Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1993 Key Objectives

"Eating water monster?!"

Du Long muttered this unfamiliar term in his mouth and said with emotion: "Fortunately, I have the eye of thunder. I can open the eye of thunder immediately when I feel danger. Otherwise, I might not be able to survive this time!"

After the words fell, he once again opened the Brilliant Thunder Eyes with all his strength. The Brilliant Thunder Flames were lingering in his eyes, and he scanned the surrounding clouds like a torch. Only after he was sure that those weird swallowing water monsters had completely left, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right!" Princess Yuexi responded sweetly in the cave world: "The swallowing water monsters are not in the form of water droplets, but are composed of a large number of extremely small transparent microorganisms. They like to lurk in the form of water droplets. Among the clouds, most of those who stray into it will escape death!"

"Can just... translucent microorganisms... actually be able to cause serious harm to a strong person with emperor level strength?!" Zhao Zhiling, a little lolita, muttered in confusion.

"Yes!" Princess Yuexi said with a rare solemn expression: "Although they are only very small microorganisms, when gathered together, they possess extremely terrifying lethality. Once they break through the defense and enter the body, they will cause The target’s body and soul are devoured instantly!”

After listening to her explanation, everyone's bodies couldn't help but stiffen slightly. Just imagining being invaded by some unknown microorganism and having their body and soul quickly devoured, made people feel their scalps tingling!

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being a terrifying creature that can be listed on the list of forbidden beasts together with the Soul-eating Ant Beast. I didn't expect that just in the Blue Water Secret Realm, we would encounter two forbidden beasts from outside the territory one after another?!" Little Loli said deeply He murmured feelingly.

"That's right! I always feel... This shouldn't be the last forbidden beast we encounter inside the Blue Water Secret Realm... Maybe there will be other forbidden beasts from outside the realm waiting for us... ." Princess Yayi interjected with some fear.


A group of people were discussing the topic of forbidden beasts outside the cave world, but Du Long continued to move forward in the dark clouds. He had transformed into another appearance and soul.

This time, Du Long transformed into the image of a rugged man holding a sword, and continued to shoot towards the established target, and was always ready for a fight.

Before he even arrived at the Second Guard Island, he encountered a terrifying forbidden beast from outside the territory, similar to the Devouring Water Monster. Who knows what kind of crisis he would encounter in the rest of the journey? !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Flying forward all the way, Du Long, who was well equipped for the battle, made some miscalculations. When he arrived, he successfully flew over the Wei Island where the target was located. He was only harassed by a few not-so-powerful alien beasts along the way. He was dismissed easily.

He stared at the seemingly ordinary island in front of him. It was just a weather change between the two areas of the outer island before. As for the rest, it was almost exactly the same.

However, after receiving the intelligence information submitted to him by Marshal Tianpeng, Du Long knew very clearly that the seemingly ordinary island in front of him was actually full of dangers!

On an island with a radius of millions of miles, the mountains are high and the forests are dense, which greatly suppresses the detection range of spiritual consciousness. Du Long, who could normally detect hundreds of thousands of miles away, can only detect a few hundred miles away at this moment. .

Of course, there are no big restrictions on viewing with the naked eye, but many of the scenery seen by the eyes may not be real and reliable!

After briefly looking around, Du Long immediately dodged and rushed into the dense forest below. He couldn't stay in the air for a long time, otherwise he would definitely become the target of the eyes of all parties.

Even though his speed was fast enough, there were still many people who saw his appearance with the naked eye and secretly guessed his true identity and origin.

It wasn't until Du Long ducked into the dense forest that the informants left by certain forces transmitted what they saw and handed it over to the people above to decide how to deal with this guy with a strange face.

Soon, the Vampire Base Camp received the information, and a dedicated person began to analyze the identity of the new man who appeared on the island.

‘After comparison! There is no record of this person entering the Blue Water Secret Realm. He should be someone who changed his appearance and soul in it! ’

'No matter who enters the island, they must be the subject of key surveillance, especially targets like this that can change their appearance and aura, because our target this time, Du Long, has the ability to change his appearance. The ability with soul breath! ’

‘Give me the order to carry out second-level surveillance on this person! ’

The analysis results came out quickly. It must be said that the external forces were particularly attentive in intelligence collection and analysis, and it took only a moment to make an accurate judgment on Du Long.

With the result, they would immediately ask the people below to execute the plan, and an order to attack Du Long was quickly sent to the Blue Water Secret Realm.

Because the Blood Emperor wanted to deal with Du Long, the Blood Clan's base camp on the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield immediately put this matter at the most important level, and they must strive to complete the task assigned by the Blood Emperor as soon as possible!

On Wei Island, Du Long is sneaking in the dense forest!

He didn't know that he would so quickly become the target of surveillance by the vampires outside the territory. If he had known this, he should not have entered the island in human form in the first place. It would be better to directly transform into a tiny mosquito to be more secretive.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

In the dense forest, a figure was advancing at high speed, and the dense trees seemed unable to slow down his progress.

Du Long's spiritual consciousness was released with all his strength, and he was constantly exploring the surrounding environment. Under high alert, he kept rushing towards the target direction he wanted to reach.

‘A strange beast with emperor-level strength appeared in front of you on the left! It seems that the strength is not weak! ’

After detecting this information, he immediately turned a corner subconsciously, trying to avoid the territory of the alien beast. He did this all the way, trying not to break out into a war with those unknown alien beasts, so as not to cause trouble. Come more enemies.

After avoiding the strange beast, Du Long changed his trajectory again and continued to shoot towards his target. No matter how he changed his route along the way, his ultimate goal would never change.

‘Three powerful beasts appear right in front? ! ’ Within the detection range of his spiritual consciousness, traces of three strange beasts appeared again. Du Long did not hesitate much and immediately changed the direction of travel again, intending to avoid these three strange beasts blocking the way.

Oh ho!

This time, he didn't seem so lucky. The three strange beasts seemed to have discovered his presence. They suddenly raised their heads and let out a roar, then spread their hooves and rushed straight towards Du Long.


Du Long was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned a corner without hesitation, trying to get rid of the pursuit of these three strange beasts. He was running forward at a terrifying speed in the dense forest.

Soon, he discovered with some headache that no matter which direction he rushed, he would always encounter alien beasts blocking his way, and the number of alien beasts was gradually increasing.

‘Damn it! Could it be that those guys from outside the territory recognized his true identity? ! ’ Du Long cursed angrily in his heart: ‘I was trapped in the ant beast space for so long, and then changed my appearance twice. Logically speaking, I shouldn’t have been recognized so quickly, right? ! ’

However, no one could give an answer at this moment. Even the Ring Spirit Ling'er did not dare to blindly interfere with some of Du Long's decisions because of the previous warning from Pangu Ancestor.

As his strength grew to reach the strongest level of the Emperor, his personal luck also underwent extremely subtle changes. Even the existence of Pangu Ancestor, who split the sky and split the earth, had to be very energetic. Approach it with caution.

After getting no response, Du Long was not too depressed. He has experienced all kinds of storms along the way. Naturally, he will not be afraid of the small storms in front of him. The worst is to expose his identity.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

In the dense forest, Du Long transformed into afterimages, trying hard to avoid the pursuit of those alien beasts, but in the end he found that the number of alien beasts chasing him was increasing exponentially.

In addition to those running on the ground, there were also various strange beasts flying in the sky, which forced him to consider whether to fly out of the dense forest at all costs, and then fly to the goal of his trip as quickly as possible.

This thought only flashed in his mind, and then disappeared immediately. He knew very well that if he rushed towards the target area openly and openly, the identity information he had worked so hard to hide for so long would definitely be exposed in an instant!

'snort! Do you want to force me to reveal my true identity and origin just by relying on these strange beasts? ! ’ Du Long suddenly thought of the possibility that someone wanted to force him to reveal his true identity.

After secretly snoring in his heart, he simply stopped playing hide-and-seek with those ubiquitous beasts, and instead chose a relatively weak direction. As soon as his footwork changed, he moved towards the chosen direction. Shot away in the direction.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

The moment he approached the target, a series of swords shot out with lightning and went straight to kill the two strange beasts blocking the way. The seemingly light sword light hit the target instantly.

Facing Du Long, who had almost completed the Great Path of Time and Space, the two strange beasts only had time to dodge, but they were unable to avoid the attack of these sword lights, and their heads were chopped off in an instant.

Oh ho!

Seeing his companions being killed instantly, some alien beasts immediately let out roars, and then continued to rush towards Du Long without fear of death. These alien beasts did not seem to notice the terrifying speed of his sword skills, their intelligence and The strength is completely disproportionate.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

It was Du Long who answered them and rushed in the designated direction without hesitation. He didn't want the small gap he had just opened to be blocked back so quickly.

After instantly killing several alien beasts that had reached the full strength of the late Emperor level along the way, Du Long finally succeeded in breaking out of the encirclement of the alien beasts by relying on his advantage in body speed.

'snort! Since you have already doubted my identity, I will change my form again and see if you can tell the difference? ! ’ Seeing that after he had shaken those alien beasts away from a distance, there were no large alien beasts within the detection range of his spiritual consciousness, Du Long snorted coldly and changed his form again.

This time, he was no longer in human form, but transformed into a small bird that could be seen everywhere in the dense forest, and then continued to move through the dense forest along a winding and ever-changing trajectory.

‘Can the opponent kill even the most powerful beasts of the Emperor level with one strike? ! ’

In the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, in the blood clan’s base camp, a slightly startled voice sounded: ‘Quickly pass on the order! Increase the intensity of testing and be sure to find out this person’s true identity! ’

Soon, this command was transmitted to the Blue Water Secret Realm. In the dense forest, a large number of small flying alien beasts began to dispatch, trying their best to explore Du Long's whereabouts.

Among the many small flying beasts, there are also some flying beasts with special detection energy hidden. They seem to be able to smell a certain aura emanating from Du Long, and they quickly locked onto the location of his true body.

‘It turned into an ordinary little flying beast? ! In the Pangu world, although there are many people who can possess the magical power of change, there are very few beings who can even change the aura of the soul! Immediately increase the target's suspicious level and report the matter to Commander Yueda! ’

Soon, another instruction was conveyed.

In the blood tribe's base camp, when Commander Yue received the news in the main tent, he immediately jumped up excitedly and said: "This guy has such amazing magical powers of transformation, and he can kill several emperor-level and powerful beasts in an instant. This guy Is this the Du Long we have been waiting for for many years?!"

"Come here! Pass the order, be sure to do your best to find out the opponent's true identity, and then decide whether to activate the formation to deal with him!"

In the dense forest, Du Long never expected that the magical power of transformation not only failed to hide his true identity, but also had the opposite effect!

Swish, swish, swish. . .

In the dense forest, more and more strange beasts began to gather in a certain direction. With the instructions from Commander Yue, the entire island seemed to start to move.

Du Long soon encountered these strange beasts. He originally thought that the other party did not know his true identity, and still maintained the appearance of a small flying beast, trying to pass by the other party.

As a result, those strange beasts directly attacked him with all their strength, which also made him wake up immediately. He hurriedly transformed into the form of a man in red, and then swung his sword and slashed out.

Just like chopping melons and vegetables, Du Long killed these unknown beasts with ease. However, he did not relax his vigilance at all, but continued to speed up with all his strength to leave the scene of the battle.

Unfortunately, he was obviously too late. As more and more strange beasts rushed into the spiritual detection range, he knew that his plan to hide his body had failed.

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