Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2062 Abandon directly

"All soldiers of the Sun God Clan! As the greatest members of the Sun God Clan, are you willing to watch the Sun God Clan continue to weaken?!"

"The glory of the Sun God Clan once shone brightly in the hands of countless ancestors. As people of the Sun God Clan, are you willing to watch the glory of the God Clan disappear in the long river of history in your own hands?!"

"As descendants of the Sun God Clan! Are you willing to join us, the Saint Seiya Legion, to use your own blood to once again inspire the Sun God Clan's glory for the glory of the Sun God Clan?!"

The louder words exploded in the minds of countless soldiers of the Sun God Clan!

The eyes of countless soldiers who were originally in low morale began to glow with bright red light, and an aura that made the enemy tremble began to condense on the soldiers of the Sun God Clan!

These slogans are not words randomly picked up by Shaka, but slogans specially used to boost morale within the Sun God Clan Saint Seiya Legion!

Don't underestimate these slogans. It is precisely because of their existence that the Sun God Clan Saint Seiya Legion can unite as one and grow into an iron-blooded army that makes countless enemies fearful!

As the slogan says, as a once extremely glorious ethnic group, now it is almost suffocated by another newly rising light god.

The experience of being secretly looked down upon by all the forces in the Pangu world caused countless people of the Sun God Clan to continuously accumulate a surge of anger in the hearts of the people.

Once this raging flame is correctly guided, it will be able to find the best outlet, and it will surely explode with a shocking power that will shock the world!

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

On the city wall, countless soldiers of the Sun God Clan seemed to have just been given a shot of blood, their red eyes roaring like lone wolves.

Their bodies seemed to be filled with endless power in an instant, and they suddenly burst out with an infinite and terrifying momentum, and began to launch a crazy counterattack against the enemies around them without fear of death.

The left defense line of Tianwai Holy City, which was originally one-sided, immediately showed signs of a large-scale reversal just because of these slogans of Golden Saint Shaka!

"All soldiers of the Sun God Clan!" Seeing that his words had a huge impact on countless soldiers, Shaka loudly shouted again: "I, Shaka, appear here today, not just to shout slogans!"

"For the glory of the Sun God Clan, we have transferred almost all the Saint Seiya Legion here this time. We want to declare war on one of the culprits who have harmed the Sun God Clan in front of us. We must use their blood to commemorate the endless epochs. Countless tribesmen died tragically in their hands!”

"All soldiers, listen to the order! Take the initiative to attack with the nine legions of Saints as the tip of the arrow, and other soldiers will follow closely to clean up the battlefield. They must use thunderous momentum to give these enemies from outside the territory a fatal blow. Let all enemies understand Our Sun God Clan’s glory remains the same!”

"During this war, military merit will be calculated for everyone. As long as the military merit reaches a certain level, you can be promoted to become a member of the Saint Seiya Legion. I hope that all the soldiers here will fight bravely to fight the enemy for the glory of the Sun God Clan. Never back down!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

As Shaka's words fell, under the surprised attention of countless Sun God Clan soldiers, a total of nine golden figures, including Shaka, appeared in front of everyone, and then according to the original plan, these nine figures began to move evenly on the left Spread out above the city wall!

With Shaka as the center, the nine golden saints suddenly released an elite army of tens of millions of saints, each carrying with them the cave world. A total of 90 million silver saints, plus nine thousand gold saints, appeared out of thin air in front of the world.

"Fk!" In the palace of the Holy City Commander, He Xi, the commander of the Light God Clan, yelled in shock and anger: "What is going on?! Are the Sun God Clan crazy?! They actually sent their most elite Saint Seiya Legion to the throne? Sent to the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven?!"

"A dog bites a dog with a hairy mouth!" A general immediately analyzed: "I think it would be a good thing for us, the Light God Clan, if the Saint Seiya Legion of the Sun God Clan were consumed here!"

He Xi was stunned for a moment, and the anger on his face softened a lot. He obviously agreed with the general's statement. Since the Sun God Clan is willing to consume the most elite Saint Seiya Legion, it is really a big deal for the Light God Clan. This can be considered a good thing.

"Secretly contact the four tribes outside the territory and reveal to them the news of the Sun God Clan's Saints Legion joining the war. As for how they will deal with this elite army of the Sun God Clan, it has nothing to do with us!" After thinking about it, Hexi immediately Another order was given.


An army of 90 million Saints suddenly appeared on the battlefield and immediately jumped into the battle. With the 9000 Golden Saints as arrow tips, they shot out like nine golden arrows with silver arrows. In an instant, he rushed into the overwhelming enemy camp.

Using the golden saint with the strength of the emperor as an arrow, the Hunyuan-level armies from outside the territory had almost no resistance and were penetrated through the defense line on the spot.

Those gold saints had no time to pay attention to the scattered enemy troops and continued to rush towards the depths of the enemy's formation. The enemies that were scattered by the bombardment were killed by the silver saints with all their strength. Target.

Rumble. . .

The 90 million Saint Seiya Legions were like nine unsheathed swords, frantically harvesting the lives of enemies outside the territory. After seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Sun God Clan who were guarding the city immediately remembered Shaka's explanation before, and they all rushed to Start clearing the enemy troops who have boarded the city.

Without the support that continuously surged up the city wall, the enemy troops who climbed onto the city wall immediately fell into a desperate situation of isolation and helplessness. Their morale was low and they were quickly cleared away by the Sun God Clan's defenders.

The soldiers who defended the city no longer cared about anything else, and jumped out of the city wall one after another. Once they were out of the city wall, they could fly. They began to follow closely behind the Saint Seiya Legion, launching an extremely crazy attack on the enemy's fish that had slipped through the net.

An army of nearly 200 million people rushed out of the left defense area of ​​the Holy City outside the Holy City, and rushed towards the outside army like a dark cloud. This scene fell into the eyes of the defenders on the other sides of the Holy City, and they were all dumbfounded. .

Those ordinary soldiers of the Light God Clan did not know the secret of the collusion between high-level officials and extraterritorial forces. In their eyes, the extraterritorial armies were enemies.

On weekdays, they have always looked down upon the soldiers of the Sun God Clan. Seeing their heavy losses in previous city defense battles, they always felt that the so-called Sun God Clan was too weak.

However, today, the scene of the real elite divisions of the Sun God Clan participating in the battle, leading the soldiers guarding the city to fight out of the city, completely changed the views of many ordinary soldiers of the Light God Clan.

"Oh! My God! Is this still the scumbag army I know?!"

"The army of the Sun God Clan actually took the initiative to rush out of the city. Are they crazy?! You know... Even our Light God Clan rarely does this kind of thing, right?!"

"They are not crazy. Didn't they see that they are crushing the armies of those external forces?! Oh no! Even in the few times when we, the Light God Clan, took the initiative to attack, we did not achieve such an amazing front, right?!"

"Yes! It is said that the enemy forces from outside the territory have sent very few emperor-level warriors to our holy city. It seems that there are only about one or two thousand. The Sun God Clan has more than nine thousand golden saints alone. It is really possible to completely crush the siege of the holy land. There may also be enemy forces outside the territory!"


As the Sun God Clan's army took the initiative to rush out of the city, the foreign armies besieging the defense lines on both sides of the other holy city seemed to feel the pressure and began to slowly retreat back under the orders of some emperor-level generals.

On the city wall where the Guangming Protoss was responsible for defense, the fighting quickly stopped. The army of the Guangming Protoss had no intention of taking advantage of the victory to pursue them out of the city. They simply stood still on the city wall and had no intention of sending troops to support the Sun Protoss.

The ordinary soldiers of the Sun God Clan had nothing to do, so they began to talk in amazement. They were all admiring the Sun God Clan army that suddenly became extremely brave. Seeing that the opponent had achieved such a record, they still stood still. Many bright people The soldiers of the Protoss were a little confused by this.

"All officers and men obey orders!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the minds of the soldiers guarding the city of the Light camp. Many soldiers of the Light Clan thought they were about to attack, and they all excitedly clenched their weapons: "In view of the fact that the outside army is likely to use the method of luring the enemy deep into the city, According to this plan, the opponent may also be hiding an astonishing number of emperor-level experts, so our city-defending army under the Guangming God Clan must not step even half a step beyond the city wall, and any violation of the military law will be punished!"


Many soldiers belonging to the Guangming God Clan were dumbfounded. They were excitedly waiting for the order to attack. They never thought that it would be an order to stand still.

Watching the hundreds of millions of troops of the Sun God Clan happily killing the enemy troops outside the city, it was a series of extremely attractive military exploits!

Outside the city, behind the extraterrestrial army, there were about two thousand figures with astonishing auras gathered. They were clearly the emperor-level powerhouses sent by the extraterritorial army to the Holy City of Heaven and Earth.

This group of emperor-level warriors watched helplessly as nearly 10,000 golden saints were leading an army of hundreds of millions to rush out of the Holy City, launching a crushing and all-out counterattack against the coalition forces of the four extraterrestrial races.

Because the four extraterrestrial coalition forces lacked the support of emperor-level warriors, they almost lost any effective resistance when facing the most elite Saint Seiya Legion!

"Commander Kulei! What should we do?! If we don't go to war... the coalition of the four tribes will probably suffer heavy casualties!" Among the many emperor-level powerhouses, the emperor-level commander from the corpse tribe said in a panic. .

"Hmph!" The emperor-level leader of the force clan snorted coldly: "Go to battle?! Your head is not flooded, is it?! With only two thousand emperor-level warriors, you can compete with the most elite Golden Saint Seiya Legion. , that’s simply asking for death!”

"But...if we, the emperor-level warriors, don't go to war...how can those ordinary Hunyuan-level soldiers withstand the enemy's attack?!" Although the leader of the corpse clan was scolded, he did not dare to get angry. Neng asked back somewhat feebly.

"The main direction of attack in this decisive battle is Tianwaixian and Mingcheng. The so-called hundreds of millions of Hunyuan troops sent to this Tianwai Holy City are just a random mob. Even if all these ants are dead, It doesn’t matter much!” Cooley replied with a cold face.

"Even if it's just a mob, if we suffer too much loss, I'm afraid we won't be able to explain it to our superiors!" the leader of the Corpse Clan said, still feeling somewhat uneasy.

"Take away the soldiers who have not attacked the city and evacuate this place immediately. As for the soldiers who have already participated in the siege, let them resist the attack of the Saint Seiya Legion with all their strength. Be sure to buy as much time as possible for the main army to retreat!"

"After we successfully evacuate to a safe area, we will wait for the latest instructions from above. If reinforcements arrive, we will consider attacking the Holy City. Otherwise, naturally we cannot run over and die!" Ku Lei, the leader of the force tribe, gave the order to retreat expressionlessly. instructions.


Many emperor-level warriors at the scene took a breath of cold air. You must know that there are three to four hundred million people entangled with the Saint Seiya Legion at this moment. According to Cooley's retreat plan, it is equivalent to giving up these three or four. A Hunyuan-level army worth hundreds of millions.

However, at this moment, no emperor-level powerhouses have stood up to oppose the plan. If they oppose the plan, then they, the emperor-level powerhouses, will risk their lives to confront the elite Golden Saint Seiya Legion. The emperors like them will be the ones who will be killed or injured. A powerful person.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

Immediately, four groups of emperor-level warriors took the order and began to take back the undefeated armies into their respective cave worlds. They quickly completed the tasks assigned by Ku Lei.


Kurei gave a soft drink and immediately led many emperor-level warriors to dodge away from the Holy City of Heaven and fly towards the vast battlefield of the Heavenly Emperor. As for the Hunyuan-level army that was fighting with the Saint Seiya Legion with all their strength, they directly He was abandoned on the battlefield.

"No! Those damn bastards actually left us on the battlefield and escaped!"

"Brothers, please evacuate quickly! Since even the emperor-level generals have evacuated completely, why are we still trying our best to stay here?!"


Many foreign soldiers near the rear naturally wanted to retreat after seeing that many emperor-level warriors from their own camp not only did not lend a helping hand, but also directly abandoned all the soldiers who were still fighting.

The foreign soldiers secretly sent messages to their friends, and then began to evacuate in groups. As more and more soldiers left the battlefield, the foreign army in front finally discovered this abnormal situation.

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