Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1966 Superiority

Yeluke was once the male god in the eyes of thousands of girls in the underworld. Recently, his popularity can only be described as plummeting!

After having an argument with Black Lotus Eva in public at the Military Plaza of the Underworld City, and exposing his ugly face to others, life became extremely difficult during this period.

Later, Yeluke couldn't stand others pointing fingers behind his back, so he had no choice but to join an adventure team and enter Nuwa's secret realm, hoping to use the adventure trip to dilute his depression.

As a result, an unexpected situation occurred. In Nuwa's Secret Realm, he once witnessed Du Long's feat of single-handedly successfully expelling all races from outside the territory from Nuwa's Secret Realm.

Witnessing his rival in love making a name for herself in Nuwa's secret territory, he felt deep bitterness in his heart and could no longer think of fighting with her.

Just thinking about a strong man who could defeat all the external forces within Nuwa's secret realm with his own strength made Yeluke feel chilled.

No wonder Black Lotus Eva would choose Du Long as her Taoist companion, and she would never leave him. Compared with this magical oriental man Du Long, her mere Emperor level to the strongest level is as strong as The fireflies compete with the sun and the moon as if they don't know what they can do.

Later, he also spent tens of thousands of years trying to cross the folded space inside the Nuwa secret realm, but unfortunately they all ended in failure.

Witnessing his love rival Du Long freely entering and exiting folded time and space several times, the folded time and space that looked like a chasm to many emperor-level experts was as easy and casual as entering and exiting his own back garden for Du Long.

This scene hit Yeluke extremely hard. After hearing that a brand new secret realm had appeared on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, and it came from the secret realm left by a senior master from the Weowui Palace in the Netherworld, he immediately did not hesitate. He gave up the fight for the opportunity in Nuwa's Secret Realm and instead accompanied his teammates to the Blue Water Secret Realm.

However, when people have bad luck, they often have to choke their teeth even to drink cold water. This sentence couldn't be more appropriate for Yeluke!

Not long after he entered the Blue Water Secret Realm, a group of people finally reached the first level of the island. They immediately rushed excitedly to the nearest island, hoping to find their own opportunities there.

At that time, Yeluke had imagined in his heart that if he could find the treasure left by the supreme power as soon as possible, he might be able to use it to help him improve his strength and maybe surpass that Buddhist disciple Du Long.

As a result, there was no trace of the treasure in the Blue Water Secret Realm, and their team was in trouble because they strayed into this strange space.

What followed was an outbreak of ant beasts as they struggled to find an exit. . .

Seeing the teammates around him fall down one by one and become the food of the ant beasts, bitten to the point of losing their souls in an instant, he finally secretly felt frightened by it.

Just when he secretly blamed God for treating him unfairly and felt desperate for his continuous hardships, God seemed to have played another big joke on him.

His ordeal finally came to an end when the few surviving members of his team fled in panic into a seemingly ordinary cave and then blocked the entrance with a boulder from the entrance.

They were able to detect the outside of the cave with their spiritual consciousness, and could see the overwhelming ant beasts passing by the entrance of the cave, but none of them noticed the existence of them, and they all ignored the cave and took a detour.

This continued until the tide of ant beasts slowly returned to the dividing line. All the survivors of this adventurous team finally passed the disaster with relief.

Then, they began to carefully explore the outside world, and soon discovered the reality that the ant beast was back within the dividing line, which made them completely relieved.

The surviving team members began to use the safe cave as the center point, exploring around the cave to find an exit from this space, and did not dare to go too far away from the safe cave.

Because they didn't know the time pattern of the ant wave outbreak at the beginning, and they were also afraid that because they were too far away, the ant wave would eventually break out, but they would not be able to rush back to the safe cave for refuge.

Time continued to pass, and after two more ant tides broke out, the survivors finally found the pattern of the ant tide outbreaks, and the scope of exploring this space also increased to the extreme. Unfortunately, after experiencing After tens of thousands of years of searching, the location of the exit has still not been found.

On this day, they were too lazy to go out to explore. They sat cross-legged on a mountain peak very close to the safe cave, chatting without a word.

"Alas!" Yeluke sighed softly: "It seems that the only way to leave this damn space is to break into the deepest part of this vast ocean of ant beasts!"

"Well! If there is an exit to this desolate space, it is more than 80% likely to be located in the deepest part of the ant ocean. I don't know who the damn bastard arranged such a misleading space. It is really abominable. !”

"Yes! It's just that we have wasted tens of thousands of years and failed to find an opportunity in the blue water cave world. We may be trapped here forever in this life!"

"That's right! During the outbreak period of the ant beast wave that we were just trapped in, we could still encounter other adventure teams from time to time. Nowadays, it is even more difficult to encounter an adventure team in this space than to reach the sky!"

"I guess all the adventurous teams we encountered before have been killed by the ant beasts, right?! Those terrifying ant beasts... will not only devour the practitioners, but those beasts can also carry the Cave Heaven Formation with them. The stone was bitten into pieces, causing the internal space to collapse, and many of the creatures inside were either destroyed or scattered among the ant beasts, becoming their food!"

"Tsk tsk! Those beasts seem to be addicted to this. When devouring a certain practitioner, they especially like to find various items they carry with them, and then devour them all. Once they bite open a space formation stone, That would be a disaster!”

"Yes! We have also seen...a huge cave world collapse...and the countless lava paddles that collapsed from it also became delicacies for these monsters, and were swallowed up completely by them!"

"In the eyes of those ant beast monsters, those lava paddles seemed to have turned into the most delicious cakes among ordinary people. The sea of ​​scalding hot lava paddles was swallowed up by them in a matter of seconds!"

"It seems...except for the rocks we see...all other metal ores, lava, vegetation, animals, etc., are all delicacies in the eyes of these little monsters, right?!"


A group of people sat around the top of the mountain, discussing with emotion the ant beast's perverted habits and the scenes they had witnessed over the years.

You can see the fear deep in their eyes. Only by witnessing the terrifying scene of the ant beast outbreak with your own eyes can you truly understand their ferocity and terror!

Therefore, even though they have entered this space for tens of thousands of years, these survivors have already been imprinted with the boundless fear of ant beasts in their hearts. Even though they know that the only exit to leave this space is in the depths of the ant beast ocean, they have never been able to escape. Never thought of breaking in!

"Huh?! Another adventure team is coming towards us. They all look very familiar. They must be newcomers who have just entered the ant beast space, right?!"

"It's really an unfamiliar adventure team. They must not know the existence of the safe cave at all. Seeing that the next ant wave outbreak is not far away, but they are still running around like this, I guess. After this wave of ant beasts, we will never see traces of them again, right?!"

"What a pity! There are actually three stunning beauties in this adventure team. It would be a waste of resources to die in the belly of an ant like this!"


As Du Long and others entered the team's spiritual detection and warning range, they immediately attracted the attention of Yeluke and others. In their opinion, the adventurous team who did not know how to guard next to a safe cave would sooner or later be invaded by the ant beast tide. He will be buried in the belly of ants!

Therefore, while they were secretly communicating through spiritual sound transmission, they were looking at this somewhat unfamiliar adventure team with dead eyes.

Seven figures quickly came to a halt, and then the two groups looked at each other quietly. The atmosphere at the scene seemed a bit strange.

The rest of the team led by Du Long were quietly waiting for him, the captain, to speak first. However, Du Long was looking at Yeluke with strange eyes at this moment and did not speak to him immediately. The atmosphere at the scene naturally became tense. Something is getting weird.

"You are the adventure team from the eastern camp of Pangu God Realm, right?!" In the end, perhaps because he felt uncomfortable being stared at by Du Long's strange eyes, Yeluke couldn't help but break the silence and said: "We are from Pangu There is no enmity between the adventure team in the Netherworld and your team, and I hope we can keep the peace!"

For many years, Yeluke and others who have owned a safe cave have had a mentality of being superior to other adventure teams deep in their hearts. This mentality is very strange, just like a person who has a ticket to Noah's Ark, when looking at those ordinary people, strange psychology.

Therefore, they are unwilling to take the initiative to conflict with other adventure teams unless necessary. In their view, other adventure teams will sooner or later become a meal for the ant beasts!

"Hmm!" Du Long grinned with a meaningful smile, then glanced around. His eyes deliberately stayed at a safe cave not far away for a moment, and then continued to say something to let Yeluke and others The words that made my heart skip a beat: "What's wrong?! Feeling like there is a safe cave behind you means you are superior to others?!"

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