Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1897 Secret Talk with Close Relatives

"What?! You brat is already in the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield...achieving the strongest emperor level?!" In the garden, old man Du Fengzhong's soft cry of surprise rang out.

"Based on King Zhou's current strength, he will definitely not be weaker than Master Guan Zizai who had not yet broken through to reach the divine realm, right?!"

As a result, before Du Long could speak, Tang Emperor Li Shimin had already taken the lead and said: "King Zhou can definitely be regarded as the most powerful person in the imperial rank now!"



Many of Du Long's relatives and friends at the scene were all speechless, but none of them were too surprised. Watching Du Long grow up to this day, his personal talent and strength can only be described as unbelievable. and never let them down.

Therefore, after hundreds of thousands of years of life and death fighting on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, everyone has reason to believe that with his demonic talent, it is not an exaggeration to say that he can grow into the strongest emperor-level person.

"You brat! Why don't you tell me the truth about your growth experience on the Emperor's battlefield with my mother?!" Zhou Ruoxue smiled at Du Long with a smile on her face, but tears in her eyes.

As the saying goes, a child is better than his mother, and she knew Du Long's hard work all too well. His achievements today were not only due to his extraordinary talent, but also to his personal hard work.

"Hehe!" Faced with my mother's questioning, Du Long could only laugh dryly and said: "My child has already said everything that needs to be said! He has said it in every battle, but the child will return to the Emperor of Heaven soon. On the battlefield, I really don’t have time to describe each and every battle situation in detail here!”

"You little naughty boy!" Zhou Kuxue could only smile helplessly, pointing to her precious son with a bit of laughter, but not too much forcing him to explain everything clearly.

After all, she knew very well that Du Long's failure to explain carefully was for everyone's benefit. Even if she wanted to know the details, she still had to think about the many daughters-in-law in the family and couldn't let them worry too much, right? !

"Haha!" Tang Emperor Li Shimin laughed at the right time, and then changed the subject: "That... King Zhou! I heard that you successfully entered the Nuwa Kingdom, the core of the Nuwa Secret Realm, in the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield. ?! How did you successfully travel through the folded time and space that enveloped the core land of Nuwa Country?!"

Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly. Tang Emperor Li Shimin was indeed worthy of being the emperor of the Tang Kingdom. It seemed that his various experiences in the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield could not escape his eyes and ears, right? !

"The piece of folded time and space that entered the Nuwa Kingdom actually hides a mysterious time and space movement technique. Unless the inheritance of this movement method is inherited and the mystery of it can be successfully understood, otherwise the folded time and space will be like a road to heaven. Just as difficult!" Du Longyan replied concisely and concisely.

"So that's it!" Tang Emperor Li Shimin suddenly said: "Just as many people estimated, there is indeed a set of extremely mysterious movements hidden inside the folded time and space!"

"I wonder why Your Majesty is so concerned about this matter?!" Du Long said with confusion on his face: "Your Majesty is busy with everything, so it stands to reason that you shouldn't be so concerned about what happened on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven?!"

"Haha!" Tang Emperor Li Shimin replied with a smile: "His Royal Highness, King Zhou of the Tang Dynasty, fights life and death on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven. Naturally, I have to pay attention to everything that happens on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Of course! This time the Heavenly Emperor battlefield mission is launched, our Datang Heavenly Kingdom also has several emperor-level powerhouses entering it. As the emperor of the Datang Heavenly Kingdom, I naturally have to always pay attention to the intelligence of you emperor-level powerhouses inside the battlefield. !”

"That's it!" This time it was Du Long's turn to suddenly respond: "No wonder everyone says it's hard to be the emperor of a country, and it's even harder to be the emperor of a country in the God Realm!"


Amid bursts of laughter, Tang Emperor Li Shimin and everyone clinked a few glasses of wine with each other, and then continued to ask Du Long beside him: "Um... Du Long! I heard that after you, Taiyi Zhenjun, God of the Underworld Ina, Lu Mo, and Ao Xuan from the Dragon Clan, were all able to successfully enter the folded time and space at the core of Nuwa's secret realm?!"

"According to legend, these people are all good friends with you, and they should have received your guidance before they were able to successfully enter the folded time and space?!"


Du Long secretly understood the purpose of Tang Emperor Li Shimin's visit this time. He clearly saw that he was even willing to guide Taiyi Zhenjun and others and lead them into the folded time and space. It should be right that the wealth should not flow to outsiders. !

"Well... Your Majesty must also know that my senior brother Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva was also present at that time, right?! Why did everyone else successfully get my guidance to enter the folded time and space, but I didn't guide my senior brother Mahasthamaprapta to enter Nuwa? Are you going to the country?!" Du Long organized his words and asked.

"Well!" Li Shimin responded casually: "This is also what makes many people confused. In addition to Da Zhishi, there are also Huang Tianhua, Mo Gang and others who are your teammates on the journey to the west. They seem to be unable to Able to enter the folded time and space."

"Yes!" Du Long has always admired the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty in front of him, so he didn't hide much: "If you want to practice this mysterious body technique, you must have a certain amount of cultivation on the avenue of time and space. For the realm, Senior Brother Da Zhishi and others failed to meet the requirements, so they were unable to practice this set of movements."

"Furthermore, even if you want to practice now, it's too late. The space for inheritance of body skills in Nuwa's Secret Realm has been closed. It's still unknown when it can be reopened!"

"That's it!" Li Shimin said with a bitter smile: "It's just as I expected. No wonder even the most powerful emperors like Da Zhishi don't even think of trying to travel through folded time and space! They must have listened. After your words, I feel that I will never be able to successfully understand this kind of body technique, right?!"


In the garden, after Tang Emperor Li Shimin got the answer he wanted, he no longer asked Du Long about the inside of the Emperor of Heaven's battlefield, but just let nature take its course and chatted with everyone there while eating and drinking.

Because of Li Shimin's participation, when the topic of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield occasionally came up, Du Long could no longer hide too much information. He could only say something appropriate that would cause as little concern as possible.

This continued until the banquet was over. After everyone sent Li Shimin away, Du Long entered the secret meeting hall with several close relatives and elders as usual.

It's not that he doesn't trust other relatives and friends, it's just that some secrets are better not to be known to too many people.

After all, there are too many unknown soul-searching techniques in this world. If those weak relatives and friends know too many secrets, it will bring greater danger to them.

In the main hall, the only four elders sitting with Du Long were his grandparents and parents. Even Qin Huofeng was not present today. She was busy taking care of some palace affairs and did not follow him.

"Long'er! The mission on the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield is not over yet, and you rushed back in such a hurry. You must have some important things to explain, right?!" Du Fengzhong said solemnly.

"Actually, there is nothing special!"

Du Long replied with a smile: "As Sun'er said before in the party, when I come back this time, I really want to take the avatars at home to the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven. After practicing Xuantian Jue to the fifth level, three must be The best state of cultivation is the gathering of clones."

"Oh?! Why is this?!" Grandma Gong Xiaoxue was relatively calm and asked immediately.

"Since my true self broke through the fifth level of the Xuantian Art on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, we took the opportunity during the breakthrough process to step into the threshold of cultivation in many mysterious aspects of the way of heaven..."

For the four closest relatives and elders in front of him, Du Long obviously had no intention of hiding anything from them in terms of practice. Instead, he told them truthfully about his experience of breaking through the fifth level of Xuantian Art.

"So...you have successfully broken through the final bottleneck of thousands of Five Elements Heavenly Paths?!"

Gong Xiaoxue asked with astonishment on her face: "And...if you want to break through and reach the divine realm combat power, you must break through all the more than 10,000 paths under the Five Elements of Heaven to reach the realm of perfection?!"

"Yes! This is why I ran back and brought the last clone into the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven?!"

Du Long smiled and said: "Only when the three clones gather together, and then all enter the state of three heads and a thousand arms, and have many minds and hearts realize and practice together, then we will not waste the spring-like spring when we break through the fifth level of Xuantian Jue. The changes of heaven are appearing in front of you!"

"So that's it!" Gong Xiaoxue suddenly said: "Grandma really looks forward to the day when you can successfully break through all the mysteries of the Five Elements of Heaven and successfully reach the level of God Realm combat power!"

"My grandson will definitely not let grandma down!"

Du Long assured with confidence, then turned his hand and took out a space ring and handed it to Mr. Du: "Grandpa! This is a large amount of trophies I harvested in the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven. It is of no use to my grandson now. Hand it all over." Let me take care of it for you!"

Master Du was naturally not going to be polite to him. He reached out to take the space ring and immediately immersed himself in it. After seeing clearly the massive treasures inside, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

"Such a massive treasure... is enough for our Du clan to cultivate several emperor-level warriors?!" As the old patriarch of the Du clan, he naturally looks forward to the Du clan's true rise in the world of gods.

"Haha! Speaking of which, I forgot to mention Qinglian and Lian'er during the previous gathering!" Du Long's eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

"Yes, yes!" Zhou Ruoxue exclaimed in time: "Say it quickly! Have you ever met Qinglian in the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield?! And... why didn't you bring Lian'er back with you when you came back this time? at home?!"

At the end, Zhou Ruoxue's tone was obviously annoyed, and she felt quite dissatisfied that he did not bring Du Lian'er back from the dangerous battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Mom! It's not that I won't bring Lian'er back, it's because she still can't do without the auxiliary training on Time and Space Island. You know, Lian'er is now a powerful person who has successfully broken through and reached the realm of the Emperor of Heaven!"


The four elders at the scene were dumbfounded, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. They were obviously shocked by the bombshell Du Long dropped. (To be continued)

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