Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1890 The deviation finally appears

"Are you sure you want to change the opportunity to redeem a treasure for an opportunity to enter the second inheritance space of Nuwa's Space-Time Footwork?!" Wa Ling's voice sounded in the ordinary space.

"Yes! I'm sure!" God of the Underworld Ina replied without hesitation.

"Okay then! Seeing that you are the disciple of Lan Shui in the Weak Water Palace, I will give you some advice and suggestions. Before, when True Lord Taiyi entered the inheritance space, he was too eager to comprehend Nuwa's Space-Time Steps. I wasted a lot of time to pass on the second level of the method, and finally had to start the retreat again and practice the first level of Nuwa's time and space footwork again!"

"I would like to suggest you here that it is best to practice Nuwa's time and space footwork to the point where it is as perfect as possible, and then go to the second level of cultivation. That will allow you to go further in the second level of practice! "Wa Ling reminded her earnestly.

"Thank you, Senior Wa Ling, for reminding me!" God of the Underworld Ina responded gratefully, and then seemed to suddenly remember something: "By the way! Senior Wa Ling, do you know where Du Long is now? Since the last war, , he has disappeared for tens of thousands of years!"

"Haha!" Wa Ling chuckled and responded: "He is currently practicing hard in the third inheritance space of Nuwa's Space-Time Footwork! This kid has previously made a breakthrough on the Avenue of Time and Space to reach the eighth level of perfection, and now he is already working hard at it. Understand the mystery of the ninth level of the Avenue of Time and Space!"


Goddess of the Underworld Ina was once again stimulated by Wa Ling's words. The little guy who used to be like an ant in front of her has now reached the level of cultivation in the avenue of time and space that is ahead of her? !

"This Du Long is very good! Even though he only has the secret of the last level of the Avenue of Time and Space left, he still knows how to sharpen his sword and chop the firewood. He also knows how to spend a lot of time to cultivate the eighth level of the Avenue of Time and Space to a certain level. It is almost perfect, and now I have begun to concentrate on comprehending the mystery of cultivating the ninth level of the Time and Space Avenue!" When Du Long was mentioned, Wa Ling was not stingy with a lot of praise.

"Alas! When I think that he has only grown up for less than one epoch, I start to seriously doubt my talent and strength in practicing a discipline!" Ina, the god of the underworld, sighed a little depressed.

"No!" Wa Ling chuckled and responded: "This kid has a space treasure that can change the flow of time. He is not just a person who has been practicing for less than an epoch!"

"The Avenue of Time and Space is difficult to understand, and it is impossible for anyone to break through and reach his current level of cultivation in less than an epoch year!"

"Ah?!" God of the Underworld Ina was shocked by the news again: "Could it be that... he carries a space treasure that can change the flow of time?!"

"Yes!" Wa Ling said slightly puzzled: "Don't you know about this?!"

Goddess of the Underworld Ina shook her head and smiled bitterly: "If you knew it, you wouldn't be so surprised. This kid... is just like always... he likes to hide many secrets about himself!"

"So... am I talking too much?! I accidentally leaked this secret about him, but that's it! He had already leaked this secret during the battle with the enemy before, so I guess this Sooner or later, everyone will know about it, right?!" Wa Ling felt a little guilty at first, but then quickly found an excellent excuse for herself.

"However... no matter how many times the time treasure on Du Long can accelerate the flow of time, he can grow to his current strength in less than an epoch year in the real world. This in itself is amazing!" Ming Ming Shen Yina was filled with emotion.

"That's right! This is also the main reason why I take care of him so much. I believe that as long as I can give him enough resources, I will be able to cultivate another strong man for Pangu World... who can at least reach the Supreme Realm's combat power, right? !" Wa Ling said with great expectation.

"Well! Senior Wa Ling, Ina must also seize the time to practice hard, otherwise if the strength is too far behind that boy in the future, I am afraid it will be very embarrassing!"

"Okay! Then I will send you into the second inheritance space of Nuwa's time and space footwork!"

"Senior Youwa Linglao!"


As the conversation between the two finally ended, an invisible energy quickly enveloped Ina, the god of the underworld, and then instantly teleported her to the space where the second inheritance cave of Nuwa's time and space footwork was located.

"Alas! Time has passed, and there are not many old friends left in the Pangu world now. It can be seen from these outstanding young people, especially Du Long, that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and a new generation... is constantly being replaced. Old man!"

"In order for Pangu World to move smoothly towards the eternal prosperous age, for the hundreds of millions of people in Pangu World, and for the sake of the old guys who have fought with me, I should give more help to these outstanding young people. That’s it!”

Wa Ling's voice sounded faintly, and then faded away, and this ordinary space returned to a dead silence, as if no one had ever entered.

Time continued to pass, and after a long period of more than 30,000 years, Lu Mo crossed the shackles of folded time and space for the fourth time and successfully entered the space where Nuwa Kingdom was located.

Then came Ao Xuan from the Dragon Clan, who probably also achieved success in the next 20,000 years. So far, among the emperor-level and most powerful commander-level experts who had become friends with Du Long, all of them except Da Zhishi had achieved success. achieved success.

Both Lu Mo and Ao Xuan had communicated with Wa Ling. Wa Ling specifically asked Lu Mo about his relationship with Lu Ya, and also asked Ao Xuan about the current situation of the Dragon Clan.

At that time, the great goddess Nuwa had a very deep connection with Buddhism and Taoism in the Pangu world. Coupled with her previous insights, she seemed to care about Lu Mo and Ao Xuan, and finally satisfied their desire to enter Nuwa's time and space. The second level of Dharma inherits the desire to practice in seclusion in space.

The talent and strength of these two people on the Avenue of Time and Space are far behind those of Taiyi Zhenjun and Hades Ina, so Wa Ling did not hesitate to give them both some advice.

At this point, except for the four emperor-level and most powerful commander-level figures from the Eastern Camp of Pangu World, who are still staying at the Nuwa Shrine, the others have all entered the second-level inheritance space of Nuwa's time and space footwork to practice in seclusion. .

Although they clearly know that this kind of practice is not enough to help them successfully understand the second realm of Nuwa's time and space footwork, it can still help them try to improve their deviations on the time and space avenue, which is also of great significance for their future growth. .

This is also the main reason why they still want to enter it even though they know they will fail!

Time continues to pass, and with Ao Xuan successfully crossing the folded time and space for the fifth time, there has once again been a wave of craze for breaking through the folding time and space. Unfortunately, no one can successfully break through the folding time and space again.

a thousand years. . . One hundred thousand years. . . Two hundred thousand years. . .

Time is passing by at a high speed in units of ten thousand or one hundred thousand years. For ordinary people, such a long time may be too unimaginable.

But compared to people with strength above the god level, even an era in the real world has not passed away, which is simply insignificant!

An epoch in the divine world is like an ordinary person spending a whole year. This is also the most vivid metaphor of a day in the sky and a year on earth!

Such a long time passed between the fingers, and the number of people who broke through the folding time and space dropped sharply again.

The entire Heavenly Emperor battlefield mission only lasts for a mere epoch year. It is impossible for everyone to waste a lot of precious time on this difficulty that is like a natural chasm.

About 460,000 years after Du Long had been practicing in seclusion, an astonishing news came from the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven from the outside world. A new secret realm was opened in the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!

The emergence of this news immediately became the straw that broke the camel's back, and the number of outsiders seeking opportunities in Nuwa's secret territory dropped sharply!

After hesitating for a long time, the Great Power Bodhisattva finally left a few people behind and led most of the most powerful emperors out of Nuwa's secret realm.

Since there is no suitable opportunity for them in Nuwa's Secret Realm, they should start looking for their own opportunities while the Emperor's battlefield mission will not end for a long time.

With the departure of a large number of emperor-level powerhouses, the entire Nuwa world has become lonely. It is no longer the same scene where you can meet foreign adventure teams everywhere.

In the cave space of the third level inheritance of Nuwa's time and space footwork, Du Long himself has been running forward in the form of a golden dragon.

After hundreds of thousands of years of hard work in the real world, Du Long repeats the same actions almost every day. At this moment, Du Long in the form of a golden dragon is like a robot, completely immersed in the understanding and practice of the ninth level of the Avenue of Time and Space. among.


Suddenly, his figure stopped at a node of the change cycle. After returning to his main mind, he subconsciously exhaled a breath, as if he had not experienced breathing seriously in hundreds of thousands of years.

"That's not right! Seeing that we are just a short distance away from the final bottleneck, why did we spend tens of thousands of years unable to understand the mystery of this last short stretch of the Space-Time Avenue?!"

Du Long, who had not spoken for hundreds of thousands of years, now had a low and hoarse voice. He had obviously encountered a problem in his cultivation!

"Could it be that... it's because I didn't achieve true perfection in the early stages of practice, which led to a similar situation in the final stage?!"

In a flash of thought, he extremely calmly thought of the greatest possibility. The mystery of the last space-time avenue was definitely not a bottleneck. There was no reason why he could not realize the breakthrough and understand the mystery for a long time.

He couldn't help but flash back to some of the situations that Wa Ling had told him before, specifically mentioning that Taiyi Zhenjun had found it difficult to break through the final bottleneck on the Time and Space Avenue after his foundation went astray.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but secretly take a breath, thinking that if his basic skills were also deviated, wouldn't it be difficult to fully understand the mystery of this last period of time and space? ! (To be continued)

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