Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2046 The Blood Supreme

Swish, swish, swish. . .

Seeing that the many bloody undead beasts around him did not hold much hostility towards his sudden appearance, Du Long breathed a sigh of relief and continued to flap his wings and fly forward.

This sea area surrounded by 108 formations is not too big. As the strongest emperor, Du Long already has a map of this sea area in his heart, and also knows where he is at this moment. , and which direction should we fly in order to reach the very center of this sea area.

Flying forward all the way, the bloody undead encountered along the way became larger and larger, and the largest one was almost half of his size. Although these larger bloody undead beasts were still a little in awe of him, compared to The ordinary blood-colored undead beasts before were much better.

‘Brother Da Zhishi! The bloody undead here seem to be getting bigger and bigger. Do you know anything about this? ! ’ Du Long continued to fly forward unhurriedly, and secretly sent a message to the cave world to ask.

Unless necessary, he had no intention of forcing his way through Nuwa's space-time footwork. It was okay to use it occasionally. If he walked too much at night, he might attract the attention of the blood sea formation spirit.

‘This. . . ’ Da Zhishi pondered undecidedly and said: ‘I only know that there are strange beasts like bloody undead in the world, but I know very little about their internal details. . . ’

As he said, even if this bloody undead beast had participated in the war, it is estimated that those opponents who had direct contact with it would not know much about it.

Not to mention that although Da Zhishi grew up in ancient times, he had never encountered the existence of the bloody undead beast head-on. At most, he only heard about it from outsiders.

‘That’s all! ’ Du Long replied helplessly: ‘No matter how scary these little bugs are, since the external forces failed to win the war in ancient times, this also shows that these terrifying alien beasts from outside the territory should have ways to restrain them! ’

'hehe! ’ The Great Power chuckled and responded: ‘That’s natural. No matter how powerful they are, if they face many powerful gods and powerful beings, they will only end up being destroyed! ’

‘That’s not necessarily the case! Du Long shook his head and sighed softly: "In a head-on collision between the two worlds, there will be strong men at the level of gods and powerful men on both sides. Once these strong men have their own opponents, they will be similar to bloody undead, bat-like creatures, and Spirit-devouring ant beasts, etc., will cause immeasurable damage to our personnel! ’

'Too! ’ Da Zhishi agreed: ‘Because of this, our Pangu world has just invented methods similar to sonic weapons, which are specially used to deal with various forbidden beasts from outside the territory! ’

Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: 'Senior brother, you know. . . Have we developed any method to deal with this bloody undead beast? ! ’

The reason why he asked the Great Power about the situation of these bloody undead was simply to see if there was a good way to deal with such strange beasts. If his whereabouts were exposed here, he would have more ways to save his life. .

'this. . . Brother, I have only heard that there are several kinds of flames that can kill such strange beasts on a large scale, such as our Buddhism's Daming King Fire, Taoism's Samadhi True Fire, etc. As long as it is a flame that can cause damage to the soul, it can basically do it. Kill these strange beasts! ’ Da Zhishi pondered for a moment before telling what he knew.

'flame? ! ’ Du Long was stunned for a moment and said: ‘I still have some experience in this regard. I have used the real fire in my body to deal with them before, but... . . The amount of real fire in any person's body is very limited, if it is used to deal with the bloody undead as wide as the ocean. . . Then no matter how much real fire there is, it will probably not be enough, right? ! ’

‘What level does Junior Brother’s True Fire reach? ! ’ Da Zhishi asked curiously.

'I'm not so sure either. . . I only know that after practicing the Xuantian Jue technique, the true fire in my body increased from the three colors at the beginning to the current nine colors, but I don’t know what level of flame they are! ’ Du Long replied with some embarrassment.

'oh? ! ’ Da Zhishi raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said: ‘If junior brother doesn’t mind, can you bring out some of the true fire in your body and show it to senior brother? ! ’

'OK! ’

Du Long responded without any hesitation, and then directly gathered the real fire in his body into a small group in front of Da Zhishi, allowing him to watch carefully.


After seeing that the flame was actually made up of nine colors, Da Zhishi couldn't help but take a breath. It could be seen that he was obviously frightened.

Before, Du Long only mobilized some real fire to cover the surface of his body, but he didn't observe it too carefully. Now after watching it closely, he finally saw clearly the appearance of this real fire.

‘Weird! After observing for a long time, Da Zhishi muttered with some confusion: "As far as my senior brother knows, above the true fire of Samadhi, there are five-color Ming King flames, and above that is the seven-color Great Ming King fire. As for the flames in my body, What grade this nine-color true fire is is unheard of! ’

'oh? ! ’ Du Long said in surprise: ‘Even senior brother can’t tell the difference between my level of true fire? ! ’

'Yes! ’ Da Zhishi smiled bitterly and replied: ‘The true fire in Junior Brother’s body is very strange. . . Although it reaches nine colors. . . But the power displayed seems to be not as good as the five-color Ming Dynasty King Fire! ’


Du Long was choked and didn't know how to respond. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to find out the level of the true fire in his body, but he never thought that even a Bodhisattva like Da Zhishi who grew up in ancient times could not distinguish it.

'that. . . ' Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva also seemed to see Du Long's helplessness, and immediately continued to explain: 'Actually, the several levels of true fire that senior brother just mentioned are just examples based on the standards of Eastern Buddhism and Taoism. ! ’

'In fact, there are thousands of cultivation methods in the world, and countless true fires have been evolved. It must be because of practicing the Xuantian Jue method that the junior brother can form this kind of fire. . . Extremely rare real fire, right? ! ’

'I see! ’ Du Long suddenly nodded and said, ‘That’s all! Regardless of what level this true fire reaches, let’s talk about these bloody undead beasts in front of us! ’

'Well! Da Zhishi nodded and said: "Senior brother, I probably understand what you mean. Junior brother should use the nine-color true fire in his body to burn those bloody undead with all his strength. Only then will he feel that the true fire is consumed too fast and cannot be discharged." Bar? ! ’

'exactly! I wonder if senior brother has any better way to solve this problem? ! ’ Du Long’s eyes suddenly lit up and he asked excitedly. He could already hear a clue behind Da Zhishi’s words. The other party seemed to have a solution to the problem.

‘There is a way, but it only treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. At most, it can only allow you to use the same real fire to burn more bloody undead! ’ Da Zhishi shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

‘Wish to hear its good fortune! ’

Under Du Long's eager gaze, Da Zhishi did not give in and continued to explain: "The method is very simple. Junior brother uses the nine-color true fire in his body to burn the bloody undead and strange beasts. It feels a bit like killing a chicken with a butcher's knife." , in fact, you can transform the true fire in your body into flames similar to the Samadhi True Fire. They can also kill a large number of bloody undead beasts! ’

'I see! Du Long instantly understood what the other party meant, and immediately said excitedly: "If it were just the nine-color true fire, I might only be able to burn to death the blood-colored undead beasts within one mile. But if I dilute it to three The True Fire will be able to kill the bloody undead within a hundred miles? ! ’

'exactly! ’

Just as Du Long was flying forward while secretly communicating with Da Zhishi, a black shadow began to appear behind the heavy blood mist in the distance, forming a clear difference from the surrounding sea and sky.

'arrive! ’ After calculating his position in his heart, Du Long immediately sent a message to the Great Power and said: ‘The front should be the real core of this sea of ​​blood! ’

You can hear a slightly excited tremor from his words. He made a lot of preparations to enter the Blue Water Secret Realm to save people, and then encountered many difficulties here. Du Long really wanted to end his adventure here quickly. trip.

‘This sea of ​​​​blood is full of dangers, junior brother must be careful! ’ Da Zhishi immediately spoke and reminded.

'clear! ’

With a casual response, Du Long then turned all his attention to the black shadow in the distance. He saw his eyes narrowed slightly, two thin rays of light flashed away, and the Brilliance of Thunder Eyes was unleashed. .

As long as you don't use your Thunder Eyes with all your strength, you don't have to worry about being noticed by the surrounding bloody undead. After all, the intelligence of these small insects is completely incomparable to those of human bats.

As the Eye of Glory unfolded, the fog in front of him was no longer an obstacle, and a huge circular island appeared in front of him.

This is an island with a radius of hundreds of miles. The entire island is like a cylinder with a radius of hundreds of miles. The surface of the cylinder near the blood sea is covered by a thick layer of bloody undead.

There are no bloody undead figures on the island. There is a huge circular square with one hundred and eight pillars standing around it. There is a blood-colored crystal ball above each pillar, which is flashing with dazzling blood-colored light.

On the entire island, apart from the 108 pillars around it, there was only a blood-colored pyramid-shaped building standing in the center of the square. On the top of the building stood a blood-colored figure several miles high.

It was a figure with black wings. It seemed that he should be a strong man from the blood clan outside the realm. He was bending his bow and setting an arrow, with the tip of the arrow pointed directly at the sky. He exuded a shocking aura from all over his body.

The moment he saw this portrait, Du Long immediately felt a chill in his heart, as if the opponent's arrow was about to shoot at him, giving him the illusion that he was locked by death.

This feeling made him involuntarily slow down his progress, and he looked at the figure on the island in the distance with a little uncertainty. He could see the other person's cold and domineering eyes looking at him coldly.

Du Long couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, secretly feeling that something was wrong. Even though he was transformed into a bloody undead at this moment, he seemed to have the illusion of being completely seen through by the other party.

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Du Long virtualized the scene he saw on the screen, and then said: 'Senior Brother Da Zhishi! This is the scene on the island ahead. What do you think of it? ! ’

Da Zhishi did not immediately answer Du Long's question, but began to carefully observe the virtual scene, especially the figure standing on the pyramid in the center of the island.

‘It’s actually him? ! ’ After seeing the other party’s appearance clearly, Da Zhishi suddenly changed his color and said: ‘A powerful man in the Supreme Realm of the Vampire Clan. . . Yue Fan? ! ’

‘Does Senior Brother recognize this person? ! ’ Du Long asked eagerly: ‘Is the other party still a person? . . A powerful person in the Supreme Realm? ! I wonder if this guy named Yue Fan died in that ancient war? ! ’

'well! ’ Da Zhishi sighed and said, ‘This person’s name is Yue Fan! He was a powerful person in the supreme realm of the blood clan outside the territory. In the ancient world-destroying battle, this person also participated in the battle and killed many powerful and powerful gods from the Pangu camp. . . As for this month Brahma. . . But he did not fall in the world-destroying battle that year! ’

‘So, is this guy still alive? ! ’ Du Long said in astonishment: ‘Can you say that? . . Is this underground world in front of him his masterpiece? ! ’

‘That’s natural! ’ Da Zhishi nodded solemnly and responded in a deep voice: ‘I finally figured it out. This person also participated in the siege and killing of senior Lan Shui back then. It must be that the secret realm of Blue Water fell into his hands. . . ’

'It's just that Senior Blue Water should have laid numerous killing arrays in a secret realm like this, which prevented Yue Fan from taking the Blue Water Secret Realm as his own. In desperation, he rearranged the Blue Water Secret Realm and took it out. Lure the emperor-level warriors from the Pangu camp to come in and die! ’

‘Isn’t it? ! ’ Du Long exclaimed: ‘Could it be that the powerful man named Yue Fan from the Supreme Realm of the Blood Clan has also entered the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven? ! Otherwise, how could he place the Blue Water Secret Realm here? ! ’

‘Junior brother, you are worrying too much! Da Zhishi shook his head and replied: "A strong person at the supreme realm from outside the territory will never be able to enter the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven. He probably gave the Cave Heaven Formation Stone in the Blue Water Secret Realm to an emperor-level strongman from a certain blood race, and then placed it in the Emperor of Heaven's battlefield." In the battlefield! ’

'I see! ’ Du Long breathed a sigh of relief and said with lingering fear: ‘I was really shocked just now. If Yue Fan personally sits here this time, then we will definitely die! ’

‘Junior brother must not be careless because of this! ’ Da Zhishi reminded with some disapproval: ‘Even if the other party’s true self is not here, as long as a clone mark is left, it will be enough for you! ’


Da Zhishi's words immediately reminded Du Long of the encounter with the blood emperor's clone mark inside Nuwa's secret realm. Just the clone mark of a powerful person in the divine realm was so terrifying. If it was a clone left by a powerful person in the supreme realm, Mark, wouldn't it be possible to crush yourself easily? !

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