Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1770 Distracted Enlightenment

Rumble. . .

In the huge Dantian world, it was as if the sky was cracking, and massive amounts of pure energy were constantly pouring down, making this Dantian world continue to expand and become bigger!

A purple figure stood quietly above the huge blue planet, staring intently at this drastic change in the world, and his eyes were also rapidly catching the changes in the formations that were constantly emerging between the heaven and the earth.

'not enough. . . Still not enough. . . The efficiency of capturing the drastic changes in the world is not fast enough. We must find ways to improve the efficiency. . . ’


Subconsciously, Du Long's clone shook slightly, and instantly entered the ninth level of the Mahayana Thousand-Hand Divine Power with three heads and more than 1,600 arms!

Immediately afterwards, he did not control Mantian's arms, but let them hang there. The consciousness that was originally divided into more than a thousand parts to control the arms was now observing more than a thousand different types of Heavenly Dao formations at the same time. Evolution!

The world of Dantian is undergoing drastic changes, just like the most primitive world is being born and evolving. The rules of heaven and earth are slowly being reborn and reshaped. This process will naturally reveal the initial forms of various heavenly formations, and gradually evolve from the initial forms to advanced forms. !

This process is definitely the best moment to understand the mysteries of practicing various heavenly ways. Especially compared to Du Long, who enters the way through formation patterns, it has an advantage that other practitioners cannot match!

The spiritual consciousness was transformed into more than 1,600 copies, and many of the most important paths were selected from the nine avenues to start understanding and practice, almost including many of the most important mysteries of heaven among the nine avenues.

Du Long's avatar stands in the world of Dantian, like a super computer with more than 1,600 cores, where it is frantically calculating the evolution of various mysterious formations of heaven and earth that are being born.

From simplicity to complexity, and then from complexity to simplicity, and over and over again, we are constantly comprehending the evolution process of various formations of the mysteries of heaven, and then stepping into the threshold of cultivation one after another of the mysteries of heaven!

For those mysteries of the minor path that are not particularly important, once he gets started, he will immediately transfer his spiritual consciousness to comprehend the mysteries of the minor path to another mysteries of the heavenly path, and begin to re-understand the evolution of another mysteries of the heavenly path.

Compared with those very important mysteries of heaven, he dives headlong into them, trying his best to comprehend and break through his own realm of cultivation. He will not immediately divert his attention to practice other mysteries of heaven after he has just started.

For example, with the soul carrier refined from the space-time crystal, Du Long's clone's talent on the time-space avenue definitely surpasses any other talent.

Therefore, not long after he broke through the second level of perfection of the Avenue of Time and Space, he began to focus on the evolution of the formations of the Avenue of Time and Space. While sorting out his understanding of the mystery of the Avenue of Time and Space, he also began to understand the second level of the Avenue of Time and Space. The mysterious truth of the triple space-time avenue!

Compared with the rough evolution of the avenue of time and space inside the time and space island, the evolution of the formation of the avenue of time and space here is countless times clearer, and the efficiency of comprehension and cultivation is also countless times faster. Du Long's clone will naturally not miss such an excellent opportunity. Opportunity to practice!

Time passed by minute by second, and neither Du Long's original form nor his clone had time to distract him at this moment. He did not know that on the surface of the huge planet, a young seed was being nurtured and formed at this moment.

It is a seed that is only the size of a fingernail. It is lying quietly in the soil at this moment. It is not only absorbing the purest energy in the Dantian space, but also constantly absorbing a bit of energy from Dulong's clone soul. An unknown invisible energy.

It may not be correct to say that it is energy. It should be the mysterious evolution of the way of heaven that Du Long's clone is constantly gaining at this moment. It is the imprint of the order of the rules of the way of heaven. It is invisible, qualityless and infinite. It does not seem appropriate to use energy to describe it!

Clang clang clang. . .

Outside, Du Long's true body was desperately blocking the attacks of the four powerful men from outside the territory.

However, compared with the difficulty at the beginning, he gradually began to feel that his combat power was getting stronger, and it was not as difficult as it was at the beginning to face the joint siege of the four powerful outsiders.

The evolution process of the dantian space has not yet stopped, and Du Long's basic combat power is gradually increasing. Originally, when he reached perfection in the middle stage of the fifth level of Xuantian Jue, he already had the perfect basic combat power in the late stage of Emperor of Heaven!

At this moment, the breakthrough of Xuantian Jue Kung Fu has reached the advanced stage and is still growing. His basic combat power has also become stronger and stronger, and has exceeded the limit that the Heavenly Emperor level can possess!

The basic combat power is constantly increasing, but the personal combat power star level has not changed much. His personal total combat power output has not surpassed the four powerful outsiders, but it is gradually leveling up!

Feeling the change in his own strength, Du Long was secretly happy, but he did not fully devote himself to the battle. His heart that liked to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger began to become active again at this moment.

"Eh?! What happened just now?! Why did such terrifying pressure from heaven and earth appear?!"

"Perhaps... Du Long has made a small breakthrough, right?!"

"Tsk tsk! As expected, he is worthy of being a terrifying evil figure who can compete with the powerful four races outside the territory. Not only can he achieve a breakthrough in such a difficult situation, but the terrifying fluctuations in the world caused by breaking through a small realm are so amazing!"

"Who says it's not the case? It would be such a pity if such a talented and evil person died like this!"


On the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, many adventure teams were watching the battle not far away. They could personally feel the abnormal pressure change of heaven and earth, and they were all shocked.

As for those who were watching the battle from a distance, they could not feel the pressure of heaven and earth at all. In their eyes, Du Long was still at a disadvantage, and the battle did not seem to have changed much!

However, neither the large number of spectators nor the powerful people from the four foreign races involved knew that Du Long was accumulating energy at this moment, always preparing to deliver a fatal blow to the enemies besieging him at the critical moment!

The world of Dantian is still undergoing intense transformation, and his strength is still increasing. This comes from the increase in basic combat power, as well as his understanding of various mysteries of heaven and his advancement in cultivation!

Everyone knows that the basic combat power of the Heavenly Emperor level is, at most, the late-stage Perfection level of the Heavenly Emperor!

However, at this moment, Du Long is still at the Heavenly Emperor level, but his basic combat power has surpassed the late Heavenly Emperor perfection level. Although it is impossible to reach the basic combat power of the God-level, it is already very incredible!

Clang clang clang. . .

Amidst the sounds of gold and iron clashing, the four strong men from outside the territory discovered somewhat depressingly that although they still had an absolute advantage, it was already difficult to hurt Du Long!

After the opponent's strength reached a certain stage, it stopped growing upwards, which made them secretly relieved. They were really afraid that Du Long's strength would suddenly explode to some incredible level!

‘After this kid’s strength has increased by one level, although he is still a lot weaker than us, unfortunately he is also more difficult to kill! What should I do? ! ’ Yue Guo, a blood clan who really wanted to kill Du Long and avenge his sister, complained to the other three companions in a depressed voice.

‘That’s right! We have tried our best, but we still can't kill this guy. If we don't think of a way, I'm afraid there won't be much hope of killing him! ’ Shaanshen from the Soul Clan nodded in agreement.

‘I have tried my best! ’ Beilin from the Corpse Tribe said simply and neatly.

In the end, the strong men of the three tribes all looked towards Kuli of the Li tribe.

Among the four powerful people present, Kuli was the strongest. Naturally, everyone hoped that he could come up with an idea to change the current situation, which was gradually becoming unfavorable.

Kuli frowned, and for some reason he felt vaguely uneasy in his heart, but he didn't know where this uneasiness came from!

Because of this, he really wanted to kill Du Long with all his strength, hoping to do it quickly to avoid unpredictable accidents!

‘Shaanxi! Your camp is close to the Tianwai Fairy City. Is there any information that the enemy has sent reinforcements? ! ’ Kuli did not answer everyone’s questions immediately, and turned to ask Shaan of the Soul Clan.

'have! Not long ago, Taiyi Zhenjun from Tianwai Fairy City personally teleported here and rushed here. However, with his speed, it will take two or three days at the fastest to arrive here. He cannot threaten us yet! ’ Shaan replied simply and neatly.

'Well! ’ Kuli’s brows did not relax in any way, and he continued to ponder undecidedly: ‘I always feel that something bad is going to happen. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We must kill Du Long as soon as possible. In short, we have to start fighting! ’

‘Desperately? ! How should we fight? ! ’ Shaan from the Soul Clan asked in shock.

‘It’s very simple! Go all out, even if you take heavy damage, you still have to kill the target. If you don't go all out, I feel that this mission may fail! ’ Kuli replied in a deep voice.

'I agree! ’ Unexpectedly, Beilin from the Corpse Clan was the first to agree with this method.

'I agree! ’ Yue Guo, the blood clan who most wanted to kill Du Long, followed closely and said through gritted teeth.

In the end, Shaan, who was left in the Soul Clan, also agreed to this method. The Young Master of the Soul Clan was still in Du Long's hands, and he naturally didn't want to see Du Long escape.

The four powerful men from outside the territory communicated through their spiritual consciousness. It was a long story, but in fact, the communication was completed in an instant!

Just as Ku Li said, no matter how much they cooperated to kill Du Long, they still lacked the desperate ferocity.

Everyone hopes that other teammates will put in more effort, and no one wants to put themselves into a dangerous situation. This will result in a seemingly fierce siege on the surface, but in fact they are not giving their all.

As the four powerful men once again formed a new consensus, the fighting atmosphere on the scene changed, and the battle that had reached a certain balance point suddenly became fierce.

Feeling that the enemy's siege suddenly became fierce, Du Long instantly understood his opponent's plan. This was clearly a gesture of wanting a quick victory!

While dealing with the opponent's fierce attack with all his strength, Du Long sank a small part of his mind into the world of Dantian. In an instant, he shared all kinds of mysterious insights from the clone!


While secretly taking a breath of cold air, Du Long was a little surprised to find that he had progressed on the avenue of time and space, and he had actually reached the third level of mid-to-late stage!

'Ha ha! ’ While laughing secretly in his heart, his mind instantly returned to his original self, and the battle that was originally about defense and parry suddenly began to reverse!


The new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Steps were taken in one step. Du Long's first target was the Moon Kingdom from the Blood Clan. The sky was filled with brilliant sword light. At this moment, he finally unleashed the terrifying increase in his basic combat power. It's coming! (To be continued)

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