Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2060 Take advantage of the situation

The Immortal City outside the sky is backed by a huge space-time rift leading to the Pangu world!

Facing the direction of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield, there is a dark city wall that stretches for tens of thousands of miles. At this moment, the shouts of killing are loud on the city wall, and hundreds of millions of armies from two different worlds are fighting for their lives.

In such a large-scale war, any pre-battle command has been weakened to the extreme. Unless all kinds of pre-war training and preparations are done in advance, any hasty instructions that are improvised will be extremely difficult to achieve on such a large-scale battlefield. Achieve results!

As the foreign army launched the second wave of charge, the three defense zones of Tianwai Fairy City began to suffer greater casualties. Most of these casualties were concentrated on the city walls defended by the left and middle armies.

Because the right legion has entered the second level of combat readiness in advance, and they have a flexible and changeable formation in defending the city, this also makes the city wall they defend still impregnable!

No matter how frantically the enemy charges, they will always face a well-trained nine-man formation at the same time.

The only advantage of the foreign army is in quantity. However, this numerical advantage was weakened to the extreme in the siege battle. When faced with the well-trained offensive and defensive formations of the right legion, the numerical advantage turned into a chaotic situation. Disadvantages.

On the other hand, on the city wall defended by the left and middle armies of Immortal City, although they still have the advantage of defending the city, the casualty ratio is much higher than that of the right army.

If this consumption continues, it will definitely be extremely detrimental to the defending army. After all, the foreign army has a numerical advantage. Even if it injures the enemy one thousand and loses eight hundred, Tianwai Fairy City still cannot withstand such a war of attrition!

"The situation seems a bit bad!" In the Immortal City Coach Hall, King Li Jing couldn't help but said: "The defense area of ​​the right army where Marshal Du Long is located is better, but the casualty rate of the other two armies is much higher. If we continue to consume like this If we go down, I’m afraid it will be very detrimental to us!”

"Hmm!" Marshal Tianpeng frowned and said, "Could it be that... this is the second wave of attacks launched by the enemy, and we have to send our reserve troops out for reinforcements?!"

"Marshal, you must not do it!" A general immediately objected: "In every major war over the years, foreign forces will always prepare hundreds of millions of troops as reserve armies. The reserve army in our hands is prepared for emergencies. We must not overdo it. I have used up all my cards a long time ago!”

"That's right!" Heavenly King Li Jing followed closely and echoed: "It's too early to use the reserve army now, not to mention that the enemy hasn't launched the third wave of attacks yet!"

"Everyone!" A cold voice sounded in the hall, and Athena said calmly: "Such as this kind of city defense battle, my Saint Seiya Legion still has some experience, why not let them assist your army in fighting together? Bar!"

"Forget it! Then let's go to the goddess Athena!" Marshal Tianpeng agreed without any pretense.

Then she saw the goddess Athena wave her hand gently, and an extremely handsome Western man wearing golden armor appeared out of thin air in the hall. Then she said seriously: "Seiya! You immediately lead your ten million men." The army goes to support the defenders of the middle legion of Tianwaixian City!"

"Yes! Lady Goddess!"

The golden-armored Western man accepted the order very ably, and then without saying hello to Marshal Tianpeng and others, he turned around and strode towards the outside of the palace, and soon disappeared outside the palace gate.

"Goddess Athena! Why did you send all the Saint Seiya legions to the defense area of ​​the middle legion instead of splitting them into two parts and sending them to the defense areas of the right and middle legions respectively?!" Looking at the back of Golden Saint Seiya After disappearing outside the palace gate, Marshal Tianpeng asked curiously.

"Instead of spreading our troops and being passively beaten, it is better to concentrate all our efforts on one point and give the enemy a painful blow. Only when the opponent feels the pain will they know how to be afraid, and the siege momentum will naturally be affected and reduced!" Athena Looking at the virtual screen with an expressionless face, he saw dots of silver figures starting to appear on the city wall defended by the middle legion.

Each of these silver figures was one for every 10,000 people, each led by a golden saint. A total of thousands of corps of 10,000 people were scattered on the city wall defended by the middle legion, and began to cooperate with the middle legion to launch an all-out attack on the enemy.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

In front of everyone, these most elite Saint Seiya Legions from the Sun God Clan began to show the world their methods of defending the city. Silver spear flowers appeared on the city wall, causing an extremely heavy blow to the attacking enemy.

Silver armor and silver spears were used in cross-coordinated attacks. Each attack was accompanied by uniform roars of anger that resounded through the sky, which caused extremely huge psychological pressure on the attacking party.

This is definitely an iron-blooded legion that has experienced hundreds of battles. From the thick aura exuding from those silver-armored soldiers and their decisive killing methods, it can be seen that this is definitely the elite of the Saint Seiya legion!

"Look! This is our Sun God Clan's most elite Silver Armored Saint Seiya Legion attacking!" Princess Yayi's excited voice immediately sounded in the palace of the right legion commander.

You can hear the pride in her words. As a princess of the Sun God Clan, she will naturally be extremely proud of having such a powerful elite legion.

"Sure enough, they are worthy of being the Saint Seiya Legion trained by the Goddess of War!" Du Long stared at the virtual screen with bright eyes. The Silver Saint Seiya Legion, which immediately changed the situation in the middle battle zone as soon as it appeared, showed approval in his eyes. Incredibly rich.

"Working together as a unit of ten thousand people, using the same standard silver spear as the main weapon, they can advance, attack, retreat or defend. The rotation between offense and defense is as smooth as flowing water. This is definitely a tacit understanding that can only be formed in actual combat!"

Everyone in the hall nodded, obviously agreeing with his point of view.

A team of ten thousand people can cooperate in attack and defense so smoothly. Even if there is a powerful attack by an emperor-level enemy, their offensive and defensive formations will not be chaotic, and they can barely hold on until the moment when the emperor-level powerful ones rush over to support them.

In the blink of an eye, the city defense battle, which was originally a bit difficult for the army in the middle, immediately became much easier. While maintaining the original defense line, they were able to slowly advance forward on the city wall, constantly squeezing the enemy. Occupied walled area.

"Haha! I am so grateful to Goddess Athena for bringing the elite Silver Saints Legion all the way. If not, our current battle to defend the Fairy City would have been dangerous!" Marshal Tianpeng exclaimed in excitement in the Hall of Commanders of the Fairy City. smiled.

"Marshal Tianpeng, thank you!" Athena's face was still as cold as frost, and she waved her hands gently: "This is just the beginning of the decisive battle. The help of the Silver Saint Seiya Legion to your army only ends here. Tianwaixiancheng If you want to successfully repel the enemy, you have to rely on your own true strength!"

"Well! What the goddess said is true. We have been fighting against foreign forces for so many years, so we have naturally prepared some corresponding means. However, at the beginning of this war, we can get the full help of the Silver Saint Seiya Legion. This has already made this country Marshal, I can't thank you enough!" Marshal Tianpeng replied with a smile.

"I came to the Emperor's battlefield specially this time. In addition to supporting your army, I also wanted to go to the battle site to observe the battle carefully. I hope it will be helpful to me!" Athena directly stated her other purpose of coming.

In fact, she has sensed from the battles with the Light Gods in recent years that a mysterious force is gradually getting involved in the war between the two gods in the Holy Land of Heaven.

There are various signs that the mysterious power may not come from any force in the Pangu world, but most likely from the outside world.

As a goddess of war who is respected by countless people, she can keenly feel that a crisis is brewing. If this matter is not investigated early, it is likely to bring disaster to the Sun God Clan!

Ever since, she entered the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven with such a trace of worry, because she knew that she would never be able to get the answer she wanted in the Holy City outside the world controlled by the Light God Clan, so she came with a team of tens of millions of Silver Saints. Support Tianwaixiancheng.

It's called support, but actually it's to come to Fairy City to find out the answer you want!

She stopped talking, and with those beautiful sapphire eyes, she began to carefully observe the battle situation in the countless virtual pictures in the palace, hoping to find some clues that she needed!

On the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, in the commander's tent at the headquarters of the Li Clan.

"What?! Athena, the goddess of war of the Sun God Clan, personally leads an elite Silver Saint Legion to support the defense of Tianwai Fairy City?!" Kushen, the leader of the force clan, exclaimed angrily.

"Damn it! How on earth do the Light Clan do things?! Don't they control everything in the Holy City of Heaven and Earth?! Even Athena went to the Celestial City of Heaven to support and didn't even notify us?!" The same goes for the leader of the Soul Clan. He shouted angrily.

"It is said that Athena has not been to the Holy City of Heaven and Earth. It seems that she rushed directly to the Fairy City of Heaven and Earth to participate in the battle through the teleportation formation of Heaven and Earth City!" The emperor-level strongman who reported the matter hurriedly told the information he had received. out.

"You bastard!" Kushen, the leader of the force tribe, scolded angrily: "Contact the God of Light immediately and tell them that Athena has left the Holy Land of Heaven and let them launch a war in each other's lair. We must not let this stinky Athena Women can stay on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven with peace of mind!"

"I obey my orders!"

The emperor-level strongman hurriedly accepted the order, and then went out to contact the Guangming God Clan. Soon he contacted the Guangming God Clan. After getting the result he wanted, he ran back to the coach's tent in a cold sweat to resume his life. went.

"Report to the four great commanders! The Guangming God Clan replied... saying that during the war on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, no war will be allowed within Pangu World, otherwise... Pangu Ancestor will severely punish those forces that initiate the war!"


In the commander's tent, all the leaders of the four tribes outside the territory were dumbfounded. This result made them very angry, but they were helpless. Pangu World's actions were inevitable.

"Hmph!" Kushen, the leader of the Li clan, snorted with some reluctance: "Since we can't attack the Sun God Clan from within the Pangu world, let's teach the Sun God Clan a painful lesson on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"This..." The leader of the Soul Clan pondered and said undecidedly: "Our current attack focus is on the two cities of Tianwai Xianming and Ming. There are simply not enough emperor-level experts to send to the Tianwai Holy City. !”

"It doesn't matter!" The leader of the Li clan waved his hands and said: "We don't want to severely damage the Holy City outside the world. We just want to deal with the Sun God Clan. We only need the Hunyuan-level army to launch an siege against the Guangming Clan's garrison. The area is just a feint attack. As for the area that the Sun God Clan is responsible for defending, I will fight to death!"

"This is a good idea. Even if the Sun God Clan left behind in the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield are just some scum, it's worth it to get some interest back!"

"Second! I support Commander Kushen's decision!"

In this way, the four generals of the four tribes outside the territory quickly formed a unified opinion and began to order the army surrounding the Holy City of Youtian to launch a general attack. Naturally, they secretly notified the Guangming God Clan in advance so that they could secretly cooperate with their actions.

In this regard, the Light God Clan naturally wants it. On the issue of dealing with the Sun God Clan, they have the same goal as the external forces, and there is no conflict at all.

In the fairy city beyond the sky, in the palace of the commander-in-chief.

"What?! The extraterritorial forces have begun to launch a full-scale attack on the Holy City of Heaven and Earth?! This is unreasonable! How many emperor-level experts have the extraterritorial forces invested there?!" After receiving this information, Marshal Tianpeng immediately spoke to the reporter. the person asked.

"In the battle against the Holy City outside the territory, the foreign armies mainly used Hunyuan-level armies. As for the emperor-level powerhouses, there was no abnormal behavior, including the number of emperor-level powerhouses that did not change!" The reporter The soldiers hurriedly told the information they received.

"This is strange!" Marshal Tianpeng scratched his head in confusion and said: "Only relying on the Hunyuan-level army, you dare to launch a full-scale attack on the Holy City of Tianwai?!"

"The reason is very simple!" Athena grinned and said with a faint sneer: "If my guess is correct, the extraterritorial forces should have received information about our Sun God Clan's Silver Saint Seiya Legion to reinforce the Tianwai Fairy City. They are planning to Take revenge on our Sun God Clan!”

"Retaliation for the Sun God Clan?!" Marshal Tianpeng said in astonishment: "Isn't it that we... have implicated the Sun God Clan?!"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Athena's face revealed a determined and murderous aura: "For many years, our Sun God Clan has always shown weakness to the enemy on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven. They really think that the Sun God Clan is a tiger without teeth. Can’t do it?!”

"Since the other party dares to use an army without many emperor-level warriors to attack our defense line in the Holy City of Heaven and Earth this time, I will simply use this trick to make them pay the bloody price for their arrogant behavior!"

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