Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1926 The threshold of great power

"Marshal Du Long!"

Before Du Long could continue to issue new orders, veteran Kaishan Shan and others rushed over with saliva on their faces: "I just watched the army attack and kill the magic circle personally presided over by the marshal. I really impressed the generals and others!"

"Yes, yes! I almost regretted my bowels now! I really shouldn't have..."

"Haha!" Du Long hurriedly interrupted the general's words and said: "No matter who comes to participate in the special training, there will still be generals responsible for managing and maintaining the defense zone of the right legion outside. The responsibilities of the generals are no more than those participating in the special training. There are so few generals!”

"What Marshal Du Long said is true!"

Kaishanshan immediately took over the words and said: "Marshal also knows that whether it is the soldiers of the Right Army Corps who are specially trained here or the tens of millions of soldiers of the Right Army Corps who are responsible for guarding the defense area in the outside world, they are all soldiers under the Marshal. Marshal Sir, you must not favor one thing over another!"

"Yes, yes! Marshal, please don't favor one over the other. We are already almost full of regrets. If the Marshal allows the soldiers participating in the special training to eat meat, then we, the soldiers who are working hard to guard the defense area outside, must eat meat." Let’s take a sip of soup?!”



Du Long was choked by these generals. Before these people came in to watch the large-scale drill, they really didn't take himself as a young commander too seriously. Now, not only did their attitude change drastically, but they also came to ask for benefits from him. Yet? !

It's impossible to give each of them a copy of the Five Elements Spiritual Root, right? !

He did not hesitate to use his personal property so that the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array could operate normally. He did not apply for it from the treasure house of Tianwai Fairy City!

Du Long obviously misunderstood the intentions of these generals defending the city, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer their words. Xiao Nai, the military advisor next to him, quickly saw his misunderstanding and quickly stepped forward to help him.

"Um...Marshal Du Long, don't get me wrong. General Zhang and the others just want you to design some joint formations that can improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers defending the city. By then, they can also organize the right wing responsible for defending the city. The soldiers of the Road Corps can also conduct a high-intensity training before the war comes!"

"That's right!"

Zhang Kaishan was not an old fool. He immediately understood that Du Long might have misunderstood. He quickly nodded along with the words of military advisor Xiao Nai and said: "With Marshal Du Long's rich experience in leading the three armies, plus his super talent in the formation, I believe that as long as If we can use some snacks, we will definitely be able to design a set of applied magic circles that can greatly improve our combat effectiveness!"

"Oh well!"

Du Long already understood the other party's intention, so he no longer postponed it and said: "After that, I will take the time to design some more practical joint formations for the soldiers defending the city. By then, there will be generals defending the city, and five elements for attacking and killing. With the Panlong Formation, our right legion will definitely be able to make a great name on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Haha! Then there's Marshal Lao Dulong!" Kaishanshan responded with a bright red smile. Judging from his eagerness to speak, it was as if he was afraid that Du Long would change his mind temporarily.

For these straightforward veterans, Du Long could only smile bitterly. Reforming the right legion was a major task that he, as the commander, must do. Originally, he planned to do a good job in special training first, and then Find an opportunity to solve the problem of the soldiers defending the city.

Now that it was these city-defending generals who took the initiative to come to the door to make demands, Du Long seemed helpless on the surface, but in his heart he was actually smiling.

On the Ninth Spacetime Island, dazzling sword lights were flying and shooting all over the sky. The sword lights stirred the void. There were faint thunders roaring and bursts of dragons and tigers roaring.

Du Long's true self is practicing the Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Technique with all his strength. More than a thousand standard war knives are like layers of phantoms of sword light, constantly cutting through the limitations of time and space, forming a series of afterimages of sword light flashing in the void.

As Du Long fully devoted himself to understanding and practicing this set of sword techniques, he was somewhat pleasantly surprised to find that his understanding of Phantom Thousand Fantasy Slashing Techniques was getting deeper and deeper.

This is a set of attack methods somewhat similar to the Tathagata Palm. It can perfectly integrate various heavenly mysteries into sword techniques. It can not only enhance the attack power of the sword light, but also speed up the attack speed of the sword light.

Increase in strength and speed is what the strongest person who reaches the emperor level desires throughout his life. While constantly breaking through himself, he is waiting to finally break through the threshold between the emperor level and the divine realm!

Of course, many people with extraordinary talents have spent their entire lives unable to break through the last threshold and achieve the level of godly power!

For example, Taiyi Zhenjun, whose talent is recognized by the world as extremely evil, has always been regarded as the first person in the Kunlun Taoist emperor level. He was once comparable to Guan Zizai.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he still could not break through the threshold of the emperor level and the god realm!

Swish, swish, swish. . .

In the sky, dazzling sword lights appeared one after another, and the golden scales all over his body shone. Du Long, who was in the state of the Mahayana Thousand Hands, had his mind divided into more than a thousand parts, each of which was immersed in the fantasy of the phantom. In the process of understanding and practicing the chopping technique.

The Avenue of Time and Space has reached the ninth level and is almost complete, the Avenue of Fighting has reached the ninth level and is almost complete, and the Five Elements Avenue has thousands of mysterious breakthroughs in the heavenly ways and has reached perfection, of which only the last five are all available!

At this moment, Du Long's achievements in the mysteries of Heaven's Way are very high, and these mysteries of Heaven's Way that he has learned and practiced happen to be an important basis for practicing the Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Technique!

In short, this set of Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Techniques fell into his hands. Although it is unlikely to be quickly cultivated to the realm of Dacheng because it is too unpredictable, there is some possibility if he wants to cultivate to reach the realm of Xiaocheng.

More than a thousand minds are comprehending the Phantom Thousand Fantasy Sword Techniques at the same time, constantly integrating their own perceptions of the way of heaven into it, and then trying their best to integrate the many insights!

For a long time, the weapons Du Long used to attack were a bit messy and complicated. This was related to the fact that he never had a complete set of weapons that he was good at.

Now, he has exchanged three sets of Phantom Thousand Illusion Slash from the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield, which is enough for each of his three clones to control one set of the sword, and use the Mahayana Thousand Hands magical power to attack and kill the enemy completely with the Phantom Thousand Illusion Slash method. !

There are more than a thousand arms, all holding the Phantom Thousand Illusion Swords with the same standard. In an environment where time is accelerated by a million times, there is no need to worry about running out of time.

Du Long's true self was completely immersed in the comprehension and practice of the fighting swordsmanship, and the perception and practice of the Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Technique. . .

Whether it is sword skills or the realm of understanding some of the mysteries of heaven, everything is slowly improving!

For a long time, although he improved extremely quickly in the Dou Zhan Sword Art, he has never been able to truly consolidate the Dou Zhan Sword Art.

Today, with the help of such good training conditions, I began to fully understand the mystery of the Dou Zhan Sword Way, and worked hard to stabilize my understanding of the Dou Zhan Sword Way.

In this state of Kongming cultivation without any desire, Du Long made great gains in both Dou Zhan Sword Technique and Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Technique, until one day!


The power of heaven and earth descended out of thin air, and the dazzling sword light in the sky also bloomed with thousands of brilliance. It was obvious that Du Long's sword skills had entered a different realm.

This state is very strange. It's not that the attack power of those sword lights has skyrocketed, nor that the attack speed of the sword lights has accelerated a lot. On the contrary, it feels like the attack speed and frequency of these sword lights have dropped slightly. But between the sword lights But it became extremely smooth.

It was as if, before, there were more than a thousand minds controlling more than a thousand swords and fighting independently, but now there was one mind controlling more than a thousand swords, working together like a finger or an arm.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

In the sky, the sword light all over the sky was flashing like clouds and flowing water. The sword light seemed to be less stiff and stiff, and became smoother and smoother many times.

The sword light in the sky seems to be a little more agile and a little less decisive in killing!

I saw a faint smile on Du Long's face, the dark gold pupils in three directions were slightly closed, and the whole person was immersed in a very relaxed and comfortable state of cultivation.

It was as if he was not wielding a destructive sword light that could kill people, but waving grass poles, running and playing on the grassland.

At this moment, Du Long fell into a state of great freedom in practice!

Vaguely, he seemed to be able to see a glimmer of light in the depths of the Great Freedom, but this glimmer seemed to be blocked by a translucent membrane, which always gave him the illusion that he could not see clearly.

He didn't know that he had actually seen the threshold of the divine realm. Once he crossed this threshold, his soul would transcend the restraints and shackles of the emperor's world and become another super strong person in the divine realm. By!

For many people, the gap between the emperor level and the god level is an extremely difficult one to cross. However, for a certain kind of predestined people, it is a small threshold that can be easily crossed.

Just like Sun Wukong, the Holy Buddha of Fighting back then, he entered the Tao through fighting, devoted his whole body and soul to the Way of Fighting, and moved forward without any distractions, until he finally broke through the threshold, but he was faster than Zhenjun Taiyi. How many times!

The threshold that Du Long saw today was actually his spiritual threshold in the Dou Zhan Dao. That is to say, once he crossed it, he would step from the Dou Zhan Dao to the perfect state of Dou Zhan Dao, and Achieve the realm of divine power!

However, this threshold that seems to be right in front of you seems to be far away in the horizon, and it is not so easy to successfully cross it!

In other words, the breakthrough of this threshold cannot be achieved through hard work.

Even if you are lucky enough to enter a state of enlightenment if you practice hard, you will only be able to vaguely see the threshold like Du Long! (To be continued)

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