Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1828 One block and one attack

Puff puff. . .

Bursts of clashing sounds of gold and iron continued to resound in the cave. Accompanied by these clashing sounds of gold and iron, there would occasionally be the muffled sound of some shadow clones being exploded. This also meant that Du Long had successfully killed time and time again. The shadow clone blocking the way.

As the powerful Dark Supreme Paladin led Shenlong to rejoin the battle, Dulong's frequency of killing enemy shadow clones dropped to the extreme!

However, he was still able to take advantage of the huge advantage in the number of arms and the 50-star level combat power bonus to continuously kill Shenlong's shadow clones one after another in this melee.

This scene made many people's hearts tremble secretly. Is this a young man who has just grown up less than an epoch year? !

Lian Shenlong, the most powerful leader of the dark lineage, had several shadow clones killed one after another? !

"Buck, Gabriel, Sariel!! Can you guys hurry up and come over here to help me?!"

Holding back the terrible pain from the destruction of his soul, Shenlong did not forget to send an indignant message to the three most powerful commanders while he was wailing.

Although he saw that the three most powerful commanders in the West were approaching, every second was so long and difficult for him. Shenlong began to regret in his heart why he pursued Du Long so actively. The way to go.

"almost there!"

In the end, the only answer he received was Buck's three words of lukewarmness. Buck did speed up again, but unfortunately he was still far slower than Gabriel who was running at the front!


Finally, Gabriel arrived first!

With Shenlong's lessons learned, he immediately released dozens of the most powerful archangels of the Western Light before he reached the direct cave where the final battlefield was.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

The bright and powerful archangels blocked Du Long's retreat in an instant, and then joined forces to accelerate towards him with all their strength, with the intention of surrounding him and trapping him to death.

'Depend on! ’

Du Long roared secretly in his heart, and the many big bells close to the side behind him under the three heads and thousands arms were activated. Energy field shock waves shot out from them, aiming directly at the many bright and powerful angels who were pressing behind them at full speed. .

Buzz buzz. . .

The shock waves of the energy field were like cannons ejected from the barrel, and they were continuously fired towards the many enemies with holy white wings on their backs, and soon collided hard with their leading opponents.

None of those bright and powerful angels were newbies entering the battlefield of the Heavenly Emperor. They had rich experience in fighting against extraterrestrial force clans. Naturally, they released their respective bright holy sword attacks at the first opportunity, blasting one after another. On these energy field shock waves.

Boom boom boom. . .

In the narrow cave, bursts of rumbling and loud noises continued to resound, and the powerful collision caused energy shock waves to scatter in all directions. Most of them stimulated the protection of the magic circle inside the cave when they clashed with the cave!

In the end, these terrifying energies had to push to both sides along the long and narrow tunnel. The people fighting inside the tunnel were quickly sprayed to both sides like steel bullets in the ballistic trajectory.

Du Long was waiting for this opportunity. He took out some defensive shields near the direction of the energy explosion. While resisting the impact of this terrifying energy with all his strength, he also used all his strength to attack the many powerful men of the dark lineage.

Driven by the terrifying power, not only Du Long is pushing forward, but even the strongest men of the dark lineage are not immune. They have to be pushed by that terrifying force in the same direction as Du Long. Being pushed backwards!

Puff puff. . .

Between advancing and retreating, Du Long took the opportunity to attack with all his strength!

None of these dark masters could match him in terms of combat power bonus stars. Faced with the dazzling and incomparable light of the coiled snake sword, the shadow clones were brutally killed one after another!

"Assholes!! Are you bastards okay?! I can't help you...Aside from causing chaos and increasing our casualties, what else can you do?!"

In between wails of pain, Shenlong's eyes erupted with scarlet flames, and he cursed angrily at Gabriel and the others.

No wonder he was so angry. Without taking action himself, Gabriel actually released a large group of the most powerful light archangels in front of him, and even Du Long couldn't get close to him.

"Shenlong! Watch your words!" Gabriel was the most powerful archangel from the holy realm of the Western Paradise. His own dignity could not allow Shenlong, the leader of the dark paladin, to blaspheme easily. He couldn't help but transmit his voice on the spot. warned.

"Why don't you give me some great words!"

While resisting Du Long's fierce attacks with all his strength, Shenlong cursed angrily: "If you don't take action yourself, then don't blame me for not continuing to block Du Long's retreat with all my strength. Next, we will slowly follow Let’s deal with him together behind him!”

"Shenlong! Do you know the consequences of doing this?! Once he escapes, it will be difficult to stop him!" Gabriel's tone immediately softened.

He knew very well how serious the consequences would be if Shenlong let Du Long pass. Once Du Long escaped from the encirclement, it would take countless times of time and energy to intercept him.

"Hmph! Stop telling me those useless theories. Do you want to attack Du Long personally?! If not, I won't care about him!!" Shen Long had no intention of compromising.

"Buck and Sariel are about to rush over! Shenlong! You have to carry them until they arrive no matter what. At that time, the three of us will join forces from behind to launch a fierce attack. I believe that Du Long will not be able to hold it! "Gabriel persuaded him earnestly again.

"Haha!" From a distance, Sariel interjected with a smile: "Don't drag me into it. You have all distributed the two treasures on Du Long. No matter whether you win or lose, there will be no benefit to me. Naturally, There is no need to intervene in this battle!"

"What do you mean, two treasures were given away to us?!" Buck said dissatisfied: "Didn't we, the light and the dark, each get one of the two treasures on Du Long?!"

"no no!"

Sariel waved his hands unhurriedly and said: "You must remember one thing. We, the Dark Fallen Angels and the Dark Paladins, are two different forces. The spoils obtained either belong to the Dark Paladins or to the Dark Paladins." On the fallen angel side, don’t be confused!”


Buck was instantly choked by Sariel's words, and then he remembered that the Dark Fallen Angels had always been at odds with the Dark Paladins, and the Supreme God they obeyed was not the same person.

"Sariye! If that's the case, then why are you following in?! Isn't it interesting to have a hindsight at this critical moment of the war?!" Gabriel asked angrily.

"Haha!" Sariel didn't mean to be angry, but chuckled and said: "We are both the two major forces of light and darkness in the Western camp. Naturally, I will advance and retreat with you together! Unless I encounter something that will endanger my dark fall. The situation of the angel lineage may have some benefits, otherwise I will not take action easily!"

"You..." This time it was Gabriel's turn to be angry.

"What are you?!"

Shenlong obviously quit. In just a moment when their four most powerful leaders communicated secretly, another shadow clone of him was brutally killed: "Gabriel! If you don't take action against Du Long personally, I promise you will." I will let him pass immediately, and whoever wants to block his retreat will do so. Anyway, I won’t stupidly stand in his retreat anymore!”

That Du Long seems to have a special liking for killing the shadow clones led by him, the most powerful dark knight. He always likes to use the advantage of his arms to join forces as much as possible to kill his shadow clones one after another, even He will not let go of his soul, using it to weaken his personal strength.

Shadow clones continued to fall one after another, which made Shenlong miserable, and at the same time, a trace of shock and anger began to arise in his heart.

"Okay!" With no choice but to do so, Gabriel could only compromise.

However, his compromise was somewhat deceptive. The purpose was naturally to stabilize Shenlong first. As for letting him fight Du Long head-on, don't even think about it!

Under the attention of Shenlong's consciousness, Gabriel arrived in front of many of the most powerful archangels, and then led his team to press towards Du Long again.

Buzz buzz. . .

Seeing that they were about to approach the target, Du Long, who had been prepared for a long time, once again released a shock wave of energy field in the sky and shot straight at Gabriel and others.

Boom boom boom. . .

Under Shenlong's extremely desperate gaze, these energy field shock waves exploded again. The terrifying energy desperately washed away the cave, once again distancing Gabriel and others from him.

In other words, the addition of Gabriel, the most powerful man, did not have the desired effect on the battle situation at all!

You must know that this Gabriel is the most powerful person who has reached the late eighth level in the Avenue of Time and Space, and has reached the 51-star level in terms of combat power bonus stars!

No matter in terms of total combat power output or attack and movement speed, it is much stronger than Du Long!

You know, at the beginning, just two powerful people who were one level stronger than him in the avenue of time and space had already put Du Long in a relatively embarrassing situation. Logically speaking, it would be countless times more difficult for him this time!

However, Du Long relied on the energy field attack from the extraterritorial force clan and the help of this long and narrow cave to successfully intercept a large number of Western Archangels of Light outside the safe range!

'No! wrong! Gabriel's strength definitely doesn't stop there! Is he planning to consume the strength of my Dark Paladin lineage? ! ' After watching Du Long kill several shadow clones with one knife after another, Shenlong suddenly guessed secretly in surprise.

The two major forces of light and darkness are at odds with each other internally, let alone between light and darkness. The reason why they come together is because of cooperation in interests, and there is no trust at all. (To be continued)

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