Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1973 Test successful

Bang, bang, bang. . .

In front of everyone's eyes, a black figure was like a ghost, moving back and forth within a radius of five meters. Black sword lights appeared one after another, killing the ant beasts one by one.

The body fluids of the ant beasts were seen splashing everywhere. In addition to the inevitable contamination on the sword, Du Long's body was protected by a light layer of invisible energy. The body fluids of the ant beasts were bounced away before he could get closer.

Cha-cha-cha. . .

Within a five-meter radius with Du Long as the center, there were constant sounds of gnawing noises. Those hungry ant beasts were constantly gnawing at the stumps and broken arms of their companions.

They were no longer afraid of the annoying aura of the black armor on Du Long's body, but instead bitten the corpses of their companions desperately, which also made Du Long temporarily unable to move forward even half a step.

In the blink of an eye, the broken remains of the ant beasts were devoured. Only a few of the ant beasts in the layers had full stomachs. They were all eagerly waving their tentacles in the direction of the sword in Du Long's hand, as if Sensing the delicious smell emanating from the sword, they all put on a posture of eager to pounce on them.

Holding the sword in his hand, Du Long had no intention of throwing it out immediately. Instead, he continued to press forward with the sword, wanting to see if the tide of ant beasts would get out of the way or if there would be any danger in this situation. Other reactions.

Cha-cha-cha. . .

The hard bodies of the layers of ant beasts were rubbing against each other, making bursts of strange noises that made people feel chilled all over. They slowly made way for a path, but the distance that was originally only a radius of five meters now only remained About two meters.

In other words, one side is attracted by the delicious smell, and the other side is repelled by the disgusting smell, which makes those ant beasts feel very conflicted in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Du Long nodded slightly, then continued to approach forward, slowly starting to accelerate, trying to test the fastest speed at which the ant beast wave could give way.

After this continued for a long time, Du Long had entered deeply into the sea of ​​ant beasts, leaving only a few restless teammates behind him, all of whom were obviously worried about his personal safety.


After testing the desired results, Du Long exhaled a long breath, and then saw a nine-color flame flash on the blade, instantly evaporating all the ant beast's body fluids from the blade.

Looking around, the ant beasts that were still eager to attack immediately retreated, showing no interest in Du Long, a humanoid creature covered in black armor.

Seeing this result, Du Long nodded secretly, and then continued to duck forward and accelerate slowly, wanting to test his own speed limit.

Only by calculating the fastest traveling speed could he roughly calculate how long it would take him to run from the edge of the ant ocean to reach the deepest core area.

Soon, he calculated the maximum speed he could reach. Once he exceeded the speed, the ant beast would not have time to disperse, and he might be hit head-on.

Du Long stopped helplessly, and his eyes began to turn to the sky above the ant beast ocean. He soon came up with a new idea, and immediately began to let the clones inside the Ninth Space-time Island cooperate with Xuanyu to implement it.

After waiting so quietly for three days, another figure shrouded in black armor appeared next to Du Long. This was just a second-level spiritual servant with Hunyuan level strength.

"You! Fly forward directly from above the ocean of these ant beasts. Remember, you must not fly too high. You only need to stay at a height of one foot or so away from the ant beasts. You can fly as far as 90,000 miles away. Back!" Du Long confessed to this Hunyuan-level spiritual servant with an expressionless face.

"Yes Master!"

The spiritual servant didn't know Du Long, but he could feel the master's aura emanating from him. Naturally, he didn't dare to disobey his instructions. After answering respectfully, he immediately ducked and flew in the air according to Du Long's request. Sweep away.


A black figure almost flew out of the sea of ​​ant beasts, but Du Long stood quietly in the circle of ant beasts, silently watching the figure shoot away into the distance.


Suddenly, the black figure hit the invisible energy blade and was instantly cut in half. He didn't even have time to scream, and fell into the waves of the ant beast.

Originally, the ant beasts were still somewhat resistant to his presence, but as his body was split into two, blood and flesh were scattered all over the sky, immediately attracting the attention of many ant beasts, and they began to fly towards him desperately. Wrap it up instantly.

In just a moment, all the restlessness of the ant beasts calmed down, as if nothing had happened just now. The second-level spiritual servant with Hunyuan level strength disappeared without a trace, and had become the treasure of many ant beasts. A delicious meal in the belly.

In the distance, Du Long, who was paying close attention to the matter, frowned. He could clearly see the height and direction of the invisible energy blade that killed the guy.

I originally thought that I would only be attacked by the invisible energy air blade when I flew high into the sky. Now it seems that everything is possible. It seems that any target flying in the air will be the target of the invisible energy air blade attack!

Shaking his head slightly, he turned around silently and began to run quickly in the direction he came from, and soon returned to his teammates.

"Brother Jiang! How did you stay in the sea of ​​ant beasts for so long?! If we hadn't had your soul jade talisman on us, we might have mistakenly thought that something had happened to you..." said little Lolita Zhao Zhiling. He said coquettishly and impatiently.

Du Long looked at his concerned teammates with a smile and said, "It's okay! Let's go back to the safe cave first, and it's not too late to talk in detail later!"

In this way, the group returned to the safe cave. After everyone sat down, Du Long briefly recounted his experience in the ant beast ocean.

"Wow!" Zhou Jie was the first to exclaim after listening to his story: "Flying close to the ant beast at a height of less than a foot, but in the end they were all killed by the invisible air blade?!"

"Yes!" Du Long responded in a deep voice: "It seems that any target flying in the air cannot escape the lock of the invisible energy blade. The only way to survive is to break into the ant beast ocean down-to-earth!"


In the safety cave, everyone's expressions became extremely ugly, and they were obviously shocked by the news.

"Well... I feel like everything is okay!" In the end, it was the little lolita Zhao Zhiling who took the lead to break the silence and said: "At least, Brother Jiang can successfully develop armor that can repel ant beasts, which in itself is far beyond It’s beyond my imagination!”

"That's right!" Tang Gang, who was serious about his words, nodded slightly: "The inability to fly in the air is the result determined early on. Captain Jiang can develop an armor to protect against the bites of black ant beasts, which is enough for us to break through the ant beast ocean. The success rate is doubled!”

As the two spoke, the originally slightly depressed atmosphere immediately became much more relaxed, and everyone began to ask Du Long around this issue.

In this regard, Du Long did not hide too much and told some information about the armor truthfully.

He has no intention of hiding this matter. In the future, armor that can defend against ant beast attacks will naturally be spread, and it will also provide more countermeasures for certain civilizations in the Pangu world that are attacked by ant beasts.

"It turns out that the black substance extracted from those ant beasts has the main influence?! Why have so many people studied such a simple problem for many years without any results?!"

Zhao Zhiling tilted her head and muttered cutely: "And little brother Jiang only studied for a short time, and he was able to achieve such a huge achievement?!"

"No!" Zhao Kui shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "It's not that others haven't produced results, it's that those people are too precious to share their results!"

"Yes!" Princess Yayi said with deep sympathy: "Everyone has selfish motives. After finally developing an armor that can resist the invasion of spirit-devouring ant beasts, naturally she will not make the results public so easily!"

"Then... why did Brother Jiang tell us this secret?!" Zhao Zhiling blinked her beautiful big eyes and asked, pretending to be confused.

The others didn't know how to answer, so they all turned to look at Du Long, waiting for his answer quietly, wanting to know what considerations he had before sharing this secret.

Du Long was stared at with such scorching eyes by everyone. His old face turned slightly red and he said: "These are all external things. Even if I keep them, there is no point. I might as well spread them through everyone. If there is an ant beast encountered in Pangu world in the future, Invasion can still have some effect!"

"Giggle! Our little brother Jiang understands the righteousness!" Hu Feifei smiled charmingly, her arms around Du Long tightened slightly, and her firm chest pressed tightly against his body.

"Sister Feifei is right!" Zhou Jie said in agreement: "Not to mention, Captain Jiang's invention will be even more powerful for our team to break through the ant beast ocean in the future!"

"That..." Facing the praise from everyone, Du Long seemed a little uncomfortable, and immediately made an excuse: "Now that the armor that can prevent ant beasts from being bitten has been successfully developed, I will enter the cave world to practice more. Make a few sets, and then quietly practice in seclusion, try to improve your strength as much as possible, so as to increase your chances of winning in the ant beast ocean in the future!"

Just like that, he didn't give others a chance to continue talking, and the whole person disappeared without a trace. Even Hu Feifei still kept her arms tightly hugging him without changing, and he disappeared.


In the cave, everyone looked speechlessly at the place where Du Long disappeared out of thin air. Only Hu Feifei remained in an intimate posture. She was even blushing with embarrassment at this moment. Not to mention how embarrassing she looked.

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