Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1777 Stubborn Qinglian

Decades ago, the side of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield close to Tianwai Ming City!

In order to reach the god-level military rank as soon as possible, Xia Qinglian stepped into the outer battlefield alone and went all out to kill the extraterrestrial creatures. As a result, just when she broke through and reached the emperor-level military rank, the God of the Underworld, Ina, sent a message urging her to return to the outer world immediately. city!

It turned out that the secret realm that Du Long entered was the Nuwa Secret Realm, and soon spread among the major forces. Many of the top emperor-level experts rushed to the Nuwa Secret Realm, preparing to find their respective opportunity!

God of the Underworld Ina naturally planned to join forces with several friends from the Nether World to enter Nuwa's Secret Realm. She immediately thought of her beloved disciple Xia Qinglian, and then sent a message asking her to rush to Nuwa's Secret Realm with her!

Since there is a free ride available, Xia Qinglian will not foolishly give up such a good opportunity and immediately rush back to the Underworld City from the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!

In the Underworld City, Xia Qinglian finally knew how to cross the entire Heavenly Emperor battlefield and rush to the guardian city on the other side of the long river of time and space!

It is an ancient teleportation array. Normally, only god-level warriors are qualified to rush to another city through this teleportation array. It is rarely activated at ordinary times. It can only be activated when the situation in a certain guarded city on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven is critical. The other party sends reinforcements.

After the god of the underworld, Ina, picked up Xia Qinglian, she immediately took her into the cave world that she carried with her. Then she entered the ancient teleportation array with several other friends and teleported directly to Tianwai Fairy City!

Then, they rushed all the way from Tianwai Fairy City, and it took them more than half a month to arrive at the entrance of Nuwa's Secret Realm, and entered this secret realm that had been open for some time.

After entering Nuwa's secret realm, Ina, the god of the underworld, immediately released Xia Qinglian from the cave world.

The two masters and apprentices, together with several others, moved along the main road and ran at full speed for nearly ten years before finally arriving at Nuwa Country, the core area of ​​Nuwa Secret Realm!

This is a country isolated by a giant magic circle. Walking along the main road of Nuwa Secret Realm to the end, there stands a majestic and magnificent temple!

The name of this temple is very simple, that is Nuwa Temple!

Whether they are creatures from outside the territory or the emperor-level warriors of the Pangu world, they can only stop on this side of the mountain where the Nuwa Temple is located. As for the Nuwa Kingdom on the other side, they can only look at it from a distance, but cannot get close. !

In addition to various interesting stone carvings, there is only one towering statue of Nuwa in the entire Nuwa Temple!

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see many village tribes in the Nuwa Kingdom on the other side. There are no solid cities in the Nuwa Kingdom, only the most primitive village tribes.

The strong men from all races on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven can clearly detect the details of these village tribes through their spiritual consciousness, and can see the living habits of the villagers. It is a pure matrilineal country!

In Nuwa country, what attracts the most people is the Nuwa Holy Mountain in the core area!

Looking from a distance, all kinds of magical fruits with spiritual roots of heaven and earth grow on the Holy Mountain of Nuwa. From time to time, you can also see colorful magical weapons appearing in the sky on the Holy Mountain!

It seems that it is extremely difficult for the village tribesmen of Nuwa Kingdom to climb this sacred mountain. They built a Nuwa temple at the foot of the mountain. Every year on Nuwa’s birthday, villages across the country will worship the goddess Nuwa. .

The village tribes that are very close to the holy mountain are becoming more and more powerful. Every year on Nuwa's birthday, the priestesses of the major village tribes will organize the people of the village tribes to rush to the Nuwa Temple to offer sacrifices.

Time passed year after year. When Ina, the god of the underworld, took Xia Qinglian all the way to the Nuwa Shrine, they, like many others, were all shocked by the scene they saw.

Through the top of the Nuwa Temple, you can overlook the beautiful scenery of most of the Nuwa Kingdom. Especially when you see the many natural treasures, magical weapons and weapons on the sacred mountain in the core area of ​​the Nuwa Kingdom, no one would want to rush into the Nuwa Kingdom. Go and compete for those coveted opportunities in the Kingdom of Wa!

However, looking at the Nuwa Kingdom right in front of us, it is extremely difficult to enter it!

Strong men from all races on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven constantly wanted to enter the Nuwa Kingdom, rushing with all their strength into the folded time and space created by the layers of magic formations, but they were all quickly sent back by the folded space.

As expected, it is worthy of being a secret realm created by the great goddess Nuwa. Even if you fail to break through the barrier, it will not kill anyone. At most, it will only send the person back safe and sound.

After successive attempts to break through the level, many people had to give up temporarily and began to turn their attention to the Nuwa Shrine.

Soon, people discovered that there was a stone inscription inside the Nuwa Temple. The general idea was that anyone could have the opportunity to break through and enter the Nuwa Kingdom, but there was a time limit for breaking through. If the time limit was exceeded, those who still could not enter the Nuwa Kingdom would be Will be sent back to where you came from!

People finally understood that the Nuwa Kingdom did not exclude the entry of all outsiders, but if you want to enter it, you need to be extremely fast!

In addition, there would be no fatal punishment for breaking into the Nuwa Kingdom, so the strong men from all races on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven simply regarded this act of breaking through as a kind of practice.

They failed to break through the levels again and again, but they did not give up at all. They continued to sum up their experience and continue to break through the levels!

The Nuwa Shrine is located on the mountain peak. Unlike others who entered Nuwa's secret realm just for the opportunity, Xia Qinglian focused all her attention on finding Du Long!

God of the Underworld Ina and others joined the ranks of the passers-by, and then left Xia Qinglian alone on the mountain. Although there was a mixture of fish and dragons here, there was not much risk for the time being!

Whether they are from the Pangu world or from outside the territory, they are naturally unwilling to take action easily if there is no conflict of interest!

The two camps temporarily put aside their life-and-death hatred and remained peaceful on the mountain where the Nuwa Shrine is located. As for leaving the mountain and losing the balance of mutual restraint, it would be hard to say!

‘Husband! Where have you been? ! ’

Standing alone on the cliff, letting the mountain wind blow past her, Xia Qinglian secretly whispered anxiously in her heart: "You were the first to enter Nuwa's secret realm, but why didn't you come here directly?" Did it disappear without a trace? ! ’

After exploring alone for a period of time and asking friends she met through Ina, the god of the underworld, Xia Qinglian was able to confirm that Du Long had never been here at all. He seemed to have disappeared without a trace as soon as he entered Nuwa's secret realm.

According to the people who came in after Du Long, they found no trace of Du Long as soon as they came in, and they had no idea where he had gone!

Her beautiful eyes blinked lightly, staring steadily at the Nuwa Kingdom in the distance.

'Could it be that. . . The first person to enter Nuwa's secret realm. . . Will he really be teleported directly into Nuwa Kingdom? ! ’ Xia Qinglian thought of some possibility again.

This idea of ​​hers is also the thought of many people. After failing to break through the barrier for decades, many people think that the possibility of breaking through the barrier and entering the Nuwa Kingdom with speed is almost zero!

Because of this, people think that Du Long, who was the first to enter this secret realm, is also exploring his whereabouts. Why has he not been seen here yet?

Ever since, some people have put forward such a conjecture, that is, Du Long is the first being to enter Nuwa's secret realm. Will he be lucky enough to be transported to Nuwa's country? !

The country of Nuwa is vast and boundless.

People can only detect a distance of more than 100,000 miles at most. For farther places, only the general situation can be seen with the naked eye, and the internal situation of Nuwa Kingdom cannot be clearly detected!

Therefore, although the idea of ​​guessing whether Du Long was lucky enough to be transported into the Nuwa Kingdom is absurd, it has a certain theoretical basis!

'besides. . . There is another possibility. . . That is, the husband has no intention of competing for the opportunity inside Nuwa's secret realm. After entering this secret realm, he did not move along the main road, but casually flew away at full speed in a certain direction. . . ’

'My husband had just made a breakthrough at that time, so it is most likely that he wanted to find a place where no one would disturb him to retreat and practice in order to consolidate the realm he had just broken through? ! ’

As Du Long's most beloved woman, Xia Qinglian's understanding of him was different from ordinary people, and she soon guessed the greatest possibility of Du Long's disappearance!

Based on her understanding of Du Long, once he wants to find a place to practice without being disturbed by outsiders, he will definitely leave the range that other people can detect with their spiritual consciousness the moment he enters Nuwa's secret realm, and then find another one. Hidden in a remote place and slowly practice and gain enlightenment!

'well! So Qinglian continues to wait here for news about her husband? ! Or should I leave here and go outside to find my husband's whereabouts? ! ’

‘I believe that after your husband has consolidated his cultivation level, he will definitely come here, right? ! However. . . After such a long separation, Qinglian can't wait to see her husband now! ’

‘I don’t know if my husband will be in danger if he is alone outside? ! It seems that more and more people have given up on entering Nuwa Kingdom and are instead entering other places in Nuwa Secret Realm to look for opportunities! ’

‘I wonder if Tao Dao will encounter these people? ! Will he come into conflict with these people? ! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

After waiting day by day, Xia Qinglian could no longer maintain her usual indifference, and began to have random thoughts in her head.

As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. Even though she could keep calm at first, she also knew that staying here was the best choice. However, as she waited longer and longer, she finally could no longer keep calm.

‘Master! The disciple is preparing to enter Nuwa's secret realm to search for her husband's whereabouts. During this period, if her husband comes here, please ask the master to send a message to Qinglian, and the disciple will rush back to this place immediately! ’

Before leaving, Xia Qinglian still did not forget to send a message to tell the God of Hell Ina about her decision. The God of Hades Ina quickly wrote back to her: 'Qinglian! Why did you suddenly decide to go out and look for that guy Du Long? ! Don't you know that staying here and waiting for him to come is the best option? ! ’

‘Master! The disciple is worried that her husband will be in danger if he is alone outside, and hopes to go and help him! ’ Xia Qinglian replied immediately.

'You stupid! ’ God of the Underworld Ina said helplessly: ‘With Du Long’s current strength, not even the four truly powerful people from outside the territory can kill him together, so what danger can there be in this Nuwa secret realm? ! ’

What Ina, God of the Underworld, actually wanted to say was that Xia Qinglian would be in danger if she went out to look for Du Long, but she swallowed the words again as she really didn't want her beloved disciple to be harmed in any way.

‘Master! Why did the disciple devote himself to hard training for so long? ! It is nothing more than wanting to be able to help my husband when he encounters difficulties, rather than just watching from the sidelines without being able to help. If not, what is the use of practicing so hard as a disciple? ! ’ Xia Qinglian replied slightly stubbornly.

'All right! God of the Underworld Ina knew that her beloved disciple was gentle and well-behaved on the surface, but once he became stubborn, he could not even pull the nine cows back. He could only sigh helplessly: "In this case, you must pay attention to your own safety. Once If there is any danger, immediately send a message to your teacher for help! ’

‘Disciple will definitely act with caution, thank you Master for your concern! ’

After saying hello to Ina, the god of the underworld, Xia Qinglian left the mountain peak where Nuwa Shrine was located without hesitation, and headed towards a certain direction of Nuwa's secret realm at full speed.

. . . . . .

I had something to do during the day, so this chapter was delayed. I had to code the chapter at around two o'clock in the morning. My grades have been very poor recently! I weakly ask for a monthly ticket for collection and recommendation and good reviews. Your support is the driving force for my writing. The Black Dragon will work hard to write the last plots better and conceive them well. Thank you everyone for your support! (To be continued)

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