Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 202 Third Grade Spiritual Liquid 2

"Du Long! The effect of refining the second-grade spiritual liquid on you is already very limited, you have to start refining the third-grade spiritual liquid!" the ring spirit beauty reminded at the right time.

"Yes! I know!" Du Long nodded and replied, "I just want to refine the second-grade spiritual liquid a few more times, and after mastering the new Ziyan Ganghuo, I will start refining the third-grade spiritual liquid!"

"It's almost enough! The main medicine and various auxiliary medicines of the third-grade spiritual liquid have reached 18 flavors, and the melting points of each medicine are different. You can try to refine it!" The ring spirit beauty patiently analyzed road.

"Then let me sort out the spirit herbs for refining the third-grade spirit liquid first! Let's see how many spirit herbs are available for refining!" Du Long began to sort out a large number of spirit herbs in the Huoyunding space with a little excitement. .

Last time in the medicine garden of the fifth-level snow ape demon, nine thousand-year-old blood Ganoderma lucidum alone was picked, and dozens of other spiritual medicinal materials. After sorting it out, Du Long found that he had a total of six refined third-grade spiritual liquids. s material.

Although the main medicine Millennium Blood Ganoderma has nine strains, it's a pity that he can only make up six copies of the eighteen flavored spirit herbs, so he can only refine the third-grade spiritual liquid six times at most.

"There are six materials for the third-grade spiritual liquid!" Du Long arranged the six materials neatly beside him, then pondered: "Ling'er, do you really want to start refining the third-grade spiritual liquid now?"

"Let's start! With the strength of the stellar fire in your body, you should be able to refine the third-grade spiritual liquid three times. It doesn't matter if you fail once or twice. If you don't fail, how can you finally succeed?" The ring spirit beauty nodded firmly.

"That's fine! I'm starting to refine the third-grade spiritual liquid!" Du Long nodded and made a decision.

In the space of Fire Cloud Cauldron, a huge thousand-year-old blood ganoderma was summoned, and it was wrapped by the purple flames that had been prepared long ago. The thousand-year-old blood ganoderma was one meter square, reddish brown, like a huge blood clot , Blood Ganoderma lucidum got its name from it!

Under the fierce burning of the Ziyan Ganghuo, the reddish-brown thousand-year-old blood ganoderma became scorched black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then, under Du Long's astonished gaze, burst open in the space of Huoyunding !

"This... Could it be that the temperature is too high?" Du Long stared at the thousand-year-old blood Ganoderma lucidum in astonishment, and began to go through the prescriptions of the third-grade spirit liquid in his mind, looking for the reason for this failure.

‘Thousand-year-old blood ganoderma has a strange nature! If the smelting temperature is too low, it will burst suddenly, and if the temperature is too high, it will be reduced to ashes in an instant. It is necessary to find the best smelting temperature, only in this way can it be smelted! 'In the third-grade spirit liquid prescription, there is such a sentence that attracted Du Long's attention. A normal alchemist, looking for a melting point for a certain spirit medicine, usually starts at a relatively low temperature. Increase the temperature, and then achieve the purpose of smelting spiritual medicinal materials!

But this thousand-year-old blood ganoderma has such a property that it makes people vomit blood. The melting temperature cannot be too low or too high. It is necessary to find an optimal melting point!

Reluctantly cleaning up the waste residue of the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma into a corner of the Huoyunding space, Du Long began to think about the scene of the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma bursting just now, and began to consider how much temperature should be increased to find the so-called optimal temperature. Melt it!

You know, the price of each thousand-year-old blood ganoderma is about the same as a second-grade spirit liquid, which is about 5,000 gold coins. It is impossible for Du Long not to carefully analyze the cause of the error, and it will take a few more. This time, why don't I die of heartache?

Every time it is refined and destroyed, it is equivalent to fifty bottles of century-old Yuquan incense. Hu Guo feels distressed after drinking a cup, and he still tosses and turns, unable to sleep. This kind of waste is absolutely shameful!

After having a relatively satisfactory temperature value in his heart, Du Long immediately gritted his teeth and started a new medicine refining work, summoned a thousand-year-old blood ganoderma again, and then adjusted the Ziyan Ganghuo to a higher temperature, and suddenly pounced on it. up!

Zi... Peng...

This time, the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma burst open at a faster speed. Du Long looked at the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma that burst almost instantly, wondering whether the temperature was too high or too low this time. .

"The temperature is still a little lower!" The ring spirit beauty reminded at the right time.

"It's still low?" Du Long was a little puzzled, "Then why did it explode in an instant?"

"Boy! Didn't the prescription of the third-grade spirit liquid say that? Only when the temperature is too low can the blood ganoderma burst, otherwise, it won't burst, it will only be turned into ashes in an instant!" the ring spirit beauty patiently explained.

"Oh! If that's the case, as long as we increase the temperature a little more, we should be able to achieve the best condition!" Du Long nodded, with a decision in his mind.

After clearing away the new thousand-year-old blood ganoderma with some heartache, he summoned another thousand-year-old blood ganoderma again, and then controlled the Ziyan Ganghuo, wrapping it with the best temperature he recognized in his heart.


The Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum made a sizzling sound. Seeing that it kept twisting and shaking in the stellar fire, it did not burst. According to the prompt of the third-grade spirit liquid prescription, Du Long appropriately increased the temperature of the Stellar Fire. The Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum The distorted frequency dropped suddenly, and white air began to emerge from the body surface.

'Finally succeeded! ’ Du Long thought to himself, but he didn't dare to be careless, and continued to maintain the temperature of the Ziyan Ganghuo, roasting this thousand-year-old blood ganoderma!

Time passed slowly, and the Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum seemed to be shaking intermittently under the high temperature of the Ziyan Ganghuo. After a long time, it did not see much change.

Seeing the huge consumption of the Ziyan Ganghuo, Du Long couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "If the Ganghuo hadn't been upgraded, I'm afraid it would have to persist at this temperature. It would be great to be able to refine a third-grade spiritual liquid!" As time passed, the trembling of the Millennium Blood Ganoderma became weaker and weaker, and finally a large amount of bloody liquid began to seep out from its body surface, which was constantly churning under the scorching fire!

Excitedly watching the bloody liquid oozing from the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma, Du Long knew that after consuming two thousand-year-old blood ganoderma, that is, wasting 10,000 gold coins, he finally managed to find the melting point of the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma!

While continuing to roast and calcine the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma, Du Long began to feel the current temperature and state of the Ziyan Ganghuo with his heart. He had to remember this state carefully so as not to have to search for this temperature point again after a few days.

After a long time, the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma no longer oozes bloody liquid, and the original reddish-brown elixir gradually turned yellow. Du Long knew that its medicinal liquid had been forced out by the high temperature, so he moved it to the Medicine residue area.

Inside the Ziyan Ganghuo, a ball of blood-colored elixir liquid kept bubbling there, and as the bubbles continued to emit white exhaust gas, Du Long began to slowly lower the flame temperature. After the blood-color elixir liquid boiled less violently, , keep this temperature constant!

Leaving a small wisp of his mind, and continuing to keep the temperature of the purple flame fire outside the blood-color elixir liquid unchanged, Du Long began to refine the other 17 kinds of auxiliary elixir herbs.

The refining of these auxiliary spirit herbs is not without rules. The author of the third-grade spirit liquid prescription has found some of the rules. For example, after the first spirit medicine is successfully refined, the temperature of the flame for the subsequent refining of the next medicine must be increased. A few percent, or a few percent reduction, etc.

In this way, the chances of failing to refine the spiritual medicines later will be much lower. Of course, if you encounter strange spiritual medicines like Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum, the general hints will basically have no effect, and you can only rely on Based on the strength of the flames in his body, the pharmacist went to find the best melting point for this kind of elixir!

Time passed slowly, and Du Long successfully extracted the auxiliary spirit medicinal materials blindly into useful medicinal powder or medicinal liquid!

Finally, it finally came to the critical moment of smelting it into a medicine. Since the third-grade spirit liquid has more auxiliary medicinal materials, it is relatively more difficult to smelt it into a spirit medicine liquid. However, no matter how difficult it is, it is much easier than smelting a thousand-year-old blood ganoderma.

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