Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2038 Parting ways

Boom boom boom. . .

Various long-range attack methods continued to explode in mid-air. Nineteen Bodhisattva-level experts, led by Da Zhishi, were leading many emperor-level experts to rush towards the outside with all their strength.

At this moment, the group of people, who were already on the verge of getting off the tiger, were surrounded by overwhelming bat-like creatures. Apart from gritting their teeth and continuing to break out, they could not find any other way to save their lives.

'that. . . Can we forcefully hide in the cave world? ! In such a high-intensity battle, if someone is willing to cover, there is probably still some hope of success, right? ! ’

Among the many emperor-level experts, the man in Tsing Yi, who had previously criticized Teng Zhanwei for his decision, seemed to be hesitant to speak out his thoughts.

'how do I say this? ! ’ Da Zhishi immediately sent a message and asked: ‘As long as the method is really effective, the poor monk is willing to help you. After all, the poor monk must bear some responsibility for leading the team to break through the siege this time! ’

'no no! ’ The man in blue hurriedly waved his hands and said: ‘Everyone has witnessed what Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva has done to break through the encirclement. You have not done anything wrong in this breakout! ’

'snort! ’ Huang Tianhua had long been unhappy with this guy, and immediately snorted: ‘If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have anything to say, let it go! What good idea do you have, why don't you tell me immediately? ! If you keep talking nonsense, just don’t say it! ’

Although the man in Tsing Yi felt extremely angry towards Huang Tianhua in his heart, on the surface he pretended to be hesitant and said: 'Our method is very simple, that is, everyone on the scene can make two choices again. . . ’

‘The first is to continue to break through and advance; the second is. . . Enter a certain cave world, and then continue to break through. . . With the help of the shock wave that broke out in a certain war. . . Send the cave formation stones into the broken branches and rubble! ’

Everyone at the scene was stunned for a moment, and the expressions on their faces changed. They were obviously impressed by the method of the man in green. As long as they could hide underground without anyone noticing, they really had a good chance of escaping. It’s also unknown!

‘What kind of bad idea did you come up with? ! Since this idea came from you, it would be better for you to take charge of the aftermath and all of us hide in that cave world! ’ Huang Tianhua became anxious on the spot after hearing the other party’s so-called method.

The man in green was obviously choked. He obviously didn't know how to refuse Huang Tianhua's advice to him. Since he could come up with such a way to benefit himself at the expense of others, he naturally had no intention of staying outside and being cannon fodder for others!

‘Stop fighting! ’ Da Zhishi’s voice sounded at the right time: ‘This is also a good way to save some people’s lives. In this case, the poor monk is willing to continue to cover outside. Those who want to enter the cave world can sign up! ’

‘The Great Supreme Power Bodhisattva! Absolutely not! ’ Tengchong stopped him with red eyes: ‘Those who stay have almost no chance of saving their lives! ’

‘It doesn’t matter! ’ Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva waved his hands and replied calmly: ‘As the saying goes, if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell? Back then, fellow Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha was able to sacrifice his life for righteousness, so why couldn’t a poor monk do it? ! ’

'What's more, most of the people at the scene chose to take the risk to break out because of the poor monk's face. Naturally, the poor monk wanted to fight for everyone's chance to save their lives! ’

The faces of many emperor-level powerful men at the scene showed expressions of incomparable reverence. They were obviously respectful of the powerful Yi Bo Yuntian. If he and others wanted to save their lives, it would be unreasonable to abandon him.

‘I am willing to follow all the Bodhisattvas to the death. Even if I risk my life today, I am not willing to live an ignoble existence! ’

‘That’s right! I am also willing to follow all the Bodhisattvas and continue to complete this unfinished journey! ’

‘Count me in too. . . ’

Before we even started to sign up for people to take refuge in the cave world, many people immediately spoke up and were willing to follow Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and others to the death.

Most of the people, including Huang Tianhua, Tengchong and Mo Gang, actually chose to continue to follow Dazhi Shi, embarking on an obvious path of no return!

‘Tianhua, Tengchong, Mogang. . . As for you young people, you still have a long way to go in the future, so don’t break your old bones here with me, and go into the cave world instead! ’ Although Da Zhishi was moved, he still couldn’t help but persuade some young people with evil talents.

'No! ’ Tengchong was the first to object: ‘If you exchange the sacrifice of others for the chance of living an ignoble existence, Tengchong would rather choose to die in battle, otherwise he will never be able to forgive himself in this life, let alone. . . The decision to take this adventurous breakout was made by me, and I am the one who should stay! ’

‘Stop fighting! 'The man in green couldn't help but interrupt the conversation: 'Time is running out. I would like to ask the Great Supreme Power Bodhisattva to accept this space array stone. I will then send an invitation to everyone present. If you don't want to come in, People can refuse, but those who are willing to enter can enter together! ’

Then a space formation stone appeared out of thin air next to the Bodhisattva Mahachishishi. This clearly meant that he would kill it first and play it later. Bodhisattva Mahachishishi stretched out an arm to catch it without much hesitation.


In full view of everyone, the man in green disappeared out of thin air, apparently entering the cave world inside the space array stone.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. They all said that people can be very shameless, but this guy's shamelessness has no limit at all? !

‘Holy shit! What is the origin of this girl? ! Today I finally know what shamelessness is! ’ Huang Tianhua’s angry curses resounded in the minds of everyone present, and one could hear how angry he was at this moment.


As a result, before anyone else could take action, an invisible wave of energy immediately enveloped everyone present.

Immediately afterwards, the man in green who had already entered the cave world first sent a message and said: ‘Everyone! Whether to leave or stay depends entirely on your thoughts. To be honest, even hiding in the cave world may not guarantee absolute safety. Everyone should make a decision quickly! ’

Feeling an invisible attraction acting on themselves, the expressions on the faces of everyone present were changing. On the one hand, they were considering the safety of entering the cave world, and on the other hand, they were also considering surviving in order to save their lives. Right and wrong.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

Some people hesitated there, while others gave up resistance and allowed the attraction to lead them into the cave world and went inside.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. It is not a big mistake to not be moral in order to save one's life. The more people reach the emperor level, the more afraid of death some people are.

In the blink of an eye, those who entered the cave world with a strong desire to save their lives all left immediately. The number of the entire emperor-level team was suddenly reduced by less than half, and they had to reposition themselves at high speed for defense.

'that. . . Great Bodhisattva. . . And you all. . . I'm really sorry, I still have a big family to protect, and I have to go back alive. . . ’

'Me too. . . Sorry everyone! Your great kindness will never be forgotten! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Different from those who left without hesitation before, a small number of people at the scene chose to leave a polite word before giving up resisting the invisible attraction and instantly entered the cave world.

'snort! hypocritically! Now that you have a choice, stop talking nonsense, so as not to disgust people by setting up a memorial arch for yourself! ’ Huang Tianhua snorted angrily.

As he said these words, several other guys who originally wanted to say a few words swallowed their words again, and then disappeared without saying a word.

At this point, everyone who should leave has almost left, accounting for about a small half of the total number of people present. Those who choose to stay are at least those who value love and justice.

'well! ’ When Da Zhishi saw that Huang Tianhua and others still hadn’t left, he sighed softly and said, ‘Why are you guys bothering? ! Knowing that to continue to break through is almost to risk death, why do so. . . ’

‘Bodhisattva, stop trying to persuade me! ’ Huang Tianhua spoke at the right time and said: ‘Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for me to enter the cave world and live an ignoble existence. As for other people, I can’t care about them. ’

‘I can’t abandon you senior brothers either. . . ’ Mo Gang said angrily, ‘Otherwise, even if I can go back alive, I won’t have the shame to see my father and fellow villagers again, let alone meet them. . . Senior Brother Du Long and Master Sakyamuni! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Everyone who chose to stay expressed their opinions one after another. Everyone had made up their minds and said that since they chose to join forces to break out, there was no reason to give up halfway.

Seeing that everyone had made up their minds, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva shook his head and sighed: 'That's it! Even if you choose to hide in the cave world, you may not necessarily be safe. If you choose to continue to break out with all your strength, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope? ! ’

‘Since everyone has made a choice, they must take corresponding responsibility for their own choices. Whether it is life or death, everything must be left to fate. You can no longer blame others! ’ Da Zhishi felt that his physical strength was about to be exhausted, and he did not dare to hesitate too much.

Under his leadership, the group made a slight turn, and then broke forward while lowering their altitude until they were almost moving forward against the treetops.

Boom boom boom. . .

The sonic air blades all over the sky struck downwards like a violent storm, causing the mountains and forests to explode, causing earth and rocks to scatter in all directions, and patches of grass and trees torn apart into countless fragments and scattered on the ground.


With the help of a violent big explosion, when the smoke and dust were everywhere, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta used an extremely concealing method to throw out the space formation stone that turned into an ordinary stone. It was instantly submerged among the many gravels underground and disappeared without a trace. Without a trace.

After doing all this in secret, he immediately led the others to continue to accelerate forward and rush towards it. In order to protect the safety of the cave formation stone, he deliberately did not change the flying altitude to avoid arousing the suspicion of the man-bats.

Rumble. . .

A group of emperor-level warriors rolled towards the distance. Violent energy collisions occurred one after another wherever they passed. The roar of heaven and earth shattering resounded everywhere, and the entire underground world was constantly trembling.

Under a pile of rubble, an inconspicuous stone was buried at the moment. The sky was filled with bat-like creatures, but no one noticed its existence.

It can be seen that the attention of those bat creatures are all focused on the battlefield ahead. They are moving with the movement of Da Zhishi and others, always maintaining a tight encirclement situation, not giving the opponent a chance to break out.

"Haha! Great! We succeeded."

In the cave world, after some intense observation, the man in Tsing Yi saw that no bat-like creature noticed this, so he cheered wildly with surprise.

"Brother Wu has your opinion. If not, we might be in danger this time!"


In the cave world, waves of excited compliments kept ringing out. After everyone saw the hope of saving their lives, they all flattered this man in Tsing Yi named Wu. They had long since thrown away the kindness of the Bodhisattva Mahazhishi and others who sacrificed themselves to protect them. Went to the country of Wa.

Then I saw a man named Wu in green turned over his hand and took out a soul jade talisman, and then said with a smile: "This is the soul jade talisman of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. Now start praying for them! I hope they can live a little longer!"

This guy spoke nicely, but he had a faint smile on his face. He didn't look like he was worried about Da Zhishi and the others at all, and he seemed to be taking pleasure in others' misfortune.

However, no one at the scene spoke up for Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. These people would choose to sacrifice others to save their own lives. As expected, no one was a good bird.

Even the guys who had hesitated for a while and said a few polite words before coming in did not have the slightest look of worry for Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and the others at this moment.

For some people, those who would sacrifice themselves for others are not admirable. They are simply a group of pedantic idiots who deserve to be used as cannon fodder!

Rumble. . .

While those people in the cave world were harboring their own evil intentions, Da Zhishi and others from outside continued to risk their lives to break through with all their strength. The extremely fierce battle consumed everyone's energy to the extreme.

The Great Power Bodhisattva, whose strength has reached the level of the most powerful leader of the emperor, is also covered with sweat on his forehead at this moment. He has to breathe heavily to replenish his physical strength. He has almost reached the point where his fuel is exhausted.

After rushing forward like this for another quarter of an hour, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva showed a look of despair and said: 'I am almost dying, everyone! In the end, if we give it our all, even if we die, we will have to pull in some more beasts to support us! ’

'Fight! ’

The others were also extremely tired. Without the fire support of a small half of the emperor-level experts, even they at the back were a little unbearable, and every one of them was ready to fight.

‘Brother Da Zhishi! Tianhua, Tengchong and Junior Brother Mo Gang! I've found you! Ha ha! ’

Just when everyone was preparing to fight, a familiar voice resounded in their minds. After hearing the identity of the voice's owner, the despair on the faces of the named people was instantly replaced by ecstasy of surprise. .

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