Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2078 Ending the Teaching

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

In Mount Sumeru, the sky above the golden-domed main hall of the Great Thunder Sound Temple will cause a celestial change to occur every once in a while. Such a terrifying frequency makes the entire Mount Sumeru agitated.

Those Buddhist disciples who had never been to the main dome hall to listen to Master Guan Zizai's sermons, finally couldn't restrain their curiosity and began to call friends and rushed to the main golden dome hall.

After these people learned from the disciples at the scene the origin of the frequent changes in the sky, everyone was shocked. All of them stared at the figure who was making breakthroughs with bright eyes. For a while, even Guan Zizi Da I didn't really listen to anything the scholar was saying.

Perhaps because what Guan Zizi said was too complicated and difficult to understand, many Buddhist disciples with relatively low cultivation simply opened their eyes wide and looked in the direction of Du Long, and began to pay attention to his movements at all times, and then looked at the sky again and again. The changes accumulated in my heart.

They wanted to see how many bottlenecks of the mysteries of heaven this Sakyamuni disciple in front of them was going to break through in public this time!


As another celestial change descended over the golden-domed main hall, many Buddhist disciples at the scene felt both shocked and numb.

Things are more valuable when they are rare. When something appears too frequently, it often becomes less rare.

‘Tsk! This is already the thousandth secret of the way of heaven that Uncle Du Long has discovered since he learned about Master Avalokitesvara's teachings. ! ’

'As far as I know, Master Guan Zizai's opening lecture mainly talks about the mysteries of the way of heaven related to the Avenue of Time and Space and the Avenue of Five Elements. The Avenue of Five Elements has the most minor paths. It seems that Uncle Du Long is on the Avenue of Five Elements. Are you constantly making breakthroughs? ! ’

'should be! Comparing people to each other is really infuriating! Normally, if I want to break through a five-element path, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. The breakthrough efficiency of Junior Master Du Long is as simple as drinking water! ’

'Earlier, I heard that Junior Master Du Long broke through countless mysteries of heaven one after another during the battle in a secret realm of the Heavenly Emperor's Battlefield. At that time, I thought this was a bit exaggerated. Now it seems that the news is not a rumor. ! ’

'Only a ghost would believe that someone's talent for cultivation can be so powerful unless he has witnessed it with his own eyes. You must know that among the thousands of small paths of the Five Elements Avenue, the most difficult first step is to get started. Many people spend their entire lives unable to master the many small paths of the Five Elements. How to get started, let alone how to break through the final bottleneck and bring about the changes in the sky! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

In the main hall, many Buddhist disciples were talking among themselves. They were obviously shocked by the scene they witnessed, and their words were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

The Buddhist disciples who were able to be selected by the Great Thunder Sound Temple of Mount Xumi and enter to practice here, all of them had extraordinary talents, and they were all once known as geniuses in their respective hometowns.

Therefore, these people rarely obey others and always think that if others can do things, they will be able to do it as long as they work hard.

Now, after witnessing Du Long's evil cultivation talent, many people's Taoist hearts have begun to waver, and the confidence in their hearts has disappeared.

Du Long's cultivation talent displayed in public gave them the feeling that they could only look up to him. After practicing for a long time, they knew very well in their hearts how difficult it was to practice the way of heaven.

However, the efficiency of Du Long, the direct disciple of Sakyamuni in front of them, to break through the bottleneck of heaven was so fast that they began to doubt their life.

On the golden lotus throne, Sakyamuni and Maitreya Buddha looked at each other, and saw a trace of helplessness in their respective eyes.

'well! ’ Maitreya Buddha sighed softly through his spiritual consciousness: ‘Brother Sakyamuni! I originally thought that more Buddhist disciples could benefit from opening forums to teach the Dharma, but now it seems. . . Not to mention the benefits I have received, after this lecture, I estimate that I will have to arrange time to provide psychological counseling to the disciples at the scene, otherwise their Taoist minds will definitely be affected! ’

'yes! Sakyamuni also sighed and responded: "What my junior brother said is true. Du Long's talent is so evil. Compared with him, I, the master at the same time, would be ashamed of him." ah! ’

‘Congratulations, senior brother! After taking in a good disciple, as long as he can grow up safely, he will definitely become a being that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the powerful ones in the Supreme Realm in the future! ’

'Ha ha! That's natural. You can break through all the avenues of time and space and the five elements to reach the realm of gods, and then find a way to create the sixth level of Xuantianjue. I am very curious about this sixth level of Xuantianjue. . . What level of terrifying strength will it reach! ’

‘What senior brother said is true! Junior brother, I am also very curious. After all, throughout the ages, I have never heard of anyone breaking through the sixth level of Xuantianjue on such a high foundation! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

As Du Long exploded with his extremely evil talent in cultivation, even Sakyamuni and Maitreya Buddha, two powerful men in the Buddha realm, could no longer maintain a normal mind and began to secretly transmit sounds through their spiritual consciousness. communicate in private.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

Time continues to pass year after year, and Du Long has devoted more and more attention to understanding and breaking through the final bottlenecks of many Five Elements Trails.

As a result, the efficiency of his breakthroughs has naturally become faster and faster, from once every two or three years to once every three or two months, and the trend is getting faster and faster.

With the blessing of the Space-Time Island, which accelerates time a million times, Du Long was able to break through the bottleneck of the mysteries of heaven at such a high frequency in such a short period of time. This is the biggest secret unknown to outsiders.

The frequency of two to three months should actually be equivalent to two to three hundred thousand years. More than 3,000 minds are simultaneously comprehending the final bottleneck of breaking through more than 3,000 Five Elements paths. Only then can such incredible results occur!

‘Brother! Something seems not quite right! ’ Maitreya Buddha finally discovered something unusual: ‘Even if the other two clones of Master Nephew Du Long are working together to realize the breakthrough, they can’t be so efficient! ’

'hehe! ’ Sakyamuni chuckled and shook his head: ‘That’s what it is. . . Du Long carries a space with him that can increase the flow of time, and the other two clones are practicing in it? ! ’

‘A space where time accelerates? ! ’ Maitreya Buddha suddenly realized: ‘So, nephew Du Long also carries a cave space treasure that can accelerate at least ten thousand times? ! ’

‘Of course! ’ Sakyamuni smiled and nodded: ‘If this were not the case, even if Du Long had tens of thousands of clones, he would not be able to have such a terrifying breakthrough efficiency! ’

‘I don’t know. . . The time acceleration space he carries. . . Who refined the time and space treasure? ! The treasure of time and space cannot be refined by those who are not at the supreme level of time and space. The materials used to refine it are extremely rare and the refining process is extremely difficult. . . ’

'I don't know either! ’ Sakyamuni simply shook his head and replied: ‘Everyone has his own secret in his heart. Unless he is willing to take the initiative to tell it, even if I am his master, I will not ask! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

The two Buddha-level experts communicated in secret. It turned out that Sakyamuni had already guessed that Du Long possessed a space treasure that could accelerate the flow of time, but he had never taken the initiative to ask about it.

As he said, if this were not the case, even if Du Long were given thousands of more clones, he would never be able to break through the final bottlenecks of the mysteries of heaven one after another at the frequency of once every two or three months!

Time continued to pass, and the entire golden-domed main hall was extremely quiet. Only the calm and intellectual voice of Master Avalokitesvara floated back and forth in every corner of the hall.

Various experiences related to the two avenues of time and space and the five elements are being stated by her in seemingly unrelated words. Many times she is just telling a simple story with examples, but behind this story there is an extremely profound meaning. The mystery of heaven.

Master Guan Zizai is indeed one of the legendary figures with the most powerful talent and understanding in modern times. The experiences she describes can change with Du Long's changes.

Seeing that Du Long had changed from comprehending the mysteries of heaven to breaking through bottlenecks, she immediately began to change direction, passing on her experience of breaking through a certain five-element path through examples.

In this way, Du Long's current cultivation state is just in time, and there is no need to waste time listening to the details of the Five Elements of Heaven. He only needs to work wholeheartedly to break through the bottlenecks of the mysteries of Heaven.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

Du Long's efficiency in breaking through the bottlenecks of the Five Elements Trails has been greatly improved again. He has been able to quickly break through the bottlenecks of the Five Elements Trails within a month's time, thereby triggering changes in the sky to continuously descend on the golden dome. Above the main hall.

In the golden dome main hall, almost most people were dumbfounded. Everyone looked at each other there, unable to understand the scene they witnessed.

One hundred years, two hundred years. . .

Time has begun to pass rapidly in units of hundreds. Among the many Buddhist disciples in the golden domed main hall, Du Long is probably the only one who is still practicing selflessly.

As for the others, except for Master Guan Zizai who was still giving lectures, most of them had their eyes wide open and were counting the number of changes in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, more than six hundred years have passed!

The changes in the sky caused by Du Long have also accumulated to more than 4,300 times. Such a terrifying breakthrough efficiency is simply unheard of. There is probably no precedent in the entire Pangu world until now, right? !


After another celestial change came, Du Long, who had kept his eyes closed, finally slowly opened his eyes, and then exhaled a breath of turbidity out of habit.

The sound of his exhalation was not loud, but at this moment, everyone in the huge domed main hall could hear it clearly. People's attention was all focused on him, and naturally they were also interested in him. He pays close attention to every move he makes.

"Haha!" Master Guan Zizai, who was still giving a lecture, stopped immediately and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Junior Brother Du Long! You successfully broke through the 4,368 Five Elements Path!"

Du Long hurriedly stood up from the golden lotus throne where he was sitting, and then gave a deep salute to Guan Zizai and said: "Du Long thanks Senior Sister Zizi for teaching Taoism in person. I cannot thank you enough for such a kindness. If Senior Sister is the best in the future, If you need Du Long, just ask!"

"Junior brother's words are serious!" Guan Zizai waved his hand and said: "With junior brother's cultivation talent, even if there is no senior sister giving a lecture today, we can quickly break through the bottlenecks of these mysterious ways of heaven!"

"Hehe!" Du Long scratched his head and laughed dryly: "Even if Du Long can achieve a breakthrough on his own, he will definitely take many detours, and the time spent will be endless!"

"Hmm!" Guan Zizai nodded slightly, obviously not wanting to continue being pretentious, and immediately changed the topic: "Senior sister has not been able to break through in all aspects of the Five Elements Dao to reach the final state of perfection. Therefore, she can only help Junior Brother Du Long. From now on, we still need to rely on my junior brother to work hard to understand and practice!"

Just as she said, she has taught Du Long everything she can. In fact, the number of Five Elements Paths that Du Long has broken through now is not only no less than the number that Guan Ziyu has broken through, but slightly more than hundreds of them!

After all, before this, he had successfully broken through thousands of the mysteries of the Five Elements of Heaven by relying on his battle insights and practice!

"Haha! Very good!" On the huge golden lotus throne, Sakyamuni said with a rare smile on his face: "This ends the opening lecture of Avalokitesvara Buddha. Here I want to communicate with the many people present here. Disciple, what points should I state?"

"First, I believe everyone is shocked by my disciple Du Long's terrifying cultivation talent?! That's right! His personal cultivation talent can only be described as unprecedented! I hope that all the Buddhist disciples here will, Don’t let this cause you to doubt your own cultivation talents or shake your Taoist heart!”

"Secondly, Du Long's achievements today are not only due to his personal monster talent, but also closely related to his hard work. The success of any person is inseparable from hard work, and it is definitely not just about good talent!"

"Thirdly, after this opening lecture, I hope that all Buddhist disciples here will not only not lose their fighting spirit, but also use this to spur themselves and strive to find the shortcomings in their own practice and correct them. , all that’s left is to practice harder than before to improve your respective strengths!”

In the golden-domed main hall, Sakyamuni's voice resounded like thunder in the minds of many Buddhist disciples, waking up those Buddhist disciples who had deviations in their Taoist minds on the spot.

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