Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2034 Suspected Trap

Yo yo yo. . .

Among the human bats in the sky, there are a group of relatively tall figures. These figures are clearly the leaders of groups of human bats. The improvement of wisdom is naturally accompanied by the formation of a class.

Compared with the blood bats, the human bats have qualitatively improved in terms of intelligence. The internal hierarchy is strict. The status and power of the powerful human bats will naturally be improved, and the various resources occupied will also increase significantly.

As the screams resounded among the human bats, the defensive formation that had been scattered by Da Zhishi and others gradually stabilized. The human bats in the sky began to reorganize under the instructions of many high-level human bat commanders. A larger defense team.

In mid-air, human bats all over the sky began to gather into cone-shaped teams. These cone-shaped human bat teams were not in a hurry to launch attacks, and the mouths of those human bats were trembling regularly.

'not good! These damn man-bat monsters are probably going to use their big moves. Try not to let them successfully unleash these big moves! ’ Tengchong’s spiritual message resounded in the minds of Da Zhishi and others.

As the tip of the sharp arrow formation, Da Zhishi is the most important helmsman who controls the direction of the entire team. Originally, he also guessed that the man-bats should be preparing to release their ultimate move, so when he heard Tengchong's voice warning After that, I immediately changed the trajectory slightly without hesitation.

call out!

Led by the arrow of Da Zhi Shi, a group of people slightly changed the direction of their advance, avoiding a head-on collision with the man-bat-pointed cone-shaped attacking team, and began to rush towards a relatively weak defensive gap.

Yo yo yo. . .

Almost at the same time that Da Zhishi and the others changed their direction, rapid roars resounded through the sky, and a team of cone-shaped human bats in mid-air eagerly released their ultimate moves.

Accompanied by bursts of sharp whistling sounds, terrifying cone-shaped sonic air blades cut through the limitations of time and space and shot towards the team where Da Zhishi and others were.

Faced with the bombardment of the sharp cone-shaped sonic air blades all over the sky, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta accelerated forward with all his strength while transmitting a message to his teammates behind him: "Everyone, join forces in the direction of their respective responsibilities to launch a counterattack to help the poor monk." Break through the siege at full speed! ’

'clear! ’

After the early battle, everyone at the scene had gradually turned from nervousness to a somewhat excited mood. Everyone had completely put down their worries and prepared to follow the command of the high-minded people and work together to break through. The huge crisis we are facing.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

Energy attack air blades were released one after another. Since not all the people at the scene came from the same force, it was not too complicated to join forces to attack the magic circle. They could only try their best to move in the direction of their respective responsibilities and work together to Release their strongest long-range attack methods.

After all, this group of people are all emperor-level powerhouses, and most of the human-bats they face are Hunyuan-level beings. Therefore, even if these attacks fail to achieve the most perfect integration and enhancement of energy, they can still be successful. Blocking the ultimate attack released by the anxious bats all over the sky.

Boom boom boom. . .

Amidst the roars and loud noises, the big moves released by the human bats were defeated one after another. The arrow-shaped team led by Da Zhishi also rushed over from the other direction with great difficulty under the impact of these energies.

Everyone who successfully overcame this difficulty showed a light of excitement on their faces. They knew very well the importance of overcoming that difficulty. If Da Zhi had not chosen to avoid a head-on collision with the enemy, then this team would have There will definitely be some casualties.

Oh ho!

As the tip of the arrow, the Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva could not relax immediately. There were still densely packed human bats in front of him. Since the sight range of the underground world was not far away, he could not see which side had the smallest number of human bats. direction.

Therefore, he must go all out to lead everyone to rush out quickly, otherwise the uneasy feeling in his heart will never go away!

As another lion's roar shook the surroundings, some human bats in the way were killed and injured and fell to the ground. Da Zhishi continued to lead everyone to follow closely behind the lion's roar sonic attack, breaking out at full speed. go.

Naturally, the man-bats in the sky would not let them go, and began to reorganize layers of defense nets, hoping to intercept this high-speed breakout team.

Da Zhishi and others have no intention of fighting at all, and have no intention of killing those ugly-looking human bats with all their strength during this breakout. Moreover, in many cases, just one more wave of attacks can kill some human bats. Under the circumstances, they would rather give up and break forward at full speed.

Therefore, facing the layers of human bat defense nets, they are not willing to spend too much time with the opponent. If they can break through the defense line head-on, they will go all out to break through the defense line and continue to move forward.

On the contrary, they will slightly change the direction of travel, as long as the general direction is still moving away from the blood sea!

Time passed slowly, and the human-bat defense line faced by the group was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, while the Great Power Bodhisattva led the team and moved forward along a zigzag route.

Although such forward speed and efficiency are seriously hindered, they don't think there is anything wrong with this. As long as they can reduce casualties during the breakout process and finally break out successfully, it doesn't matter if there are some twists and turns in the process.

Just as everyone was zigzagging forward without any danger, and seeing the number of human bats blocking the way in front of them getting smaller and smaller, they could vaguely see hope of breaking through the siege.

‘Why do I feel something is wrong? ! ’

Tengchong's voice resounded in everyone's minds again, and they saw that he was frowning and looking at the surrounding blood bats with confusion on his face. It could be seen that his expression was a bit solemn, which formed a strong contrast with the optimism of everyone at the scene. Contrast.

'What's wrong? ! Did you notice anything unusual? ! ’ Huang Tianhua, who had been traveling with him, immediately sent a message and asked.

'No! I'm just making a guess. . . I always feel like these man-bat monsters. . . It seems to be driving us in a designated direction. . . ’ Tengchong replied with some hesitation.


Everyone at the scene took a breath. Apparently many people agreed with his guess. They just saw that the general direction was not wrong, so they did not question it.

‘Brother Tengchong! If it's just your subjective guess, then we can't just change the direction of travel, right? ! We must know that once a head-on conflict breaks out with those man-bats, whether we can break through the siege with the least casualties is the second most important thing. The most important thing is that once we are dragged down by them, there is a possibility that we will be surrounded at any time! ’ Da Zhishi sighed helplessly.

'But. . . Once we are all driven toward a certain destination by each other at this moment. . . In the trap, it will not be as simple as losing a few people. All of us here may be wiped out! ’ Tengchong replied earnestly.

‘That’s true! ’ Immediately someone couldn’t help but said: ‘On the surface, the current situation seems to be very beneficial to us, but in fact it is full of dangers. But we can’t put everyone in greater danger just because of some subjective guesses, right? ! ’

‘Subjective guess? ! Tengchong shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's just like the direction we are heading in seems to have the weakest defense of the human bats, but if we want to change the direction, we will definitely be blocked by those human bats. Doesn't this mean something?" is that clear? ! ’

‘Brother Da Zhishi! How about we all try to break through in a relatively well-defended direction? We can deduce a lot of information from the reactions of those human bats! ’ Giant Morgan, who had never expressed his opinions on such occasions, finally couldn’t help but speak.

As an ancient giant from the lava Gobi Desert of Dongsheng Shenzhou, Mo Gang grew up in a tribe with extremely harsh environment, and he was born with an unusual sensitivity to this kind of encirclement and annihilation tactics.

He had this kind of worry in his heart, and now that he heard that Tengchong had the same worry, he naturally became more worried about it.

Therefore, it was rare for him to speak. No matter how much you talk about many things, it is useless. As long as you use things to test and prove it, it will be easier for others to believe it.

'All right! ’

Even when the situation was overwhelming, he was not overly confident. As the leader of the team, the pressure in his heart was much greater than anyone else on the scene. Once his judgment was wrong, it would cause huge irreparable losses.

In short, he can't bear too much responsibility. Since someone in the team has raised objections, it wouldn't be a bad idea if it was just a test!

call out!

Under the leadership of Da Zhishi, the team that was originally heading towards a relatively weakly defended area suddenly made a 90-degree turn and rushed straight to the relatively densely defended direction on the left at full speed.

Oh ho!

Under the leadership of Da Zhi Shi Bodhisattva, he suddenly rushed to the human bat defense line on the left, and then opened his mouth without hesitation and released the strongest lion's roar sonic attack.

The group of human bats on the left was suddenly attacked. They were unable to react for a while and began to counterattack in a hurry. The first cone-shaped defense line in front of Da Zhishi and others was torn open in an instant.

Yo yo yo. . .

The first line of defense was torn apart, and there were many more conical defense lines behind them that launched counterattacks without hesitation, with sharp sonic air blades. They completely ignored the fact that there were also members of our own human bats mixed in here, and just went straight to Launch a deadly attack.

The terrifying pointed cone-shaped sonic air blades rushed crazily into the first line of defense. The first ones to bear the brunt were not the emperor-level powerhouses from the Pangu world, but the many human bats of the same race on the first line of defense.

The terrifying pointed cone-shaped sonic air blades were shot into the crowd one after another, instantly twisting those human bats with their backs to these sonic air blades into pieces of flesh and blood, which were scattered all over the blood-red ground.

This kind of pointed cone-shaped sonic air blade jointly launched by many human bats is a great threat to the emperor-level powerhouses such as the Great Supreme Power Bodhisattva. Those human bats who have only reached the Hunyuan level have their bodies as if It was as fragile as a piece of paper and was twisted into pieces in an instant!

‘Holy shit! Are these monsters too cruel? ! In order to deal with us, we don’t even spare our own companions! ’ Mo Gang screamed angrily.

‘This phenomenon did not exist in relatively safe directions before, which is enough to explain a lot of problems! ’ Tengchong said in a voice transmission with an extremely solemn expression.

‘That’s right! 'Up to this moment, even the Great Supreme Power Bodhisattva had to accept the reality and said: 'It seems that we can never continue to be led away by these damn man-bats, otherwise, when we enter the trap set by the opponent, At that time, I am afraid that even if we want to find a place to hide, it will be impossible! ’

‘Everyone, be prepared to break out with all your strength! Take care of everyone, even if there are some casualties, you must go all out to rush out of the encirclement in a straight line! ’

As Da Zhishi's words fell, the faces of everyone present showed a look of determination. They all knew in their hearts how dangerous the current encounter was.

A low shout suddenly came from the mouth of Da Zhishi, who was at the tip of the arrow. He gently held his right palm with his left palm, and with the palm of his right palm facing outward, he suddenly pushed forward with all his strength.


A golden palm print exploded in the wind, transforming into a huge golden energy palm print, blasting forward with all its strength.

In order to save the lives of everyone around him, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva finally let go of all his thoughts of compassion and used the Tathagata Palm that united the eighteen Vajra Bodhisattvas.

Puffy. . .

Wherever the golden palm print passed, the bodies of the many human bats blocking the way exploded. Facing this big move jointly launched by many powerful Buddhist and Bodhisattva realms, they only had time to let out a scream and exploded in an instant. coming.

These poor human-bat cannon fodder were attacked at high speed by the Tathagata Palm in front of them, and the terrifying sonic air blades released by their own camp behind them. The two combined to strangle them and instantly cleared away the human-bats blocking their way.

Rumble. . .

The numerous sonic air blades finally collided violently with the first blow of Tathagata Divine Palm, bursting out in a flash of dazzling brilliance. The two were annihilated in the air, and finally turned into a mushroom cloud steaming up.

After the blow, the Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva did not stay where he was. Instead, he led the large group of people to continue to accelerate forward and rushed straight ahead to the many conical defense lines blocking the way.

Oh ho!

Another sound wave of lion's roar opened the way. Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva activated the lion's roar technique, and the palm prints of his hands changed. He was always ready to bombard the sound wave of lion's roar and give those human bats in the way a fatal blow again.

Yo yo yo. . .

Rapid whistling sounds came one after another, and the human bat commanders seemed to be anxious, and began to make whistling sounds. Even if Da Zhishi and others could not understand the detailed meaning of these whistling sounds, they could still guess what the other party was doing. It's asking for help.

I saw a large number of man-bats surrounding them who were originally defending one direction finally made a strange move and began to surround us at full speed. Seeing this scene, Da Zhishi Bodhisattva and others were shocked, and once again confirmed Tengchong's previous guess. More than 80% of them are correct!

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