Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1832 Shocking Breakthrough

'Buck! What should I do? ! I didn't expect that the other party would be so vigilant and use the magical power of Fa Tianxiang to block the cave. . . When can we corral it? ! ’ Shenlong muttered dumbfoundedly.

'well! ’ Buck shook his head helplessly and sighed: ‘Besieging Dulong is not our primary goal. Since he chose to use the magic of heaven and earth to block the cave, it means that he has no good way to escape! ’

‘In that case, the three of us will join forces to attack him head-on. I believe that with the strength of the three of us, we should be able to break through his defenses, right? ! ’

'All right! ’ Shenlong could only accept the reality and said: ‘As you said, as long as he doesn’t choose to escape, it might be safer for the three of us to gather in the same direction and attack him together, so as not to be defeated by him one by one! ’

‘That’s right! ’

After the secret exchange, the three most powerful Western commanders gradually lost their anxiety and began to cooperate fully to launch an extremely fierce attack on Du Long.

Clang clang clang. . .

In the pitch-black cave, streaks of electric fire continued to flash!

The electric fire light generated by the collision of gold and iron complemented each other. Because the frequency of attacks between the two parties in the battle was so fast, the electric fire light seemed to be a constant light source, completely illuminating the cave in the battle area.

One side is the powerful three most powerful commanders of the West, and the other side is the passive defensive Thousand-Armed God of War!

This most powerful collision of emperors between the East and the West has become unknown because it took place in the dark underground world. However, this battle will definitely be recorded in the history of the God Realm in the future.

There is no other reason. It is naturally an important transformation in the growth history of Du Long, a lay disciple of Eastern Buddhism!

Time passed by minute by second, and as the battle fell into a stalemate, Du Long gradually gave up his thoughts of continuing to run, and instead began to focus on his understanding of the battle.

The many arms facing the three most powerful commanders in the West are fighting against the enemy with all their strength. The many arms facing the other side are also controlled by their minds. At this moment, these minds have nothing to do and begin to enter the state of enlightenment and practice.

A ray of the clone's mind leaks out from the sixth space-time island all the time, and is trying its best to understand the mysteries of the sixth space-time avenue with the help of fighting.

The part of Du Long's free mind was occupied with distractions, and he began to use all his strength to understand the mysteries of heaven in the three elements of water, fire, and earth during the battle, hoping to take the opportunity to break through the many mysteries of the five elements that had reached the final bottleneck.


Soon, the power of heaven and earth descended on this battlefield. As the most powerful emperors, everyone present knew very well that this was someone who broke through the final bottleneck of a certain heavenly path, which would lead to this kind of heaven and earth. Power appears and comes.

The four most powerful commanders in the West, like the eight most powerful light paladins in the West who besieged Dulong before, were all shocked when they first felt the power of heaven and earth coming.

Everyone thought that Du Long had achieved some kind of huge breakthrough, and that he would suddenly burst out with extremely amazing fighting power!

However, as time went by, they gradually discovered that their opponent's strength had not made a huge leap, and then they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, understanding that Du Long probably just broke through a certain path that had little impact on his strength.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

Soon, the power of heaven and earth came one after another in a very rhythmic manner. The four most powerful commanders of the West were startled from time to time. Then, after seeing that Du Long's strength did not improve by leaps and bounds, they gradually began to become numb.


Time continued to pass, and another wave of the power of heaven and earth descended on the battlefield. Shenlong said speechlessly to his other companions: 'This is the hundredth time that the power of heaven and earth has been triggered, right? ! ’

'Yes! ’ Gabriel replied with an extremely solemn expression: ‘Even if it’s just a few minor breakthroughs to reach the state of perfection, with such a terrifying breakthrough efficiency, this Du Long is also a rare evildoer in the world! ’

‘Such a gifted evildoer exists, and he harbors boundless resentment towards our two great forces of light and darkness in the west. I will never let him live! ’ Buck followed closely and responded with a message.

‘Isn’t that nonsense? ! ’

Shenlong rolled his eyes speechlessly and said: 'We have no mercy from beginning to end, okay? ! The issue is. . . This kid's wings have grown hard, and now with just the strength of the three of us, there is no way to kill each other in a short time! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

After a simple conversation via voice transmission, the four most powerful Western commanders fell silent. Apparently they had no good solution to the current stalemate.

'that. . . ’ Finally, Gabriel sent a message and said: ‘No matter how many paths this kid has broken through, it is impossible for him to break through to the eighth level in a short time on the avenue of time and space, right? ! He will definitely not be able to catch up with us in the realm of time and space cultivation in a short period of time! ’

‘That’s true! ’ Shenlong’s eyes suddenly lit up and he said: ‘As long as he cannot break through to a high level in a short time on the Avenue of Time and Space, then he will never be able to evade our pursuit! ’

The four most powerful commanders of the West secretly found excuses for themselves to make peace with each other, and each of them chose to ignore Du Long's evil talent, which repeatedly broke through the final bottleneck of certain trails during the battle.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

Du Long was naturally happy to see the success and continued to maintain this balanced situation, and then continued to comprehend the many mysteries of heaven in the three systems of water, fire, and earth with the help of battles, and the final bottlenecks of one after another of the mysteries of heaven were constantly obtained in the battle. breakthrough.

The mysteries of Heaven's Dao are abstract and difficult to understand, but in the early stage, as long as you get started, compared to Du Long, who entered the Dao with formation patterns, there are traces of his cultivation, and his progress in cultivation is relatively fast and stable.

This is also the main reason why everyone in the God Realm recognizes that those who enter the Tao through formation patterns will definitely be able to comprehend and practice the mysteries of the Tao of Heaven, and are countless times better than ordinary people.

Relying on the advantage of the array pattern and working hard to reach the final bottleneck of those heavenly mysteries, Du Long immediately chose to devote his mind to the cultivation of other heavenly mysteries, never wasting time trying to break through these bottlenecks while practicing hard.

Because he knows very well that the best way to break through such bottlenecks is not to immerse yourself in hard work, but to gain insights through actual combat.

‘Wow! He has successfully broken through the two hundred secrets of heaven, right? ! this. . . Is this kid preparing to go against the grain? ! ’ At the moment when Du Long broke through the secret of the 200th Heavenly Dao, he once again reached the psychological limit of several of the strongest leaders in the West. As a result, another voice-transmitted exclamation came from Shen Long.

'snort! Leave him! Today I want to see how many final bottlenecks of the mysteries of heaven this boy can break through? ! As long as he cannot make rapid breakthroughs and make huge progress in the Avenue of Time and Space, we will just watch quietly from the sidelines! ’ Gabriel’s tone had a slightly sour taste.

‘That’s right! I also want to see how many mysteries of heaven this boy can understand today! If you have the guts, please give us continuous breakthroughs to reach the strength of the God Realm! ’ Buck followed closely and pretended to be natural.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

Time continued to pass, but the frequency of Du Long's breakthroughs in the mysteries of heaven showed no sign of weakening at all. The expressions on the faces of the four most powerful commanders in the West gradually became extremely solemn.

Break through the final bottleneck of the three hundred heavenly secrets. . . Breaking through four hundred. . . five hundred. . .

As time went by, the faces of the four most powerful commanders in the West could only be described as livid. The terrifying talent displayed by Du Long made them, the most powerful commanders in the West, feel a trace of fear in their hearts!

Is this still a young man who has not even grown up for an era? ! Even if he hid in the time acceleration space to practice every day, it would be extremely difficult for him to grow at such an astonishing rate, right? !

‘On this Du Long’s body. . . At least he has a space treasure that accelerates time by more than 100,000 times! ! ’

Just when those people were shocked by Du Long's terrifying breakthrough speed, a voice suddenly resounded in their minds. It was the fallen angel commander Sariel who had been standing behind and watching.

‘Time is accelerated by at least 100,000 times. . . Tsk tsk! Such a valuable treasure. . . Even the major forces may not have it internally! Could this kid still be able to carry it with him? ! ’ Gabriel sighed loudly.

‘Sariye! How do you make such a judgment so confidently? ! ’ Shenlong asked in confusion.

‘No matter how evil your cultivation talent is, it will take a long time to practice some of the mysteries of heaven to achieve perfection. I only came to this conclusion based on Du Long’s time in retreat! ’ Sariel added with a solemn expression.

Shenlong, Buck, and Gabriel looked at each other, and they could see in each other's eyes that they believed in Sariel's judgment, which made their moods become extremely solemn again.

‘You can’t keep this kid! Sariel, facing such a talented and evil Easterner, what kind of benefits do you want before you take action? ! ’ Gabriel asked with a stern face.

‘It’s very simple! The Dragon Lord Ring is also the time acceleration space, I want one of them! ’ Sariel replied very simply.

'impossible! ’ Shenlong objected on the spot: ‘There are only two treasures in total. If you want to take away one, how should we distribute the rest? ! ’

'hey-hey! ’ Sariel smiled coldly and said: ‘Among the four of us, you are the weakest. What shame do you have to ask for one of the two treasures? ! ’

'you. . . ’ Shenlong glared at Sariel angrily, but didn’t know how to retort.

‘What are you? ! ’ Sariel interrupted him with disdain and said, ‘If it weren’t for my support, how much do you think you would weigh? ! Can he share two treasures on an equal footing with Buck and Gabriel? ! ’


Shenlong's eyes widened in astonishment, and then he subconsciously looked at the two comrades beside him. He was shocked to see a hint of acquiescence on their faces, which made him secretly understand what Sariel said. There should be nothing wrong. (To be continued)

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