Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1844 A free world

call out!

A golden figure instantly spanned the entire long cave passage of Nuwa's time and space footwork change cycle, and suddenly appeared in a cave with no way forward.

Du Long looked at the cave with a radius of hundreds of miles in front of him in astonishment, and at an altar in the middle of the cave. He immediately understood that he had successfully passed through the extremely long underground tunnel.

If he hadn't successfully learned the second level of Nuwa's space-time footwork, it would have taken him at least hundreds of years to reach the end of this long cave, right? !


With a slight flick of the eye, he appeared on the altar in the middle of the cave, and saw a space-time formation gate standing there. This was obviously the exit of the second inheritance of Nuwa's space-time footwork!

Du Long was not in a hurry to leave the cave space that had trapped him for nearly a thousand years. Instead, he began to look at the surrounding environment leisurely. Before leaving, he wanted to appreciate the scenery here.

Unfortunately, apart from a huge cave, there is only this altar paved with pure white jade.

His eyes fell on a statue in the middle of the altar. It was the statue of the goddess Nuwa with a human body and a snake tail. At this moment, the eyes of the statue of Nuwa were staring at him steadily.

Just as Du Long looked at her, the eyes of the Nuwa statue seemed to blink slightly, and then the entire jade body started to move.

"You are finally here!" Under Du Long's astonished gaze, the great statue of Nuwa actually opened his mouth and said: "It has only been a short time since you broke through the barrier to fold time and space and entered the Nuwa Holy Mountain, and you actually Being able to advance all the way from the third level of perfection on the Avenue of Time and Space to the sixth level of perfection!"

"Child! Your talent and strength on the Avenue of Time and Space really impress me! It seems that the results of my divination back then were not biased!"

"Here, while I welcome you, I would also like to remind you that one day in the future, as long as you can successfully master the third level of Nuwa's time and space footwork, you will be qualified to truly enter the Nuwa Holy Mountain!"


Du Long stared at the statue of Nuwa in front of him with wide eyes in astonishment. He didn't react until the statue finished speaking these words and returned to an ordinary statue.

"Goddess Nuwa?! Are you still alive?! Where should I go to find the inheritance of the third level of Nuwa's time and space footwork?!"

Du Long asked several questions one after another. Unfortunately, the statue in front of him no longer made any movement, as if the scene where the statue spoke just now was just a hallucination.

‘Don’t ask, if I’m not wrong, it should be just a ray of divine thought left by the great God Nuwa. Now that the explanation is completed, it will naturally disappear! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er’s voice sounded in Du Long’s mind at the right time.

‘That’s not right! ’ Du Long pondered undecidedly and said: ‘If it’s just a ray of spiritual thought left by the Great God Nuwa, then how come you know that I have broken through the folding space and entered the Nuwa Holy Mountain? ! ’

'Maybe. . . This ray of spiritual thought may be connected with the formation spirit in Nuwa's world. . . ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er was obviously a little troubled by Du Long’s question.

‘That’s all! ’ Du Long sighed helplessly: ‘Whether it’s the divine thoughts left behind by the Great God Nuwa or the actions of the formation spirits, it’s time for us to leave this inheritance cave space! ’

After glancing at the surrounding environment again and seeing nothing unusual, he dodged and shot toward the space-time array gate, and in the blink of an eye he was already submerged in it.


Between the water and the sky, several islands were dotted in the blue waves. The time and space on Sanfeng Mountain suddenly began to distort and fluctuate, and a golden figure instantly appeared in the airspace.


Du Long took a deep breath of the salty sea breeze, then turned around and looked at the surrounding environment with unfulfilled interest, and found that this was the island where he had entered the entrance to the second inheritance space of Nuwa's Space-Time Footwork.

His spiritual consciousness was released, and he quickly locked onto a figure on a certain island. It was the ordinary light paladin who was a little clever!

This guy has been waiting in this sea area from beginning to end, always waiting for the call from his superiors. He also hopes to see the several powerful commanders who have entered before come out as soon as possible. By then, his benefits will be indispensable.

As a result, he never expected that the first person to show up would be Du Long from the Eastern Buddhist lineage? !


Du Long instantly understood the purpose of the Western Light Paladin staying there. He snorted secretly before stepping out, and then launched the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork that incorporated the latest secrets of the Great Avenue of Time and Space.


An inaudible sound of wind and lightning passed through the air. Compared to the ordinary light paladin, Du Long suddenly appeared in front of him, almost as if he teleported.


Ji Ling's soul-devouring power slashed away with lightning, swiped across the opponent's neck at a speed that was completely irresistible, and instantly decapitated him!

With a wave of his hand, the opponent's head came to Du Long's palm. With a thought, two nine-color flames immediately wrapped his head and body, burning his body clean in the blink of an eye.

"No!! Master Du Long, please spare your life!"

It was only at this moment that the ordinary paladin who was responsible for delivering the message realized what he was doing and began to beg loudly and horrified for his life!

Staring expressionlessly at the distorted soul energy group above his palm, Du Long said indifferently: "Spare your life?! What qualifications do you have to make me willing to spare your life?!"

"Lord Du Long! As long as you can spare my life, I will definitely tell you everything you know and answer all your questions!" The smart Holy Knight of Western Light hurriedly replied.

"Oh?!" Du Longman responded: "Then tell me, since Gabriel, Buck, Shenlong and Sariel entered this secret realm, who else has entered it?!"

"Yes!" The guy nodded immediately and said: "After them, another group of people came in, and the leader was Lord Balu, who ranked second among the most powerful paladins from the Temple of Light in the West! As for the others, the most It’s just the strongest emperor level strength, not worth mentioning!”

"Balu?! Ranked second in strength among all the Paladins of Light?!" Du Long murmured softly.

"Yes, that's right! This Balu is Buck's biological brother. This time, under the orders of the Holy King of Light, Albert, in addition to taking over the leadership of the Holy Knights of Light on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, he also comes... to avenge Buck. avenge!"

"They are really brothers fighting tigers, father and son are fighting in battle!" Du Long curled his lips disdainfully and said: "How many stars does this Balu's total combat power bonus reach?! And what level has he reached in the Avenue of Time and Space?!"

"As far as I know, his total combat power bonus should be around 5 stars, and in terms of the Avenue of Time and Space, it should be at the early to mid-level of the ninth level! Sir, these are just the opponent's exposed data. As for whether there is any hidden strength in it It’s unknown!”

"Hmm!" Du Long nodded and said calmly: "For the sake of your honesty and cooperation, I will spare your life for the time being. You can stay in the Demon Suppression Tower!"

In the blink of an eye, the light paladin's divine soul energy disappeared out of thin air, and he had already taken it into the ninth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower.

Compared to those who have to endure the boundless pain of burning souls when entering this layer of space, this guy is already lucky. Although he loses his freedom, at least he does not need to endure any pain.

After looking around again and finding no human traces within more than 100,000 miles, Du Long stepped out towards the north and instantly turned into an afterimage and headed straight for the distant land with lightning.

call out!

Between the sea and the sky, a golden light flashed away all the way to the north at a terrifying speed that could not be detected by the naked eye or spiritual consciousness!

Time passed by minute by second, Du Long was extremely fast, but he could not fly to the distant land area in a short time.

Nuwa's world, the south is boundless!

Even if Du Long successfully used the second level of Nuwa's space-time footwork, he could cross an extremely long distance every time, but it would still take a lot of time to fly to the location of Nuwa's continent.

‘The speed of traveling is still too slow. . . nowadays. . . I have successfully mastered the first and second levels of Nuwa's space-time footwork. I wonder if the speed and efficiency of using the two at the same time can be faster? ! ’

The long journey made people feel extremely boring. Du Long was secretly thinking about it while driving on the roadside. When he had nothing to do, he immediately started testing when he thought of it.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

As he took one step, he followed with another step, and his whole body seemed to be taking continuous steps in the air, continuously lightning towards the land at high altitudes.

During this period, he had almost no time to stop, making it increasingly difficult for outsiders to detect him!

In the infinitely vast southern land, a golden figure flashed across the sky. During this period, it even passed by some strong men. Before the other party could sense something unusual and wanted to release their spiritual consciousness to investigate, that figure came out. The stream of light had already disappeared without a trace.

Often these people will think that they are dazzled. Unless they meet a powerful person at the divine level in this world, it is absolutely impossible for an emperor-level person to have such a terrifying speed!

"Haha! It's so happy!"

Step by step, Du Long laughed excitedly: "Until now, I have fully realized the freedom and ease of those legendary gods flying through the sky and the earth at high speed. This is the real flying through the sky and the earth! That moment before When flying, there are always some people standing still in the sky, but now it feels like they are really flying at high speed!"

In this way, under Du Long's excited attempts, he took turns to perform the first and second steps of Nuwa's Space-Time Footwork again and again. His whole body turned into an almost undetectable trajectory, traveling freely across the top of the sky! (To be continued)

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