Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1794 Traveling again


The entire mountain range where the Nuwa Temple is located was instantly in an uproar. Some people were confused about Du Long's failure, and some were snickering because of his failure.

'What's happening here? ! ’

Standing in front of the folded space, Du Long looked at the folded time and space in front of him in confusion, obviously unable to accept such a result.

‘What else could happen? ! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er’s voice immediately sounded in his mind.

'I heard that Nuwa Kingdom Formation Spirit say before that you have reached the first level of Nuwa Space-time Steps in cultivation. That means there is a second level after the first level. It seems that you want to enter Nuwa Kingdom now. Inside, it is possible to at least upgrade Nuwa's Space-Time Step to the second level! ’

‘Nuwa’s second level of time and space step? ! Du Long said doubtfully: "To reach the first level of cultivation, you need to reach at least the third level of perfection of the Time and Space Avenue. If Nuwa's time and space footwork wants to reach the second level of cultivation, doesn't it mean that she has to reach the sixth level of the Time and Space Avenue?" Is there hope only in the realm of Consummation? ! ’

‘That’s how it should be in theory! Since you have only reached the late stage of the fourth level of the Avenue of Time and Space, even if Nuwa's second level secret of time and space footwork was placed in front of you, you would not be able to learn it! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er analyzed in a deep voice.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed in the real world. Du Long's clone has been practicing on the fourth space-time island for hundreds of millions of years, and has understood the secrets of the time-space avenue inside the fourth time-space island to a later stage. It is far from the end. The bottleneck is not far away.

'All right! Du Long could only helplessly shake his head and sigh: "I finally understand that those super-artifact-level armors must at least require me to practice Nuwa's time and space footwork to the second level. Then I may have Are you qualified to get these valuable treasures? ! ’

‘That’s how it should be! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er agreed.

At the top of the mountain, Da Zhishi and others looked at Du Long who was flying back from the sky with some confusion. Apparently, they didn't understand why he returned without success this time.

"Senior Brother Du Long! What are you..." Mo Gang spoke first to break the silence.

'well! Du Long Chuanyin sighed softly and said: "Perhaps because I have successfully won a prize, the folding time and space to enter the Nuwa Kingdom has been extended. With my current footwork in Nuwa's time and space, I am the best." The heavy level makes it impossible to break into Nuwa Junior High School! ’


Mo Gang and others secretly took a breath of cold air. They were all unable to accept this result. If they couldn't advance with the speed of the first level of Dulong Nuwa's Space Step, then wouldn't they never be able to do so? Any chance of getting into it? !

‘Junior Brother Mo Gang! I’d better continue to enter the cave space to practice in seclusion! Please help yourself! ’ Du Long didn’t have the intention to continue chatting with everyone, he directly said hello and entered the cave space.

In the eighth space-time island, Du Long began to practice the Coiled Snake Slashing Technique. He only knew a little bit about this set of sword techniques created by Goddess Nuwa, and he had not even mastered it yet!

Boo hoo hoo. . .

Under the starlight in the sky, sword snakes began to appear one after another as if they were alive. Under Du Long's deliberate control, the sword snakes in the sky turned into whirlwinds of sword light. In the watertight defense, there would be sword snakes from time to time. The time and space lightning shot out, which was a set of unparalleled sword skills.

Through the practice of this set of sword techniques, Du Long gradually felt that this was a set of sword techniques that was very suitable for cooperating with the Thousand Hands Magical Power. It could advance, attack, retreat or defend, and its attack speed was extremely fast.

Through this set of sword techniques, he could vaguely guess that the great goddess Nuwa back then should have similar skills to the Mahayana Thousand Hands magical power. Otherwise, it would be difficult to create such an amazingly powerful Coiled Snake sword technique.

Time passed day by day. In this space where the flow of time was a million times faster than the outside world, Du Long didn't pay attention to the speed of time at all. Instead, he devoted all his attention to the practice of this snake-coiling sword technique.

As time went by, he felt more and more that this set of Coiled Snake Sword Technique was extremely mysterious, and subconsciously integrated his experience of cultivation in the palm of Mahayana Tathagata and his state of mind in fighting swordsmanship into the Coiled Snake Sword Technique.

As a result, the coiling snake sword technique in his hand became more and more agile, and the power of the sword technique also continued to increase!

Swish, swish, swish. . .

The swords and snakes in the sky disappear and appear, and the ninety-six swords are like snakes flying and galloping. The swords seem to be dazzling, but in fact they contain deadly power!

Just when Du Long had been practicing for an entire epoch year, he finally reached the level of mastery in the Coiled Snake Sword Technique created by the Goddess Nuwa!

The so-called Xiaocheng state is to make the ninety-six Coiled Snake Saber seem to be able to perform the Coiled Snake Saber technique alone, as agile as ninety-six living snakes.

Numerous Coiled Snake Swordsmen can fight independently, and can also form a tacitly coordinated Coiled Snake Sword Formation to jointly defend against the enemy. There is a well-established advance and retreat between offense and defense. Before Dulong, he only knew how to use brute force to use the whirlwind of Swords and Lights to kill the enemy. People come, it is countless times more scientific and reasonable!


A figure suddenly passed through the time and space gate, and it turned out to be the avatar who had realized the secrets of cultivating the avenue of time and space in the fourth time and space island. The moment he entered the eighth time and space island, the memories between the original body and the avatar were immediately shared.

"Huh?! The Coiled Snake Sword Technique created by Goddess Nuwa?! With its help, our strength can be greatly increased?!" After instantly understanding what kind of sword technique Du Long was practicing, the clone couldn't bear it. Zhu said to himself excitedly.

In mid-air, Du Long's figure came to an abrupt halt.

"Hmm! Very good! The fourth level of time and space avenue has also reached the final bottleneck point. You can stay on the eighth level of time and space island to continue to understand and practice the various mysteries of heaven. It's time for me to go out and continue to explore!" Du Long! The deity also smiled with satisfaction.

As he said, the clone has experienced thousands of years of hard work in the real world and hundreds of millions of years of hard work inside the fourth space-time island, and has already reached the bottleneck point in cultivating the fourth secret of the time-space avenue.

These bottlenecks cannot be overcome by long-term seclusion and hard training. He has made great achievements in the Snake Sword Technique, so naturally it is time to go out and explore.

"Senior Brother Du Long?! Aren't you going to practice in seclusion?! How did you get out of seclusion so quickly?!" When Du Long appeared on the top of the mountain again, the giant Mo Gang immediately asked curiously.

"Well!" Du Long could only nod his head and said casually: "What is the situation here now?! Why do I feel that more than half of the people around me are missing?! Even Senior Brother Da Zhishi is missing?!"

"What else could happen?! Since we can't break into this folded time and space anyway, many people simply go into the Nuwa Secret Realm to look for opportunities!" Teng Chong said with a smile.

"Then why don't you guys go out for a walk? It won't do much good if you continue to stay here, right?" Du Long asked curiously.

"Junior Brother Du Long! We also want to wait for you to come out of seclusion, and then we will see what arrangements are made next. Should we take risks in the Nuwa Secret Realm?! Or should we leave the Nuwa Secret Realm and return to the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven?!" Mazu Lin Mo took over the words and said.

"Well... I may have to stay inside Nuwa's Secret Realm for a long time, and I have no plans to leave Nuwa's Secret Realm yet!" Du Long could only tell these friends his plan truthfully.

But he didn't say that he actually wanted to wait for Xia Qinglian to finish the trial. The secret that Xia Qinglian was undergoing the trial to inherit Nuwa's mantle must be kept secret for the time being, otherwise it would definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Anyway, we have no other place to go, so we might as well continue to form a team and explore in Nuwa's secret realm!"

Mo Gang said in a loud voice: "There are a large number of extraterritorial emperor-level creatures to hunt and kill, and there are many unknown opportunities waiting for us to harvest. It is also a good place to experience adventure!"

"Form a team together?!" Huang Tianhua said hesitantly: "With Brother Du Long's current strength, if we form a team with him again, we will only be able to hold him back. Compared to us, we will not get any experience at all. Effect!"

"What Tianhua said makes sense!"

Teng Chong said in a deep voice: "Based on Du Long's current strength and status, those weak enemies will probably run away as soon as they meet. There is no strong person who really dares to deal with Du Long, and there is no one that you and I can handle!"

"Uh!" Mo Gang scratched his head in frustration and said, "Could it be that our team will be disbanded from now on?!"

"Haha!" Du Long waved his hand and chuckled: "There is no need to disband. The four of you can continue to go out as a team, but it is better for me to go out alone. If you encounter any difficulties, you can ask me Send a message for help, and unless I can’t leave, I will rush over at full speed!”

"Forget it!" Mo Gang nodded solemnly and said: "Senior Brother Du Long! There are many enemies who are coveting you now. You must be more careful when traveling alone!"

"Don't worry! If you can't beat me, can you still escape with my speed?!" Du Long habitually reached out to pat Mo Gang on the shoulder, but finally had no choice but to give up after seeing his body like an iron tower. He scratched his head instead to hide his slight embarrassment.

After the group of people expressed their respect to each other, they parted ways, found different directions and flew away from the mountains.

On several mountain peaks, there were some seemingly inconspicuous emperor-level beings. After seeing Du Long and others sneaking into Nuwa's secret realm, they all took out the message formation stones they carried with them, and then reported this information in real time. Send it out.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

Now that the secret of Nuwa's time and space footwork has been leaked to the public, Du Long simply stopped hiding his figure and stepped out one after another. Each step was able to span an extremely long and distant distance in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, he lost his trace in front of many people. Some interested people only knew in which direction he was leaving, but they couldn't guarantee whether he would change his route midway!

Although he learned Nuwa's time and space footwork, Du Long had extremely terrifying means of escape.

However, Du Long does not want someone to completely know his whereabouts, so as not to set up a large array on the road he must pass. If he falls into the enemy's trap by mistake, he will have to use all his strength to kill all those who control the array if he wants to come out again. Only the strong will do! (To be continued)

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