Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1857 Reinforcements are coming

‘Boss Ku Zhao! What should I do? ! It seems that our men may not be able to support this big man until his transformation ends! ’ Bei Long, the most powerful emperor of the Corpse Clan, said in a slightly anxious voice.

‘What else can be done? ! ’

Ku Zhao replied angrily: 'Since the four of us can't kill the transformed opponent together, we might as well spread out again like we did at the beginning. We don't want to be able to kill the enemy in a short time, as long as we can contain it. Just the other person! ’

Under Ku Zhao's order, the four most powerful foreign emperors immediately changed their tactics.

Ku Zhao stepped forward to deal with Mazu Lin Mo, Bei Long was responsible for containing Mo Gang, and Zhu and Yue Qing were responsible for cooperating with the peak emperor men to contain Huang Tianhua and Tengchong respectively.

'not good! ’ Tengchong’s voice rang in the minds of his teammates: ‘The enemy is preparing to delay time and wait for reinforcements. We cannot wait passively to die. Whoever has the ability to break through the enemy’s defense must go all out to kill their opponents! ’

'clear! ’

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. In just a moment, the battlefield situation has changed again. Both the enemy and ourselves are constantly looking for ways to fight that are as beneficial to themselves as possible.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

The water and fire holy lotuses flashed one after another. Mazu Lin Mo's performance today can only be described as extremely dazzling.

I saw that she relatively easily released the Holy Lotus of Water and Fire that filled the sky. Part of it was used to deal with the attack of Ku Zhao, the most powerful emperor of the Li Clan, and the other part was erratically attacking other enemies not far away.

That's right!

Mazu Lin Mo knew that these Water and Fire Holy Lotuses were not a big threat to Ku Zhao, so she simply didn't bother to waste her energy on attacking the opponent. Instead, on the premise of being able to defend against the opponent's attack, she shot part of the Water and Fire Holy Lotus towards the enemy not far away. The experts at the pinnacle level outside the territory.

The water and fire holy lotuses shot at each other erratically, causing the hearts of the top emperor-level experts from outside the territory to beat wildly. They were obviously frightened by Mazu Lin Mo's attack method.

Puff puff. . .

Immediately, several strong men from the soul clan and corpse clan from outside the territory were brutally killed. Under the cutting and burning of the water and fire holy lotus, they screamed and turned into ashes!

‘Boss Ku Zhao! You are the strongest among the four of us. Even if you can't kill this female monk, you can't let her still have the energy to release the water and fire lotus to attack other companions! 'Zhao, the most powerful emperor of the Soul Clan, shouted with some dissatisfaction.

Ku Zhao's face was ashen. He did not answer Shao's question, but showed his attitude with actions, and instantly increased the intensity of his attack!

He held a big bell tightly in his left hand and continuously sprayed out energy field shock waves towards Mazu Lin Mo. However, he waved a powerful sword in his right hand, continuously blasting the water and fire holy lotus beside him, and then gradually moved towards the opponent's side. Approaching the past.

Ku Zhao clearly wanted to get close to Mazu Lin Mo, and then use close combat to put himself in a favorable situation. Even if he couldn't get close to his opponent, at least he would make her have no energy to deal with other companions.

If he couldn't contain even a mere opponent at the peak level of the Emperor of Heaven, how could he have the dignity to continue leading this team? !

Ku Zhao suddenly increased the intensity of his attack, which forced Mazu Lin Mo to withdraw most of the Water and Fire Holy Lotus to defend against the opponent's fierce attack.

Facing the all-out onslaught of the strongest emperor-level warriors from outside the territory, no matter how tough her water-fire holy lotus was, it could not withstand the frontal blast of her opponent's top-grade super-artifact-level powerful phoenix!

As a result, Mazu Lin Mo was no longer able to support other battlefields as easily as at the beginning, and the battlefield situation once again developed in a direction that was unfavorable to them.


A powerful force field appeared out of thin air and instantly acted on Mazu Lin Mo. It was Ku Zhao, the strongest member of the force clan, who exerted the force field restraint on her alone.

Under the constraints of the terrifying force field, Mazu struggled even more and had to withdraw all the Water and Fire Holy Lotuses.

While using it to defend the opponent's attack with all its strength, it would also release the water-fire holy lotus attack from time to time to harass Ku Zhao, making it impossible for him to launch a full-out dash without restraint!

As the situation on Mazu Lin Mo's side fell into a stalemate.

In the other three battlefields, Mo Gang faced the siege of several peak emperor-level warriors led by Bei Long, the strongest of the zombie clan. There was not too obvious a strength gap between the two sides. In addition, Bei Long was determined to delay time and refused to fight with all his strength. , the battlefield here also fell into a stalemate.

In addition, Huang Tianhua and Tengchong also had to face the secret attacks of Zhao from the Soul Clan and Yue Qing from the Blood Clan, as well as attacks from some peak emperor-level experts from outside the territory. They were unable to escape the current predicament for a while!

‘That’s not good! ’ Tengchong’s voice sounded again in the minds of all his teammates: ‘These enemies are obviously stalling for time. Their reinforcements must appear soon. If this continues, it will probably be extremely detrimental to us! ’

‘What should we do? ! ’ Huang Tianhua responded depressedly: ‘There is an energy field and energy barrier outside blocking the way, and there are four powerful people from outside the area who are besieging us inside. We don’t have much chance of escaping! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Their conversation soon reached a deadlock. Unable to break through the enemy's energy field, they could only quickly kill the force field releaser. But how could these four most powerful people from outside the realm be the same as their four peak existences? Something that can be easily killed? !

In short, everything seems to be back to where it started, and they can't find any good way out of the predicament!

‘You bastard! I'll fight them! ’ Mo Gang roared angrily.

He saw the mace in his right hand waving wildly, hitting Bei Long, the strongest Emperor of the Corpse Clan, who was standing in front of him with all his strength, but the mace in his left hand was directed towards the other side, who was cooperating with Bei Long to attack him. Blow away the enemy.


The huge mace collided hard with Bei Long's top-grade super-artifact sword. The huge impact made him take a few steps back involuntarily.

Mo Gang seemed to have expected it. He stepped out to the other side one after another, and the focus of his entire attack immediately shifted to a peak emperor-level warrior of the corpse clan on the other side.


The surface of the huge mace was filled with anger, and the time and space were distorted wherever it passed. It just swiped towards the peak emperor-level warrior of the corpse clan.

The guy was obviously stunned. Faced with this powerful and heavy blow, he hurriedly retreated and at the same time, the sword in his hand also slashed out with all his strength.

A violent muffled sound was heard, and the guy with peak combat power was knocked away with a single blow, including his knife. The sharp point of the mace pierced the opponent's body ruthlessly, and a shocking burst of fire instantly erupted. Tan!

In front of everyone's eyes, under the fierce attack of the fierce mace, this corpse clan strongman with peak combat power instantly exploded into pieces of blood mist and flaming fire rain meteors, which scattered in all directions in an extremely tragic manner. .

Faced with a terrifying blow that was not weaker than the strongest emperor-level combat power, this poor creature with peak combat power could only end up being exploded in an instant. His body, which was originally an immortal undead body, could only be destroyed by the powerful and angry attack. Burn the clean portion instantly!

After succeeding in the attack, Mo Gang did not stay too long, but dodged and rushed towards the next target with peak combat power.

However, that guy was frightened and flew away in a hurry, not daring to take advantage of him!

Facing an opponent who didn't even have the courage to fight, Mo Gang could only shake his head helplessly.

Although after the transformation, he successfully offset the binding force of most of the energy fields on his body, the binding force was not completely offset, and it still had a considerable impact on his movement speed.

Under such circumstances, it was simply a wishful thinking to catch up with the deserters. Mo Gang could only grit his teeth and dash away towards his teammates not far away.

However, his opponent, Bei Long, the strongest of the zombie clan, obviously would not give him this chance. After successfully offsetting the impact of the frontal blow just now, he finally regained his composure and immediately dodged and shot towards Mo Gang.


An extremely thick and top-grade super-artifact war knife cut through time and space, and struck behind Mo Gang fiercely. Bei Long, as the most powerful man, was obviously very angry.


Mo Gang roared angrily, and struck out with a heavy blow with his backhand. The mace like a big tree flew through the air, and instantly collided with the opponent's thick sword again!

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, both of them flew back a few steps. One side had to retreat as a last resort, while Mo Gang on the other side took advantage of the situation and retreated, instantly reaching behind a strong vampire who was constantly shooting hidden arrows at Tengchong.

The sudden change caused the expression of the peak emperor-level warrior of the blood clan to change wildly. He was obviously frightened by the sudden appearance of the other party!

Hoo, ho!

The two huge maces struck back and forth, just like palms slapping each other, slapping hard at the strong vampire with a pair of black flesh wings.


Amidst the screams, this strong man at the peak of the blood clan waved his fleshy wings with a face as pale as paper, trying to dodge at full speed to avoid the fatal blow. Unfortunately, although most of his body was successfully out of danger, there was still a small part of him. Half of the body was not spared.

I saw two huge maces hitting the left half of his body back and forth, instantly turning him into a pulp, and then turned into ashes in the fierce heat.

This is not over yet. The terrifying aspect of the Vigorous Fury Tan Vajra's physique appears again. The huge impact force forms an extremely terrifying Fierce Tan shock, which instantly shatters all parts of the opponent that have not been hit!

These fragmented bodies were invaded by Lietan on the spot and exploded with dazzling red light. In an instant, they were burned into ashes and scattered.

It's a long story, but it actually happened in a flash of lightning. In this way, Mo Gang showed the world the true horror of the powerful and angry Tan Vajra Body.

Once a person is slightly weaker, facing the violent shock of Lietan, it is very likely that his body will be exploded, and the shattered body may even be burned instantly!

The battle at the scene was still going on fiercely, but many of the strong outsiders who saw this scene were secretly frightened. They were obviously frightened by Morgan's terrifying Lie Tan blow.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

However, as several figures began to appear in the distance, the morale of the alien creatures, which had dropped to the extreme, instantly rose! (To be continued)

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