Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1842: Advantages for you

The seventh space-time island!

Du Long was sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, and above one of his palms, he was holding a demon-suppressing tower!

"No! Du Long, you actually dare to continuously kill the most powerful commanders from the two major forces of light and darkness in the west?! Are you planning to cause a war between the eastern and western camps?!"

In the Demon Suppression Tower, Gabriel's head was screaming in terror, and beside him was the head of Shenlong. The two most powerful commanders in the West had all become his prisoners.

"You always threaten your opponents with a war between the Eastern and Western camps?! Do you really think that the two forces of light and darkness in the West are invincible?! You are only allowed to kill the outstanding disciples of the opposing forces. If you fail the mission, you will be punished. He counterattacked and immediately shouted shamelessly, threatening the other side with a war between the Eastern and Western camps?!"


Gabriel was speechless on the spot. After a long silence, he could only speak forcefully again in order to survive: "Although what you said makes sense, you must also take into account the rare peace situation between the East and the West. Killing people on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven There is nothing wrong with killing any opponent, but killing the opponent's leader will definitely lead to extremely serious consequences!"

"Hehe! Really?! I want to see what you can do with me today?!"

With a sneer, several nine-color flames appeared out of thin air, instantly wrapping the body fragments of Gabriel and Shenlong. Amidst bursts of shrill screams, their bodies were reduced to ashes on the spot.

"No!! Du Long! Do you really want to kill them all without leaving any escape route?!" Gabriel screamed and asked loudly.

"Kill them all?!"

Du Long responded coldly: "Who wanted to kill me not long ago and then killed my family to death?! As an emperor-level leader, he wanted to harm his family regardless of his face. Who is going to kill everyone?!"

"Du Long! What I said was just out of anger. I just wanted to make you angry!" Gabriel was finally afraid. Seeing that the threat was ineffective, he hurriedly gave in.

"Haha! Angry words?! As an emperor-level and powerful leader, you would make such a joke on your opponent's family members?! Do you think that I, Du Long, would be so stupid as to believe your far-fetched words?! "Du Long was obviously very angry.


As his words fell, two balls of flames suddenly rose up, instantly enveloping the soul energy balls of Gabriel and Shenlong. Although the terrifying nine-color flames were deliberately reduced in power by Du Long, they were still scorching. The two groups of souls let out bursts of painful howls.

"Du Long! I didn't insult your Du family like that idiot Gabriel did. Please just forgive me!!" Shenlong, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't help but beg for mercy.

"Although you have not insulted my family, it is a pity...you are the most powerful leader of the dark lineage in the west. Since I was still in the immortal world, your dark lineage has been chasing me, especially in my life. Not long after he ascended to the God Realm, he killed my son Du Fengyang. Do you think the revenge of killing my son is not enough for you to bear the pain of burning your soul in flames?!"

"None of those things were done by me!" Shenlong still argued for himself without giving up: "The Dark Lineage is so huge, you can't possibly designate everyone as your son-killing enemy, right?!"

"You didn't do it?!" Du Long asked disdainfully: "Then why did they join forces to hunt me down just now?! Aren't you also representing the dark lineage and killing me?!"


This time it was Shenlong's turn to be speechless. Just as Du Long said, the Dark Line's attack on him was not an overnight act, but continued from the immortal world all the way to the God Realm, and even to the Emperor of Heaven where he is now. The battlefield and Nuwa’s secret realm!

"Hey! You have nothing to say, right?! In that case, then you and a few others can enjoy the endless pain of the flames burning your soul! I will let you endure millions of years of suffering together, and then I will give you You guys are in for a treat!"

"No!" Gabriel shouted in pain: "Our reinforcements have entered this secret realm. They have advanced means to communicate with the Holy King of Light across all time and space!"

"As long as you leave this secret realm, you will surely be suppressed by the two forces of light and darkness. If you dare not hand us over by then, not only will you die, but your family will also be implicated!"


Du Long was stunned, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer. On the contrary, Shenlong in the Demon Suppression Tower secretly cursed an idiot in his heart, and then did not dare to say any more nonsense, but quietly waited for Du Long's reply. .

"Hmph! The so-called advanced means of communicating across all time and space is nothing more than brutally killing some prisoners, and then making simple contacts through the codes formed after the soul jade talisman is broken!" After a long silence, Du Long Finally he spoke with disdain.

"You...how do you know this advanced...contact method?!" Gabriel was a little dumbfounded. The secret contact method that their Western Light lineage was proud of had been used by Easterners a long time ago. Did you know? !

"Tch!" Du Long continued to pour cold water with disdain: "We Orientals have known about this method of communication for a long time, but we just won't risk innocent lives as easily as you do!"

"Hmph! So what if you know that there is such a contact method?! In short, the news that we were captured alive by you has spread. If you don't want to cause trouble for yourself, you'd better let us go quickly!" Gabai Lie threatened again.

'idiot! ’ Shenlong finally couldn’t help but secretly sent a message to him and cursed angrily: ‘If you want to die, don’t drag others to die with you! ’

‘Shenlong! How dare you scold me? ! ’ Gabriel responded angrily: ‘Did you take the wrong medicine? ! ’

'scold you? ! ’ Shenlong continued to curse angrily: ‘Have you got water in your head, you idiot? ! Remind Du Long again and again so that he can kill us all as soon as possible? ! ’


Gabriel was not a real fool. After Shenlong's reminder, he immediately understood the reason. Only then did he realize that after his body was destroyed, he had really become stupid as Shenlong said!

"Are you causing trouble for yourself?! You want me to let you go immediately?!"

As expected, Du Long's reaction was extremely abnormal: "Gabriel, you reminded me! In this case, it will be easier for you! I won't let you suffer in the flames for too long, so I will give you a Have fun!"

"No!" Gabriel shouted in horror: "Du Long! We are the most powerful emperor commander from the Western world, you... you can't..."


As a result, before he could finish his words, a flaming sword appeared out of thin air, and then mercilessly slashed through Gabriel's soul energy group, killing and devouring it on the spot!

"Hmph!" Du Long muttered angrily after he succeeded: "As you said, keeping you alive will give excuses to the two forces of light and darkness in the West. If this is the case, then I will strike first. Let me give you a happy death!"

Gabriel's words reminded Du Long of the scene that happened on Star Road. The Holy King of Light and the Dark Lord learned that they had Paladin prisoners on hand, and immediately asked for them.

In order not to repeat the same mistake and fall into a passive situation in the future, he learned the lesson this time and struck first. In the future, he will still have the right to take advantage of it, and he will not leave any excuse for the powerful Western God Realm to ask for his return!


Another sword appeared out of thin air, and then it slashed at Shenlong's soul energy mass mercilessly. This guy seemed to understand that he was bound to die, and he actually faced death calmly without even letting out a scream.

"Hmm! You still have some backbone!"

Du Long's eyes flashed fiercely, and his mind instantly transferred to the top space of the Demon Suppression Tower: "You guys are quite lucky. Thanks to Gabriel, I'll give you a good time now!"

As his words fell, before the energy of the previously trapped souls could react, the Flame Dragon Slaying Slash and the Extreme Spirit Soul Devouring Slash flashed out one after another, killing them and swallowing them up in a matter of seconds!


After finishing all this, Du Long secretly breathed a sigh of relief and began to turn his attention to the trophies, finally landing on the space formation stone left by Gabriel.

With a thought, these space formation stones were moved out of the Demon Suppression Tower one after another.

Du Long's true self quickly refined it, then sunk part of his mind into it, and began to check the situation of the Cave World that Gabriel carried with him.

It was a beautiful world, with a clean blue sky like silk and satin, and white clouds hanging above the sky. The vast and boundless world was full of birds singing and flowers fragrant, a paradise-like wonderland!

In this beautiful world, there stands a palace covering an area of ​​millions of miles. Inside, there are countless angels with white wings laughing and playing, and traces of angels spreading their wings can be seen everywhere.

'Depend on! If he hadn't known that this was the cave world that Gabriel carried with him, he would have mistakenly thought that this was the paradise world of the West! ’

After observing this beautiful cave world for a while, Du Long couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "Look inside the palace, there are many beautiful angels dressed so scantily. I guess many of them are that old Gabriel." A slutty concubine, right? ! ’

After making a fuss, Du Long turned his attention to the amazingly powerful group of archangels inside the palace. They were a small group of the most powerful angels who entered the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven under the command of Gabriel.

The strength of these angels is very easy to identify, just look at the number of their wings. Angels with ten wings gathered together, there is no way to escape the detection of Du Long's brilliant thunder eye!

'Pity! The souls of these most powerful angels have been imprinted with indelible marks. Otherwise, how great would it be if they could be adopted as spiritual servants? ! ’ Du Long muttered with some regret.

As his words fell, one after another the most powerful angels were released, and then they began to face his ruthless strangulation!

These so-called strongest men were far behind him in terms of combat power and movement speed, and all of them simply ended up being killed one after another!

Puff puff. . .

Du Long's attacks were ruthless and ruthless, and he went straight to the vital parts of the hearts of the released archangels one after another. The Flame Dragon Slaying Slash and the Extreme Spirit Soul Devouring Slash took turns to attack, and began to feast on the most powerful angels in the West. A feast for the soul!

The two swords have been upgraded to the level of high-grade super artifacts, but they are only in the early stages of high-grade super artifacts. They can still absorb a large amount of soul energy and continue to improve their respective grades, but now the improvement speed has dropped to the extreme again! (To be continued)

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