Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 193 Rainstorm Pear Blossom

"Yes!" After the two snow ape monsters responded, they dodged and rushed in the direction where Du Long was escaping.

"Damn it! Run!" Du Long, with the help of the ring spirit beauties, understood the conversation of the three snow ape monsters. He immediately shouted, dragged the two girls away, and fled quickly.

"Husband, what's the matter? Could it be that Xiaolie can't stop it?" Huofeng said with a pale face.

"No! The two subordinates of the fifth-level snow ape monster are chasing us!" Du Long hurriedly replied, and then asked the ring spirit beauty in his heart: "Ling'er, what strength are those two snow ape monsters? "

"One end is at the beginning of the fourth rank, and the other end is at the end of the third rank!" the ring spirit beauty responded eagerly.

Oh ho!

Xiao Lie, the big lion, roared furiously, and wanted to give up the fifth-level snow ape monster, and rushed towards the two low-level snow ape monsters!

"Hahaha! You big lion, how dare you be distracted from fighting with me?" The fifth-level snow ape demon dodged to block Xiaolie's path, swung a huge slap, and slapped it hard!

"Master! I'm entangled, you run away!" The big lion Xiaolie roared angrily.

Its roar was transmitted to Du Long's mind in real time by the ring spirit beauty, which only made him more anxious. Since entering the Forest of Monster Beasts, there has never been such a critical situation!

The three young men, who had already lifted their burdens, tried their best to use Fengxing footwork. The speed can be described as extremely fast. Unfortunately, there is a huge gap in strength, and the snow ape demon is more familiar with how to move forward in the dense forest. The distance between them keeps getting closer.

I saw two snow ape monsters, one in front and one behind, using the branches of big trees and vines to borrow their strength from time to time, and chased them at a faster speed!

The speed of the Snow Ape Demon at the end of the third level was not much different from Du Long and others, but the speed of the Snow Ape Demon at the beginning of the fourth level was about to be a lot faster, and it seemed that he was about to catch up with the three of them.

Flipping his hands, he took out the Chiyan Zhan. Du Long knew that this battle was inevitable, so he could only shout to the two daughters: "Qinglian! You take the fire phoenix and go first, and I will block them!"

"No! How can you deal with two snow ape demons alone? If you want to stay, I will stay with Sister Qinglian, and at least help you block the other weaker snow ape demon!" Huofeng shook her head on the spot and vetoed.

"The princess is right! The two of us try our best to hold back the weaker snow ape demon!" Xia Qinglian also replied firmly.

"That's all!" Du Long could only helplessly said: "Don't come head-to-head with the snow ape monster. If you really can't avoid being attacked, try to use the vest on your body to resist the attack. The weight-bearing vest can effectively disperse the attack and has a strong defense !"

After the confession, Du Long knew that there was no time to talk nonsense. The Snow Ape Demon at the beginning of the fourth level had already reached forty or fifty meters away, and he could catch up with him in a few more ups and downs.

Suddenly stopped, turned around, and slashed out one after another!

Shua, Shua, Shua...

Continuously cut out five flame blades more than ten meters long, in the shape of a net, and shot at the fourth-order snow ape monster rushing at high speed. With such a dense and large-scale attack, plus the snow ape monster, how could it not Unexpectedly, this human being dared to stop and attack him, and it would be too late to dodge!

The flame blade collided with the Snow Ape Demon at high speed, and a snow-white light could be seen on the Snow Ape Demon's body. Obviously, at the last moment, this big guy with a height of nearly ten meters finally reacted and gathered the energy in his body to the whole body , Hardly received Du Long's flame blade attacks!

Puff, Puff, Puff...

Five flame blades slammed on the fourth-order snow ape demon one after another, and then burst out with intense flame light, enveloping the fourth-level early-stage snow ape demon in flames.

Oh ho!

With a cry of pain, the snow ape demon at the beginning of the fourth level suddenly rushed out of the flame deflagration area. The big guy who was originally covered in snow is now scorched black, and there are five obvious scars in it. Parts of it are broken!

Looking helplessly at this big guy who endured five slashes of red flames without dying, Du Long went forward instead of retreating. He couldn't retreat at all, otherwise his beloved woman would suffer!

Shua, Shua...

Scarlet Flame Slash slammed again, and in an instant, several flame blades slammed towards the black snow ape monster. At close range, the large-scale attack of the ten-meter-long flame blade was unavoidable. The ape demon had no intention of dodging these flame blade attacks at all, and once again used the energy of his whole body to rush over at full speed.

It knows in its heart that these attacks are not fatal to itself, as long as it rushes over, it will definitely smash that human kid into thousands of pieces, only in this way can the anger in its heart be eliminated!

Another series of flame explosions resounded in the dense forest, and the fourth-level snow ape demon was attacked by five or six flame blades, and finally rushed out of the flame explosion area, and suddenly opened its red eyes that were emitting red light due to anger !

The scene in front of him made it stunned for a moment, and saw that the human kid who had injured him one after another jumped in front of him, the fiery red saber in his hand was gone, and he was holding a cylinder with both hands aimed at his head, with a smear on his face. A cruel smile appeared.

"Not good!" A dangerous feeling emerged from the bottom of my heart instantly, and the fourth-level snow ape demon only had time to make the only movement, which was to close its eyes.


Before it closed its eyes, it could hear a light buzzing sound, and then vaguely saw countless black lights shooting towards its head. With the head as the center, there were countless tingling sensations from the whole upper body immediately, as if it was being shot. Like a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

Oh ho!

The fourth-level snow ape demon suddenly let out a roar of pain that shook the sky, and shot nearly a thousand black iron nails with amazing penetrating power from the rainstorm pear flower tube in Du Long's hand, piercing its eyes fiercely, and smashing it The whole head, including the upper body, is covered with a thick layer of nails!

That kind of pain can't be described in words at all. The fourth-rank snow ape demon finally suffered an extremely fatal blow. After screaming in pain, he waved his arms crazily and launched a violent attack in all directions!

Du Long, who was in mid-air, tried his best to control his body and wanted to retreat, but was still hit by its huge arm on his back. Although he was cushioned by a weight-bearing vest, the huge force still blasted him away on the spot .


Du Long's whole body was like a cannonball fired from the chamber, and instantly hit a big tree, breaking the big tree surrounded by three people on the spot. Under such a huge impact, he felt a sweetness in his throat and frantic Spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Husband (Young Master)!" The two beauties exclaimed, and rushed towards the direction where Du Long fell to the ground.

After being hurriedly helped up by the second daughter, Du Long, whose face was covered in blood, opened his eyes dizzily. Knowing that the snow ape demon had not been eliminated, he managed not to faint completely by virtue of his strong willpower.

"Hey! Don't worry, I won't die yet!" Grinning, Du Long, who was still bleeding from the corner of his mouth, showed a very ugly smile, turned his hand and took out a healing elixir, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Only then did the second daughter let go of the big stone in her heart, but seeing his face covered in blood, she couldn't help but her eyes were red, and tears fell down uncontrollably.

"Wuuuu! Husband, people thought..." Huo Feng choked up and said, "I thought you..."

"Stop talking about that!" After swallowing the healing elixir, Du Long interrupted Princess Huofeng, struggling to stand up: "Don't cry! There are still two monsters to be solved!"

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