Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1822 Speculating the truth

In Nuwa's Secret Realm, near the entrance of Nuwa's Time and Space Footwork Inheritance Cave, a group of the truly top most powerful people in the West are still gathered together.

Buck, the commander of the Supreme Light Paladin, suddenly frowned. He had discovered that a piece of soul jade talisman was broken inside the space ring. In a flash, these fragments of the soul jade talisman were in his hands.

"Mark?! Whose soul jade talisman is this?! Why did it suddenly break apart?!" Shenlong, the leader of the strongest dark paladin, was the first to notice something was wrong and immediately asked in confusion.

"This is... Lear's soul jade charm!" At this moment, Buck didn't intend to hide the news of Lear's death anymore.

"Lil?! Isn't he the strongest light paladin who has reached the sixth level of the Time and Space Avenue?! How could he suddenly fall like this?!" Shenlong continued to ask with surprise on his face.

"Yes!" Buck shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Not long ago, a Light Paladin secret agent discovered Du Long's traces, so I sent Lille and Oga to lead a team to take a look. I never thought about it. .."

"You never thought they would fall, right?!"

Shenlong immediately took over the words with some dissatisfaction: "Buck! Now that you have discovered Du Long's whereabouts, why didn't you tell him about it? You clearly have plans to monopolize the treasures of the other party, right?!"

"Yes!" Faced with Shenlong's questioning, Buck admitted simply: "It was our secret agents from the Guangming line who first discovered Du Long's whereabouts, so they naturally have the power to act expediently!"

"Hehe!" Shenlong sneered and said, "What's the result?! You failed to steal the chicken, but lost a handful of rice instead?!"

"Shenlong..." When Buck was about to continue to say something, he suddenly turned over his hands and took out a few fragments of the soul jade talisman with emotion, and said solemnly: "Oga also fell!"

"Haha! This is what happens when you eat alone!" Shenlong's eyes lit up and he actually laughed in public.

"Shenlong!" Buck frowned and said, "Don't say it in such a bad way, okay?! I don't believe that if you discovered Du Long's whereabouts first, you would tell us so generously?! After all, there is only one Dragon Ring!" "

"Okay! Since you are so generous in announcing the death of Leer and Oga, it must be because you are no longer able to deal with Du Long's existence full of variables on your own, right?!" Shenlong calmed down his emotions slightly and said with a smile. asked rhetorically.

"That's right!"

Buck nodded his head and replied: "Lille has reached the almost perfect bottleneck point in the late sixth level on the Avenue of Time and Space, and Oga has also reached the middle stage of the sixth level. The two of them still have six other avenues of time and space that have reached perfection respectively. The fourth to fifth level teammates still failed to kill Du Long. What kind of strength do you think this Du Long has achieved?!"

"It's hard to say!" Shenlong waved his hand and said, "Did Du Long personally kill Lille and the others, or did he have experts around him secretly helping him?!"

"Help from masters?!" Gabriel, who had been silent all this time, suddenly interjected: "I don't know if there are other masters to help me, but there should be a clone beside him that is not weaker than the original one, and then there's Zi Yan. What a bitch!"

"Zi Yan?! Come on! Even if a woman who has died once regains a body, her current strength will not be much stronger!" Shenlong immediately dismissed Zi Yan.

"The only thing left is Du Long's own clone! If he can defeat and kill Lear and Oga if he cooperates with his clone, his strength in the avenue of time and space must at least reach the sixth level or above!" Buck frowned.

"How is this possible?! He has only grown up for less than an epoch year in total. Not long ago, outside the entrance to Nuwa's secret realm, he almost forced him into a desperate situation just by dealing with the so-called emperor-level powerhouses who were not popular! "Gabriel didn't seem to believe this conclusion.

"That's right! It has only been a few thousand years since the Nuwa Secret Realm was opened. The avenue of time and space is difficult to understand. It is absolutely impossible to break through and reach the sixth level in a few thousand years!!" Shenlong couldn't believe this conclusion either.

"If that's not the case... it can only mean that there should be some unknown powerful people hidden in the cave space that Du Long carries with him!" Buck analyzed in a deep voice.

"This possibility is not impossible!"

Shenlong nodded slightly in agreement and said: "Before, on the star road leading to the immortal world, this kid suddenly released the old pervert King Golden Winged Dapeng from the cave space he carried with him. As a result, new people were killed on the spot. Not long after taking office, the two great gods of light and darkness fell one after another!"

"That's right! Even the older generation of gods like the Golden-winged Dapeng King would rather lurk in the cave world he carries with him. In the absence of other evidence to prove that Du Long personally killed Lier and others, he only It can be thought that a certain powerful person lurking behind him came forward and was able to kill Lear and Oga one after another!" Buck analyzed calmly.


As the discussion reached this point, many of the most powerful people in the West fell into silence. When they thought that the two great Western gods of light and darkness were killed by Du Long, they felt a deep sense of powerlessness in their hearts. .

"Ever since the shocking battle broke out on the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield at the end of the Wilderness Era, the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield has absolutely not allowed any powerful person with the Divine Sovereign Realm to easily set foot there. It is impossible to hide a powerful and powerful person with the Divine Sovereign Realm in Du Long! "

In the silent atmosphere, a slightly lazy voice sounded in everyone's ears. It was the Dark Fallen Archangel Sariel who had been watching the show suddenly spoke.

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, and they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, obviously somewhat agreeing with his statement.

Gabriel looked at Sariel and said: "Sariye! The whereabouts of the truly top emperor-level experts in the East are all under our control. It is impossible to follow Du Long into it. Emperor's battlefield, do you think Du Long will be able to kill Lille and Oga one after another alone?!"

"Why not?!" Sariel looked at Gabriel with a calm smile, then turned to look at Buck and said: "It has been such a long time. Since the death of Lear and Oga, the other six Where are the Holy Knights of Strong Light?! Why is there no news of their demise?!"

"The soul talismans of the six of them are all intact, and no one has died for the time being..." Buck did not show off, and directly told the results of what he saw.

"Hmm!" Sariel's face showed a true look: "Aren't you curious why the two most powerful ones fell, but none of the other six weaker ones died?! Could it be that Say, do you still think that Du Long is a kind-hearted existence?!"

"This Du Long has always been ruthless and has no compassion at all like an Eastern Buddhist cultivator!" Shenlong immediately rejected Sariel's hypothesis.

"Then it's over?!" Sariel replied with a smile: "A guy who is ruthless and extremely fast, even if he can't kill all six enemies, he can at least kill one or two. ?! Why were all these six people still alive in the end?!"

"What's the problem with the life and death of these six people?! Why are you lingering on this issue?!" Gabriel asked in confusion.

Sariel grinned, with a strange smile on his face: "What other problems could there be?! Since those six people are still alive, their hope of all escaping is very slim, and it is very likely that they were captured alive by Du Long. Caught alive!"

"Capture alive?!" Buck shook his head and said in disapproval: "This possibility should be unlikely! According to Du Long's character, wouldn't it be simpler to kill them on the spot?!"

"Haha!" Sariel was almost speechless and could only laugh dryly: "It is said...that Du Long likes to use real fire to roast the souls of his enemies to punish those enemies who offended him. What do you think? Are those six people enjoying the pain of real fire burning their souls?!"


Many of the most powerful people in the West secretly took a breath, seeming to be a little irritated by Sariel's strange tone.

"Even if there is the possibility you mentioned! What does that mean?!" Shenlong was the first to question.

"What else can it explain?!" Sariel stretched out and responded lazily: "This means that Du Long should have relied on his own strength to successfully kill Lille and others, which means that he The state of understanding on the Avenue of Time and Space has at least broken through to the sixth early stage or above!"

"How is this possible?! The Du Long I saw before was at most the fourth level of the Avenue of Time and Space. How long has passed... How could the mystery of the Avenue of Time and Space be broken through in such a short period of time? !" It was Shenlong who loudly questioned Sariel's idea.

"If... in this Du Long... if it carries a cave space that can increase the speed of time to ten thousand times... or even one hundred thousand times, then is it possible for my assumption to be true? !" The smile on Sariel's face still looked so unbeatable, but he had already concluded that it was almost the truth.


Many of the strongest Westerners at the scene took a breath. This time they were completely shocked by Sariel's hypothesis. In addition to shock, there was also a hint of greed on their faces.

The cave space that can increase the speed of time by tens of thousands of times is extremely rare in this world, but it is not completely non-existent. Almost all major forces have similar spaces in their hands for their core disciples to use to speed up their practice!

If Du Long really has a similar time-accelerating cave space, it will definitely be a super treasure that is not weaker than the Dragon Lord Ring, and it will definitely arouse the covetousness of all major forces!

Buck, Gabriel and Shenlong looked at each other and saw the greed in each other's eyes!

"Buck! I think it is very necessary to join forces to deal with this Du Long!" Shenlong was the first to break the silence and said: "If Sariel's speculation is confirmed, you and I can get the Dragon Ring or the Time respectively. The accelerating cave space!"

"I agree!" Buck nodded without hesitation: "After we get the two treasures, we will decide the final ownership of the two treasures by drawing lots!"


These two powerful leaders of the two major forces of light and darkness in the West soon decided to continue to cooperate and join forces to deal with Du Long, who was full of treasures.

On the side, Fallen Archangel Commander Sariel had a faint smile on his face, and was not angry at all because the other party simply put him aside.

'Hmph! Just continue to seek death! No matter which party succeeds or fails, I will just watch from the sidelines. Maybe there will be a chance to reap some benefits? ! hey-hey. . . ';(To be continued)

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