Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2031 Breakout decision

"Do you still remember... before we arrived at that... strange sea of ​​blood, although we had encountered many crises, there had never been such a large number of blood bats desperately chasing after them? ?!”

Seeing that everyone could not find a way out of the predicament for a while, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva frowned and threw out the question in his heart.

"That's right!" Huang Tianhua followed closely and said, "I have had this question for a long time. Could it be that... there are some unknown secrets hidden in that sea of ​​blood?!"

Everyone was shocked after hearing this. They ventured into the Blue Water Secret Realm, naturally in order to obtain the various opportunities hidden within the secret realm.

Without knowing any special opportunities in this underground world, risking their lives here would feel a bit outweighed by the gains. On the contrary, if they knew that this place had some great opportunities, then they would rather risk their lives and think We need to find out what kind of opportunities are hidden here!

"Um...does the Great Supreme Power Bodhisattva know the origin of that sea of ​​blood?! Don't you know what kind of opportunities are hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​blood?!" Someone immediately couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, yes!" Another man in green followed closely and echoed: "In order to find the opportunity inside the Blue Water Secret Realm, we have lost all our troops. Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva has a compassionate heart. If he knows some secrets that we don't know, Please be sure to speak out!"

"Haha!" Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva shook his head and chuckled: "At the beginning, we only saw the sea of ​​​​blood from a distance. Before we had time to get closer, we were besieged by those blood bats. How could I know that sea of ​​​​blood? The real secret of the Blood Sea?!”

"The Bodhisattva of Great Power is an older generation of emperor-level warriors who have grown up since ancient times. If you, the Bodhisattva, don't know the secrets of this sea of ​​blood, then it would be unreasonable, right?!" The man in green said again He spoke with doubts.

"That's right! Even if it's because I couldn't see the sea of ​​blood up close, I guess... the Bodhisattva must have some guesses in his mind?! Even if it's just a guess, we are willing to listen!"


In the crowd, there were constant discussions, and everyone was urging Da Zhishi to tell his knowledge about the Blood Sea. Facing the unknown opportunity, people wanted to know as much as possible, so as to prepare for their future stay. Make a decision.

"Everyone, please be patient!" Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta waved his hands to signal everyone to calm down and said, "I believe everyone should be very clear that the underground world in front of you does not come from the Pangu world, but from the outside world. This point This can be seen from the blood bats that only come from outside the world!"

"Since this place is an underground world created by a powerful person from outside the territory, and a sea of ​​blood suddenly appears in its deepest core area, then the probability that this sea of ​​blood belongs to the world outside the territory should be very high, right?!"

Having said this, Da Zhishi paused for a moment, glanced at the people who were nodding, and then continued: "As far as I know, among the four major clans outside the territory, there is a large magic circle within the Blood Clan. Its energy source lies in the sea of ​​blood condensed by this bloody substance!"


Until this moment, everyone finally started to make an uproar, obviously shocked by Da Zhishi's explanation.

"The Bodhisattva of Great Power! So, does the source of the soul power of the magic circle that covers the entire huge underground world come from the sea of ​​blood?! I wonder what the name of this big formation is?!"

"With the blood sea as the core driving force, we have successfully reached the core area of ​​this underground world. As long as we can enter the blood sea, we can find the greatest opportunity hidden in this underground world." ?!”


Everyone at the scene was talking a lot. Some continued to ask questions to Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, while others expressed their opinions. The scene became a bit chaotic for a while.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Huang Tianhua shouted loudly: "If you have any questions, you can come one by one. How can Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva answer your questions in such a noisy manner?!"

Under the reminder of his words that deliberately incorporated the soul's voice transmission into it, everyone at the scene gradually became quiet. Everyone stared at Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva with eager faces, quietly waiting for his answer.

"As Tianhua said, everyone please be patient and listen to me slowly!" Seeing that the scene became quiet again, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva continued to speak with satisfaction: "As far as the poor monk knows, the vampire race People who use the sea of ​​blood as the core of their formations only provide the core source of power for various formations."

"I don't know much about the origin of the name of this formation. I only know that it should be powered by the sea of ​​blood, so that it can cover such a huge underground world!"

"I wonder if you have noticed that in this underground world, you can see the glowing bloody mist everywhere?! In fact, if the poor monk's guess is correct, the bloody mist should spread from the sea of ​​​​blood in the core area. Get out!"

"So that's it!" Huang Tianhua suddenly realized: "No wonder, I always feel that the closer I get to the sea of ​​blood, the richer the energy of the bloody mist in the air becomes. It turns out that they all spread out from the sea of ​​blood?!"

"Yes!" Tengchong nodded and added: "The thicker the bloody fog, the denser the various bloody vegetation inside, and the more terrifying the dangers..."


Everyone at the scene started talking again and again, finally understanding more about this underground world, and the mysterious veil shrouding this bloody world gradually unfolded before their eyes.

"I wonder if you have ever thought about why the vampires from the extraterrestrial world would build such a heavily defended underground world in the Blue Water Secret Realm?!" After watching everyone express their opinions, Da Zhishi continued to cast aside Asked another question.

"Could it be that...it's because the outside forces discovered that there is a huge opportunity here, but unfortunately they can't take it away from the Blue Water Secret Realm, so they have to use the formation to protect it?!"

"That's right! What they do... makes it clear that what they can't get will not be given to people from the Pangu world!"

"That's right! In the secret realm left by Senior Lan Shui, there must be some means of defense against outside forces. I guess the other party won't be able to get it, so we might as well seal it up!"


After the great potential raised a new question, everyone at the scene once again speculated one by one. Although some people's words were outrageous, they also made some sense.

"Presumably..." Da Zhishi groaned, and after everyone calmed down, he continued: "The extraterritorial strongman who obtained the Blue Water Secret Realm was at least a person who has reached the level of a powerful god, right?!"

"If this is true, then with the strength of emperors like us, it is almost impossible to safely break through that sea of ​​blood and find the secrets hidden in it, right?!"


Everyone at the scene fell silent, and everyone gradually began to face the crisis that they were about to face.

For the sake of an unknown opportunity, it would be fine just to take a certain risk. If it results in death and no life, then of course no one is willing to take that risk.

After all, if the opportunity is gone, you can look for it again. If you can't even save your life, then everything will become empty talk and completely meaningless!

"Brother Da Zhishi!" After everyone was silent for a while, Huang Tianhua was the first to break the silence and said: "Since it is almost impossible to go deep into the blood sea with the strength of the emperor, there is no need for us to waste time discussing the blood sea here. What on earth is there! For the current plan, the most important thing is to first figure out how to get rid of the pursuit and interception of those blood bats."

"That's right!" Tengchong followed closely and echoed: "I don't expect to find any opportunities inside the Blood Sea. It would be great to be able to leave this underground world alive!"

"Hmm!" Da Zhishi nodded slightly and replied in a deep voice: "What you said... also makes sense. Since everyone's strength is not yet able to penetrate deep into the sea of ​​blood, then... we should really find a way to get rid of it first. The pursuit of these blood bats is the most important thing!"

"However, this brings us back to the previous topic. How should we all solve the current predicament?! We can't just rush out and die without any plan, right?!" Da Zhi said indecisively.

"Before, we thought that as long as we hid in the portable cave world for a long time, we could avoid being chased by the blood bats, and then find a way to quickly escape from this area. However, this method obviously does not work. We are already here. After hiding for tens of thousands of years, we can no longer hide aimlessly!" Huang Tianhua replied with a decisive expression.

"That's right! Since the goal is too big for everyone to go out together, it is better to disperse into small adventure teams and break out from multiple directions together. Most of the teams should still be able to successfully break out!" Tengchong proposed a relatively simple but practical method. .

According to his opinion, the main reason for the failure of several previous breakouts was not only because the number of blood bats outside was too large, but also a particularly important reason was that there were too many people breaking through and they were more likely to be pursued by the blood bats. kill!

"No!" Da Zhishi immediately shook his head and objected: "We only have two magical weapons on hand that can drive away blood bats. If we are divided into too many adventure teams, at most two teams will have such magical weapons!"

"A magic weapon to drive away blood bats?!" Tengchong said with a bitter smile: "Although that thing has some effect, the range it can operate is limited. When those blood bats launch long-range joint attacks, they will still pose a huge threat to us. We It’s not like we didn’t suffer heavy losses because of this…”

"Although its function is very limited, without these two magic weapons, we would have been wiped out long ago, right?! How could we have been safely hidden here for so many years without being discovered by outside forces?!" Da Zhi Shi retorted.

"In that case... let's divide into two teams to break out!" Teng Chongduo also changed his previous idea of ​​breaking out into multiple teams and said: "It is estimated that there will be some people who don't want to go out and take risks. These people can continue to stay. Inside this cavernous space, whether you live or die depends on God’s will!”


There are indeed many people who don't want to go out and take risks. In their opinion, going out is almost to risk death. If you stay, you may have to wait for a long time, but at least you can save one life.

For the time being, I have just spent more than 10,000 years here. If two teams of people rush out and are eventually killed, then the blood bats outside may not be watching so closely anymore, and I can rush out again when the time comes. The chance of survival will also be many times greater.

"Did you see that?!" Tengchong curled his lips with a hint of disdain: "It seems that there are quite a few people who don't plan to go out to break out! In this case, everyone should make a decision now! Those who are willing to form a team to break out Everyone stand up, and as for those who are unwilling to leave this place, then just stay and wait to die!"

Crash. . .

Immediately, less than half of the people stood up. These people were obviously unwilling to stay for a long time to wait for death. Tengchong was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that the number of people willing to leave was so small.

The people who didn't stand up were all looking at Da Zhishi, obviously waiting for his decision. It is estimated that his decision will affect many people's thoughts.

Tengchong and Huang Tianhua looked at each other, and finally sighed. They did not speak to urge Da Zhishi to make an immediate decision, and they all waited quietly for his answer.

"That..." After Da Zhishi pondered for a while, he finally said hesitantly: "Continuing to wait for a long time is not an option. After all, our mission on the Emperor's Battlefield has a time limit, so we can't... .When the decisive battle between the camps breaks out in the outside world, we are still trapped here, right?!"

"Once this news spreads, even if we find a way out of the predicament in the future, how will we face our fellow students and even our closest relatives and friends when we return to Pangu World?!"

"Therefore... Even if the method proposed by Tengchong is very dangerous, and many people may die during the breakout, it is better than continuing to huddle here, right?!"

"Therefore, I decided to go all out to break out and escape from this dangerous underground world. As for whether I can succeed in the end... Even if I fail, I will still be able to find a secret place to hide for a while like I am now. !”

"Now that the Great Power Bodhisattva has made a decision, I am also willing to join forces with the Bodhisattva to break out of the encirclement!"

"I am willing too..."

Sure enough, after Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva made his decision, many people immediately stood up, obviously intending to follow Mahasthamaprapta to break out of the encirclement.

Seeing this scene, Huang Tianhua and Tengchong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on their faces. Faced with the overwhelming blood bats chasing after them on the outside, the chance of successfully breaking through would be much greater if there were more people! (To be continued)

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