Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2135 Natural Selection

Time flies, time flies!

In the blink of an eye, Du Long's two clones have been practicing in the ninth space-time island for tens of thousands of epoch-years. Tens of thousands of epoch-years are equivalent to tens of thousands of years in the real world.

Seeing that the first era of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield mission has reached the end, he shows no sign of leaving seclusion. Instead, he continues to stay in seclusion for a long time on the Ninth Spacetime Island where time accelerates a million times.

The long years of tens of thousands of epochs are equivalent to a million years, but for those who are in seclusion and ascetic practice, it is only a moment of flicking a finger.


On this day, in the Ninth Space Island, the two clones opened their eyes almost at the same time, and then naturally exhaled a breath of habit, with a faint excited smile on their faces.

"After millions of years, we have finally reached the final bottleneck point in cultivating all the Five Elements Origin Paths. Just five small paths have actually cost us so much effort. If all the thousands of small paths under the Five Elements Dao are so difficult to cultivate, , then we will never be able to cultivate the Five Elements Dao to reach the state of perfection!"

"Yes! The original path of the Five Elements is definitely not comparable to ordinary small paths. Although the cultivation has reached the final bottleneck point, it seems that there is still a long way to go to comprehend and cultivate them all to the final state of perfection!"

"Well! The original path of the five elements is the foundation for the evolution of the mystery of the five elements of heaven. Once you fully understand it and reach the realm of gods, your achievements will definitely be much more powerful than breaking through the realm of gods through the avenue of time and space!"


In the ninth space-time island, the two clones were discussing with emotion, the excitement on their faces was beyond words, and they were obviously very satisfied with their respective progress on the original path of the Five Elements.

"Although the final bottleneck of the Five Elements Avenue is only one step away, it is very difficult to fully understand it. Seeing that the one-era mission of the Heavenly Emperor's Battlefield is about to end, I don't know whether Qinglian and Lin Mo will succeed. Have you accepted the legacy of God Nuwa?!"

"So far, I have been practicing in seclusion and my mission has been basically accomplished. It's up to me to go out and ask Sister Wa Ling before I decide whether to stay or go!"

The two clones quickly reached a consensus, and finally one of the clones left the ninth space-time island and appeared directly in the main hall inside the Nuwa Temple.

"Sister Wa Ling!" As the golden light flashed, Du Long shouted in the air with a smile: "Seeing that the period of an era is coming to an end, I don't know when Qinglian and Lin Mo will be able to come out of seclusion?! "

"It's almost there!" Wa Ling's voice sounded at the right time: "I can't say exactly how long it will take. Just wait patiently!"

"Okay!" Du Longliang laughed and said: "In terms of the Five Elements Origin Dao, I have reached the final bottleneck in my practice. Since they haven't come out yet, then my clone will not stay here any longer!"

"Have you reached the final bottleneck in your cultivation of the Five Elements Origin Path?!" Wa Ling said in slight shock: "Isn't this too fast?! It has only been a mere ten thousand years since you entered the Five Elements Origin Path. . . ”

"Haha!" Du Long chuckled nonchalantly: "Sister Wa Ling must also know that there is a cave space in me that can accelerate the flow of time. Therefore, I actually spent tens of thousands of years in the real world. It’s been an extremely long time!”

"That's true!" Wa Ling responded with relief: "Then where does your clone plan to go now?!"

"There's no place I particularly want to go!" Du Long didn't hide anything, and answered directly: "When I returned to the Pangu world, I was ordered by Master Sakyamuni to go to Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea to pay a visit to Senior Sister Guanzizai. This time it happened to be There’s nothing else to do, so just go over and take a look around!”

"Avalokitesvara at Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea?!" Wa Ling murmured: "I have heard of her name. She is a recently rising strong man in the Buddha realm. When she was still in the Bodhisattva realm, she also I have performed several missions on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"So Sister Wa Ling also knows Senior Sister Guan Zizai?!" Du Long responded with relief: "Senior Sister Guan Zizai is indeed a talented person of the generation. When she broke through and reached the realm of Buddha, she could easily kill the King of Light. Her talent The strength is absolutely monster!”

"Hmm!" Wa Ling agreed: "It just so happens that you have reached the final bottleneck in your cultivation of the Great Way of Time and Space. If you can help her, a strong person who has just broken through to the Buddha realm, you will have great benefits. The chances of a breakthrough are unknown!”

After ending the conversation with Ye Wa Ling, Du Long left Nu Wa's secret realm directly with her help, and then went straight to the direction of Tianwai Fairy City.

Time Island and another clone continue to stay in Nuwa Temple, so there is no need to worry that no one will be there to greet Xia Qinglian and Lin Mo when they leave.

Seeing the Immortal City outside Tianwai City, Du Long changed his appearance and soul aura, re-entered the city with his false identity, and then left the Immortal City Outside Tianwai City through the rift in time and space.

He did this because he did not want to disturb the generals in the city and chose to leave the Emperor's battlefield in a low-key manner.

After that, it was teleported directly to Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea through the teleportation array of Jiutian Immortal Palace, and then flew straight to the purple bamboo forest of Luojia Peak.

Before the others arrived at Luojia Peak, they saw Mu Zha, who came out specially to welcome him. This guy who was usually stern in speech had an emotional smile on his face when he saw Du Long.

Recall that when Du Long and Qingcheng first came here to practice, they were just Hunyuan level beings. Only more than an epoch has passed, but they have grown to be equivalent to Guan Zizi who has not yet broken through the Buddha realm. Peak strength.

After the two of them exchanged polite greetings in mid-air, under the leadership of Mu Zha, they arrived at the purple bamboo forest at Luojia Peak.

"Brother Mu Zha! Why don't you see Red Boy?!" Du Long asked with a slight doubt as he glanced at the somewhat cold Zizhu Forest Dojo.

"He went home to visit relatives!" Mu Zha replied nonchalantly: "How can this kid endure the coldness of this place? He always likes to run to his hometown on weekdays, and he often causes some troubles for Master!"

Du Long touched the tip of his nose and laughed secretly. As Mu Zha said, the coldness here in Zizhu Forest may not be suitable for the lively naughty boy Hong Boy.

"Since Junior Brother Du Long has arrived at the Purple Bamboo Forest, please come into the nunnery to talk!" An elegant and comfortable voice came from the nunnery, and it was Guan Zizi who couldn't help but urge.


Mu Zha and Du Long looked at each other, then stretched out their hands to lead him into the nunnery. After Mu Zha bowed to Guan Zizai, he immediately stood quietly behind her, while Du Long came closer. He bowed respectfully: "Du Long pays homage to Senior Sister!"

"Hmm!" Guan Zizai looked at Du Long with bright eyes, nodded slightly and said: "Junior brother Du Long is not an outsider. Since you have come to Zizhu Forest, there is no need to be polite to senior sister. It is not too late to take a seat and talk slowly and in detail. "

"Thank you, senior sister!" Du Long said politely again, and then sat down aside, his respect was beyond words.

Whether it was the seniority and reputation of Guan Zizai in front of him or the help he had received over the years, Du Long felt admiration for her and naturally respected her.

"Junior Brother Du Long!" After Du Long sat down, Guan Zizai immediately asked impatiently: "Senior Sister, I originally thought you would come to Zizhu Forest soon, but I never thought that you would be tens of thousands of years late. . . ”

"I kept senior sister waiting for a long time!" Du Long hurriedly apologized and apologized: "I originally planned to come to Zizhulin as soon as possible to ask senior sister for advice, but I never thought that I was delayed for a while on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The Battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven?!" Guan Zizai's eyes lit up slightly as he said, "Senior Sister, seeing you coming this time, your whole body's energy and spirit are much stronger than when we met on Mount Xumi. I think... Junior Brother is postponed. After such a long time, have you made any progress in your practice?!"

Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously shocked by Guan Zizi's sophisticated eyes: "There are some progress... I have cultivated the last five original paths of the Five Elements Avenue to the final bottleneck point where it is almost complete. Got it!"

Guan Zizi, who had always been extremely calm, couldn't help but change her color at this moment. Even Mu Zha behind her looked at Du Long with wide eyes in astonishment.

In the nunnery, Guan Zizai waited for a long time before he asked: "Is this true?! Junior Brother Du Long has already cultivated the last Five Elements Origin Dao under the Five Elements Dao to a bottleneck point that is close to the perfection?!"

"Yes!" Du Long nodded simply.

"Alas!" Guan Zizai sighed and said, "Originally, I wanted to give Junior Brother Du Long some help in some aspects of the Five Elements Dao. Now it seems that Junior Brother Du Long should in turn guide Senior Sister!"

"Sister, you are serious!" Du Long waved his hands hurriedly and said, "Sister is entering the Tao through the Great Way of Time and Space and achieving the strength of the Buddha realm. In this regard, I still have to ask you for advice!"

"Don't give in to Senior Sister!" Guan Zizai said with a bitter smile: "It's better to quickly tell Senior Sister how you have cultivated the Five Elements Avenue to the last step?!"


Du Long nodded, and naturally told without any concealment how he had reached the final stage of his cultivation of the Five Elements during his trip to the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield.

"To be able to observe the Five Elements Origin Qi flowing across the edge of the boundary film one after another at the edge of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield?! Isn't this... incredible?!" Guan Zizai looked surprised.

"Incredible?!" Du Long asked in confusion: "The Xuantian world is filled with endless Hongmeng energy. Since the five elements' original energy is born from Hongmeng energy, it shouldn't be too difficult to observe them. !”

Guan Zizi shook his head slightly, obviously not agreeing with Du Long's statement, and said undecidedly: "Junior brother, I don't know. The world of Xuantian is almost boundless. Although the Hongmeng energy inside is also endless, you want to give birth to the original energy of the five elements. But it’s not that easy!”

"Even if... there will be a large amount of Five Elements Origin Qi born in the entire Xuantian World, but once those Five Elements Origin Qi are evenly distributed to every corner of the almost endless Xuantian World, it will be extremely difficult to meet them! "

"Is it difficult?! But why am I able to meet these Five Elements Origin Qi every once in a while?!" Du Long muttered in confusion, "Could it be that I am too lucky?!"

Until this moment, he had not thought that anyone would help him outside Xuantian World. He ran to the edge of Xuantian World on a whim. Except for Wa Ling, no one else should know about this. By chance, there might be a powerful person passing by and he would bump into him, right? !

Guan Zizai on the lotus throne was speechless at the moment. She had vaguely guessed a certain possibility, but she had no intention of saying it directly. Even if she knew some things, she should not lie. She still had this awareness.

"Junior Brother Du Long!" After pondering for a long time, Guan Zizai said solemnly: "No matter what, it is a good thing that you can cultivate the Five Elements Dao to where you are today!"

"The mission of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield in the first epoch is coming to an end. Your achievements in the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield will soon be realized. This is also an excellent opportunity for you to make a breakthrough. Don't waste it easily!"

"Opportunity?!" Du Long said in confusion: "Senior Sister, please give me a clear explanation!"

"Two big worlds collide, and a war breaks out between the two camps. The merits you have achieved will be converted into personal merits and gathered on you. At that time, with the great merits and other conditions, there will be a high probability that you can help you break through and achieve The realm of gods!" Guan Zizi patiently explained.

"Meritor?! Merit?!" Du Long asked in astonishment: "Meritor is killing the enemy, and killing the enemy should be a sin, so why can it be transformed into personal merit?!"

"Haha!" Guan Zizai said with a faint smile: "If you slaughter ordinary people from the same camp in Pangu World, it would be Taotian's sin, but if you kill enemies from another world, it would be a kind of merit. Compared with Pangu World's camp, What a great merit!"

At this point, Guan Zizai paused slightly. Seeing that Du Long still seemed a little confused, he continued to explain: "Imagine, if you don't kill the enemy outside the territory, the other party will kill Pangu mercilessly. The people in this world are on the same side as Pangu World, and the other side is killing demons, and you are the one who is killing demons and rescuing all sentient beings!"

"Analyzed from another perspective, the rules of heaven seem to encourage two different worlds to attack each other. The winning side will be rewarded, and the losing side will perish!"

"That is to say..." Du Long suddenly realized: "I once made great achievements on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven and killed countless enemies outside the territory, so I will get corresponding rewards. These rewards include... merits?! "

"That's right!" Guan Zizai nodded and said: "The way of heaven is unfair, and all things are like bastards! In the end, what is justice and what is sin are actually relative terms. In the face of the inescapable war between the two worlds, advancement will lead to survival, and retreat will lead to survival. Then die!"

"There is absolutely no way out..." Du Long murmured: "Who on earth set up such a shitty rule? Isn't it so inhumane?!"

"Natural selection!" Guan Zizai didn't want to talk too much about the truth, so he simply summarized it in four words.

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