Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1920 Opposition to Reorganization


After Du Long made these demands, there was a brief silence inside the commander's tent, and all the generals were dumbfounded by his strict demands.

As the commander of the right legion of Tianwaixian City, he would actually issue such a strict order that even internal training information is not allowed to be leaked to the commanders of friendly forces, including Marshal Tianpeng? !

"What's the matter?! Can't you even fulfill the simple request of this marshal?!" Looking at the generals who looked embarrassed, Du Long addressed himself as this marshal for the first time.

Usually in this case, it also means that he is a little angry, otherwise he would never use his status as marshal to suppress his subordinates.

As the saying goes, kindness does not control the army. Du Long once commanded the three armies, so he naturally understands this simple truth. No matter how courteous and virtuous he is at ordinary times, when he needs to be strict, he will never be less powerful than any general on the scene.

"Master Marshal!" All the generals looked at each other in confusion. Xiao Nai could only ask the doubts in his heart for them: "The three armies of Tianwai Immortal City have always been under the control of Marshal Tianpeng. Even Marshal Tianpeng also I’m afraid it wouldn’t be appropriate to hide it, right?!”

"I will not accept military orders abroad!"

Du Long waved his hand and said: "It's just a military training plan that needs to be kept secret. During this period, don't we still have half of our right army stationed in the defense zone on the right side of Tianwai Tianxian City?! Under the condition of ensuring safety? , I believe Grand Marshal Tianpeng won’t have much objection!”

"Besides, I will not take the army that is secretly training away from the defense area. If a foreign enemy invades during the training period, we can still pull this part of the army out to join the battle at any time!"

At this point, Du Long paused for a moment and glanced at all the generals who were obviously loose at the scene. Then he continued to add: "Let's do this! I will personally contact Marshal Tianpeng now to join our right legion. As long as Marshal Tianpeng has no objections to the report on selecting half of the elite troops to enter the secret cave world for training, everyone here will probably have no objections either, right?!"

"If even Marshal Tianpeng agrees to your request, then we will naturally not have any objections!" Military Advisor Xiao Nai was the first to express his position, and other generals followed closely.

Obviously, as Du Long said, as long as Marshal Tianpeng has no objections, then the soldiers who have followed Marshal Tianpeng for many years will naturally have no worries.

Otherwise, if they take a soul oath here and Marshal Tianpeng sends a message to them asking for the reason, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Du Long didn't want to embarrass his generals, so he directly took out the communication formation stone in front of everyone, and then began to contact Marshal Tianpeng who was far away in the central area of ​​Tianwai Fairy City.

At this moment, Grand Marshal Tianpeng was discussing topics related to Du Long with King Li Jing and other generals in the meeting hall. They were all speculating about his plans for immediately issuing the order to mobilize nearly centaurs after taking command of the army on the right.

"Eh?! We were chatting here about topics related to Du Long, and he took the initiative to send a message..." He took out the message formation stone in public. After seeing the letter from Du Long, Marshal Tianpeng immediately sent a letter to the person standing aside. The generals laughed and joked.

Amid the chuckles of the crowd, Marshal Tianpeng quickly read Du Long's letter. After pondering for a while, he immediately responded, saying that he would fully support Du Long, the commander of the right-wing army, in this matter. Decide.

Then, he sent another message to Military Advisor Xiao Nai to confirm the matter!

After finishing all this, Marshal Tianpeng raised his head with a strange expression and recounted Du Long's request in the letter, and then also stated his decision to support Du Long.

"Tianpeng! Why did you agree to Du Long's request so readily?! In this case, don't we know nothing about the training methods of the right legion?!" Heavenly King Li Jing asked with some confusion.

"Then what else can be done?!"

Marshal Tianpeng rolled his eyes and sighed helplessly: "This guy Du Long has already been killed first and then punished later. If I don't agree to his request, how will he, the newly appointed marshal, establish his prestige in the right legion in the future? !”

"That's true!" King Li Jing suddenly nodded and said: "Even if it is to help Du Long establish his personal prestige in the right legion, we must fully support him in this matter!"

"That's right!" Marshal Tianpeng said slightly depressed: "This guy Du Long clearly knows that I can't deny his first request. Fortunately, he has also explained that he will never pull the main force of the legion out, just in case. If the defense area of ​​the right legion encounters an invasion, he will pull out this secretly trained legion for reinforcements at the critical moment!"

"Well! That's not much of a worry. I hope... that the right legion after Du Long's secret training can bring us an unexpected surprise!" King Li Jing said with relief.

"That's right!" Marshal Tianpeng raised his eyebrows slightly and said with expectation on his face: "I heard that this boy always likes to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. I have also seen some information about him commanding the three armies..."

In the main meeting hall, Marshal Tianpeng continued to discuss topics related to Du Long with the generals. On the other side, next to the right-leg army's command tent, a space-time formation gate suddenly appeared there.

A large number of soldiers who had been selected long ago began to march into the space-time formation gate under the secret orders of their respective commanders.

Since the space-time formation gate is not particularly large, if all tens of millions of soldiers can enter it, even if they are very fast, it will take more than half a day!

In the handsome tent, Du Long and others did not come out, but continued to discuss various matters there.

"In order to cooperate with this secret special training plan, the ten army commanders and twenty deputy army commanders present here will also redistribute the soldiers under their respective command!" From the main seat, Du Long made another request of his. .

"Redistribute the soldiers of each general?!" Military advisor Xiao Nai said in surprise: "I wonder how the marshal plans to allocate the soldiers commanded by these generals?!"

"It's very simple! The generals here also need to test their physical fitness. I will select some suitable candidates from them. The remaining candidates will stay in the right legion camp and be responsible for the command and dispatch of various affairs of the legion station. !" Du Long replied.


All the soldiers on the scene took a breath of cold air. When Du Long asked them to mobilize their troops before, they didn't think too much about it. Now it seems that he is clearly going to make a major overhaul of the entire right army!

The three legions of Tianwai Fairy City have existed for a long time in the Endless Era. Each general has established an extremely strong comradeship with his soldiers. If they were to be broken up and reorganized, they would have to face those unfamiliar soldiers every day. There will be some resistance in the hearts of everyone.

"Um..." Xiao Nai was the only person at the scene who was not in charge of the troops, but he still stood up and remonstrated: "Isn't the Marshal a little too hasty?!"

"The officers and men of the right legion have already become very familiar with their respective subordinates, and can convey their orders most efficiently during the battle. Once such a large-scale reorganization is carried out, I am afraid that an extremely unfavorable situation will arise!"

"Yes, yes! Military Advisor Xiao Nai and I have the same view. The Marshal has just taken charge of the right legion, so he is really not suitable for such a major reorganization within the legion!"

"That's right..."

All the time, the generals rarely spoke. Most of the time, military advisor Xiao Nai solved the problem for them. Until now, some generals finally couldn't help but speak, most of them objecting to Du Long's proposal.

As the head coach, Du Long did not stop the generals from stating their opinions. He also secretly kept the people with the biggest objections in mind. Of course, he did not intend to give them any slack afterwards.

However, these generals with the biggest opinions have been excluded from the list by him, and they will definitely not be the first batch of generals to receive special training!

Every time a camp war breaks out, it is not only a disaster for all legions, but also an opportunity for all soldiers!

The number of enemies killed will be recorded in detail by the Immortal City Formation Spirit, and the military merit gained will be distributed to each soldier as reasonably as possible.

In the future, the officers who have been specially trained by Du Long will definitely be many times more efficient in harvesting military merit than those who have not received special training. In Du Long's view, these generals who hold objections today are equivalent to pushing their military merit to the outside world. Of course he won't get angry with these people!

"Have you finished talking?!"

After listening quietly for a long time, Du Long watched as all the generals basically finished stating their opinions, and then he said with a smile: "I just want to make it clear that there are still a few months before the war between the camps. After a hundred thousand years, the coordination problem between the soldiers after the reorganization should not endanger the life and death of the entire right legion!"

"Furthermore, I have great confidence that after the reorganization, the right legion will become stronger. When facing a battle between camps, it will not only be able to kill a large number of enemy troops, but also reduce our casualties accordingly. !”

"In short, the advantages of the reorganization will definitely far outweigh the disadvantages. This is the main reason why this reorganization is imperative. It is also the highest order that I, Du Long, must implement after taking charge of the right army!"


Du Long's voice became louder and louder at the end, especially the last sentence, which can be described as almost loud. While the lingering sound was still lingering in the handsome tent, all the generals present did not know how to refute.

"Um... I dare to ask Marshal Du Long, can we choose not to join the special training?!" In the end, the middle-aged general who had the biggest objection to the reorganization couldn't help but say.

"Are you Zheng Kaishan, the commander of the Seventh Army?! Yes! I approve that you do not need to test your physical fitness and can continue to serve as the commander of the Seventh Army in the army headquarters!" Du Long still had a warm smile on his face, He replied unhurriedly. (To be continued)

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