Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1950 Approaching the truth

"Very good! Now that it has been confirmed that the six-man adventure team led by Jiang Xiaobei has mistakenly entered the space guarded by the spirit-devouring ant beast, there is no need to pay attention to their movements. Everyone should focus all their energy on Du Long. Let’s explore the whereabouts of the clone!”

The Blood Tribe is located in the commander's tent at the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield base camp. The confident voice of the strongest commander Yue can be heard. After confirming that Du Long's team is trapped in the life-threatening space of the first-level guard island in the Blue Water Secret Realm, he has basically regarded this team as... The dead come to see.

"Lord Commander Yue!" A powerful commander below said hesitantly: "What is going on with the so-called space guarded by the soul-devouring ant beast?! Before, I only knew that it was a Jedi. After anyone enters it, There will never be a chance to come out again, and other than that, I don’t know any other detailed information?!”

"Haha!" Yue grinned with a smug smile and said: "It's normal that you don't know. Only a few people know the details of this matter. At most, you just know that those locations are extremely dangerous and you must not enter them! "

"In fact, the details about that space are confidential. I can't tell you, but I can tell you some information. That is, after entering that space, the exit is guarded by the spirit-eating ant beast Ocean. Anyone can You can't fly to get through the level, you can only break through the sea of ​​spirit-eating ant beasts from the ground, and then you have a chance to escape the danger!"


In the commander's tent, there were gasps of cold air, and many strong men at the blood clan emperor level and the strongest commander level were all frightened by Commander Yue's explanation.

"The ocean of spirit-devouring ant beasts defends the exit, and... it is impossible to attack the exit position by flying. Compared with the emperor-level powerhouses, that kind of defense means it is completely impossible to have a chance to escape!"

"Yes! No wonder... there were so many adventuring teams who accidentally entered it, and most of them died in the end. I heard that only a very small number of them are still alive!"


The people who gradually woke up began to talk there, all discussing the space where the ocean of soul-eating ant beasts was stationed at the exit. As expected, they were worthy of being the most powerful emperor-level commanders from another world, and they all knew the soul-eating ants very well. The beast's terrifying attack power.

"That..." Yue Shao said with some hesitation from the coach's position: "If any of you have to enter it under desperate circumstances in the future, then you must go all out to find the eight safe ones. As long as you hide in a cave and seal the entrance, you can effectively prevent the crisis when the spirit-devouring ant beasts break out!"

"Safe cave?! A swarm of spirit-devouring ant beasts?! Lord Commander Yue, if this matter is not related to the core secrets, please Lord Commander can clear up my doubts for us!" Someone immediately asked.

Commander Yue glanced around and could see everyone's expectant eyes. He really didn't want to miss such a good opportunity to win people's hearts.

After all, although his position of great commander was bestowed upon him by the Blood Emperor himself, it was not secure. After returning to another world in the future, he would still have to use the family power of the most powerful emperor-level commanders in front of him.

"Okay! Then I will give everyone here a face!" Yue Lin did not forget to remind everyone before speaking, and then entered the topic: "The so-called ant beast tide refers to the period every ten thousand years in that space. , a tide of ant beasts will erupt, and then the ocean of ant beasts trapped in a specific area will spread to all areas of the entire space!"

"I believe everyone has guessed the reason for doing this, right?! That's right! That's to raise the soul-eating ant beasts. If there are outsiders and the other party is not a high-level member of our extraterritorial race, if they don't know how to find a safe cave, they will have to wait for death. !”


In the coach's tent, as Yue's words fell, many of the strongest emperor-level commanders were in an uproar. They all looked at Yue with a trace of gratitude in their eyes.

This secret seems useless on the surface. They will never enter that dangerous space easily. However, wasn't there someone who was forced to bring Du Long's adventure team into that desperate situation before? !

Many times, just because you don't want to go in doesn't mean you won't have the chance to get in. Once people are forced to do anything, they can really do anything!

In the space guarded by the spirit-devouring ant beast, Du Long looked at his teammates with a smile, and was still waiting quietly for them to give some useful analysis.

After all, three cobblers can stand up to one Zhuge Liang. If you think about everything yourself, there will always be omissions. He also needs to find some inspiration from other people's analysis to supplement the omission in his own hundred secrets!

He didn't know about the secret meeting at the Vampire Headquarters, nor did he know that there were actually eight safe caves in this space, nor did he know that the ant ocean here would erupt with an ant tide every ten thousand years. , then no place in the entire space will be safe except those eight safety caves!

Even if you dig 30,000 feet into the ground, it's useless. You still can't escape the extremely keen detection ability of the Soul-Eating Ant Beast. Only those eight safe caves can shield the Soul-Eating Ant Beast from outside!

"Hehe! I think the reason why the strong people from outside the territory want to set up such a space inside the Blue Water Secret Realm and let so many ant beasts guard this place is because they want to trap us, the most powerful emperors from the Pangu world, right? ?!" In the end, it was the little Loli who took the lead to break the silence.

"Hmm! That makes sense. Is there anything else you need to add?!" Du Long chuckled and nodded, glancing at the other teammates with piercing eyes.

"There is another possibility, that is, some powerful people from outside the territory may intend to release this kind of soul-eating ant beast that can destroy some low-level civilizations into our immortal world!" Hu Feifei followed closely and analyzed.

Du Long's eyes lit up and he looked at the sexy beauty beside him with a smile: "It makes sense. Once these soul-devouring ant beasts with amazing reproductive energy enter a certain immortal world, they will definitely cause huge irreparable losses!"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Little Loli shook her head and said: "I believe that since the soul-devouring ant beasts will become forbidden beasts in another world, those supreme strongmen in our Pangu world will definitely not allow them to enter the Pangu world. , once discovered, we will definitely stop it at all costs!"

"Yeah! What sister Zhiling said makes sense!"

Du Long's eyes shone brightly and he said: "Perhaps... In the era of ancient wars, some powerful people in the supreme realm from outside the territory once wanted to bring these soul-eating ant beasts that could destroy low-level civilizations into the Pangu world. However, they were killed by the giants of the Pangu world. Neng Zhizun discovered it, and in the end their plan was shallow, and then they simply placed those soul-devouring ant beasts here?!"

"Hehe!" Zhao Zhiling, a little lolita, smiled a little proudly and said, "Brother Jiang! In fact, your analysis should be very close to the truth!"

"Oh?! How do you say this?!" Du Long asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's very simple!" Zhao Zhiling replied with a smile: "What I just said is actually not a guess, but... I once heard my grandfather mention this!"

"Oh?!" Du Long looked at the little Lolita with bright eyes and said, "It seems that sister Zhiling's grandfather must also be a senior expert who has survived from ancient times to the present, right?!"

"Uh!" Zhao Zhiling was stunned for a moment and said with some embarrassment: "Brother Jiang is starting to lie to others again! Grandpa's identity cannot be revealed for the time being. I hope all brothers and sisters won't take it personally!"

"Who doesn't have some little secrets in their body, how can they say something strange?!" Du Long waved his hands nonchalantly and said: "It seems that we have deduced the true origin of these spirit-devouring ant beasts, but I still have some What I don’t quite understand is why the supreme and powerful people outside the territory placed the soul-eating ant beast in the blue water secret realm?! When did they discover this secret realm?! Could it be that they had discovered it as early as ancient times? Yet?!"


The scene fell into silence again, and several members of the adventure team all frowned, thinking about Du Long's question.

"Haha! Sisters Zhiling and Feifei have just made very useful analyses. We male team members can't fall behind!" Du Long put pressure on the other three male teammates with a smile.

His stimulating words obviously had some effect, and Zhou Jie took the lead and couldn't help but analyze: "As Captain Jiang said just now, since these spirit-devouring ant beasts are from ancient times, created by a certain supreme being from outside the territory, If the powerful are placed here, then...this blue water secret realm will probably be exposed to the eyes of outside forces long ago!"

"That's right!" Tang Gang added immediately, "I have always been very confused about the timing of the appearance of the entrance to the Blue Water Secret Realm. Now that I think about it, there must be some unknown secret behind the appearance of the Blue Water Secret Realm!"

"A secret realm that has long been discovered by powerful people from outside the territory. The other party has also set up many dangerous places in it that are not original to the Blue Water Secret Realm. I believe it must be used to deal with targets like us from the Pangu world!" Zhao Kui He also followed suit and said.

Whether it is Zhao Kui or Tang Gang, they usually don't like to talk much, but today they were obviously aroused by Du Long.

"Very good!" Du Long patted his thigh with a smile and said excitedly: "It seems that our analysis should be very close to the truth. From now on, we must be as careful as possible in every step we take in the Blue Water Secret Realm. , don’t make stupid mistakes like this again!”

In a secret space of the Dragon Lord Ring, Ring Spirit Ling'er and Zhen Ling Qiao'er looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of relief and relief in each other's eyes.

As long as Du Long knows that there are many dangers ahead and acts as carefully as possible, the Ring Spirit Ling'er will feel a little relieved for the mistakes he made before.

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