Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2178 Successful tactics

The light of the sword covers the shadow of the axe, the shadow of the ax sets off the spear dragon, and the spear dragon assists the light of the sword!

The three weapons rely on each other and have completely different fighting methods, but they can explode with amazing combat power. Even the defensive capabilities are not much worse than those of Three Heads and Thousand Arms.

This is Chi You's fighting method in the true sense!

A set of high-level tactics that perfectly integrates the mysteries of fighting, time and space, and the five elements. It is also one of the important reasons why Chi You, the Great Demon God, can defeat thousands of people with one enemy and penetrate deep into the enemy's formation as if he were in an uninhabited land!

‘Brother Tianshi! Thank you very much! ’ After using his mind to instantly detect Chi You’s tactics hidden inside the jade, Du Long then sent a message with great gratitude: ‘Is it inappropriate to leave such an important Chi You’s tactics to me like this? ! ’

‘Brother Siwu is worrying too much! Li Tianshi immediately sent a message and replied: "We are all members of the primitive tribe, and we are facing a common enemy at this moment. If this set of Chi You's tactics inheritance can help you quickly increase your combat power and buy as much time as possible for all of us, it will definitely No one will say anything more! ’

‘This is the inheritance of Chi You’s fighting skills. Brother Tianshi gave it to me privately, so wouldn’t it be the same within the Li clan? . . ’ Du Long pondered again and said indecisively.

As a result, before he finished speaking, Li Tianshi immediately interrupted through a message: "Brother Si Wu, don't think too much. This inheritance of Chi You's tactics is just a copy. There are many more in our clan. Just feel free to use it." ! ’

‘Well then thank you Brother Tianshi! ’

After being polite, Du Longzhi stopped talking nonsense and devoted most of his attention to the practical understanding of Chi You's tactics. With the help of the most authentic inheritance of Chi You's tactics, he improved his understanding of Chi You's tactics. The level also improved by leaps and bounds!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

The footwork on the soles of the feet is unpredictable, moving back and forth in a very small range, as fast as teleporting!

Du Long did not use the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork at this moment. The label attribute of that movement technique was too obvious. Once it was used, it was difficult to guarantee that the paladins of the light and dark tribes would not guess his true identity.

In this way, he moved to learn Chi You's tactics. The three magic weapons in his hand, the sword, axe, and sword, were also trying to change the attack trajectory and frequency, trying to incorporate the Chi You's tactics that he had just seen up close.

Clang clang clang. . .

The sounds of gold and iron clashing continued to resound throughout the world. Du Long gradually integrated into the mysterious state of understanding Chi You's fighting methods, and the sword, ax and shadow became more and more smooth.

Keren and Keton, the two most powerful Paladin commanders, personally felt that the aura of their opponents was becoming more and more powerful. It seemed that the total combat power had not become stronger, but the swords and ax shadows gave them a sense of Watertight personal experience.

There are only three magic weapons with swords and axes, but they are like countless magic weapons dancing, covering all directions within their strike range, giving the opponent a sense of powerlessness that cannot find any flaws.

Immersed in Chi You's tactics, Du Long felt the deep mysteries of this tactics with all his heart, and constantly integrated his insights into the Five Elements Avenue, the Time and Space Avenue, and the Fighting Avenue into it.

To say that Du Long and Li Tianshi are both comprehending and practicing Chi You's tactics, the biggest gap between the two lies in their understanding of various mysteries of heaven.

Du Long has reached an almost perfect state on these three avenues. He is not comparable to Li Tianshi at all, so he has a huge advantage of accumulated experience.

Because he had taught himself Chi You's tactics before, his understanding of the tactics seemed to be separated by a thick fog. As Li Tianshi handed over the inheritance of Chi You's tactics to him, the thick fog disappeared, and he understood the tactics. Chi You's understanding of tactics can only be described as a rapid improvement.

Using not-so-complex footwork, and with the three magic weapons in his hands constantly swaying out, Du Long gradually presented the true essence of Chi You's tactics to the world. Such a rapid growth rate made it difficult for the person who had just gifted the tactics to pass on to him. Li Tianshi was extremely shocked.

As a practitioner of Chi You's tactics, he knows better than anyone else how difficult it is to practice this seemingly simple and rough tactics.

Any set of tactics that can shock the entire Pangu world will definitely not be just a simple move. It must contain the incomparable mysteries of heaven!

‘This is Brother Siwu from Qinglu Island. . . The realm of cultivation in various aspects of the mysteries of heaven is absolutely very advanced. I never expected that such a talented person would appear on a marginal island? ! ’ Such a thought flashed through Li Tianshi’s mind.

He has obviously seen that Du Long has an extremely high level of cultivation in various aspects of the mysteries of heaven. Otherwise, even with the help of Chi You's inheritance of tactics, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such huge progress in a short period of time!

As time passed by, Du Long's understanding of Chi You's tactics gradually reached a certain bottleneck point. At this moment, when he used Chi You's tactics, he could make his defense reach a perfect level of watertight perfection.

However, he felt that something was missing in Chi You's fighting method, but this feeling was very abstract, and he couldn't find out what was missing at the moment.

As his thoughts flashed, he once again detached a small part of his mind and sank into the Chi You War Technique inheritance space, and began to carefully observe the energy shadow of Chi You, the Great Demon God, while looking for the answer he wanted.

‘I have almost simulated the entire set of Chi You’s tactics. . . But I still feel like something is missing. . . The energy shadow of Chi You, the Great Demon God, in front of me is illusory after all. I can only see the scene of him using this set of tactics, but I cannot feel the real application of energy. . . ’

‘Energy application. . . Chi You, the Great Demon God, was able to shock the Pangu world with this set of tactics. It was absolutely impossible for this set of tactics to only be about defense. . . ’

‘That’s right! In addition to a watertight defense, his own Chi You tactics lacked the powerful power to move forward. Passive defense is definitely not the character of Chi You, the Great Demon God! ! ’

As his mind raced, Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally found what he had missed in his tactics.

Because of this, the energy shadow of Chi You, the Great Demon God, in front of him seemed to have become much more solid. The swords and axes he wielded seemed ordinary, but in fact it gave him a majestic feeling.

‘Fighting is the main thing, time and space is the supplement, and the five elements are the foundation! this. . . This is the true essence of Chi You’s tactics! ! ’

Relying on his achievements in many avenues, Du Long, who had accumulated a lot of experience, finally had some insights, and his eyes suddenly bloomed with an extremely bright light.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

The seemingly ordinary footwork on the soles of the feet was stepped out one after another, and the three divine weapons swept out, heading straight for the two most powerful commander-level paladins to slash away with electricity.

The sounds of gold and iron clashing resounded throughout the world, and the three figures seemed to be fighting at a frequency that was not much different from before. In fact, the two Western Paladins who were involved felt unusual changes.

Du Long's total combat power output seems to be gradually increasing. The frequency of the first ax chop of each sword has not changed much, but their attack power is gradually increasing.

Keren and Keton looked at each other, and saw a solemn look in their eyes. They obviously couldn't believe what was happening in front of them. A strong man with the strongest combat power at the emperor level could actually do so in actual combat. Terrible speed boost strength? !

Clang clang clang. . .

The sounds of gold and iron clashing continued. Du Long was immersed in understanding Chi You's tactics, and he could naturally feel that his total combat power was constantly improving.

This improvement is somewhat similar to the feeling he had when he used the Coiled Snake Cutting Technique. If the Coiled Snake Cutting Technique had not been integrated into the mystery of heaven and doubled in power, he would not have been able to defeat and kill Ivan, the God of Light!

To put it simply, he is currently using Chi You's tactics and is gradually moving in that direction. He is continuously increasing the attack power of Chi You's tactics, so that he can have the peak level of combat without revealing his identity. Power output!

‘Chi You’s tactics are indeed well-deserved. My understanding of the Coiled Snake Cutting Technique can also be applied here. In this way, the power of Chi You’s tactics can be quickly improved in a short period of time! ’

As time went by, Du Long finally discovered the similarities between Chi You's tactics and the coiling snake slashing method. In fact, it was a similar method of integrating the secrets of heaven into the offensive, thereby quickly increasing the total combat power output.


Just as his side's strength was advancing by leaps and bounds, another primitive human being was killed with random swords. As one went, the situation on the primitive human side became more and more critical!

Looking out of the corner of his eye, Du Long discovered that there were originally a total of forty or so primitive emperor-level warriors, but now only more than half, including himself, were left, that is, less than thirty people!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen emperor-level warriors from the primitive human race died tragically at the hands of the light and dark races!

'snort! ’ Du Long snorted secretly in his heart and said: ‘The two clans of light and dark have been arrogant enough, it’s time to take action to stop them from continuing to commit murder! ’

In a flash of thought, the three magic weapons in his hand suddenly flew out. Behind the seemingly similar attack frequencies, there was a surge of murderous intent hidden behind them.

Clang, clang, clang!

Three consecutive sounds of collision of gold and iron were heard, and the faces of the two most powerful commanders of the West, who were frowning at first, suddenly changed. The weapons in their hands were thrown away by a powerful force, and their attack rhythm suddenly changed. Chaos naturally reveals countless fatal openings.

'go to hell! ’

A roar sounded in the minds of the two of them, and they saw the light and shadow of swords and axes magnifying in front of their eyes, and they were blasted away from them in an instant.

Keton's body was hit from the front by the giant axe, and instantly exploded into fragments of flesh and blood scattered across the sea. A phantom of soul energy was like a frightened bird, frantically trying to escape from the area.

An invisible force descended out of thin air, instantly enveloping this ball of soul energy, and then directly put it into the Demon Suppressing Tower without giving it a chance to struggle to escape.


On the other side, a ray of light was like a blue dragon emerging from the sea, instantly penetrating Kelun's chest. Changjian threw his whole body above it, and you could see that his eyes suddenly bulged, and his eyes were full of disbelief.


Almost at the same time that he was penetrated by a sword, another strange sword light cut through time and space, instantly passing through his neck. The moment his body and head separated, he was sucked into the Demon Suppression Tower and disappeared without a trace.


The entire battlefield fell into an eerie silence. In the blink of an eye, two Paladins at the level of the strongest commander were killed. This scene made both the enemy and ourselves, including the bystanders from all the surrounding forces, dumbfounded.

"Chi You's battle method?! This is a super powerful battle method that only the Great Demon God Chi You knows! This primitive human is amazing! He actually got the true meaning of Chi You's battle method inheritance?!"

"Could it be Chi You's tactics that appear from time to time in various places in the Blood Sea?! At first, we could only feel the horror of this tactics from those illusory battle scenes, but we didn't expect that today we would witness its powerful power with our own eyes! "

"This primitive human being is indeed not simple. He was able to successfully understand the true meaning of Chi You's tactics. If he is allowed to continue to grow, there is no guarantee that he will not be another Chi You Great Demon God!"


Above the sea area where time and space rifts were appearing and disappearing, people from various forces were watching and whispering. Some discerning people finally saw clearly the origin of Chi You's tactics.

‘Dadutong! This primitive human must not be allowed to live, otherwise, he will definitely become a serious problem for my mermaid clan! ’ A powerful emperor-level man from the mutated mermaid tribe immediately spoke to Shi Shi secretly.

'Well! Hajime's face also looked extremely solemn. He nodded slightly and said nothing more. Instead, he turned to look at Johnny, the commander of the Holy Knights of Light, and said, "Lord Johnny! You must have seen the strength of this guy in front of you. Right?! Our mermaid clan will never allow him to continue to live!"

"Understood!" Johnny, who was feeling heartbroken over the death of two of his most powerful commander-level subordinates, did not show any pretense this time. He immediately nodded and replied, "Then let the friends of the mermaid tribe deal with this person!"

The conversation between these two people was not intended to be hidden from outsiders at all. Everyone at the scene heard the conversation between them. The corners of Du Long's mouth turned up slightly with a cold arc, and he took a step forward with his feet and walked towards the biggest battle in an instant. The circle of electricity shot away.

The seemingly slow pace was able to cross the boundaries of time and space in one step, and instantly reached the outskirts of the battle circle, where there were three emperor-level strong men of the dark lineage. At this moment, they had transformed into one or two hundred figures and besieged the primitive human race.

Bang bang bang. . .

The swords, axes and shadows swept across ruthlessly, and the shadow clones in the way were blasted away like a mantis' arms. Du Long rushed in instantly like a human tank, and then one of the dark paladin himself was horrified. In Jue's gaze, he slashed the opponent with an axe.


As the main body was destroyed, a large area of ​​the dense shadow clones around him suddenly disappeared. Only then did everyone see with astonishment the scene where Du Long waved his hand and took away the exploded body and soul of the emperor-level powerhouse.

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