Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2 Nanke Yimeng


The protest of extreme hunger awakened Du Long, who was immersed in grief, and then he began to look at the valley carefully. Obviously, this valley is not big, and the end can be seen at a glance.

This is a precipitous valley with a radius of several hundred meters, surrounded by cliffs. In the valley, there is a small pool of hundreds of meters wide. figure. Looking at the big fish swimming in the small water pool, Du Long knew that his stomach was full.

I found a slender tree trunk, found a sharp stone and tied it to the top of the branch with rattan, and made a simple harpoon!

Under the curious eyes of the little golden snake, Du Long started to fish for a hard living. After his strength reached the first level of energy accumulation, not only his strength increased, but his eyes and ears became much more sensitive. In less than half an hour, he was killed by him. Forked two big fish weighing two catties.

After scraping the scales and removing the internal organs of the two big fish by the pool, they strung them up with the prepared branches respectively, and then built a bonfire in a small cave with a height of more than two meters where the little golden snake usually lives. There are bursts of smell of grilled fish wafting in this valley.

Stretching out his hand to grab a grilled fish, Du Long began to eat big pieces without saying a word. He had stayed in this valley for at least a few days, and he was so hungry that he hadn't eaten a grain of rice.

"I... I'm hungry too..." Just as Du Long was trying his best to destroy the two catties of grilled fish in his hand, a shy voice sounded in his mind. It was the little golden snake hair coiled on his arm. from.

Naturally, Du Long would not be stingy, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the grilled fish on another branch, stuck the other end of the branch on the ground, and smiled at the little golden snake: "Eat it! This is yours. Keep it for me if you can't finish it!"

After finishing speaking, I stopped talking nonsense and continued to eat the grilled fish in my hand!

The little golden snake, which had been drooling for a long time, left his arm with a sip, came to its grilled fish, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the fish fiercely, easily tore off a piece of fish, and then started to gobble it up.

Ordinary snakes usually swallow their food raw in one gulp. This little golden snake eats in a weird way. Like a human, it tore off a piece of meat and then crushed the food before swallowing it.

Seeing this weird scene, Du Long almost forgot to continue eating the grilled fish in his hands, and shook his head, then he turned his attention to his own grilled fish and continued to eat big pieces.

As a result, Du Long ate one big fish, but the other one was completely taken care of by the little golden snake, and it didn't even drop the bones. Sweep it all!

Seeing this weird golden snake that ate such a big fish but didn't even swell its belly, countless question marks popped up in Du Long's head: "Little Jinjing! That fish is bigger than you, how can you eat it?" In your stomach, it seems to have completely disappeared?"

"Tsk tsk..." The little golden snake clicked his mouth as if he was still thinking about it, and replied absent-mindedly: "I don't know either! As long as I can remember, I have never eaten such a delicious food..."

Its words made Du Long very curious: "Then what do you usually eat? It seems that there is nothing you can eat in this valley?"

"Well, I usually eat some grass roots and leaves, and occasionally drink some water. Those things are too unpalatable, bitter and astringent..." As if recalling the past suffering life, the little golden snake lowered its head cutely, and answered in a somewhat dejected way. road.

He couldn't help but reached out and touched the little golden snake's head, but Du Long didn't try to comfort it, since his sufferings couldn't be resolved, how could he have the time to sympathize with this poor little strange snake.

Standing up with a whimper, seeing that the outside of the cave was getting brighter and the rain had stopped, he strode out of the cave with big strides, the little golden snake scurried back and coiled tightly on his arm, the little guy Much closer to this human being.

Standing at the bottom of the valley, looking up at the sky, you can see that the dark clouds that have covered the sky for several days are finally dissipating, and you can faintly see a long-lost sunshine, and there is also a hint of warmth in the gloomy mood.

"Little Jinjing! The rain has stopped, I have to leave this small valley! Do you want to stay here, or follow me outside?" After a long silence, Du Long made a decision. When I was born again, I couldn't continue to be trapped in this small valley isolated from the world, it was time to go out.

"Leave?" The little golden snake obviously didn't expect Du Long to leave the valley so soon. Although it wanted to go out to see the outside world, the voice in the back of his mind warned him not to leave this place. hesitated.

"This...I...I can't leave here..." Little Golden Snake replied hesitantly.

After chatting for a long time, Du Long naturally knew what the little golden snake was hesitating about. After thinking about it, he said, "Little Jinjing, how long have you been in this valley?"

"It's been a long time..." Little Golden Snake replied uncertainly.

"Ten years... In ten years, the existence that made you wait here at the beginning probably came long ago when he came to pick you up. Since he hasn't come for ten years, it must be some accident. In ten years, the original The crisis has probably been resolved long ago, right?" Du Long pondered.

"But...but..." The little golden snake struggled for a long time, but nothing came out of it. It was obvious that a fierce ideological struggle was going on in its heart.

"How about this! Let's engrave the words in the cave and say that you followed me to the capital of the Haotian Empire. At that time, if someone comes to find you, they can go directly to the capital of the Haotian Empire to find us! Is this okay?" Feeling that there are no relatives in this world anymore, Du Long still hopes that the little golden snake can go out with him, so that he can have a talking partner outside.

His eyes lit up, and the little golden snake seemed to think that this method is feasible, so he replied: "Then... that's fine! I'll go out with you! When we go outside, will there be something as delicious as before?"

'Dare you think that this little golden snake wants to go out with you is the only reason? ’ Du Long rolled his eyes a little speechlessly. Fortunately, he gave the little guy something delicious just now, otherwise, he might not be able to bring him out of the valley!

"Of course! There are many delicious things out there than the grilled fish just now!" Du Long replied confidently, looking at the little golden snake.

There was nothing to fix in the whole small valley. After leaving a message in the small cave, and after going out of the cave to observe around, Du Long chose a relatively safe place to start climbing. There are more, there are more points of focus, and the strength has reached the first level of energy accumulation, plus the change in physique, Du Long can be described as light as a swallow, and climbing this kind of cliff is naturally easy.

In less than an hour, he climbed to the top of the cliff, looked at the deep cliff behind him, sighed lightly, and walked down Lingyun Mountain without hesitation.

The majestic gate of the capital city of the Haotian Empire was full of voices. Since it was a time of peace, the security checks in the city were relatively lax, there were constant merchants and pawns, and ordinary people entered and exited the gate of the capital.

Standing outside this familiar city gate, Du Long's mood was turbulent, and an inexplicable, unexplained sense of sorrow emerged. He stared at the city gate in a daze for a long time and did not move on.

"Young Master, Young Master! Are you back? It's been five days. If you don't come back, Madam will send someone to Lingyun Mountain to look for you!" A familiar voice rang in the ear of Du Long who was standing blankly at the gate of the city. .

Looking in the direction of the sound, Du Long found with a puzzled face, isn't this the servant Agui who has been with him since he was a child?

"Agui? You... why are you here?" Du Long looked at the familiar servant Agui in a daze, his head was a little confused, and he felt that something was not quite right.

"Master, what's the matter with you? Ah... what's the matter with you? Could it be that you were attacked by bandits in Lingyun Mountain?" The servant Agui finally saw the dirty appearance on Du Long's body, and couldn't help it. exclaimed.

Du Long, who was full of question marks, was dragged into the north gate of the capital by his servant Agui, walked along the familiar streets, and came to the gate that Du Long would never forget, the gate of Du Mansion!

'This...isn't Du's house confiscated? How is this going? Looking at the two familiar guards standing at the gate of the Du Mansion, Du Long was a little dumbfounded. In his impression, the gate of the Du Mansion was sealed a few years ago, and it was a depressing scene of people going to the empty building. .

"Master! Madam is waiting for you in the mansion! Let's go in quickly!" Seeing Du Long standing in a daze at the gate of the mansion, servant Agui hurriedly dragged him into the mansion and rushed to the courtyard where Madam lived.

Du Mansion, East Wing!

"Long Er! What happened to you on this trip to Lingyun Mountain? Why did you look like this?" In the East Wing Hall, Mrs. Du Zhou looked at her only precious son Du Long with pity, and her hands tightened. It was trembling slightly on his face and stroking his body, obviously frightened by his distressed appearance.

"Mother..." Du Long, with a dull face, let his mother Zhou play around. After a long time, he called out in a hoarse voice. In an instant, his red eyes could no longer hold back the tears.

'What exactly is going on? Could it be that I am dreaming? Or is everything that happened in the past just my dream? Now is the real world? ’ At this moment, Du Long’s mind was in a mess, his eyes were blurred with tears, deep in his heart, he really hoped that this is the real world, and everything in the past was just a nightmare?

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