Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1755 Energy Field

The "obstacle" from the Soul Clan is the most powerful Emperor-level warrior from the Soul Clan. His strength is much stronger than the several Supreme Emperor-level Soul Masters that Du Long killed one after another before. This time it is Marshal Feng. Young Master Ye was ordered to lead the crowd to rescue the Soul Clan.

After being teleported to the area close to the target through special means from outside the territory, he started running at full speed. Among the soul masters of the soul clan, his speed was considered to be the best.

Seeing that Du Long and others finally appeared within the range covered by the soul, he could see that the battle was still going on, and his hanging heart relaxed.

As a result, before he could be happy for a long time, the cry for help from Zi Hong, the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan, was heard in his mind, and then he saw the scene of Du Long beheading him with a knife.

Although Zihong's life and death had nothing to do with him, Zhan still felt that he had been slapped in the face in public.

It only took him a few dozen breaths to arrive at a distance of tens of thousands of miles. However, Du Long went on a killing spree in these ten breaths, one after another from the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan. The strong man was beheaded by him on the spot.

Almost at the same time, several of Du Long's teammates left the battlefield one after another. After hesitating for a moment, they finally did not send anyone to hunt down Hua Hua and others, but instead locked their target on Du Long.


Just as Du Long was chasing the last two powerful men from the Zidian Divine Dragon Clan, dozens of figures suddenly appeared next to Zhan, dispersed in an instant, and surrounded Du Long in a fan shape.


The Extreme Soul Devouring Slash instantly sliced ​​through the head of a strong man from the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan. The Extreme Soul Devouring Strike was successfully launched. This strong man from the Purple Lightning Divine Dragon Clan once again became the upgrade nourishment for the sword.

Seeing the enemies surrounding him in large numbers, Du Long had no intention of escaping. He actually had the intention to strangle the powerful man from the Zidian Divine Dragon Clan with all his strength!


An invisible energy wave flashed and instantly enveloped Du Long. This energy wave was very strange. It seemed a bit similar to the divine space binding force that many people in the Pangu world knew, but it was different!

Du Long, who was originally extremely fast, seemed to be pressed by a big mountain, and his movement speed dropped sharply. This feeling was a bit like ordinary people entering water, and his movement speed was completely incomparable with normal.

"Haha! If you don't take the road to heaven, how dare you go after the friends of the Zidian Divine Dragon Clan after all this time?!" Seeing that Du Long was successfully enveloped in the force field, Zhan An breathed a sigh of relief. , couldn't help but smile triumphantly and said sarcastically.

"Friends?!" Although Du Long was shocked in his heart, he still calmly retorted on the surface: "When did the enemy and us on this battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven actually become friends?!"

While talking to stall for time, Du Long tried hard to feel the strange energy binding his body, trying to find a way to break it, otherwise the speed advantage he relied on would be lost!


In order to test whether the force field is the power of the divine space unique to extraterrestrial creatures, Du Long directly released the power of his own divine space. With the energy intensity of his Dantian space, he is completely unafraid of any divine space binding power at the level of the Emperor of Heaven. .

"Haha!" Zhao looked at Du Long with a joking smile, seeming to see clearly what was in his mind: "You actually don't even know the unique energy field of the Li clan, and you dare to do whatever you want in the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven. It's really Do you think that since you have reached the so-called strongest emperor-level combat power, you can be invincible on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven?!"

"The unique energy field of the force clan?!" After releasing the power of his divine space, Du Long felt that the energy field on his body had not weakened, and he finally felt that something was not good.

"Haha! Kule, there is actually an idiot who doesn't know the unique energy field of the Li clan. I really don't know how he survived on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven for such a long time!" Zhan didn't mean to help Du Long solve his doubts and turned around. And Kule, a strong man from the force clan standing aside, smiled and said.

"The ignorant are fearless. Now I have some doubts about whether he is a core disciple of the Xumi Mountain Buddhist lineage!" Kuler, the strongest emperor-level powerhouse led by the Li clan this time, sneered indifferently.

'Dulong! The Extraterrestrial Force Clan is one of the four strongest ethnic groups on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven. They are famous for their powerful attack power, and they also possess a strange energy field. They are the nemesis of all movement speeds. Obviously, this time the Extraterrestrial Soul Tribe They were invited as reinforcements! ';The Ring Spirit Ling'er told Du Long the information he knew in due course.

'Energy field. . . What the hell is that? ! '; Du Long asked somewhat depressedly.

'I don't know either. It is a secret method unique to the Extraterrestrial Force Clan. It is said that it is similar to the perfect fusion of a magic circle and the tribe's unique magical power. As for the specific principle, outsiders have no way of exploring it! '; Ring Spirit Ling'er explained in a solemn tone.

'All right! '; Du Long nodded secretly and said: 'No matter what kind of force field it is, it should not be able to escape the mysterious category of heaven. I hope that the principle of the formation of this force field can be found as soon as possible! ';

The dialogue and exchange with the Ring Spirit Ling'er was conducted through spiritual consciousness. Du Long ended the secret conversation with the Ring Spirit almost instantly, and his face became solemn.

In order to buy more time for other teammates to escape, he had to stay and break up the rear. This was the main reason why he didn't escape immediately even though he saw the enemies surrounding them.

He originally thought that with his speed, he would be able to escape easily even if he couldn't be beaten. However, the strange energy field of the Force Clan was beyond his expectation and would definitely become the biggest obstacle for him to escape from this place!

"Okay! Don't talk nonsense to this idiot! Kill him quickly, we have to rush back to the Corpse Clan to recover!" Bess from the Corpse Clan interjected ruthlessly.

"Tsk tsk!" Yue Mei of the Vampire Clan sighed loudly: "It's really a pity that such a young and handsome boy has to die on this battlefield! Little brother, sister, I will definitely take good care of you. !Giggle..."

Yuemei smiled with a charming voice, and during this period she stretched out her little red tongue and licked her red lips. In the eyes of some ignorant young people, that look might be infinitely charming and charming, but if she saw it in the eyes of some familiar young people, In the eyes of people with the bad habits of the Vampire Clan, it will make people feel chilly.

"Haha! Don't worry, sister Yuemei. Brother, I will try my best to leave the whole body of the other party to you. I believe you will be able to suck the freshest blood!" Kule, the strong man of the force clan, said with great enthusiasm. Assured.

"Giggle! Then there's Brother Laukule!" Yuemei winked at Kule, her eyes full of ambiguity.

In the encirclement, Du Long grinned with a look that didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He never expected that one day he would be reduced to being treated as blood food by the enemy.

When his eyes turned to Yue Mei from the Vampire Clan, all that was left was the cold murderous intention. He, who had never liked to kill women harshly, now actually had a strong murderous intention towards the woman from the Vampire Clan in front of him.

Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated, even if the other person only cares about sexual intercourse. Du Long cannot accept the idea of ​​someone wanting to kill him and suck his blood.

'Energy field. . . This energy field should be formed by some kind of energy running through special blessings such as a magic circle. . . ';

'That is to say. . . This energy force field is based on energy. . . The special operation method of the auxiliary magic circle is not similar to the power of the divine space at all! ';

In a flash of thought, Du Long had to release the power of the divine space that he had released. Since it was a useless effort, he might as well save some energy by removing it altogether!

'Since it is based on energy. . . Then there must be a carrier to release this energy. . . It can be felt that these energies are exerted by those strong people from the force clan. It seems that if Daihui has the chance, he must first kill these strong people from the force clan. Only in this way can the force field be cracked. ! ';

Just when he was secretly thinking about how to deal with it, the coalition of four tribes finally launched an attack, leaving him no time to think about it.

Not far away, many adventure teams remained silent. Each adventure team had its own goals when entering the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, and would not easily help unrelated outsiders.

In particular, the four extraterrestrial tribes in front of us are unprecedentedly powerful together. Even if a small number of people want to help, they are powerless!


The first to attack Du Long was the team from the Corpse Clan. A dozen strong Corpse Clan men emitted waves of unpleasant corpse odor and surrounded Du Long.

These corpse clan strongmen perfectly conceal the corpse odor on weekdays, but will immediately release it without hesitation once they attack the enemy.

The terrifying corpse odor has condensed into a dark green mist that looks like substance. It will make those who inhale it feel dizzy, nauseated and uncomfortable. Those who are weaker are in danger of being corroded by the corpse poison and dying.

After just inhaling a little bit of corpse stench, Du Long immediately held his breath, not daring to let this stench affect his performance any longer!

Swish, swish, swish. . .

A dazzling sword light appeared all over the sky. Since Du Long's movement speed was limited, he simply used a whirlwind attack of sword light in a short distance to block the siege of these strong zombies.

In order to reduce the burden on himself as much as possible, he launched a fierce attack with all his strength. His current combat power bonus has reached the terrifying 41-star level. Immediately after the sudden attack, two strong zombies were accidentally killed. He received several knives on his body!

The unexpected scene of blood splattering did not appear. Du Long felt as if the light of his sword was cutting on rotten flesh. Waves of stench hit his face, and the already rich dark green mist became much richer.

'Depend on! ';

Cursing secretly, Du Long could only hold back the nausea in his heart and continued to attack with all his strength. While attacking, he felt the terrible restraint pressure on his body, hoping to find a way to break the restraints of the energy field.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

At this moment, the sound of wind suddenly sounded.

A dozen or so Vampire figures suddenly appeared outside the strong men of the Corpse Clan. They were all dressed up in sexy and enchanting manners. They all held a strange crossbow in their hands. The sound of piercing wind was emitted from these crossbows.

Blood-red arrow shadows flew continuously from the side of the corpse tribe strongman, and went straight to Du Long in the middle. The shooting frequency of these crossbow arrows was very fast, and the attack angle was also extremely tricky. It was very similar to Du Long's past. The style when killing enemies with the Moon Chasing Crossbow.

In short, these crossbow arrows, which seemed to have no great effect on the mighty emperor, could always catch the power change node of Du Long's attack at this moment, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Ding ding ding. . .

Amidst the crisp clashes of gold and iron, blood-red crossbow arrows were chopped into pieces one after another. However, an incredible scene that made Du Long appear again.

A large number of these shattered blood-colored crossbow arrows were fired at him. The fragments of the crossbow arrows did not seem to be a great threat, but they gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

'The arrows are poisonous? ! ';

At that moment, Du Long judged the reason why he felt in danger. This kind of crossbow from the Vampire Clan was definitely not simple. If this ethnic group could become one of the four major ethnic groups outside the territory, there must be something special about it! (To be continued)

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