Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1987 Difficult Advancement

Among the golden-winged ants in the sky, there are two pure golden figures mixed in!

It turned out to be Du Long and Princess Yuexi of the Blood Tribe. The two of them put on battle armor made from the golden substance in the body of the Golden Ant King, and their bodies were glittering with golden light.

The pure golden battle armor shows off the extremely sexy and fiery body curves of Princess Yuexi of the blood clan. She is indeed worthy of being of the bloodline of the blood clan royal family!

Princess Yuexi's hot and sexy style tends to be more glamorous, but Hu Feifei's hot and sexy style is of the charming type. The two of them almost perfectly interpret the hot and sexy style.

Du Long looked up and down at the sexy golden-armored beauty in front of him through his consciousness, and secretly admired her hot figure. Then he smiled and said: "Okay! It's time to go to the final level. I hope these two Wearing a suit of armor can save us a lot of energy!"

In this way, under the attention of several teammates in the cave world, the two people began to lightning in the direction of the temple, and soon flew from the territory of the ant general to the side of the golden ant king.

The two of them cautiously moved closer to the golden ant king in the sky. After seeing that the other party did not behave abnormally at all, they looked at each other and each breathed a sigh of relief.

"Follow me closely. If anything unusual happens, I will take you into the cave world first. Princess Yuexi must not resist then!" Even with the golden armor guarding him, Du Long was still a little cautious. The ground explained.

"Okay!" Princess Yuexi also knew the importance and did not reject Du Long's kindness at this time.

Du Long nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to go deeper into the territory of the Golden Ant King. This area was not big, and they did not need to rush too eagerly. They had to be careful in everything.

Buzz buzz. . .

Visiting the golden ant king's airspace in person, the buzzing sound of flapping wings echoed throughout the sky. Two golden figures walked through the golden ant beasts in the sky, as if they were in an uninhabited land!

As Princess Yuexi said before, these golden ant beasts do not see things through their eyes, but observe the surrounding environment in some strange way.

The two of them wore battle armor made of golden substances. In the perception of the golden ant kings, the two of them were not much different from others of the same kind.

In this way, the two people traveled all the way from the low-level golden ant king on the outside to the territory of the middle-level golden ant king in the middle, and then quickly moved towards the location of the high-level golden ant king who was finally stationed around the temple.


As the two approached the high-level golden ant kings, the ant kings who were originally quiet suddenly sounded like a swarm of frightened wasps, making bursts of warning buzzes.

The sudden change caused the two of them to stop subconsciously, and then quietly observed the high-level golden ant kings to see if they had any unusual behavior.

Not long after they stopped, the golden ant kings gradually became quiet, and the warning buzzing gradually stopped.

"Huh?! These high-level golden ant beasts don't seem to welcome us?!"

Du Long was slightly surprised and said: "Could it be said that using the special gold from the low-level golden ant kings to refine armor cannot be recognized by these high-level golden ant kings?! The area where the temple is located only has the high-level golden ant kings. Only the Golden Ant King can enter it?!"

"That's how it should be?!"

Princess Yuexi frowned and replied with some uncertainty: "The powerful senior who left this ant beast space probably wanted to use these high-level golden ant kings to prevent the emperor-level strong men trapped here from escaping. ?!”

"Hmm!" Du Long nodded slightly and sighed helplessly: "I thought the golden substance on these golden ant kings were all the same! Now it seems that we need to refine a new set of armor!"

The two stood on the territory of the middle-level golden ant king, silently sizing up the high-level golden ant king in front of them. As long as these ant beasts have not reached the ant king level, their intelligence is always relatively low.

"This is armor made from the golden substance of the high-level Golden Ant King. You put it on first and then talk about it!" After just a moment, Du Long handed another set of golden armor to Princess Yuexi. .

"Thank you, sir!"

After receiving several sets of armors, Princess Yuexi from the Vampire Clan gradually became a little numb, and she no longer felt arrogant. She thanked her directly, accepted the armor, and claimed it as her owner.

"Where is the young master's armor?! Why haven't you put it on yet?!" After putting on the latest armor, Princess Yuexi waited for a long time but did not see Du Long put on the new armor, so she couldn't help but ask.

"My armor is being refined. It still needs some time. It will be ready soon!" Du Long said with a smile.

"Could it be that... this armor on my body was temporarily refined?!" Princess Yuexi said in surprise: "This is a super artifact-level armor! The young master was actually able to make it in such a short period of time. Was it successfully refined?!"


Regarding this issue, Du Long had no intention of explaining it in detail. He just nodded and said nothing further.


After a while, Du Long swayed slightly and immediately put on another set of golden armor. The armors seemed to be similar, but in fact there were huge differences.

"Eh?!" After feeling the information about the armor on his body, Du Long suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Although it is still a low-grade super-artifact-level armor, it actually has the strength of a mid-grade super-artifact-level armor. Woolen cloth?!"

"Yes!" Princess Yuexi also nodded fiercely with joy on her face: "This is a medium-grade super-artifact-level armor. Even some high-grade super-artifacts may not be able to break it easily!"

"Haha!" Du Long nodded with satisfaction and replied with a smile: "Sure enough, he is worthy of being called the high-level golden ant king. The golden substance on his body has evolved to the extreme of the emperor level. It is just used to refine low-grade super artifact armor. It is really a waste of natural resources. Got it!"

"That's right! Young master, you must use it sparingly in the future. This golden substance should be extremely precious. After you leave here in the future, it will be difficult to find the spirit-devouring ant beasts again!" Princess Yuexi agreed.


Du Long nodded slightly, then stopped talking nonsense, ducked and slowly approached the high-level golden ant king not far away. He obviously planned to test whether this new armor could deceive the high-level golden ant king. Probe.

'Very good! Princess Yuexi, you can go with me! ’

After a little testing, seeing that the high-level golden ant king beside him was not moved by him at all, Du Long then sent a message to Princess Yuexi to say hello.

'Um! ’

Princess Yuexi responded casually and immediately followed her. The two were worried that something unusual would happen on the last stretch of the road, so they did not dare to go too fast along the way, but flew forward as carefully as possible.

Soon, the two came to the flat-topped mountain. In front of them was the temple with the space-time gate. Outside the temple were densely packed golden ant beasts.


Du Long breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense heartstrings relaxed a lot. In front of him was the temple. Although a large number of high-level golden ant kings gathered around the temple, they did not show any signs to them. hostility.

'alright! Only the last section of the road is left, and it looks like there should be no danger! ’ Du Long said with a relieved smile towards Princess Yuexi beside him.

'Um! ’ Princess Yuexi responded with a smile: ‘This is also thanks to the suit of armor refined by Mr. You. Otherwise, how could we fly here so easily? ! ’

‘The closer we get to the last minute, the less we can let down our guard. As I said just now, it’s okay to stay for a while as long as everything goes well. If anything abnormal happens, Princess Yuexi must enter the cave world! ’ Du Long once again confessed a little uneasily.

'how? ! ’ Princess Yuexi looked a little confused and said, ‘Is that so? . . Is there some kind of warning sign in the young master’s heart? ! ’

‘I have a little bit of a bad premonition, although it’s not particularly strong, but it’s still best to remind the princess, hope. . . This is all just an illusion! ’ Some of Du Long’s prisoners muttered.

The two completed the final communication and exchange, and then continued to fly towards the temple in front of them. As they got closer and closer to the high-level golden ant kings, the uneasy feeling in Du Long's heart gradually became stronger. .

‘Princess Yuexi! I feel something is not right. For now, you can enter the cave world first. After I successfully reach the destination, I will release you all together! ’

'All right! ’

Feeling that something was not right, Du Long immediately secretly sent a message to Princess Yuexi. After getting her approval, he immediately waved his hand and took it into the cave world, where he placed it with several other teammates.


Outside, almost at the same time that Princess Yuexi was admitted into the cave world, the originally quiet Golden Ant King suddenly broke out.

I saw those high-level golden ant kings, like enraged wasps, beginning to swarm towards Dulong Bee, especially since his path forward was now tightly blocked by the golden ant kings all over the sky.

Having already reached the final step, Du Long was naturally unwilling to retreat again. He had maintained his three-headed and thousand-armed state without hesitation, waving thousands of magical weapons and frantically attacking the ants blocking his way. Kill the beast.

Ding ding ding. . .

Amidst the crisp sounds of gold and iron clashing, high-level golden ant kings were pushed back by the light of the sword. In the process, the Flame Dragon Slaying Slash and the Extreme Spirit Soul-Eating Slash continued to attack those high-level golden ants. The Golden Ant King causes quite a bit of damage.

Golden blood splashed in all directions, and the smell of this blood angered many high-level golden ant kings, who all flew towards Du Long, the instigator, frantically.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that almost all directions around him were surrounded by high-level ant beasts, Du Long couldn't help but curse. Before, he was desperately trying to avoid being surrounded by the outside world, but now he surrendered himself. The rhythm of the snare.

The destination was right in front of him, and he was really unwilling to retreat. Besides, there was no way to retreat now if he wanted to!

As his thoughts flashed through his mind, Du Long immediately gritted his teeth and began to charge forward with his sword waving with all his strength.

Amidst the clashes of gold and iron, the more than a thousand weapons in Du Long's hands were fully fired, and he launched an all-out attack on the golden ant king that surrounded him.

Boom boom boom. . .

Only by disrupting the formation of the Golden Ant King was he able to take advantage of the chaos and rush out. Du Long once again used the energy field shock wave unique to the extraterritorial force tribe to launch an all-out bombardment against the Golden Ant King in the sky.

The loud noises erupting from bursts of energy force field shock waves shook the world. Although this energy had no lethal effect on the high-level golden ant kings, it was able to push them away from Du Long and disrupt their attack formation. .

Rumble. . .

Taking advantage of a concentrated energy field shock wave that opened a gap in the high-level golden ant king, Du Long stepped out in that direction without hesitation and rushed over in an instant.

Yo yo yo. . .

Amidst the bursts of sharp and harsh roars, the golden ant kings all over the sky frantically filled the gap where Du Long had hit, and instantly blocked the gap.

Du Long looked at the newly blocked gap with some depression. Facing the environment filled with golden ant kings, he simply did not dare to use Nuwa's time and space footwork.

Although this footwork can help him successfully break out of the golden ant king's encirclement, it will collide with the golden ant king all over the sky in the process of rushing out.

The effect of force is mutual. Even if the golden ant king is stationary, the opponent will be like a high-speed shooting shell, causing extremely serious damage to Dulong!

In short, unless absolutely necessary, Du Long would not dare to use Nuwa's time and space footwork in this environment.

The sounds of gold and iron clashing continued to resound throughout the world. Du Long stood in the air, with his arms in all directions. More than a thousand magical weapons flew all over the sky, forming an almost airtight line of defense, constantly bombarding the surrounding high-level people. Golden ant beast.

On this basis, he began to move forward step by step, constantly compressing the ant beast in front of him backwards.

Clang clang clang. . .

Under the crazy siege of the overwhelming golden ant king, although Du Long was able to repel the ant beasts time and time again, he was still inevitably bitten by some of the weapons in his hands.

Then a picture appeared that made Du Long's scalp numb. Most of the chewed weapons reached the level of top-grade super artifacts. Although they were not bitten into pieces, they were still bitten into pits and bumps!

"Damn it! Without the help of high-grade super artifacts today, it would be almost impossible to get through the last level!" Du Long looked at the bitten high-grade super artifacts in his hands with some pain, and muttered in great depression. One sentence.

With his mouth complaining, his hands and feet could not be idle, but continued to push forward with all his strength. Although this speed was difficult but slow, it was still somewhat effective!

After this continued for nearly an hour, the number of golden ant kings blocking Du Long decreased sharply, and an invisible energy field appeared in front of him.

Those golden ant kings seemed to be a little afraid of this energy field. As Du Long advanced, they had no choice but to retreat to both sides. This scene not only did not make Du Long feel happy, but instead frowned and showed a trace of solemnity. look.

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