Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2183 Mermaid Ancestor

Oh ho, oh ho!

Bursts of violent roars shook the world, and many mutated sea beasts that entered an extremely violent state due to their madness immediately fell into extremely violent fighting just because they were accidentally injured by their own companions.

Many people who saw this scene were dumbfounded. The mutated sea beast that had become extremely powerful due to its madness in the eyes of everyone was actually so vulnerable? !

Even Du Long, the person involved, was a little confused. He originally just moved and attacked the mutated sea beast beside him. How could he have thought that it would cause such a violent chain reaction? !

Amidst the violent roar of bursts of energy, Du Long continued to run back and forth among the many mutant sea beasts, and from time to time he would strike at some of the mutant sea beasts, leaving deep scars on them.

In this way, Du Long was like a fuse, and the crazy mutated sea beasts in his path were in chaos. First, they wanted to attack him, the initiator, and then they accidentally injured their companions, triggering a new brawl!

On the periphery of the mutated sea beasts are the strong men of the mermaid tribe who control these mutated sea beasts. Although these mutated mermaids use various means on the periphery to control their mounts to regain their composure, unfortunately they all end in failure.

Normally, they should personally take control of their mutant sea beast mounts.

However, at this moment, no mutant mermaid knight dared to risk rushing in. Years of experience told them that it was best not to get close to the crazy mutant sea beasts, and they could only let them kill each other there.

Not far away, many primitive humans looked a little strange. As beings who had fought against the mutant sea clan for many years, they all knew how powerful the mutant sea beasts would become after they went crazy.

However, these primitive humans rarely have the opportunity to see the opponent's mad battle. In the past, they only knew that mutant sea beasts would have sequelae after going mad, so the opponent did not dare to let them enter the mad state easily.

Now it seems that these mutated sea beasts have a lot of problems after they go crazy. Hundreds of mutated sea beasts besieged Du Long, but they started fighting among themselves before they even touched the corners of his clothes.

'No wonder. . . Mutated mermaids have never dared to easily let mutated sea beasts enter a state of madness. . . Even if the opponent is occasionally allowed to fight madly, it will only allow a very small number of mutated sea beasts to enter a state of mad fighting. It turns out that this state has such serious flaws? ! ’ Li Tianshi murmured to himself with his eyes shining.

'yes! ’ Yuxuan responded in time: ‘Brother Siwu has made a meritorious service again. Knowing the flaws of the mutated sea beast after it goes crazy will definitely be of great help to the future war between us and the mutated sea tribe! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

As Du Long achieved initial success, a group of primitive humans gradually let go of their worries, and each of them actually still had time to communicate in secret while fighting.

On the other side, most of the mutated mermaid tribe's faces turned gloomy, but for a while they couldn't find a solution to the current problem.

The mutated sea tribe has lived in an area not covered by energy volcanoes for an extremely long time. Their temperament is extremely violent and irritable to begin with, and it becomes even more serious after entering a state of madness.

This is especially true for the injured mad sea beasts. They have almost lost all their sanity and only know how to madly attack the enemies around them that hurt them. Even accidental injuries are absolutely unacceptable.

The mutant mermaid clan has known about this flaw for a long time. This is one of the main reasons why they rarely let their mounted sea beasts enter the berserk state. Usually, even if they are allowed to go berserk, only a very small number of them go berserk.

Today, in order to deal with a monster strongman among primitive humans, they made an extremely wrong choice. Not only did they plunge hundreds of powerful mutated sea beasts into fierce internal fighting, but they also completely destroyed the flaws of the mutated sea beasts after they went crazy. Exposed.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

A huge melee broke out among many mutated sea beasts there. Du Long had no time to waste his energy on these crazy beasts. He used his full footwork and finally broke out of the encirclement of the mutated sea beasts.

The shadow of the sword and ax appeared again, heading straight towards a mutant mermaid emperor-level warrior who couldn't react in time, and blasted his body instantly.

Amidst the bursts of screams, the strong men of the mermaid clan who had been attracted by the mutated sea beast's madness woke up one after another. Their eyes fell on Du Long, the instigator, and they immediately went crazy for it.

As knights of many mutated sea beasts, most of these people grew up with their respective sea beast mounts, supporting each other until they grew into elite knights with emperor-level strength.

There is a deep relationship between them and their respective sea beast mounts that outsiders cannot understand!

Now, seeing with their own eyes that Du Long, the instigator, caused their respective mounted sea beasts to fight wildly, the knights of the mutant mermaid clan vented all their anger on him.

Amidst bursts of roars, these mutated mermaids besieged Du Long crazily, each with a ferocious look, as if they were all in a state of madness.

Facing such a crazy and terrifying mutated mermaid, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Du Long's mouth. If the opponent was still as disciplined in attack and defense as before, then he might not be able to defeat them in a short time.

However, now that the other party is in a state of madness, it is naturally the best.

The footwork on his feet changed slowly. Du Long once again put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind and began to devote all his attention to the battle in front of him.

The light of the sword and the shadow of the ax reappeared, and every attack would not do any useless work, and more or less bring some help to the battle situation.

Puff, puff, puff. . .

After mutating his body and changing his position several times, he killed and exploded an emperor-level strongman from the mutated mermaid tribe. One after another, the emperor-level strongmen from the mutated mermaid tribe were torn apart by swords, axes, shadows, and even spears.

Hundreds of emperor-level warriors from the mutated mermaid tribe became dead souls under swords and axes one after another. Within a short time, a dozen of the most elite mutant mermaid warriors were lost.

This scene made the mutated mermaid tribe's chiefs' hearts bleed. There were four chiefs of the mutated mermaid tribe in the entire blood sea, and each had an elite emperor-level general under their command.

The elite emperor-level warriors in his hands took a long time to build up in the first year of the endless era. The death of each elite emperor-level warrior knight is an extremely huge loss.

His eyes were about to burst, and his already red eyes were as red as blood at this moment. He was facing a dilemma at this moment, a painful decision of whether to save his elite Emperor-level warrior knight!

While hesitating, several more elite mutant mermaids were killed by Du Long. Finally, they couldn't bear it any longer. After gritting their teeth, they looked at a space formation stone in their hands, and then sank their minds. in.

This is just a small space with a radius of nearly a hundred miles. There is a blood-colored lake inside. The blood-colored lake water in the lake should be similar to the water of the Blood Sea. It is probably the sea water transferred in from the Blood Sea.

In the center of the bloody lake, there is a platform with a radius of more than 100 meters. At this moment, there is a slightly skinny figure sitting cross-legged in the center of the platform. It can be seen that he has his eyes closed, and he must be in the process of enlightenment and practice.

‘The second ancestor! ’

Suddenly, a voice resounded in this space, and it was the call of Tongshi, the chief of the mutated mermaid tribe.

On the platform, the thin figure sitting cross-legged on a stone platform moved slightly. The wrinkled old man slowly opened his eyes, frowned slightly and said: 'Start? ! Did the powerful God Realm from the primitive human race show up so soon? ! ’

After a moment of stasis in mid-air, Hajime's voice sounded again: 'The powerful god of the primitive human race did not appear, just. . . ’

Before he could finish his words, the skinny old man interrupted him angrily and said: 'You bastard! The primitive human race cannot leave the realm of gods, but why are you here to disturb my Qing Cultivation? ! ’

‘Second Patriarch, don’t be angry! ’ Shi Shi hurriedly explained: ‘Although the powerful god of the primitive human race has not yet appeared, it is. . . However, they produced a monster who was inherited by Chi You, and his personal combat power was almost close to the early stage of the Divine Realm! ’

'What? ! ’ The skinny old man was moved and said with disbelief: ‘You mean it. . . Is the opponent only at the emperor level but already possessing combat power close to the god level? ! ’

'Yes! ’

The skinny old man's expression was gloomy and ever-changing. He pondered for a long time before he said seriously: 'Start! You came here to see me for a primitive human with emperor level strength, why don't you quickly report the cause and effect! ’

In mid-air, Hajime's voice sounded quickly, and he quickly recounted the ins and outs of the incident.

‘An emperor-level strongman suddenly appeared from a remote island tribe? ! ’ The skinny old man murmured in an uncertain voice: ‘And he can also fight against the two vanguards under your command with his own strength. . . An elite team of more than a hundred emperor-level warriors? ! ’

'Yes! ’ Hajime’s voice sounded again.

As his words fell, a picture began to appear in mid-air. It was a battle still breaking out over the blood sea. The protagonist was none other than Du Long, who was using Chi You's tactics with three heads and six arms!

The skinny old man's expression suddenly changed after seeing Du Long's fighting form, as if he had seen some extremely terrifying natural enemy, and his pupils were shrinking and deforming rapidly.

"Chi You, the Great Demon God?!"

For a moment, he seemed to have seen the rebirth of the ancient demon Chi You, and he almost jumped up in fear. Fortunately, he calmed down in the end.

"No! This son is not the Great Demon God Chi You. According to legend, the body of the Great Demon God Chi You was cut into billions of pieces and buried in billions of immortal worlds. In this world, except for a supreme being, no one can cut it into billions of pieces. His body is reunited as one!”

After a brief period of fright, the skinny old man immediately realized that the man in front of him was a master of Chi You's tactics, but in fact he was still not the Great Demon Chi You, but the real person.

After the words fell, the skinny old man's expression changed again. He was obviously thinking about the current situation he was facing and how to deal with it.

"The Great Demon God Chi You is not reborn... but he is able to apply Chi You's tactics to such a profound level... This son must not be kept, otherwise it will definitely bring disaster to the mutant mermaid tribe!"

"Of course... The target of my mission this time is a powerful person in the God Realm of the primitive human race. If I show up now... wouldn't the layout I have built over the years be in vain?!"

"Brother is still dealing with the primitive human race and has put so much energy into making gains in the east and west. If he exposes his identity in advance and ends up falling short, it will be more than worth the gain!"

Time passed by minute by second, but the skinny old man in front of him was still hesitating. Seeing more and more elite soldiers of the mutated mermaid tribe in the outside world dying one after another, he couldn't help it anymore.

"Second Ancestor!" Shi Shi gritted his teeth and persuaded: "Your old goal is just to hold back a powerful god from the primitive human race, and help us when necessary to resist the emperor-level army of the primitive human race. However, ... Hajime believes that the importance of this primitive human being, who has almost reached the divine level of combat power, is definitely far beyond anything else!"

"If... this child succeeds in advancing to the realm of gods in the future, I'm afraid... there will no longer be a place for our mutant mermaid tribe to gain a foothold in this sea of ​​blood!"

Just as Hajime said, it is precisely because the strength of the powerful and powerful gods is in balance within the blood sea that they can settle down in this sea of ​​blood. Otherwise, they may not even have a foothold.

The skinny old man watched the battle in the virtual screen with faint eyes, watching the elite emperor-level strongmen of the mutated mermaid tribe fall one after another, and watching the picture of Du Long using Chi You's tactics to perfection, he finally became a little shaken.

"Emperor-level realm... But he can single-handedly fight hundreds of the most elite mermaid warrior knights... I'm afraid this boy is not too far away from breaking through and reaching the divine realm..."

In a low voice, he turned his eyes to several other battlefields in the virtual screen. When he saw the light and dark tribes that were besieging the primitive humans, he asked with slight surprise: "Huh?! Where do those people belong?" Power?! Why do you want to help us attack those primitive humans?!"

"Report to the Second Ancestor!" Shi Shi hurriedly explained: "Those are the two major forces of light and darkness in the West. With my efforts, they successfully formed an alliance with my mermaid clan. The other party took the initiative to attack primitive humans. This was also an attempt to Let’s show our good will!”

"The two major forces of light and darkness in the west?!" The skinny old man was stunned for a moment, and two rays of light suddenly shot out from his eyes: "Could it be that...the other party is the Western Light Temple and the Dark God's Extension forces from the bloodline world? ?!”

"Exactly!" Hajime replied with a hint of complacency even though he was eager.

"Great!" The skinny old man slapped his thigh heavily and said: "The two tribes of light and darkness in the west are the top forces in the Pangu world. Forming an alliance with them will be beneficial to the mermaid tribe without any harm. If the other side is willing to fully support me, clan, that entire sea of ​​blood may become the territory of my mermaid clan! Haha!”

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