Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1866 Sublimation Breakthrough

In the Holy Mountain of Nuwa, the white-clothed woman Wa Ling, who has the body of a snake and the tail of a snake, is sitting cross-legged in a certain hall. In front of her are various fairy fruits and fine wines!

At this moment, the actual controller of Nuwa's Holy Mountain was enjoying a sip of the fairy fruit wine, and then relaxedly and freely enjoying a virtual scene in the palace.

In the picture, there is a shocking battle taking place over the mountain range where the Nuwa Temple is located!

"This little brother Du Long is very murderous! But compared to those who are too conservative, maybe this kind of fresh blood is needed for the Pangu world to grow healthily, right?!"

While sipping the fairy fruit wine leisurely and contentedly, Wa Ling was casually commenting on the battle. Her perspective was much longer-term than that of many emperor-level warriors in the battle!

It seems that in her eyes, these so-called imperial-level experts from outside the territory are as vulnerable as chickens and dogs, and she doesn't take it to heart at all.

"After spending more than 10,000 epochs of hard work in seclusion on the seventh space-time island, I have just successfully raised the seventh level of the space-time avenue to the bottleneck point where it is almost complete in the later stage!"

"Unexpectedly, little brother Du Long still has time to upgrade the thousands of lanes of the Five Elements Avenue to the final bottleneck point, and can also use the battle insights to continuously break through the final bottleneck point of more than 3,000 lanes?!"

"It seems that when he upgraded the Xuantian Art to the fifth level, he successfully used the changes in the Five Elements Heavenly Dao during the breakthrough to gain access to many Five Elements Paths!"

"Without the guidance of outsiders, he was able to think so thoroughly. He is indeed worthy of being the inheritor of Xuantian Jue Technique finally selected by Pan Gu Ancestor, and Shi Ye is also destined..."

"I think back then... In the process of practicing Xuantian Jue Kung Fu, I had some deviations due to the lack of guidance from outsiders. In the end, I had to choose to break and then build..."

"It seems that the path this little brother Du Long has taken in practicing the Xuantian Jue technique should be the most correct direction, right?!"

"The Five Elements Avenue... is the root of all ways... and it is also the way of heaven that has the most minor paths among the many great ways..."

"Brother Du Long actually knows how to first cultivate all five elements and elements to reach the state of great perfection, and then break through the Xuantian Jue to the fifth level. Only then can he break through the fifth level of the Xuantian Jue, among the many Five Elements You can get started on the trail..."

"Now... he has obviously understood that he must cultivate the Five Elements Dao to reach the state of perfection... Then is the best time to break through the sixth level of Xuantian Art..."

"However, all this sounds simple, but it is not easy at all to actually achieve it!"

"There are nearly 15,000 paths under the Five Elements Avenue. Most of them are relatively simple and easy to break through, but there are also a small number of them that are extremely abstract and difficult to understand. Once there is a deviation in the cultivation process, you may not be able to break through and achieve it in your life. It’s the state of great perfection!”

"Enter the Dao with the array patterns...possess the treasure of the Time and Space Island...coordinate with your evil talent...I hope you won't disappoint us!"

In the main hall, the beautiful woman in white, Wa Ling, murmured to herself, and many secrets could be heard from the lines of her words!

For example, she seems to have practiced the Xuantian Jue Technique before, and not everyone is qualified to practice the Xuantian Jue Technique. It seems that it requires the approval of Pan Gu Ancestor!

Above the mountain range where the Nuwa Temple is located, the war is still going on. Under the deliberate delay of several powerful commanders in the Pangu world, this war lasted for a long time but never ended.

A large number of emperor-level experts from outside the territory have fallen one after another, and many emperor-level experts from the Pangu camp have also fallen. The battle loss rate between the two sides is about 1:15.

In the continuous war, even if the Pangu camp had a certain advantage at the beginning of the war, due losses could never be avoided!

This is also the main reason why Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and others are so conservative. In any big melee, no matter which side wins in the end, it will have to pay an extremely painful price!

After using all his strength to block the joint attack of the two most powerful commanders from outside the territory, Du Long could naturally see the scenes of members of his camp falling one after another, and a flame of anger gradually began to burn in his heart.

'no. . . After the Dou Zhan Dao is promoted to the sixth star, there will be another higher level that is relatively difficult to break through, and it is impossible to break through again in a short period of time. . . ’

‘Since fighting on the road is not feasible. . . That other aspects. . . The way to fusion. . . Buddha's Palm. . . ’

‘In this case, then I should give up my understanding of part of the Five Elements of Heaven, give up my understanding of the Dao of Dou Zhan, and concentrate on meditating on the fusion of the One Path and the Mahayana Tathagata Divine Palm! ’

As his mind raced, Du Long suppressed the anger in his chest and began to adjust his focus appropriately.

‘The Avenue of Integration. . . At the beginning, when the five elements and paths were all completed and completed. . . You can increase your total combat power by star level. At this moment, all the five elemental paths have reached the state of Zhongcheng and Dacheng. It stands to reason that you should be able to increase your strength by 6 to 9 stars after fusion! ’

‘Fusion. . . How to integrate avenues that seem to have completely different attributes into one? ! It is still necessary to continue to proceed according to the original method, based on the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork and supplemented by the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Slashing Technique. . . ’

‘The Five Elements Wind and Thunder Slashing Technique. . . Buddha's Palm. . . According to legend, the Mahayana Tathagata's Palm is a superb palm technique that can integrate almost all the mysteries of heaven. Can I integrate the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Slashing Technique with it? ! ’

The battle continued, and Du Long tried his best to cope with the joint siege of the two most powerful commanders from outside the territory, while comprehending some of the secrets of cultivating the way of heaven, and then shifted the focus of cultivation to the fusion of the way of heaven.

Time continued to pass, and many people gradually felt his changes. The frequency of the power of heaven and earth suddenly dropped to the extreme, and it was countless times slower than before.

Anyone with experience knows that the secrets of heaven that should be easy to break through have been broken through one after another, and what is left are some hard bones to crack.

Unfortunately, these people didn't know that Du Long had already shifted the focus of his cultivation to another direction.

As his enemies, the hearts of the two most powerful foreign commanders who had been hanging around began to gradually relax. If Du Long could continue to break through at such an exaggerated speed, they would soon have to flee with their tails between their legs at all costs. Woolen cloth!

Clang clang clang. . .

The sound of gold and iron clashing resounded throughout the world, and the battle between Du Long and the two most powerful commanders from outside the territory was still going on. He was immersed in that rare state of battle understanding.

This feeling is very mysterious. It seems that I am in a state of emptiness and selflessness, but I still have to be distracted and multi-purpose, and I understand the mysteries of various heavens while fighting.

Gradually, Du Long had a very strange feeling, as if his inner mind was sublimating, and he was appreciating the battle from the perspective of a bystander, appreciating the mysteries of heaven that were being calculated at high speed in his inner world!

In my ears, I heard the painful wails of emperor-level warriors in battle, the excited laughter of successfully killing their opponents, and the loud noises of various weapons colliding during the battle, to name a few!


A burst of power from heaven and earth came out of thin air, but not many people paid attention to it. Anyone who has experienced thousands of times of power from heaven and earth in a short period of time would probably feel insensitive to it, right? !

Du Long's sublimated original heart was secretly moved.

What he had just broken through was the final bottleneck point of the seventh level of the Space-Time Avenue. He originally had no high hopes of being able to break through this secret of heaven in a short time and space, but unexpectedly he was the first to achieve a breakthrough? !


Although Du Long was a little surprised at first, he seemed to be watching other people's experiences at this moment. He was not too excited to escape from this mysterious and mysterious state because of his own breakthrough.

Subconsciously, he began to control part of his arm through his sublimated heart, and then launched an attack seemingly without much purpose!

Swish, swish, swish. . .

One sword after another slashed through the dazzling light, one after another, slashing at the two most powerful commanders from outside the area who were besieging him. In the light of the swords in the sky, pairs of fleshy palms slapped out lightly.

However, these palm prints swelled up against the storm, and instantly transformed into huge golden palm prints, which went straight towards the two powerful commanders and blasted them one after another.

The seemingly light palm prints made the two most powerful commanders from outside the region feel frightened at this moment, as if these palm prints were released by the powerful gods themselves, causing their backs to be soaked in cold sweat involuntarily. .


Ku Feng used an angry shout to embolden himself to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling. He swung the powerful sword in his hand desperately, trying to block Du Long's attacks.

Clang clang clang. . .

Amidst the clashing sounds of gold and iron, huge forces came one after another along the Dali. After feeling that these forces were no longer weaker than his own total combat power output, he was secretly frightened by it. A kind of A bad feeling arises spontaneously.

'Huh? ! So this is the fusion of the five elements? ! ’

Du Long's sublimating inner heart secretly let out a sigh, and gradually began to integrate his understanding of the mysteries of heaven into his attacks. Every move and every move seemed simple and unpretentious, but in fact it was full of infinite power!

One star, two stars, three stars. . .

In the blink of an eye, he successfully mastered the fusion attack of the five elements and elements to a perfect state, and his combat power of the fused elements also increased to a 6-star level!

This is not over yet, his seemingly slow steps have actually integrated the seventh level of perfect understanding of the Avenue of Time and Space into it, and the speed of his body skills has also skyrocketed!

"Not good! This kid has finally broken through some important bottlenecks in heaven's way!"

Amidst Ku Feng's screams, Du Long no longer gave them a chance. A sneer rang in the ears of the two strongest commanders from outside the territory: "Hey! After joining forces for such a long time, it's finally my turn to launch a counterattack. Alright?!"

In an instant, part of Du Long's mind sank into the seventh space-time island. After sharing memories with his clone, he immediately added the one-star combat power boosted by the Dou Zhan Dao to his attack.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

The sword light in the sky skyrocketed, and the space and time wherever the sword light passed through also trembled and deformed, heading straight towards the two most powerful commanders from outside the territory and covering it! (To be continued)

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