Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1801 Taking pleasure in others’ misfortune

Phew, poof!

Hundreds of miles away from the crater, a flash of golden light flashed away, and a severed arm flew away!

When his life was at stake, the middle-aged Western man moved sideways. Although he could not completely dodge Du Long's full blow, he still avoided his vital parts.

Du Long was stunned for a moment, and immediately used Nuwa's time and space footwork from a distance again, crossing the boundaries of time and space in one step, and flew past this middle-aged Western man.


Another heavy blow, this time it was a slash on the opponent's armor. The full force blow of the top-grade super artifact Coiling Snake Slash only caused the armor to shatter. However, the middle-aged Western man also looked up to the sky in madness. A mouthful of blood spurted out.

At this moment, Du Long finally understood why he failed to kill his opponent with one blow when using Nuwa's time and space footwork!

The opponent reached the fifth level on the Space Avenue, and kept running back and forth along irregular curves along the way. Only then could he avoid his two fierce attacks!


After instantly understanding the opponent's escape method, Du Long snorted coldly in his heart, took another step forward with his feet, and instantly crossed the boundaries of time and space and shot straight towards the opponent!

This time, for the first time, he used the assistance of the Ring Spirit to shoot himself as a crossbow. The direction of the shot was determined by the Ring Spirit.

call out!

The golden light flashed away, and a strange sword light cut through the void, instantly crossing the head of the middle-aged Western man!


Unsurprisingly, the Flame Dragon Slaying Soul Devouring Strike was successfully activated and instantly swallowed up the soul of the middle-aged Western man!

With one successful blow, Du Long's eyes flashed with excitement.

He is obviously very satisfied with this result. He shoots himself like a crossbow. Facing opponents who use irregular motion trajectories to avoid his high-speed attacks, he can indeed produce unexpected effects!

call out!

He didn't have time to think too much. He took another step and shot towards another target in an instant. Because he had just wasted two opportunities, the last two Western Paladins of Light had already escaped a long distance away.


The target he selected first had no time to react, and was immediately shot in the head with a knife, turning it into the upgrading nourishment of the Extreme Soul Devouring Slash on the spot!


Du Long turned around and looked at the direction where the last Western Light Paladin had fled. He took a long breath, shook his head helplessly and gave up the pursuit.

Just because he was delayed for a moment, the opponent had successfully broken out of the area covered by the forbidden air domain, and then teleported away!

Once the opponent teleports out of the range of spiritual consciousness, the opponent can completely get rid of Du Long's pursuit as long as he continuously changes the direction of teleportation.

There are not too many regrets. Du Long is very satisfied with the results achieved today!

He ducked back to the top of the crater again, and then, under the admiring gazes of many fire creatures, he floated in front of the largest group of fire creatures.

"Dear human strongman! Thank you very much for driving away those bandits for us. I will fulfill my promise and give you half of the fire ancestral spirit root as a thank you gift!"

Among the many fire-type creatures, a huge fire phoenix bowed respectfully to Du Long, then waved its wings, and the two-legged fire lotus pod below broke off the next stem, and then flew towards Du Long in the air.

Looking at the fire ancestral spirit root with flames still lingering in front of him, Du Long flashed a faint smile in his eyes. Among the five element spiritual roots, the ancestral spirit root is a good treasure that cannot even be found in the Pangu world!

You must know that the Five Elements Spiritual Roots he exchanged in the Treasure Pavilion of the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Mount Xumi were all the most common Five Elements Spiritual Roots, somewhat similar to the patches of ordinary fire lotus pods below. Ordinary spiritual roots belonging to the same level!

"Um..." Du Long scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "I wonder if you can give me some of those ordinary fire spirit roots as a gift?!"

As his words fell, I could feel the fire creatures on the scene stir slightly, with wary looks on their faces, and undisguised anger on the faces of some fire creatures.

"Uh! Well... I mean just give me a few lotus pods with ordinary fire spirit roots. I have no intention of robbing your fire creatures of food!" Du Long knew that these fire creatures must have misunderstood. Knowing what he meant, he quickly added.

"No problem!" In the end, the fire phoenix was the first to see from Du Long's eyes that he was not lying. He nodded slightly and waved his wings to harvest ten ordinary fire lotus pods again, and then sent them to Du Long.

"Thank you!" Du Long cupped his hands, then waved his hand to collect the ordinary fire spirit pods and the ancestral spirit root level fire lotus pods, and then said again: "That..."

"Sir! We have already fulfilled our promise. Are you going to break your promise and go back on your words?!" A fire dragon next to the fire phoenix couldn't help but yelled angrily on the spot.

"No, no! You have misunderstood!" Du Long waved his hands hurriedly: "What I mean is, in addition to the crisis for your earth and fire creatures, is there any news about metal, wood and even water creatures that need help? ?!”


Seeing that many vigilant fire creatures secretly breathed a sigh of relief, these fire creatures seemed to simply breathe a sigh of relief, but they spit out blazing flames from their nostrils. Not to mention how funny it looked.


Fire Phoenix smiled sweetly and said: "This sir is so funny! As far as I know, in the entire Nuwa world, all the ancestral spiritual roots of the metal and wood systems grow on the Nuwa Holy Mountain, and only the water ancestral spiritual roots grow on it. In the heart of the South, the South is boundless, and we have no contact with the other party, so we don’t know if they are encountering difficulties!"

"I understand!" Du Long then bowed his hands and said, "If that's the case, then I'll say goodbye!"

Facing a group of fire creatures guarding the treasure, he didn't want to stay too long to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to the other party. After Du Long said these last words, he stepped directly towards the crater and disappeared in an instant. In front of many fire creatures.


Sure enough, as he left, many of the fire-type creatures who were still wary at first exhaled a breath of fire, and the tense atmosphere at the scene immediately relaxed.

"Okay! All those outsiders have retreated, and it's time for us to move to the safety of the underground lava world!"

The fire phoenix's voice rang loudly inside the crater, and many fire creatures began to prepare for migration excitedly. Their migration methods were similar to those of earth creatures.

In the distance, Du Long didn't bother to care about how the fire creatures migrated and took refuge, and subconsciously headed toward the south with lightning flashes!

‘Southern**? ! Should I go over and take a look? ! These Five Elements creatures in Nuwa's secret realm have experienced a peaceful life for endless epochs, and they seem to have forgotten the principle of not revealing their wealth. . . ’

‘If they expose their water ancestral spiritual roots to outsiders, they will definitely run into trouble, right? ! ’

As his mind flashed, Du Long, who had nothing to do anyway, immediately began to speed up and headed straight for the southern tip of the river in a flash of lightning.

Nuwa's secret realm, Du Long came to the entrance and exit of the underground cave.

A group of Westerners gathered on a hill not far from the cave entrance and were discussing the situation in the underground cave.

"Our people have been exploring underground for so many years, but they still haven't reached the end of the cave, let alone found any inheritance of body skills in it..."

"Yes! Could it be that...we are looking in the wrong place?!"

"It shouldn't be wrong. It is said that Taiyi Zhenjun and others also entered the cave from here, and they haven't come out yet!"

"Could it be that Du Long took away Nuwa's body technique hidden in the cave, and we can't find it no matter how hard we search?!"

"Probably not! If not, what else will Taiyi Zhenjun and others do in there?!"


A group of the most powerful people from the West gathered there. They did not enter the dark cave, but asked their subordinates to go in and search for the inheritance of Nuwa's body. Naturally, there would be no results.


Suddenly, the Dark Supreme Paladin Shenlong turned over his hand and took out a bunch of broken soul jade talismans, and his face became extremely ugly.

"Shenlong! Could it be that the subordinate you sent into the cave died?!" Buck, the most powerful paladin of light, asked with a frown.

"No!" Shenlong waved his hands and denied, "It's just that something happened to a group of men I sent to deal with the Stone Human Race!"

"Oh!" Buck secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's just that a team of people fighting for resources has died. At most, we can just send out another group of people. It's no big deal!"

Shenlong grinned, and finally swallowed back the words that had reached his lips. At first, the secret agents of the light and dark lines respectively explored the land of the spiritual roots of the fire and earth systems. After negotiation, the two divided them into two places at the same time. Take action to fight.

Now that there is a problem on his side, Buck, who is of the bright lineage, can naturally stand and talk without pain in his back.

Time passed by minute by minute, just as Shenlong was secretly thinking about why the troops he sent to the Stone Human Tribe failed, and what kind of strength team he would send to continue going.

The smile on the face of Buck, the most powerful paladin of light, suddenly changed. As he turned his hand, he found several broken soul jade symbols in his hand.

Since Buck only controls the soul jade talismans of those who are the most powerful, by the time he realizes something is wrong, it is already the moment when Du Long kills the most powerful paladin of light.

Bang bang bang. . .

After a while, one piece after another of the Soul Jade Talisman continued to shatter, and in the blink of an eye, only the last piece was still intact!

"What's wrong?! Could it be that something happened to the subordinates you sent to the place where fire creatures are entrenched?" Shenlong's face was full of concern, but there was a teasing smile in his eyes.

This girl definitely didn't have any good intentions, and she was obviously a little happy about others' misfortunes. He had felt this emotion from Buck when something happened to his subordinates just now, but he didn't expect to be able to return it so quickly. (To be continued)

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