Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1830 Energy Reflection

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

In the underground cave, several figures one behind the other were running forward at high speed, representing the ultimate speed of the most powerful emperors at this moment.

In the twists and turns of the cave, the high-speed running of this group of people will inevitably cause a surge of airflow. Although the sound of the piercing wind is much weaker due to the relief of the Avenue of Time and Space, it still causes a lot of movement.

At the front, Du Long ran away at full speed while various thoughts flashed through his mind. He was trying to find a way out of the current predicament.

‘The realm of cultivation of the four most powerful leaders in the West on the avenue of time and space. . . He is always much higher than himself. . . It's just a matter of speed. . . I am completely on the weak side! ’

'unless. . . If we can successfully break through the final bottleneck of the sixth level of Time and Space Avenue and reach perfection, then if we can understand the true meaning of the second level of Nuwa's Time and Space Footwork, then we will have a chance to get rid of the full-speed pursuit of these powerful Western commanders, right? ! ’

‘The final bottleneck of the sixth level of the Space-Time Avenue. . . Look. . . The only way is to delay time while running away, and then try to break through this bottleneck as soon as possible, otherwise. . . I have no chance at all to escape the enemy's pursuit! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

In the blink of an eye, Du Long had various thoughts flashing through his heart.

The final conclusion is that he must break through the avenue of time and space to reach the sixth level of perfection. Only by successfully mastering the second level of Nuwa's time and space footwork can he have any hope of successfully escaping the enemy's pursuit!

In addition, it is simply unrealistic to surpass the most powerful commanders in the West in terms of time and space in a short period of time. It is also unrealistic to increase combat power and defeat them in a short period of time!

After reaching the strongest emperor level in strength cultivation, unless certain bottleneck points are broken through, it will be extremely difficult to achieve a qualitative improvement in total combat power in a short period of time!

While rushing at full speed, Du Longbian began to secretly reorganize the mysteries of the first six levels of time and space avenue, and then cooperated with the clone to begin to fully understand the mysteries of time and space avenue, striving to break through the final bottleneck of the sixth level as soon as possible!

Time passed by minute by second, and Gabriel's figure behind him was gradually approaching. As Shenlong no longer actively pursued Du Long, the one at the front suddenly became Gabriel, the bright man. Angels rule!

Du Long, who observed this scene through his spiritual consciousness, began to use a small part of his mind to think about how to deal with the approaching Gabriel. Should he take the initiative or resist the enemy from afar and not give them a chance to get closer? !

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

Seeing Gabriel successfully chasing him not far behind him, Du Long, who had not yet found a good way, could only shoot three energy field shock waves in succession, and then took the initiative to detonate them without waiting for Gabriel to attack!

With three loud bangs, three energy field shock waves like cannonballs were detonated in front of Gabriel. The violent energy washed through the cave, blocking Gabriel's forward steps on the spot and making him unable to move forward. He didn't fly back and retreated.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Du Long did not stop at all, but suddenly accelerated and continued to flee forward. Before Gabriel could offset the terrifying energy washout and resume pursuit of him at full speed, he once again widened the distance between him and him. .

The pursuit race one after another is still going on. Du Long spares a small amount of his mind to think about countermeasures. While rushing there with all his strength, he and his avatar work hard to understand the mystery of the sixth level of the time and space avenue, hoping to find the final breakthrough. Bottleneck opportunities.

Gradually, Gabriel's figure caught up again, and he repeated the previous method, using the terrifying shock wave of the energy field to push it back again.

After repeating this for many times, Buck's figure finally gradually came closer. This scene naturally fell into Du Long's eyes, but there was no way to retreat from the enemy.

After learning from the past experience of using Nuwa's Time and Space Footwork but failing to kill Shenlong on the spot, he no longer dared to use Nuwa's Time and Space Footwork to attack easily.

These two most powerful commanders of the light in the West were definitely on guard for a long time. The possibility of killing them with one strike was extremely slim. On the contrary, he was in danger of falling into a tight siege again!

Boom boom boom. . .

In the underground tunnel, bursts of roaring sounds would sound every once in a while. Du Long was using this method to block the pursuit of him by the most powerful commander in the west again and again.

In the end, even Shenlong caught up not far behind Gabriel and Buck, and then followed him unhurriedly with an expression of watching a good show, unless these two teammates of the bright lineage could intercept Du Long. , otherwise he would not be planning to take action in a hurry.

‘Shenlong! Look at the good things you did! In this situation, how can we intercept Du Long? ! ’ After chasing for a long time to no avail, Buck reprimanded Shenlong angrily.

‘Hmph! Shenlong snorted nonchalantly and said: "You have been unable to find a way to break this enemy resistance for so long. If I had been intercepting Du Long on the other side for so long, not to mention the many shadow clones would have been destroyed." He was completely killed, and I’m afraid even my old bones would have been gone long ago, right? ! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Old Buck blushed, obviously not knowing how to answer this question. As Shenlong said, if he and Gabriel were unable to get close to Du Long for such a long time, then Shenlong might really fall!

"Gabriel! What should we do?!" Buck saw that he could not speak to Shenlong, so he could only anxiously send a message to Gabriel to ask.

‘Among the many portable arrays we brought with us this time, are there any arrays that can deal with similar energy shocks in this kind of environment? ! ’ Gabriel frowned and asked.

‘Magic circle? ! ’ Buck pretended to be indecisive for a while, and then his eyes lit up and he said: ‘There really is a magic circle that is very suitable for use in this situation! ’

'oh? ! ’ Gabriel also pretended to be excited and urged: ‘What kind of magic circle is it? ! Say it quickly and listen! ’

'then. . . Our line of light once broke out into a war with the line of Sun God in the east of the Holy Land of Heaven. . . During this period, I suffered a lot from the reflection shield of the goddess of war Athena, and then I realized some special application from it, and realized it through the magic circle, that is, the energy reflection array! ’

‘Energy reflection array? ! ’ Gabriel’s eyes lit up and he said, ‘Isn’t it possible that you even brought such a partial magic circle into the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven? ! ’

'Yes! ’ Buck pretended to be triumphant and replied: ‘Because there are countless dangerous variables in the Emperor’s battlefield, I led the team into it this time. . . Of course you have to be fully prepared! ’

'Ha ha! Good for you! ’ Gabriel laughed excitedly and said: ‘In that case, why not take it out quickly? With this magic circle, wouldn’t Du Long’s energy field shock wave become a decoration? ! ’

'hey-hey! Not only is he just a decoration, if he dares to use the energy field shock wave to launch a fierce attack, I will make him suffer the consequences! ’ Buck replied with a sneer, and then he stopped talking nonsense and started making arrangements.

I saw him suddenly speeding up and rushing to the front, with Gabriel following closely behind. Then I saw Buck continuously making mysterious spells with his hands, and he could vaguely see a large amount of white light energy in front of him. Gathering and forming.

'Huh? ! What is he going to do? ! ’ After seeing Buck’s unusual behavior, Du Long muttered with some uneasiness in his heart.

Buzz buzz. . .

After seeing the two most powerful men in the West approaching a dangerous distance again, Du Long did not hesitate to fire out energy field shock waves again, hoping to knock the opponent back again like before.

call out!

As a result, this time Buck and Gabriel did not passively withstand the energy impact like before. A mirror-like energy converged and formed, and then Buck carried it all the way and continued to rush forward at high speed.

Boom boom boom. . .

Energy force field shock waves erupted one after another. The terrifying energy shock waves rushed wildly along the narrow tunnel to both sides. The energy spurting toward Buck and Gabriel instantly collided with the energy mirror. Together.

A strange scene appeared instantly, and these terrifying energies bounced back at the same speed in an extremely unscientific manner, as if they were originally ejected in the opposite direction.

As a result, the two forces generated by the explosion of the energy field shock wave instantly spurted out in the direction of Du Long's escape, and the superimposed power of the two energies exploded!


Facing the sudden explosion of energy, Du Long used the same force to block it. For a moment, he looked a little embarrassed. The shield behind him hit him hard, making him spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot. Come.

Behind him, Buck and Gabriel excitedly accelerated and chased him, as if they were chasing the energy field shock wave at extremely fast speeds.

The energy field shock wave that pushed Du Long forward was offset by the curves, and gradually disappeared into the invisible. Du Long, who spent a lot of strength, not only did not push the enemy back, but actually He also shocked himself.

‘Wow! What the hell is that? ! Why can the energy force field be erupted to form a terrifying shock wave? . . Reflected back intact? ! ’

Suppressing the surging energy and blood in his body, Du Long ran away with all his strength, while secretly muttering angrily in his heart. He really couldn't understand what this strange phenomenon was about.

'well! Ling'er has only heard that some magic shields have a function similar to energy reflection, but this is the first time that someone can form similar reflected energy through the operation of the magic circle! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er sighed softly.

‘Similar to the function of some magic shields? ! Du Long rolled his eyes and groaned secretly in his heart: "If even the energy shock wave can't stop the enemy's pursuit, is it possible that I really have to be alone to deal with the four emperor-level leaders of the two major forces of light and darkness in the west?" Isn’t it possible for the strongest person to succeed? ! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

The Ring Spirit Ling'er chose to remain silent. She obviously had no effective solution. She could only rely on Du Long's own efforts to solve the current predicament. (To be continued)

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