Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1837 Killing Breakthrough

Boom boom boom. . .

Bursts of roars resounded through the cave space, and Du Long launched energy field shock wave attacks one after another at the two most powerful men, Gabriel and Sariel, knocking back the two most powerful commanders in the West again and again. .

Puff puff. . .

On the other side, he still had to withstand the terrifying force of energy flushing and kill the enemy's shadow clones one after another at full speed. He no longer concealed his cultivation realm at the sixth level of the Avenue of Time and Space, and his attack speed also reached an outrageous level. the point.

There seem to be many shadow clones crowded together, but in fact the strongest combat power bonus is only at the 45-star level, and the strongest cultivation level of the Time and Space Avenue is the fifth middle stage.

Whether it is the total combat power bonus or the cultivation level of the Time and Space Avenue, it is much weaker than Du Long!

In this way, this group of so-called strongest dark paladins in the West can indeed be regarded as cannon fodder. Facing Du Long who displays the magic of heaven and earth as well as the Mahayana Thousand Hands magical power, they can only be slaughtered on one side. share!

As the shadow clones were quickly killed one after another and devoured the souls, those who were hiding behind were also having a hard time. They couldn't bear the terrible pain of soul damage, and all kinds of screams came one after another.

These powerful dark paladins, who were once powerful and extremely proud in the Pangu world, now have no trace of their former temperament and demeanor. They are all holding their heads and screaming without regard to their status.

‘Gabriel, Sariel! If all my men are dead and you can't think of a way to get close to Du Long, then don't blame me for desperately escaping from this place of right and wrong. Then your wish will be fulfilled. All the treasures on Du Long's body will be fulfilled. It all belongs to you two! ’

Staring with a livid face as Du Long slaughtered the shadow clones of his men there, Shenlong gritted his teeth and secretly transmitted a message to the two most powerful commanders not far away who were still trying their best to rush towards Du Long.

Gabriel and Sariel looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of helplessness in their eyes. This time they did not deliberately delay time. They really tried their best and failed to break through the shock wave defense line shot by Du Long. .

‘Sariye! Could it be that. . . In this narrow cave. . . Apart from the reflection array used by Buck before, is there no way to rush through the area washed by this energy field? ! ’ Gabriel asked in a somewhat depressed voice.

'this. . . Sariel frowned, seeming to be pondering over something. Finally, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Since we can't rush over, I wonder if we can release some long-range attacks and find a way to advance those energy field shock waves." Detonate? ! ’

'well! I have also thought about this method, but unfortunately, what if it can be detonated in advance? ! Neither of us could successfully rush to Du Long under the erosion of these violent bursts of energy! ’ Gabriel obviously didn’t have much confidence in Sariel’s proposal.

‘Give it a try! ’ Sariel also seemed a little unsure and said: ‘It’s better than being helpless like this, right? ! ’

After a brief exchange, Sariel and Gabriel finally reached a consensus and began to cope with the impact of the terrifying energy on themselves while each used some long-range attack methods.

First, Archangel Commander Gabriel took out a pocket-shaped crossbow, then directly aimed at certain nodes and pulled the trigger. Silver-white rays of light shot out from the crossbow one after another, quickly heading towards Du Long's body. The energy force field shock wave shot over.

Boom boom boom. . .

As these crossbow arrows hit the shock wave, the stability of the shock wave was changed on the spot, and it exploded instantly!

As a result, those shock waves that had not yet been shot were also detonated, and the result was a series of energy explosions. This energy exploded almost immediately next to Du Long, and the terrifying energy instantly acted on him, Push it forward hard.

Three huge and thick shields, supported by many arms, supported Du Long and rushed towards the cave blocked by many shadow clones. The terrifying energy also caused these shadow clones to fly backwards involuntarily.

Puff puff. . .

As the shadow clone's defense formation became somewhat chaotic, the sword in Du Long's hand slashed out one after another, blasting away the enemy's shadow clones one after another.

Buzz buzz. . .

Seeing Gabriel and Sariel taking the opportunity to approach him again, Du Long did not hesitate to shoot energy field shock waves at them again. These energy field shock waves did not leave his body too far before he was hit again. Exploded.

Du Long's body was accelerating towards the many shadow clones. The many shadow clones blocking the way were like harvested leeks, being chopped up and exploded one after another along with their souls.

In order to rush for time, Du Long did not have time to slowly use the Soul Devouring Slash and the Flame Dragon Slaying Slash to devour all the enemy's souls. Instead, he used all his strength to kill the opponent's shadow clone, and then used the Nine Colors The real fire wiped out his soul.

It can be seen that in the sword light all over the sky, nine-color flames can be vaguely seen lingering in it. Once the sword light cuts off the head of the shadow clone, not even its soul can escape the fate of destruction.

Repeatedly, although Du Long was forced into a bit of a panic by the two most powerful commanders, it also caused him to accelerate the speed of killing the enemy's shadow clones.

Seeing the shadow clones being slashed one after another by the sword light in the sky, Shenlong's eyelids twitched violently. He no longer had any substitute clones. Once he died, it would be a real and complete death!

Puff puff. . .

Struggling to widen the distance between him and the two most powerful commanders, Du Long tried his best to continuously kill the many shadow clones blocking the way to the cave. All this is a long story, but in fact the progress is extremely fast. !

In the cave, the roar of bursts of shock wave energy, the sharp sound of gold and iron clashing, and the painful wails of many dark and powerful paladins whose souls were wounded were constantly resounding.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

As the person involved, Du Long did not forget to dedicate a part of his mind to continue to penetrate the mysteries of heaven one after another through battle. Waves of heaven's power descended on this cave one after another, causing many of the strongest in the West to The people were secretly frightened in their hearts.

How ruthless is this enemy? !

In the midst of such cruel killings, he still had the mood to dedicate part of his mind to comprehend the mysteries of cultivating the way of heaven, and then be able to break through the final bottleneck of some of the mysteries of the way of heaven again and again, and then trigger the power of heaven and earth to descend here? !

Time passed by minute by second, and Du Long finally broke through the defense lines of many shadow clones and came to the true form of dozens of the most powerful paladins in the West!

The loss of their shadow clones was too serious, and they could no longer maintain the state of using shadow clones. Each of their faces were as pale as paper, and they had obviously suffered heavy injuries!

"Retreat! Everyone retreat!!"

At this moment, Shenlong finally collapsed completely. After giving the last order, he immediately shot away deep into the cave along the tunnel without looking back.

"Shenlong! You damn bastard! Are you using us as cannon fodder?! Even if I die and become a ghost, I won't let you go!!" Finally, some smart people came to their senses and yelled out desperately on the spot. Voice.

With him taking the lead, the others started to flee and cursed angrily, obviously angered by Shenlong's shameless behavior.

Unfortunately, the one who answered them was Shen Long's back that disappeared in an instant. This guy obviously knew very well that if he didn't run away quickly at this moment, it would be terrible if Du Long caught up with him.

After personally experiencing Du Long's terrifying movement speed, he no longer had much confidence in his ordinary movement speed, and he would never dare to face Du Long in a straight-line passage.

While firing out shock waves with all his strength to isolate himself from the two most powerful commanders in the West, Du Long speeded up and dodged, charging towards the enemies who were fleeing at full speed like frightened birds!

Brilliant sword lights appeared one after another, and almost every flash was able to kill an enemy whose soul was seriously injured, and then did not forget to collect their corpses and trophies.

In the blink of an eye, these strongest dark paladins in the West were all wiped out, leaving no one alive!

Du Long would never have any merciful thoughts towards these enemies who belonged to the dark lineage. These were all members of the force who killed his eldest son Du Fengyang. To put it seriously, they were considered enemies who killed his son!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

After successfully killing dozens of the most powerful dark paladins, Du Long suddenly accelerated and ran forward, and from time to time he would shoot energy shock waves behind him to open up the gap between himself and the two most powerful commanders in the West. distance.

Gabriel and Sariel looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of helplessness and bitterness in their eyes. How long ago, had they, the top emperor level experts, fallen into such an aggrieved situation? !

He is obviously stronger than his opponent, and his movement speed is obviously much faster than his opponent, but he can only watch helplessly as his opponent kills his companions one after another on the spot? !


No matter how aggrieved the two of them were in their hearts, they could only dodge and accelerate forward in pursuit. Whether they wanted to rescue the Shenlong in front of them, or they were hoping that there would be some wider areas at the end of the cave, they would bite at full speed. Stay in Dulong and don't let go.

Once a wide area appears in front, it will be Du Long's death. Without the advantage of the narrow cave, he will only end up being surrounded and annihilated by the two of them!

Until this moment, both Gabriel and Sariel believed that the primary reason for the unfavorable battle situation was the damn narrow tunnel, not that they were not strong enough to kill Du Long! (To be continued)

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