emperor-level warriors rushed to the other two battlefields, leaving some of them to join forces to stop Du Long's harassment, while the others cooperated with the two parties of light and darkness. Together with the emperor-level warriors of the tribe, they launched an all-out attack on those primitive humans.

The primitive humans who were originally in danger, as hundreds of mutant sea tribes joined the battle, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse, and they were about to be in big trouble.

A look of despair flashed in the eyes of a group of primitive humans. They originally thought that with the outbreak of 'Siwu', they could buy them enough time, hoping to wait until the reinforcements arrived.

However, seeing that reinforcements are far away, the already dominant light and dark tribes are supported by the mutant sea tribe. I am afraid that people like myself will be in danger!


Amidst the shouts of killing, one after another mutant mermaids controlled the mutant sea beasts with emperor-level strength and began to attack the primitive humans in the encirclement.

There were only less than twenty primitive humans left in each of the two battlefields. Facing enemies dozens of times their size, the ferocity hidden in the hearts of these primitive humans was completely aroused.

"Fight with these bastards! Even if you die, you will have to take a few people on your back!" Li Tianshi roared, and his whole body rose from the ground. Both his momentum and figure increased greatly.

It was seen that the blood vessels all over his body were bulging like earthworms, and his originally dark red skin gradually turned into a dark golden color. His combat power and defense were greatly improved.

Roar, roar, roar. . .

With Li Tianshi taking the lead, those primitive humans looked up to the sky and let out a roar, and the aura on their bodies also exploded. It was obvious that they all entered a frenzied and desperate state.

"Friends of the light and dark tribes! Don't be in a hurry to fight with these primitive humans. There is a time limit for them to enter the mad state. When they exit the mad state, they will be like dead dogs at our mercy. Slaughtered!" A flattering smile appeared on Hajime's face, and he reminded the allies of the light and dark tribes beside him somewhat flatteringly.

"So that's it!" Johnny, the commander-in-chief of the Paladins of Light, suddenly nodded and asked with a smile: "I wonder how long their mad state can last?!"

"About half an hour or so!" Hajime replied directly: "Usually, it rarely takes more than half an hour!"

"That's fine!" Johnny pretended to be generous and replied with a smile: "Then give them another half hour to survive!"

As the two tribes of light and darkness and the mutated sea tribe reached a consensus, they were not in a hurry for success. They began to focus on resisting the desperate ferocity of the primitive humans after becoming mad, and were unwilling to suffer unnecessary losses at this last moment.

Du Long, who was trying his best to dodge the pursuit of the second ancestor of the mutant mermaid tribe, saw that the situation was effectively controlled after the primitive humans turned crazy. He was secretly relieved and no longer worried about them.

‘Brother Si Chang! ’ On the surface, Du Long was no longer in a hurry, but he still asked Si Chang’s message: ‘How long can you maintain this crazy state? ! ’

‘It won’t take more than half an hour! ’ Si Chang replied with a slightly heavy voice.

Du Long was stunned for a moment, and a slightly bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: 'I guess. . . After you go crazy, you should have extremely serious sequelae, right? ! ’

'Yes! ’ Si Chang replied again: ‘After the madness is over, you will lose your ability to fight on the spot, and you will have nothing but the end of being a human being! ’

'Well! ’ Du Long nodded without being too surprised: ‘It seems like I have to think of a solution to the current predicament as soon as possible! ’

Perhaps feeling Du Long's embarrassment, Si Chang quickly responded: "Brother Du Long, there is no need to be in embarrassment. Life and death are determined by fate. You have tried your best for us. If you want to blame us, you can only blame these enemies for being too powerful, and our primitive Reinforcements from the Alliance of Tribes. . . It's too late! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Du Long was a little speechless and didn't know what to say for a moment. To say that he had tried his best would not necessarily be true. First of all, he had never used his Mahayana Thousand Hands Magical Power or Nuwa's Time and Space Footwork.

Otherwise, he would have been able to dodge the pursuit of the second ancestor of the mermaid, and maybe he could also resist the opponent's energy cyclone attack through the Mahayana Thousand Hands Divine Power.

Secondly, if I suddenly release Senior Golden-winged Dapeng King now, I should be able to kill the second ancestor of the mutant mermaid clan in the shortest possible time.

No matter what kind of response method is used, Du Long's true identity will be exposed immediately. At that time, all the back-ups used by the light and dark clans to deal with him will definitely be used.

Before the ruins of the Jiuli Tribe were actually opened, Du Long was really unwilling to reveal his true identity prematurely, and this was the real reason why he was still struggling.

'Could it be that. . . I really want to do it for these primitive humans in front of me. . . And expose his true identity? ! ’ Du Long thought secretly unwillingly.

'No! Unless absolutely necessary, you must not reveal your true identity prematurely. Even if you reveal your identity and save these primitive humans, the other party may not accept this kindness if they know they have been deceived! ’

In a flash of thought, Du Long was still unwilling to reveal his true identity. He was really reluctant to do such a thankless thing.

‘How can I solve the current predicament without revealing my true identity? ! Under the pursuit of a powerful god, how should I rescue the primitive human race? ! ’

‘The second ancestor of the mutated mermaid tribe who is constantly chasing me behind him uses the triangular fork weapon in his hand to tear apart time and space and launch an energy cyclone attack. Is there any way for me to crack his attack method? ! ’

‘The triangular fork, with its point of breaking through the surface, forms a terrifying energy cyclone through high-speed rotation. There are only two results for a head-on collision with it. One is that it is stronger than the opponent and successfully blocks it, and the other is that it is torn into pieces on the spot! ’

'If you launch a fierce attack from the side, your own strength is not as good as the opponent's, and all kinds of attacks will be instantly bounced away. There is no way to interrupt the terrifying tearing power of the energy cyclone! ’

‘That is to say. . . When the strength is inferior to that of the opponent, neither frontal attack nor side attack will be effective. I am afraid that I cannot cope with this extremely special attack method alone? ! ’

Various thoughts kept popping up in his mind, but the final result Du Long got was not optimistic. He had to sink his mind into the Jiuyou inheritance space. After hesitating for a long time, he said: "Brother Golden-winged Dapeng King!"

On the ladder of the superior Nine Nether Immortal Inheritance, the Golden-winged Dapeng King was standing on the thousands of steps with his eyes closed and practicing. As Du Long's voice sounded, he slowly opened his extremely sharp eagle eyes. Two extremely sharp golden lights could be seen flashing away.

"Boy!" The Golden-winged Dapeng King grinned with a meaningful smile and said, "Have you encountered a strong enemy that cannot be defeated again? Are you planning to ask me to help?!"

"There is no need for Brother Peng Wang to take action for the time being!" Du Long responded with a bitter smile: "I am currently located above the sea area where the ruins of the Jiuli tribe are located..."

He simply explained the current predicament he was encountering. He had no immediate plans to ask the Golden-winged Dapeng King for help. He just wanted this old man to give him some advice, hoping to help his friends from the primitive human race escape. Dilemma!

'I see! ’ The Golden-winged Dapeng King nodded slightly and said, ‘The two tribes of light and darkness in the west really do everything they can. They can even hook up with the mutated sea tribe of the Blood Sea? ! ’

‘The primitive humans in the Blood Sea are as stupid as ever. They ignored the ruins of the Jiuli Tribe and yet they haven’t sent anyone here yet? ! ’

‘Boy! Since the two tribes of light and darkness dare to deal with you here, as you said, there should be strong men in the realm of gods hidden behind them, and there should be strong men who can entangle me! ’

‘In this case, it would be unwise for you and me to reveal our true identities in advance. Not only will we not be able to save these little primitive human beings, we will probably also fall into a predicament from which we can’t recover! ’

'yes! ’ Du Long replied somewhat depressedly: ‘What brother Peng Wang said is true. This is also my concern. That’s why I have to ask him for a solution to the current predicament! ’

‘It’s a bit difficult! 'The Golden-winged Dapeng King frowned and replied: 'The strength of the mutant mermaid tribe's God Realm expert outside is not too strong. It has only reached the limit of the early stage of the God Realm and is approaching the middle stage. If I take action, brother, I should be able to do it in a short time. Resolve each other within time, however. . . ’

‘Brother Peng Wang! ’ Seeing his hesitation, Du Long immediately interjected and said: ‘Without revealing his identity, is it possible for me to interrupt the energy cyclone of the mutant mermaid tribe’s God-level powerhouse? ! ’

The Golden-winged Dapeng King did not immediately reply to this question, but stared in a certain direction with bright eyes, as if he could directly see the second ancestor of the mutant mermaid tribe who was chasing Du Long from the outside world.

"Tear apart time and space... Use the rapid rotation of the triangular fork to produce powerful tearing force?!" The Golden-winged Dapeng King murmured thoughtfully: "As long as the opponent is strong enough, there is no need to fear this kind of force." The means of attack, however..."

Obviously, he and Du Long wanted to work together again. There was a huge gap in strength, and the possibility of cracking this energy cyclone head-on was almost zero.

"But if we can't resist this attack method head-on...how can we crack the opponent's attack method without revealing our identity?!" The Golden-winged Dapeng King pondered again and said indecisively.

I saw his eyes slightly change direction and saw several other battlefields, including Li Tianshi who was using his three-headed and six-armed transformation magical power, using three weapons, sword, axe, and sword, to use Chi You's tactics to kill the enemy with all his strength!

"Chi You's fighting method?! Brat, do you also know Chi You's fighting method?! I see that you also use swords and axes to fight three kinds of magic weapons in your hands?!" The eyes of the Golden-winged Dapeng King suddenly lit up, and he asked a little excitedly .

"Yes!" Du Long responded modestly: "I have some success in Chi You's tactics!"

"That's great!" The Golden-winged Dapeng King suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "Just watch this virtual battle scene and see if you can understand the essence of it!"


As the Golden Winged Dapeng King waved his hand, golden rays of light immediately appeared in front of him. These golden rays of light soon converged into a golden humanoid energy shadow with three heads and six arms, holding swords, axes, and three kinds of magic weapons in their hands.

Immediately afterwards, the golden human-shaped shadow began to move, and the three magic weapons in his hand began to fly up and down and slash, accelerating from slow to fast along a circular trajectory.

The three weapons have the Changjian as the core, and are supplemented by two magical weapons, the sword and the ax. As the speed increases, they gradually evolve into a high-speed rotating energy cyclone.

"Huh?! This attack method... seems to have the same mysterious effect as the energy cyclone of the second ancestor of the mutant mermaid tribe!" Du Long immediately expressed the doubts in his heart.

"Hmph!" The Golden-winged Dapeng King snorted with a slight disdain: "That mutated mermaid is nothing! If I'm not wrong, brother, that guy's attack method should also be imitating Chi Yuna. This kid’s attack method!”


Du Long widened his eyes in astonishment and said, "Isn't it?! The other party is... imitating the attack method of Chi You?!"

"More than eighty percent of the time, this is the result!" King Golden-winged Dapeng waved his hand and said: "It's just that his imitation is far from perfect, and it is vastly different from the tactics of that kid Chi You!"

"This kind of fighting method of the Great Demon God Chi You... Wait a minute! Could it be that, brother Peng Wang, you know the... Great Demon God Chi You in ancient times?! Otherwise, how could you have seen this kind of fighting method of his?! "When Du Long was about to say something, he suddenly inferred a certain possibility from the tone of the Golden-winged Dapeng King, and his whole person became uneasy.

"Nonsense!" The Golden-winged Dapeng King pretended not to care: "Brother, I am one of the few super beasts born shortly after the beginning of the Pangu world. It is not an exaggeration to say that I live the same life as the heaven and the earth. How can I Don’t you know Chi You, that little guy from the primitive tribe?!”

Du Long rolled his eyes on the spot. In his eyes, Chi You, the great demon god who was already a super figure in the ancient times, was now considered by King Golden-winged Dapeng to be just a little guy from a primitive tribe? !

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