Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 205 Fifth Level Consummation

"Cangqiong River?" Du Long looked into the distance and said with emotion: "In this Northwest Great Wilderness, any water source is extremely precious! It is not an exaggeration to call it the Mother River!"

"That's right! The Cangqiong River flows from the northwest to the southeast. It starts between the snow-capped mountains of the Cangyue Mountains and ends on the southeast coast of the ocean. It is also a boundary river separating the Haotian Empire and the Manhu Kingdom. Many places are bounded by this river!" Hu Guo nodded and continued to explain.

"So! If I head southeast along this Cangqiong River, will I be able to reach the territory of the Haotian Empire?" Du Long smiled.

"That's right! The Forest of Monster Beasts is too dangerous. Big brother, I still want to advise you to go back to the territory of the Haotian Empire first, and then it's safer to go back through the official road!" Hu Guo persuaded at the right time.

"Understood! We will definitely consider Brother Hu's suggestion!" Du Long nodded in response.

The team continued to move forward, and encountered some low-level monsters alone along the way. Hu Guo and the others didn't bother to pay attention to them, and just ignored them. Just when Du Long felt strange, they finally came to a place where a large number of low-level monsters gathered. area.

It's still by the Cangqiong River, but the river surface in this area is wider, which also makes the river water shallower, only one meter deep, and the shallowest point is less than half a meter!

Because of this, this area has become a ferry for the monsters from the north and the south. They all like to travel from here to the north and the south. Before the villagers from Nanshan arrived, this area could already see several hunting teams busy there.

Du Long and the others are located on the north side of the Cangqiong River. The level of monsters is lower, and the number of them is much smaller than that in the south!

Looking at the various herds of monsters on the southern grassland, Du Long couldn't help asking: "Brother Hu Guo, why is there the largest number of monsters in the south, but there are no hunting teams? On the contrary, how many monsters are there in the north?" Few, but crowded with several hunting teams?"

"Hehe! There are a lot of monsters in the south, but there are also many high-level monsters. As long as there are one or two fourth-level monsters, our team will be established and wiped out by them!" Hu Guo patiently explained .

Du Long nodded suddenly, and ran to the other side if he was not strong enough. For the villagers of Nanshan, it was really courting death! It is estimated that only one or two fourth-order monsters can wipe them out!

The team continued to march to the northwest, and Hu Guo could be seen greeting other hunting teams from time to time. They were all villagers in this area, and most of them knew each other.

There is a custom of intermarriage between men and women in the nearby villages. It is not surprising that many people are related to each other and have stories!

Along the way, Du Long asked the ring spirit beauty to start detecting the surrounding monster herds to see if there were any monster beast herds suitable for the monster army.

This detection really found a group of monsters suitable for being used as a monster cavalry regiment, and it was a group of armored water rhinos, with nearly ten thousand heads, living deep in the grassland on the south bank of the Cangqiong River. There is a large prairie lake!

With nearly ten thousand armored water rhinos, at least five or six thousand armored water rhinos can be pieced together. This discovery made Du Long very excited. You must know that he only found thousands of iron armored water rhinos after sweeping the entire monster swamp. Is it the main base of the armored water rhino group?

Resisting the thought of immediately subduing this group of armored water rhinos, Du Long followed Hu Guo and his party to continue on their way, and finally came to the hunting ground selected by the people of Nanshan Village. People from other villages can't just go in and hunt in their own hunting grounds!

Although the north bank of the Cangqiong River is mostly a desert area, after all, it is close to the big river, and there are still sparse trees and grasslands growing along the river, and there are still some small groups of monsters here.

Du Long finally saw how the more than one hundred villagers hunted. They dispersed and galloped to drive the scattered low-level monsters to the water's edge. As an assistant, you can capture at least a dozen monsters in one trip.

Of course, the hunting ground allocated by the people of Nanshan Village is so big, and they have to stop after running two or three times a day at most. reward.

At night, some people were preparing to eat in the camp, while others started to dispatch and headed to the northeast. Du Long also set off with Hu Guo curiously. Their goal was the sand demon, the favorite food of the Hu people!

It is a low-level monster beast that looks a bit like a pangolin. Its body surface is covered by a thick layer of scales. It hides deep in the sandy bottom during the day and does not come out to move around. It only runs out at night to find food. Their food is Insects and termites unique to desert areas.

Last night, I ate the delicious stewed sand demon meat made by Mrs. Hu, and it is still unforgettable. Du Long naturally wanted to go out and get some sand demons back home, so that they could be stewed for parents and grandpa in the future!

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse. The village head Hu Guo showed Du Long his superb hunting skills. By identifying monster footprints and feces, he can know how long ago these traces were left, and then decide whether to follow these traces to hunt down those monsters. head monster.

These sand monsters are not fast, which is why they are easy to be caught once they come to the ground from the sand bottom!

With the skills learned from the village chief Hu Guo, and the secret assistance of the ring spirit beauty, Du Long, who attacked alone, can be described as better than blue, and was caught by him five times in less than half an hour. Two meters long sand demon.

They were all knocked unconscious, and then thrown into a certain corner of the Coiled Snake Ring space. Once the Sand Demon arrived there, there was only one dead end. There was no air in the space, which belonged to a vacuum zone. Any living thing that entered would die!

Therefore, the interspatial ring not only has the effect of storing items, but also indirectly has the function of preserving freshness. Even if an animal carcass is put in it for a month or two, it will not deteriorate and rot!

Back at the gathering place, Du Long casually took out the head of the Sand Demon to fill up the number. No one would say anything about it. After all, he is not from Nanshan Village, and the method of prey distribution is ineffective for him. Everyone regards him as a son who came out to play!

Besides, sand demons are not the staple food of Nanshan Villagers. It is only because of the delicious meat that the villagers go out at night to get some for tooth-making sacrifices after hunting!

After a sumptuous dinner, everyone chatted and rested around the bonfire. Du Long excused himself to hunt some more sand demons, took his two daughters on a big lion and left the camp.

Regarding this, Hu Guo just reminded them to be careful, and stopped talking nonsense. He really doesn't need to care so much about everything because of his strength!

Under the cover of night, the big lion carried the three of them across the Cangqiong River and headed towards the grassland lakes in the southwest direction with lightning. A black shadow can be seen passing by.

Not long after, they came to a hill next to the prairie lake. Looking far away, a large number of armored water rhinos knelt and rested along the lake. The scene of over ten thousand armored water rhinos lying together was amazing!

"The strength of the strongest iron-clad water rhinoceros king has reached the fourth-level perfection, and there are still three fourth-level strengths in this group of iron-clad water rhinos! How about it, do you have the confidence to subdue them all?" The voice of the beautiful ring spirit followed Du Long at the right time. It sounded in Xiaolie's mind.

"I can only say give it a try! With the strength of this armored water rhino group, they already have the ability to confront me head-on. It all depends on how strong their will to resist is!" Facing such a powerful armored water rhino For the first time, Xiaolie seemed to lack confidence.

"Go! If you don't give it a try, how will you know what to do next?" The beautiful ring spirit gave the order directly.

Nodding his head, the big lion flew towards the group of armored water rhinos, and when it reached the sky above them, it suddenly exploded its aura, and a terrifying aura swept out.

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