Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 215 Mother and Daughter Finally See 1

"Although it looks a bit similar, I can't guarantee whether it is a fake princess token! Using a fake princess token is a felony that will punish the nine clans!" Liu Hai threatened with a bit of sternness, and he didn't mean anything. Wrong, using a fake royal token is an extremely serious crime, and once verified, it is not surprising that the nine clans were punished.

It's a pity that Huofeng didn't look nervous at all, she still had a faint smile on her face, and threw the princess's pure gold token over with a flip of her hand.

Liu Hai was so nervous that he bit his tongue off, stretched out his hands tremblingly to catch the gold medal flying in the air, and then began to check the authenticity of the token in front of everyone!

First of all, it is natural to confirm which princess is coming. When he saw the word "fire phoenix", cold sweat immediately broke out on his forehead. No need to look at other things, he can already confirm the authenticity of this token.

The fat man surnamed Liu went back to the capital city last year to visit his relatives. He stayed in the capital for a month or so. He had naturally heard the legend about Princess Huofeng and Du Long's son-in-law. Many people in the capital now know that Princess Huofeng is married to Du Long, and Prince Du's favorite is to ride a big lion demon to carry the princess around.

As long as you see a fiery red lion carrying young men and women, you can basically be sure that it is the princess and son-in-law. After all, this world rides a lion demon, and it is really rare that it is fiery red!

Holding the princess badge with trembling hands, Liu Hai continued to inspect the unique seals of the royal family on the gold medal without giving up. Sure enough, these royal seal badges are absolutely authentic in terms of divinity!

"Wei Chen Liu Hai! See His Royal Highness Huofeng Princess, His Royal Highness is thousands of years old! See Lord Consort Du!" Now that he knew that the identity of the princess was absolutely correct, Liu Hai didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, and knelt down on the spot and performed a standard visit present.

The twenty or so crooked people who were following him all knelt down on the ground with their knees limp. How could they feel that their group had been coveting for a long time just now, and they actually beat the evil heart on the current princess?

"Get up!" Princess Huofeng waved her hands impatiently, and then said calmly: "My princess has seen and remembered everything you did today!"

"Damn my ministers, if you offend the princess with words, please forgive us for our ignorance!" The fat man kowtowed and pleaded guilty.

"Hmph! I want this princess to go unpunished... In fact, there is no way..." Huofeng pretended to mutter.

"Princess, please make it clear! I will do my best to meet your request!" This Fatty Liu is a fine guy, how can he fail to understand the meaning of Princess Huofeng's words.

"Stop talking nonsense here! I heard that Mrs. Xia is seriously ill, so take us there to have a look!" Before Huofeng could speak, Du Long spoke eagerly. Obviously, Xia Qinglian's father and daughter were already anxious, They cast grateful glances at him.

"Yes! Please also invite the princess son-in-law to come with me!" After a respectful reply, Liu Hai immediately got up and led the crowd towards the village, and soon came to a dilapidated thatched cottage and stopped.

"Hmph! To let Mrs. Xia and his wife live in such a dilapidated place..." Huo Feng looked at the dilapidated thatched hut that couldn't even be covered by rain, and his face immediately became gloomy.

"Weichen understands! Let's change a cleaner house for Mrs. Xia and his wife!" Liu Hai hurriedly responded, and then angrily shouted at a few subordinates beside him: "The best house in the village has not been cleared out and given to you!" Master Xia and his wife live?"

Several subordinates immediately ran to work, how could they dare to be negligent in the slightest!

"Mother, mother!" Xia Qinglian, who couldn't wait to rush into the thatched hut, cried out repeatedly to the old woman on the messy wooden bed.

The old woman on the wooden bed seemed to be seriously ill, her face was terribly pale, her eyes were closed tightly, she seemed to be muttering something to herself, and she didn't respond to Xia Qinglian's call at all.

Xia Qinglian looked at her biological mother who had completely changed, and she could vaguely find a little bit of her old beauty from her old face. You must know that Madam Xia was a famous beauty back then!

Unfortunately, now she is just a haggard old woman with silver hair!

"Father! How did mother become like this? Since when did she become so ill?" Xia Qinglian asked Xia Ye with tears streaming down her face after shouting for a long time without any response.

"Oh... your mother has been ill for several days, just now my father wanted to ask the guards to invite a doctor to come over to see her, but he didn't have the money, so he ignored us... it's my father's fault! I offended His Majesty the Emperor It's fine for me to suffer a little bit, but I'm making your mother suffer along with it!" Xia Ye couldn't help but burst into tears.

"My son, my son! You must save my mother, you must save her..." Xia Qinglian asked Du Long for help in a panic.

"Qinglian! Don't worry, let me feel the pulse of my aunt and see what kind of disease she has!" Du Long comforted her with the advice of the ring spirit beauty.

"Hurry up, son, help my mother get her pulse!" In Xia Qinglian's mind, Du Long was almost omnipotent, so he couldn't even think about how he could take the pulse again.

Du Long stepped forward and sat on the chair beside the bed, and then pretended to stretch out his hand to feel the pulse for Mrs. Xia. He actually injected a ray of spiritual power into Mrs. Xia's body, but someone else really diagnosed her cause!

The ring spirit beauty began to scan Mrs. Xia's body in the dark, scanning all kinds of conditions inside her body, and soon she told Du Long the cause of the disease and its treatment.

This process didn't take long, but Princess Huofeng looked at Du Long with disbelief. Learning medical skills is no easier than practicing martial arts. It takes a long time to accumulate and settle. After knowing each other for so long, she I have never seen him read even a single medical book!

‘Is it just to comfort Qinglian, my husband is going to pretend to be Mrs. Xia’s pulse? ’ Such an idea popped into the head of Princess Huofeng.

After understanding Mrs. Xia's cause of disease and the treatment method, Du Long opened his eyes and looked at the Xia family father and daughter with a smile, "Uncle Xia, Sister Qinglian! It's nothing serious. Aunt Xia just suffers from long-term lack of nutrition, plus hunger and cold. It caused the wind and cold, and I happened to have the medicine for the wind and cold on my body, so I will help you find the medicine!"

He said so, but in secret, Du Long began to refine the medicinal liquid for treating wind and cold in the space of Huoyunding. In order to make the curative effect of the medicinal liquid faster and better, he made an exception for the first time and started refining with Ziyanganghuo Wind-chill medicinal liquid!

As an existence with the strength of a third-grade alchemist, asking him to refine this common wind-cold medicine is really a bit like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer!

In just a short while, the medicinal liquid for treating wind and cold was refined. However, in order to improve Mrs. Xia's weak constitution, he also refined a century-old silver ginseng, which he used to refine the first-grade spiritual liquid. main medicine!

Remove one-tenth of the refined medicinal liquid and put it into the medicinal liquid for treating wind and cold. In this way, this ordinary medicinal liquid for treating wind and cold becomes a panacea that can not only cure the disease, but also nourish the body!

"Uncle Xia! This bottle is the wind-cold liquid medicine that I carry with me. I take it in three doses. It is best to drink some warm water after taking it. This will help the patient recover faster!" Du Long finally took out a jade bottle and handed it to him. In the past, I also explained it by the way.

"Okay, okay! I'm going to pour a cup of hot water right now!" Xia Ye took the jade bottle with trembling hands and looked at Du Long gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Du!"

"Daddy! I'm here to feed my mother the medicine, hurry up and pour me a cup of hot water!" Xia Qinglian couldn't wait to reach out to take the medicine bottle, and after explaining, she began to prepare to feed Mrs. Xia the medicine.

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