Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2180 Don’t recognize each other when meeting

In the sky above the sea area where the ruins of the Jiuli tribe are located, bursts of shouts of killing shook the world. Various energies collided and intertwined. Along with the flashes of space-time rifts, they formed a dangerous picture.

In this battle, Du Long, who transformed into Si Wu's appearance, was absolutely stunning. He killed several powerful men including the strongest commander level and more than a dozen other high-level paladins with his own strength.

Now, he is still fighting twenty mutant Sea Clan strongmen with his own strength. It would be fine if they were just ordinary mutant Sea Clan strongmen. However, the twenty Sea Clan Emperor-level strongmen in front of him are at least up to Emperor level peak combat power.

As the leader of the mutated mermaid tribe who led this trip, the shock in my heart was many times stronger than that of others!

He originally thought that as long as he sent this team to fight, he should be able to take down the strong primitive human being. However, he never thought that the battle situation in front of him showed no signs of quickly taking down the opponent. The primitive human seemed to be a little bit like a fish in water.

"Does anyone recognize this primitive human being in front of me?! Why haven't I heard of it... There is such an emperor-level power within the primitive human race?!" Jiu Yu couldn't help but ask the tribesmen around him.

A group of mutated mermaids looked at each other there, but no one recognized the primitive human Si Wu transformed by Du Long. The atmosphere at the scene seemed a little subtle for a while.

"That..." While many high-level experts from the mutant mermaid tribe were looking at each other, an ordinary mutant mermaid beside him muttered: "Although we don't know this person, we have heard him being called Si Wu. According to reports, My subordinates know that this surname seems to be the surname of a primitive tribe on a peripheral island, Qinglu Island!"

"Qinglu Island?!" Shi Shi nodded slightly: "I have some knowledge of all the energy volcanic islands occupied by primitive humans. I have also heard of this island, but there seems to be only one extremely weak primitive tribe there. How has such a situation ever appeared? The most powerful of the evil emperors?!"

"It is said that... not long ago, our mermaid clan once launched a large-scale attack on the island. Although we originally had the advantage, we suddenly had to lose due to the intervention of a certain emperor-level powerful man. Could it be said that we were defeated. . . . It is precisely because of this powerful Emperor-level man named Si Wu that he changed the situation of the war?!" After the topic reached this point, a senior member of the Mermaid Tribe finally thought of this possibility.

"Hmm!" Hajime frowned and said, "It's very possible! After the mission here, be sure to investigate Qinglu Island carefully. I'll take a look at what's so special about this island, that it can actually cultivate strength. Such an astonishing emperor-level powerhouse!”

As he made the final decision, these mutant mermaids fell silent and once again turned their attention to the battlefield not far away. Many mutant mermaids turned their eyes to the sturdy figure who was fighting one against twenty.

With three heads and six arms, plus the first level of heavenly phenomena and earth, Du Long was extremely huge at this moment, wielding three thick magic weapons and shuttled among twenty powerful mutant sea tribesmen, but he was as relaxed and comfortable as if he was in a deserted land.

Chi You's tactics were brought into full play at this moment!

Every step seems to have been carefully calculated, without any extraneous excess. The same is true for the three magic weapons, which maximize speed and accuracy.

He has an almost complete state of cultivation in the Avenue of Time and Space. When used in actual combat, not only can his movement speed become extremely fast, but even the attacks of these heavy weapons can be as fast and cruel as a divine aid.

Even with the numerical advantage, the twenty strong sea tribesmen felt that they were powerless. They seemed to be facing a slippery loach or a hedgehog covered with spikes. There is no way to hurt the opponent.

Here, Du Long was able to fight against twenty Sea Tribe Emperor-level warriors with ease, but the primitive humans on the other side were not so lucky.

Even though Du Long rushed over and eliminated some of the enemies for them, which relieved a lot of pressure on them, their predicament did not ease.

Including several Paladins at the Supreme Commander level, the number of enemies is still more than twice theirs, and their overall strength is much stronger than them.

Fortunately, they followed Du Long's advice and adopted a back-to-back defensive strategy. This greatly offset the huge threat posed by the dark shadow clones to them, and they were able to barely defend themselves against the enemy's onslaughts.

However, the huge gap in strength, coupled with the huge disadvantage in numbers, makes the situation of this group of primitive humans precarious. If they no longer receive external reinforcements, it will inevitably lead to new casualties.


A purple figure broke out of the thick blood-colored mist and entered the sea area where the war was breaking out. The person who came was none other than Zi from the Zidian Divine Dragon Clan.

This guy usually had his subordinates arrange everything, but now he was on his way, and he took the wrong route again. He finally sensed a violent energy explosion in this sea area, and then he found this place in the fog. .

His appearance only attracted a very small number of people's attention. The vast majority of people just glanced at him and then shifted their attention to the battle again.

However, someone still noticed his figure. This person was Du Long, who was fighting one against twenty. He couldn't help but froze for a moment after seeing Zi.

‘Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan? ! ’ This thought immediately flashed in Du Long’s mind: ‘Who is this guy from the Zidian Divine Dragon Clan? ! Why did you come here alone? ! ’

Du Long didn't know Zidian Shenlong Huangzi, but he could tell his origin from the aura on his body, so he became curious about his identity.

After all, Zi has been the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Emperor for so many years, so he will naturally develop an aura unique to a superior person. Coupled with the aura of perfection of reaching the late emperor level, it is worthy of Du Long to look at him twice.

At this moment, Du Long didn't have time to pay attention to the opponent's true identity, and continued to fight with all his strength against twenty powerful opponents. Even if he was powerful, he couldn't be distracted.

Zi paused for a moment in the edge area, and glanced faintly across the area where the war was breaking out. Naturally, he also saw all parties participating in the war.

‘The two races of light and darkness in the west, the primitive human race of the blood sea, and so on. . . A bastard of the mutated mermaid clan in the Blood Sea? ! ’ Purple pupils shrank, obviously frightened by the powerful strength of these mutant mermaids in front of them.

Nearly a thousand mutated sea tribes gathered together, and the majestic killing aura spread, which also made Zi secretly regret in his heart, regretting that he should not have easily provoked these powerful tribes.

At this moment, he could only pray secretly in his heart, hoping that the mutant mermaid father he killed not long ago would not come here.

Otherwise, he might have no choice but to turn around and flee from here immediately.

With this uneasiness in his heart, Zi looked around, then chose a relatively remote area and flew away, trying hard not to attract the attention of outsiders.

However, the more he tries to keep a low profile, the more God tries to play a joke on him.

"His Majesty the Purple Lightning Dragon Emperor?!" A voice suddenly sounded, and finally an emperor-level expert who knew him shouted in surprise: "Why did you enter the sea of ​​​​blood alone?!"

Zi's ​​figure was slightly suffocated, and he turned around to look at the guy who greeted him, and saw that this person was a strong emperor-level sea clan man from a certain force in the South China Sea.

Because the Zidian Divine Dragon Clan was becoming increasingly weak, Zi had to make good friends with various surrounding forces, including the Furuhai Clan where the person in front of him belonged.

"Haha!" Zi squeezed out a slightly stiff smile and saluted the other party: "It turns out to be Hong Island Master of Qianshan Island. I'm so glad to meet you!"

"Your Majesty the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Emperor! Why don't you come to us? It's rare to meet friends in this sea of ​​blood, so naturally we have to take care of each other!" Hong Island Master of Qianshan Island's eyes lit up, and he immediately continued to invite.

Zi hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, then glanced at the members of the various forces around him, and then flew towards the island owner surnamed Hong.

In his opinion, although staying alone in a remote corner is low-key, it is not as good as integrating into all forces. That should be the best choice.

Zi glanced around for the last time, and after confirming that there were no other familiar faces or spiritual auras at the scene, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The last thing he wanted to do at the moment was to meet those members of the hostile forces who had a grudge against him, especially the guy within the mutant mermaid clan who he had just offended not long ago.

However, what Zi didn't expect was that the primitive human being fighting with all his strength at this moment was actually one of the people he least wanted to meet.

He had long received news that Marshal Du Long, the newly emerged Eastern God of War, had resurrected Zi Yan, the daughter of the former Dragon Emperor!

Sooner or later, the opponent will attack Zidian Shenlong Island, and this is the main reason why he is eager to improve his strength and has to run to the sea of ​​​​blood to find opportunities!

As a powerful emperor-level man, Du Long was fighting with all his strength while observing the surrounding situation. Naturally, he immediately heard the conversation between Zi and Hong Island Master of Qianshan Island.

With three heads and six arms, one of his eyes subconsciously looked over, and he glanced at Zi more curiously. He had long heard Zi Yan mention the new Dragon King of the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan in front of him, and today he finally saw Lushan for the first time. true colors.

‘This guy is the Purple Lightning Dragon Emperor Purple? ! Why did he come here alone? ! ’ Du Long secretly thought curiously in his heart: ‘I guess there should be a group of emperor-level powerhouses from the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan hidden in the cave world he carries with him, right? ! ’

Du Long didn't believe that the new Dragon Emperor of the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan in front of him would run to the Blood Sea alone. He didn't know that the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Emperor in front of him had indeed brought a group of emperor-level warriors into the Blood Sea, but it was a pity that he had already More than half of it was lost, and now I only have a fraction left on hand.

Poor Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Emperor Zi, during this trip to the Blood Sea, he had already lost a large number of emperor-level experts from the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan before he even encountered an opportunity that could help him ascend to the realm of a god.

You must know that these people are all elite emperor-level powerhouses of the Zidian Divine Dragon Clan. They are the few left-hand men left after he became the Zidian Divine Dragon Emperor.

However, these elite warriors from the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan were defeated by him in a sea of ​​blood. This made him feel heartache all the way.

Zi quickly integrated into the group of Qianshan Island Masters, and learned from them the current situation in this sea area. Only then did she understand why those two or three powerful forces were fighting to the death.

Only then did he have the intention to observe the situation of the battle. After seeing the scene of Du Long fighting one against twenty, he couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

"Why is this primitive human being so powerful?! One against twenty... And all of those twenty opponents are the strongest at the emperor level, but he can do it as easily as if he were in an uninhabited land?!" Zi muttered with shock on her face.

"Haha!" Hong Island Master of Qianshan Island chuckled and replied: "Have you seen the combat method used by the other party?! That is a peerless combat method passed down by the ancient demon Chi You! Don't look at this child, it is an original Human beings, their personal talents are extremely evil. At the beginning of the war, he was not very familiar with Chi You's tactics. Not long after the war started, he improved to such a terrifying strength from the battle!"

"Tsk tsk!" Zi couldn't help but tsk tsk and exclaimed: "I never expected that the Pangu world would have more talented people in recent years, each one more evil than the last!"

"Does the Dragon Emperor mean... the newly emerged Eastern God of War... Du Long?!" Hong Island Master of Qianshan Island immediately thought of a name.

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him?!" Zi Wei shook his head helplessly and sighed: "How long has it been since that guy grew up?! But he has successively refreshed the world's understanding of geniuses. Through his illustrious military exploits on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, he has transformed into a Eastern God of War!”

"Not only that, not long ago, one of his clones ran to the Holy City of Light in Luzhou, Beiju, and actually killed the new King of Light Ivan in public on the territory of the Guangming God Clan!"

"Tsk tsk! I originally thought that Du Long's deeds could not be compared to anyone else's. I never thought... Today, in the abandoned and lost sea area of ​​​​the Sea of ​​Blood, I once again met a person with such a talent in cultivation. Amazing evil genius?!"

"Hmm!" Qianshan Island Master nodded with deep sympathy: "His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is right! There are many young heroes in our Pangu world. I don't know whether it is good or bad. I always feel that something unpredictable is going to happen. Since ancient times, there have been troubled times. Only then will you be able to excel!"


They were chatting there as if they were watching a show, but the fierce battle on the other side never stopped. With the muffled sound of another body being bombed, another emperor-level strongman from the primitive human race died tragically under the swords of the light and dark tribes. under.

The person killed this time was a Li clan member who transformed into a three-headed and six-armed man. The other party was able to practice three-headed and six-armed magical powers, and his status in the Li clan was not too low.

"These bastards of the light and dark tribes! We, the primitive tribe alliance, will fight to the death with you from now on!!" Li Tianshu roared with red eyes.

"Primitive Tribal Alliance?!" Johnny, the most powerful commander of the Light Paladins, was secretly shocked. After fighting with these primitive humans for a long time, it seemed that this was the first time he heard this term.

The moment he heard about the tribal alliance, he vaguely felt that he was a little too eager to form an alliance with the Blood Sea Mutated Sea Tribe.

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