Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1789 Finally Arriving at the Shrine

"Husband! It seems that your body skills are not yet able to operate freely?! Otherwise, you wouldn't have bumped into the field energy shield!"

"Yes!" Du Long said depressedly: "This kind of body technique can only be regarded as a small achievement for the time being. There is still a long way to go to reach the point where it can operate freely!"

"Husband! Qinglian once visited the Nuwa Temple, the core of the Nuwa Secret Realm. Behind the temple is the Nuwa Kingdom, the core of the Nuwa Secret Realm. It is covered by a layer of wonderful folded time and space..." Xia Qinglian He began to talk about his experiences at the Nuwa Shrine.

Her meaning was very simple. She had previously felt that unless there was a strong person in the Divine Realm, there would be absolutely no strong person in the Heavenly Emperor Realm who could enter the core of Nuwa's Secret Realm - the Nuwa Country - with their own speed.

However, after Du Long displayed such a wonderful movement technique, she instantly understood that in the entire Nuwa secret territory, Du Long might be the only one with the ability to enter the Nuwa Kingdom.

"Nuwa Country?! It's interesting! But it's not as important as meeting Qinglian for my husband. It won't be too late to go there when my husband is in a better mood!" As a result, after Du Long listened to Xia Qinglian's story, But there was no intention of rushing over at all.


Before he could get enough, a figure suddenly appeared, and it was another Du Long!

"Okay! You've had enough of teasing me, go and practice in seclusion!" The newly appeared Du Long looked at Xia Qinglian who struggled out of the clone's arms with a smile, and couldn't help but joke.

"Oh! Okay! Why is my life so miserable? I have to practice in seclusion all day long, but you are able to stay with Qinglian and enjoy happiness!" The clone sighed pitifully.


Amid bursts of laughter, the clone disappeared out of thin air and had already entered the space of the fourth time-space island to practice.

Du Long's true self then stepped forward and gently took Xia Qinglian's jade hand and said, "Qinglian! My husband was just joking with you. Don't get it wrong!"

"Yes!" Xia Qinglian nodded shyly and said, "Husband! Why do you want your clone to practice in seclusion for a long time?!"

"Haha!" Du Long chuckled: "Who allowed him to have a space-time crystal in his head and be more talented than me in the time-space avenue?!"

"Oh!" Xia Qinglian suddenly realized: "Qinglian understands! Have your husband's injuries been healed too?!"

"It's just a small injury and it's completely healed!" Du Long waved his hand nonchalantly and said: "Let's go! Let's continue our unfinished trip to Nuwa's secret realm. It would be too much if we can't visit such a beautiful secret realm properly. Pity!"

In this way, a pair of travelers appeared inside Nuwa's secret realm.

Unlike others who were eager to find various opportunities in Nuwa's secret territory, Du Long knew that he had great hope of entering Nuwa's country, but he was not in a hurry to go there. Instead, he accompanied Xia Qinglian in Nuwa's secret territory. Travel around.

Time passed by day by day. Du Long accompanied Xia Qinglian to travel leisurely in the secret territory of Nuwa. Finally, he rushed towards the Nuwa Shrine, but he did not use anything similar to Peng Xing Wanli and Nuwa Time and Space Step. Such Mahayana supernatural powers.

As a result, if they want to reach the mountain range where the Nuwa Temple is located, it will take at least several thousand years!

Because of the mysterious deaths of the eight true emperor-level experts from the four extraterrestrial tribes, neither the extraterritorial forces nor the Western Light and Dark forces in the Pangu world have any trouble sending people to find Du Long for the time being.

The fall of the eight truly powerful emperors outside the territory made all forces no longer dare to underestimate Du Long's strength. No one was willing to deal with him easily unless necessary.

In the mountain range where the Nuwa Shrine is located, major forces occupy peaks one after another, and then they try to break through and enter the Nuwa Kingdom day after day.

The holy mountain inside Nuwa Kingdom is very attractive to many powerful people. Everyone wants to enter it and get the many treasures and opportunities on Nuwa Holy Mountain!

However, the folded time and space covering the entire Nuwa Kingdom is extremely winding and long. To rush in in such a short period of time is as difficult as climbing to the sky for many people.

In the blink of an eye, Nuwa's secret realm opened for nearly five thousand years, and Du Long accompanied Xia Qinglian and traveled together in Nuwa's secret realm for five thousand years.

"Husband, look! That is the Nuwa Shrine!"

On this day, Xia Qinglian suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed to a stretch of mountains in the distance. On the highest peak among them stood a snow-white statue, which was a giant stone sculpture of the goddess Nuwa.

"Hmm!" Du Long stared at the Nuwa Shrine in the distance with sharp eyes, and murmured softly: "What is supposed to come has finally arrived!"

"Husband! Don't you want to get all the opportunities left by the great goddess Nuwa?!" Xia Qinglian asked with slight doubts.

"No!" Du Long shook his head and sighed: "Why don't you want to be a husband because it is beneficial?! It's just... My husband has been separated from Qinglian for so long, and I just want to spend more time with you!"

"Husband!" Xia Qinglian stared at her most beloved man in front of her affectionately and said, "Qinglian understands your intention, but the opportunity left by the great God Nuwa cannot be missed!"

"Yes!" Du Long nodded slightly and said, "Let's go! It's time to try to enter the Nuwa Kingdom!"

The couple joined hands and began to speed up the sky and fly towards the mountain range where the Nuwa Shrine was located. Their appearance naturally attracted the attention of all parties.

"Look! Isn't that Du Long?! Who is the beauty next to him?! She is really beautiful!"

"Who else could it be?! Of course it would be Du Long's beloved wife Xia Qinglian! She is the most proud disciple of the mighty underworld god Ina, and she once went by the name Black Lotus Eva!"

"Isn't it?! She is the Heilian Eva who covers her face with black gauze all day long?! I thought she was too ugly to see people before! I didn't expect she is so beautiful!"

"Nonsense! If she was ugly, how could Yeluke from the Underworld Palace fall in love with her?!"

"That's true..."

Ever since the scene of Du Long's battle with an outsider at the entrance to Nuwa's secret realm was broadcast live, his reputation has spread throughout the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield, and many people recognize his appearance.

On the tops of many peaks around the Nuwa Shrine, many people focused their attention on Du Long and Xia Qinglian. Naturally, these included those strong men from outside the region who were hostile to him, as well as many of the strongest men from the two major forces of light and darkness in the West. .

The strongest men from the two major forces of light and darkness in the West looked at each other one after another, and they all saw a hint of helplessness in their eyes. Today, another truly strong man from the East has grown up.

At this moment, in the mountain range of Nuwa Shrine, powerful people from all major forces gathered. They did not dare to blatantly deal with Du Long. They could only watch the couple fly over in a swaggering manner.

"Haha! Senior Brother Du Long! You finally showed up. I thought you had left Nuwa's secret realm!" Not far away, on a well-located mountain peak, Mo Gang, who was as tall as an iron tower, was excitedly looking toward Du Long. He waved his big hand fiercely.

Beside him, in addition to Huang Tianhua, Tengchong and Mazu Lin Mo, there were also Dashi Zhi, Lu Mo and other truly powerful people from the Eastern camp.

Du Long directly took Xia Qinglian's jade hand and flew to the top of the mountain. While greeting everyone, he introduced Xia Qinglian to them.

"Tsk tsk! Sister-in-law Qinglian! Do you know that Senior Brother Du Long almost had to break through the time and space of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield in order to find you!" After getting to know each other, Mo Gang immediately tutted in admiration.

This guy was quite sensible and knew what to say on every occasion. Not only did he say good things for Du Long, but he also brought him closer to Xia Qinglian.

"Don't you know that the four cities of the Emperor's Battlefield that belong to the Pangu world all have ancient formations that can send reinforcements to each other?!" Xia Qinglian asked slightly confused.

"Those teleportation arrays must reach the god-level military rank before they can be used, so no one told us at the beginning, and we only found out about it later!" Tengchong explained somewhat depressedly.

"That's it!" Xia Qinglian suddenly nodded and said: "I only heard Master mention this matter after Nuwa's secret realm was opened. By the way! Master..."

Having said this, Xia Qinglian finally remembered to say hello to her master. After thousands of years of separation, she almost forgot about Ina, the god of the underworld.

After searching around for a long time, I found the figure of Ina, the god of the underworld, in the folded time and space. I saw that she was trying hard to enter the Nuwa Kingdom, so I didn't immediately send a message to disturb her.

"Junior Brother Du Long!" Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva finally took the opportunity to speak to Du Long: "You were the first person to enter Nuwa's secret realm, why did you disappear for so long?!"

"Haha!" Du Long replied with a smile: "As soon as I came in, I found a place with no one to consolidate my cultivation. Not long after I finished my practice, I met Qinglian. I have basically been with Qinglian for these thousands of years. I’m exploring the beautiful scenery in Nuwa’s secret territory!”


After hearing his answer, many people choked on their own saliva. Others entered Nuwa's secret realm and wished they could find their own opportunities as soon as possible. But he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

"Haha!" Mo Gang raised his head and laughed: "In this world, I'm afraid only senior brother Du Long can leisurely and elegantly visit the beautiful scenery of Nuwa's secret realm?! No wonder senior brother can be favored by so many beauties and enjoy it!" What a blessing to all the people!"

Du Long was obviously unwilling to continue on this topic, but turned to look at the Nuwa Kingdom in the distance, as well as the layers of time and space barriers.

At this moment, there are many figures in that folded space-time who are desperately trying to rush in. However, because they failed to rush in within the prescribed time, they were finally squeezed out by the powerful repulsive force of time and space.


A figure was squeezed out of the folded time and space in a slightly embarrassed manner, and then came to the top of the mountain in a flash. It was the truly powerful Taiyi Zhenjun from the Holy Land of Kunlun Mountain. (To be continued)

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