Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2027 Star Wave Impact

"Thank you Brother Kongyun for saving your life!"

After the ball of soul energy probably understood why it was rescued, it immediately expressed its gratitude to Du Long with three heads and thousands of arms: "I can't thank you enough for your kindness. Our Li family will definitely remember this life-saving kindness. If there is such a thing in the future, The opportunity will definitely repay you with all your strength!”

"Young Master Li's words are serious!" Du Long waved his hand and said politely: "We are both in the Pangu camp, so we should support each other. There is no need to worry about a small effort!"

This ball of soul energy was Li Shuang'er's brother Li Xiangshen. He heard him speak again: "How many people in the world care about the so-called friendship with the same camp?! I have been on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven for many years, and have experienced countless dangers of life and death. Finally, I only met a benefactor like Brother Kongyun who was willing to help!"

"That's right!" Li Shuang'er followed closely and nodded heavily, saying: "Brother Kongyun! Your life-saving grace... We, the Li family, must keep this in mind. If there is anything we need help with in the future, just ask. Yes, our Li family will definitely do our best to repay your great kindness!"

Facing the two enthusiastic brothers and sisters, Du Long did not want to continue to reject each other's kindness in a pretentious manner, but changed the subject: "I don't know who you are...which Li family?! I have only heard of the Li family where the King of Heaven Li Jing lives. , and also...the Li family of the Tang Dynasty's royal family..."

"Haha!" Li Shuang'er chuckled and responded: "To be honest, we are not descendants of these two Li families, but... the Li family from Dongsheng Shenzhou, my grandfather's name is Li Honghong. He is the head of the eight great gods!”

"Eight Great Gods?! Li Honghong?!"

Du Long was stunned for a moment, and soon searched for the origins of the Eight Great Gods from his memory, and immediately shouted softly: "Is it the Li clan where the legendary Tieguai Li belongs?!"

"That's right! Tieguai Li is my grandfather's nickname, and his full name is Li Honghong, that's right!" Li Shuang'er replied with a smile. It can be seen that this girl is in a good mood because her brother is still alive.


Du Long took a breath and had to look at the six-man team in front of him again. Unexpectedly, they were from the Li family, the head of the Eight Great Gods.

The so-called Eight Great Gods are the second largest force after the Dongsheng Divine Continent Free Alliance. They are led by the powerful God Realm Tieguai Li. Among them are the Pure Yang High God Lu Dongbin. His talent and strength amaze the world!

"It turns out that they are descendants of the Eight Great Gods Tieguai Li!" Du Long was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and sighed: "The Eight Great Gods are also Buddhas, Taoists, and lay practitioners. They have been playing in the world for many years, and have created countless popular works. Beautiful legend, I didn’t expect to meet the Queen of the Eight Great Gods by chance today, it’s a rare fate!”

"We are really lucky to meet Brother Kongyun by chance. If it hadn't been like this, I would have died long ago!" Li Xiangshen said with emotion.

"Well..." Du Long obviously didn't want to continue chatting on this topic, and immediately asked in a deep voice: "You should be planning to leave this underground world, right?! Are you planning to continue to wait and see in this area... or just follow along. Let me go deep into this underground world together?!"

"Of course we have to stay here and look for an exit!" Before the Li brothers and sisters could answer, Zhong Qinglong immediately interjected impatiently: "According to those extraterrestrial creatures, if we continue to go deep into the underground world from this area, it will become more and more difficult. It’s getting more and more dangerous, and there’s no chance to find it yet. The danger is completely out of proportion to the reward!”

"I understand!" Du Long immediately replied: "In that case, I have to say goodbye to you. This time when entering this underground world, we must find the great potential and other Buddhist brothers!"

"Is this so urgent?!" Li Shuang'er said with a trace of reluctance in her eyes: "Brother Kongyun can stop for a while, and we can continue to chat about various situations in this underground world. I hope it can be of some help to you!"


Du Long still had a good impression of Tieguai Li's granddaughter. After a moment's thought, he nodded and agreed. The group continued to chat about their detailed experiences in the underground world, which was of great help to both parties.

As if to repay a little kindness, Li Shuang'er racked her brains and told Du Long all the dangers they encountered in the underground world.

Du Long didn't hide his secrets, and told the detailed experience of his coming in. Finally, he gave Li Shuang'er a blood-colored crystal wrapped in an ordinary space array stone.

Li Shuang'er and others all felt extremely miraculous when they learned that he was hiding in the space array stone wrapped in a mass of blood-colored crystals and could easily survive the dangerous dark night underground.

Du Long did not truthfully tell the other party the origin of the blood-colored spar. This kind of spar required the extraction of blood-colored substance from dangerous needle trees. If the other party went to look for those needle trees, it would probably harm them.

After staying like this for another two days, after both parties had finished chatting, Du Long bid farewell to the group of clan members from the Eighth God Li family and embarked on the journey again alone.

Flying all the way towards the depths of the underground world, the chances of encountering attacks from various animals and plants become increasingly greater, and the danger also rises to an extremely terrifying level.

"Weird!" On this day, Du Long muttered with doubts on his face as he rushed to the roadside: "This underground world does not seem to have much effect on practitioners... But why do Senior Brother Da Zhishi and the others want to Risk your life and go deeper?!"

Along the way, there are animals and plants everywhere that can kill people, but we have never encountered anything that is helpful for spiritual practice. As the descendants of the Li family said before, the danger is completely out of proportion to the reward, and there is no way to go deeper. It is necessary to go in.

If this underground world is left by Senior Lan Shui, there may be some opportunities that will be of great help to the members of Pangu World. However, this is clearly the inside of a space left by powerful people from outside the territory. Logically speaking, it should not be possible. What opportunities should be left!

Various thoughts kept flashing in his mind, and Du Long continued to move forward while thinking about it. The goal of his trip was to save people, so even though he knew this, he still had to bite the bullet and continue to break in.


Just when he didn't know how far he continued to go, he only knew that he had been separated from the descendants of the Li family for nearly half a year, when a shocking sound suddenly came from the front.

This sound did not sound like it was formed naturally by heaven and earth. It was probably a loud noise made by someone during a battle. This also made Du Long's mind stirred, and he immediately shot away in the direction of the sound.

Only less than half a quarter of an hour later, he arrived at the scene where the battle broke out. After seeing the identities of the two parties, a faint smile couldn't help but appear at the corner of his mouth.

This is a scarred dense forest, with smoke and smoke everywhere, as if it had just experienced a shocking bloody battle, but in front of Du Long, there were only less than ten people on both sides of the battle!

It should be said that nine emperor-level powerhouses are besieging one person, and the ten figures are all from the Pangu World camp. The nine people besieging him should be emperor-level powerhouses from the Western light and dark lines, but the one being besieged is the blond. The blue-eyed golden Saint Saga!

"Can you damned light and dark protoss be a little more shameless?! Nine people are surrounding me alone, why are you so shameless?!" Shaka, who was covered in golden armor, roared angrily to the sky and the earth.

"Hehe!" Among the besiegers, a middle-aged man wearing silver armor and holding a silver gun sneered: "You Sun God Clan are in such a weak situation today because you are too pedantic and don't know how to adapt. Since ancient times, The law of nature is unfair and the weak can eat the strong. This is an eternal truth. If you don't know how to accept and strengthen yourself, you will only end up being eaten and destroyed!"

"Haha! What Thomson said is true. Weak lambs can only be attacked and eaten by wolves. So what if you scream loudly?! Will God still hear your dissatisfaction and send it to you? Can a sun god save our ancestors?!"


The emperor-level warriors of both the light and dark lines laughed loudly while attacking Shaka with all their strength. Each one of them struck ruthlessly and ruthlessly, clearly intending to kill him on the spot!

Inside the Holy Land of Western Paradise in Pangu World, the battle between the Light God Clan and the Sun God Clan has been going on for a long time. Once the two sides encounter each other outside, a life-and-death battle will always break out.

"Hmph! You want to kill me?! Then you have to take off a layer of skin!"

Faced with the shameless joint attack by the emperor-level powerhouses from both the light and dark veins, Shaka's eyes flashed fiercely, and while roaring, his hands began to cross and change, and a dazzling fireball began to gradually take shape between his palms.

A heat wave rolled in from the sky. Along with this terrifying heat wave, it seemed as if a sun was rising slowly between the sky and the earth, and a terrifying aura that could destroy the heaven and the earth began to brew.

Facing Shaka, who was about to use his ultimate move, although the nine emperor-level experts of both light and dark veins were nervously on guard, a smile that was not easily noticed by outsiders flashed in their eyes.

As a major force that has been at war with the Sun God Clan for many years, they are very familiar with the Sun God Clan's ultimate move, and they also understand that using the ultimate move consumes a huge amount of energy.

Waves of heat waves rolled away, and the bloody mist was evacuated wherever they passed. The energy of the fireball in Shaka's palms continued to increase, and was then compressed into a fireball the size of a human head.

"Star wave shock destroys!"

Shaka saw the energy of the fireball in his palms gathering to the extreme, and then he gritted his teeth and roared, pushing the fireball out with all his strength.


The blazing fireball was like a cannonball, shooting straight at the three enemies standing in front of Shaka. The three people seemed to have been prepared for it. Almost as soon as the fireball came over, they immediately ducked to both sides to avoid it. Come.


Shaka adjusted his posture slightly and immediately dodged and shot out. He followed closely behind the fireball and rushed out towards the gap that the enemy had left.

It can be seen that his palms still maintain a mysterious close posture, as if they are still pushing the fireball forward, and just like this, one person and one fireball rush into the distance at full speed.

"No! This guy wants to escape! Let's catch up together, don't let the overcooked duck fly away!" Thomson, the Holy Knight of Light, roared and immediately took the lead in chasing him.

When the others saw it, they all ducked and accelerated to pursue him. One by one, they followed Thomson and fired at full speed in the direction of Shaka's escape.

In front of him, the corner of Shaka's mouth turned up slightly with a faint sneer. Seeing the enemy behind him getting closer and closer, two rays of light suddenly bloomed in his eyes.

The gestures of his palms suddenly changed, from pushing forward to pulling back. The fireball flying at high speed in front of him instantly drew an arc and made a 180-degree turn from Shaka. He passed by his side and shot straight towards the nine figures who were chasing him.

The sudden carbine shot shocked Thomson and others. When Shaka was besieged before, when it released this kind of fireball attack, it didn't have so many tricks. It was just like firing a cannonball and then ignored it. Only then did the dense forest become a mess.

Who would have thought that this guy's seemingly unorganized fireball attacks before were actually paving the way for this last sudden attack? !

"No!" Thomson only had time to scream, and immediately wanted to get out of the way. The other emperor-level experts all wanted to scatter to avoid the bombardment of this fireball.


Unfortunately, before they were completely away from the fireball's counterattack route, the fireball that gathered a large amount of flame energy immediately exploded in the air. The dazzling light made people unable to open their eyes. They closed their eyes and released it with all their strength. The energy wants to resist.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

Almost at the same time, hundreds of blood-colored rays of light were shot out not far away, and they shot straight towards the direction of the flames. They were blood-colored energy crystal arrows unique to the Vampire Clan.

A monster with three heads and a thousand arms appeared in front of everyone. He had hundreds of crossbows in his hands, and the bloody soul-chasing arrows were shot out from these crossbows.

Everyone at the scene is a strong man who has reached the emperor level. Even if they can't see with their eyes, their spiritual consciousness can still detect all this, but they will be somewhat distracted while facing the fireball explosion. Waiting for them It was still a little late when I reacted.

Puff puff. . .

Hundreds of blood-colored soul-seeking arrows were shot straight at the nine figures flying away, almost all of their escape routes were taken into account, and four people were immediately shot into a hornet's nest before they could react.

Even if the other five people reacted faster, they were still more or less shot by one or two arrows each. Although it was not fatal, it still caused them great pain.

In the parts hit by the blood-colored soul-seeking arrows, their flesh and blood were corroded to create horrific blood holes, and even their souls were severely damaged!

"Asshole! Who are you?! Why do you care about the grudges between our Light God Clan and the Sun God Clan?!" Thomson reacted faster, but still got hit by an arrow. After stabilizing his body, he immediately shot towards Du Long cursed loudly.

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