Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2016 Strategies to Lure the Enemy

"Everyone, please stop!"

Yue Quan, the most powerful leader from the blood clan, hurriedly argued for himself: "I definitely didn't mean to hurt my own people on purpose. I was clearly targeting Du Long in those previous attacks, but that guy was too cunning to take advantage of you." Come be a shield!”

He was going crazy at this moment. If he couldn't kill Du Long even by controlling the blood energy blade, then he really didn't know how the blood shadow attack formation could kill the opponent.

"Hmph!" The strong soul clan man who was the first to kill a member of the blood clan snorted coldly: "Yue Quan! Don't you dare to quibble there. If you didn't do it deliberately, then why did the shadow attack the target killed by the air blade? There are only members of our three clans, but not one of your blood clan members has been accidentally injured?!"


Yue Quan was choked by the other party's question on the spot, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer the other party. His hesitant performance made people even more suspicious.

"Humph! You finally have nothing to say?! Brothers! Don't listen to the nonsense of the vampires anymore. They must have colluded with foreign enemies and plan to weaken the strength of our other three tribes. Let's all unite to deal with it together. These hateful traitors!"


As soon as the most powerful leader of the soul tribe finished speaking, he saw a bloody dark lightning strike above his head. Under the cover of the sky full of colored energy, he only had time to move his body a little before he was hit by the dark lightning on his left shoulder. .

The terrifying dark electricity exploded the left half of his body in an instant. The emperor-level soul warrior yelled in shock and anger, "You bloody bastards! I will fight with you!"

Amidst the angry curses, this Soul Clan Emperor-level powerhouse immediately unleashed a soul-light attack with all his strength, aiming directly at the Blood Clan Emperor-level powerhouses beside him.

He had been merciless when he launched a surprise attack before. He only selected a target to attack. His purpose was nothing more than to give the vampire a warning, and also to give the other party a chance to explain.

However, after half of his body was blasted by dark electricity, the most powerful leader of the soul clan emperor finally couldn't bear it anymore and took action with all his strength, and he still locked onto the targets of dozens of vampires at the same time.

The targets he targeted were relatively weak in strength. The strongest ones were at the peak level of the Emperor level, the weakest ones were in the early to middle stage of the Emperor level, and more were in the late stages of the ordinary Emperor level.

These members of the vampire clan did not expect that they would be attacked by the soul light of the soul clan, so they rarely spent a huge price to buy magic weapons that could defend against soul light attacks.

As a result, the effect of this large-scale soul light group attack can only be described as extremely amazing!

Swish, swish, swish. . .

Among the dozens of vampire members who were attacked, only a handful could withstand the full force of the opponent's angry blow. As for the vast majority of the others, their souls were shattered on the spot and they began to fall to the ground in a free fall.


Another streak of blood-colored dark electricity suddenly crashed down, aiming directly at the crazy Soul Clan strongman. In the eyes of many people, this was clearly the Blood Clan using dark electricity to retaliate against the Soul Clan strongman, and at the same time, it was killing people.


The strong soul clan man who had half of his body exploded was once again bombarded by bloody dark electricity, and his body could no longer explode uncontrollably.

Fragments of flesh and blood were flying all over the sky, but only his head was still intact. He was seen shouting angrily: "Damn vampires! Why don't we all join forces to destroy them?! Even if I die, I will have to hold on to a few more people." of!!"

As his angry curses resounded throughout the basin, his head began to emit a shocking aura, and his soul began to burn with blazing soul flames.

This guy seemed to understand that his life was in danger, so he simply began to burn his soul and prepare to launch a desperate counterattack!

As his divine soul aura began to rise to the extreme, soul light and electricity shot out in all directions, targeting the surrounding blood clan emperor-level members. As for the other three clansmen, they were not attacked.


It was only at this moment that the conflicts between the four extraterrestrial tribes finally broke out, and a war between the three extraterrestrial tribes who joined forces to deal with the blood tribe quickly spread.

The Vampires are good at shooting with bows and crossbows, so they were immediately at a disadvantage when faced with the close attack from the other three tribes. Many members of the Vampires soon fell to the ground, and the scene could only be described as extremely tragic.

On the other side, hundreds of figures from the Pangu camp were all dumbfounded.

They did not join the battle, but formed a battle formation and gathered behind the most powerful emperors such as True Lord Daode and Bodhisattva of the Void, watching with vigilance the somewhat inexplicable war that broke out inside the basin.

In the entire Pangu camp, only Du Long took action, and everyone else was watching. The scene looked a bit weird no matter how you looked at it.

"Commander Yue Kuang! What should we do?! If this continues, all the people we brought here may be completely dead!" Yue Quan, who was controlling the formation in the distance, panicked and shouted to Yue Kuang next to him. road.

"What the hell is going on with you tnnd?! Why can't you even handle such a small thing as controlling a large formation, and actually push the situation into such an irreversible situation?!" Yue Kuang pointed at the other person's nose and cursed angrily.

"I...I don't want to!" Yue Quan said with a sad face: "It was obviously an attack directed at Du Long, but he dodged it, and in the end he accidentally injured one of his own."

"Alas!" Yue Kuang sighed and said, "When we rushed to place this formation here, we just prepared a relatively mechanized intelligence for the formation, but we didn't expect that it would cause us such huge trouble. . . ”

"The matter is now at this point. It is not the time to investigate the responsibility. Your Majesty, you should hurry up and find a way to resolve the trouble at hand!" Yue Quan continued to urge urgently.

In just a moment, a large number of Vampires died tragically in front of him. This time, the Vampires led a team of thousands of people to this place, and nearly a third of them died in the blink of an eye.

Boom, boom, boom. . .

Just when Yue Kuang began to think about how to stop this meaningless internal fight, dark lightning flashed one after another in the blood mist in the sky. Each flash would seriously injure or kill an extraterrestrial creature on the spot.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

In addition to the continuous fierce attacks of blood-colored dark electricity, a large number of shockingly powerful blood-colored energy air blades appeared in the blood mist that filled the sky, launching extremely devastating attacks on the emperor-level warriors of the three tribes outside the territory.

For a time, the Blood Tribe, who was originally in danger due to their numerical disadvantage, finally gained a firm foothold with the assistance of the Blood Shadow Attack and Killing Formation, and was no longer an easy target for the other three tribes to kill.

‘Yue Quan! What are you doing? ! Why do you want to kill the other three clansmen with all your strength? ! ’ Before Yue Kuang made the final decision, he saw this tragic scene and angrily asked Yue Quan next to him via voice transmission.

Because the matter was so serious, he was afraid that the conversation between the two of him would be heard by the other three tribes, so he temporarily decided to communicate with Yue Quan through secret transmission.

However, precisely because of his actions, the other three tribes further deepened their misunderstanding of them. This incident will definitely become a barrier for the alliance of the four tribes outside the region, and a crack finally appeared between the alliance of the four tribes outside the region.

‘I didn’t control the formation to launch the attack! ’ There was a hint of crying in Yue Quan’s voice. He was obviously frightened by the abnormal changes that happened in front of him.

‘You didn’t control the formation to launch an attack? ! ’ Yue Kuang was stunned for a moment. After seeing that Yue Quan had not lied, he suddenly came to his senses and said, ‘Don’t tell me. . . We were deceived by that Du Long from the beginning? ! He didn't lose control of the Blood Shadow Attack and Killing Formation? ! ’

'This is impossible! ’ Yue Quan shook his head and denied on the spot: ‘I have the blood of a descendant of the blood royal family. After refining the blood shadow formation and controlling the crystal, I will definitely be able to regain control of the formation! ’

As he said, the Blood Shadow Attack and Killing Formation can be controlled by multiple control formation stones. In the end, whoever's bloodline is purer will be able to gain the highest control authority over the formation.

This is also a defensive method used by the blood clan to prevent outsiders from taking control of the Blood Shadow Attack and Killing Formation. Once control of the formation is taken away, as long as a clansman with purer blood comes forward to refine the control formation stone, they can regain control of the formation. control of the formation.

However, man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation!

The upper echelons of the blood clan never thought that the bloodline used by Du Long to refine and control the formation stones came from Princess Yuexi. She was the biological daughter of the Blood Emperor. Apart from the Blood Emperor, there were not many bloodlines in the entire blood clan that could match her. She is purer.

In short, when Du Long learned about the characteristics of the Blood Shadow Killing Formation from Princess Yuexi, he immediately thought of this strategy of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

First, deliberately show the enemy weakness, and then lead the enemy into the basin. At that time, he will reveal his fangs and use the blood shadow to attack and kill the formation, killing all the enemies in one fell swoop.

Finally, when taking action, he remembered that he could not harm Princess Yuexi's tribe with his own hands, so he slightly changed his action plan and took the opportunity to sow discord among the four tribes outside the territory.

The result was obviously extremely successful. This can be seen from the fact that the four tribes outside the territory broke out into an all-out internal fight directly in front of the Pangu camp.

Seeing an all-out internal fight among the four tribes outside the territory, Yue Quan and Yue Kuang clearly wanted to find a way to solve the current unfavorable situation from a distance, so Du Long immediately took action preemptively.

He is still using Yue Quan's hand to control the formation with all his strength to kill the people of the other three tribes outside the territory. The seeds of hatred have been planted. Even if Yue Quan and Yue Kuang want to explain, the people of the other three tribes may not believe it.

In just a moment, nearly a thousand members of the three extraterrestrial tribes died. The bloody energy in the entire basin seemed to be boiling. The bloody air blades in the sky were combined with the unpreventable dark lightning bombardment. Emperor-level powerhouses from the three extraterrestrial tribes continued to appear in the sky. The person fell to the ground.

Yo yo yo. . .

Before the emperor-level warriors from the three extraterrestrial tribes could recover, the dark blood bats above the basin seemed to have received instructions from some of the vampire clansmen, and finally began to launch an all-out attack on the emperor-level warriors from the other three clans.

These vampires are extremely proficient in controlling blood bats. They divide the blood bats into hundreds of strands, and then release the sonic air blade with all their strength to attack dozens or hundreds of targets at the same time.

As a result, the situation of the emperor-level warriors of the three clans outside the territory became even more unfavorable. One after another, some people suffered fatal blows and fell to the ground. This scene directly frightened Yue Kuang, the blood clan emperor-level leader who was responsible for leading the team. Breaking into a cold sweat.

If this incident is not handled well, Commander Yue Da will most likely push him out as a scapegoat in order to calm the anger of the other three tribes!

"No! Stop! Everyone, please stop. We have all fallen into that Du Long's trap! He has not lost control of the Blood Shadow Attack and Killing Formation at all. This is clearly trying to sow discord among our four tribes. It’s a relationship!!” Yue Kuang, sweating profusely, shouted to the members of the four tribes.

It's a pity that when things have developed to this point, it is obvious that no one will believe his words.


A powerful emperor-level leader of the Li clan responded with an angry smile: "Yue Kuang! Not only did you use the blood shadow attack and killing array to kill a large number of people from the three clans, but you also ordered your subordinates to control the blood bats to launch fatal attacks on us. , now that things have come to this, you still want to lie in public?!"

"I didn't lie..." Yue Kuang hurriedly wanted to continue to argue for himself, but the other party had no intention of giving him a chance to explain: "Shut up! Stop talking nonsense there. If you talk about the control of the formation, Still in the hands of the enemy, how should we explain the attacks of those blood bats?!"

"Yue Kuang, sooner or later someone will settle this debt with you today. You'd better pray that everyone from the other three tribes at the scene can be wiped out. Otherwise, you vampire tribe will have to wait for the three tribes to join forces to besiege you!"

Within a moment of the two talking to each other in the air, dozens more members of the three tribes outside the territory died. Faced with multiple blows, several of the most powerful commanders of the three tribes finally gave the order to retreat with some helplessness.

After receiving the order, the strong men of the three tribes stepped away and wanted to exit the basin. Unfortunately, the binding function of the blood mist in the sky was activated, tightly binding the members of the three tribes outside the territory, and trying their best to prevent them from escaping from the basin.

Under the constraints of the blood shadow attack and killing formation, the movement speed of the members of the three tribes was also greatly restricted and affected, and their casualties were also accelerated a lot.

"Damn it! Are you vampires really going to kill all the members of the other three clans here?! Moon Mania! You bastard will get retribution sooner or later!!"

"Let's all fight these bloody bastards together. If you kill one more, you'll be enough. If you kill two more, you'll still earn money!"


Faced with heavy pressure, the emperor-level experts from the three extraterrestrial tribes cursed the blood tribe's shamelessness one after another, and they were all ready to fight for their lives.

Once a member of the extraterrestrial soul tribe suffers a serious physical injury, he will immediately burn his soul energy, and then launch a fatal soul light attack on the blood tribe members.

The members of the force clan teamed up to release energy fields to restrain the enemies around them, and then launched energy field shock waves crazily, constantly exploding the heart crystals of the blood clansmen.

And the corpse clan members are even more terrifying when they fight for their lives. Their flesh and blood will scatter in all directions after they explode. These flesh and blood are highly poisonous. Once they hit the vampire clan members, their bodies will be corroded into irreparable wounds. Horrible trauma.

As the three tribes outside the territory began to break through with all their strength, the casualties between the two sides increased sharply, and the war inside the basin also entered a fierce stage.

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