Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1734 Upgraded to three levels in a row

A whirlwind of sword light kept cutting into the fragments of flesh and blood in the sky. The brilliant sword light kept killing the soul energy devouring the flesh and blood, making the soul aura of the so-called young master of the soul clan become weaker and weaker.

"No! Stop it quickly, otherwise you will be hunted down by the most powerful members of our Soul Clan, and they will not stop until you die!"

More than a dozen figures tried hard to save the young master of the soul clan, but were blocked by the whirlwind of sword light. Those strong soul clan men watched helplessly as their young master was gradually strangled with random knives, and they were all dumbfounded.

"Fighting to the death?!" Du Long sneered disdainfully: "You extraterrestrial creatures have invaded other people's worlds, and we have already been in a fight to the death, okay?!"

A golden pagoda suddenly appeared on one of Du Long's palms, and then a terrible suction force came out, instantly sucking the flesh and blood of the young master into pieces.


Five-color flames suddenly bloomed in the tower, and bursts of miserable screams could be heard. It could be seen that the flesh and blood of the young soul master was being refined into ashes, and soon only a faint shadow of the soul remained. Dying in the tower.

"Want to refine my soul?! I'll let you taste the feeling of the soul being tempered by the flames first!" Du Long shouted coldly and angrily towards the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Immediately afterwards, Du Long directly put the Demon Suppressing Tower away, regardless of the soul energy of the young master of the Soul Clan, who was crying in pain and begging for mercy.

"Asshole! Let the young master go quickly! Let's fight him!"

The young master of the soul clan, Shenhun, was captured alive. These people in the soul clan seemed to be afraid of being punished if they went back, so they could only bite the bullet and try their best to rescue the young master of the soul clan.

However, in the face of these enemies who were not as strong as the peak Heavenly Emperor, although they were relatively difficult to kill, Du Long didn't take it to heart at all.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

The whirlwind of sword light bloomed with incomparable brilliant edges, strangling these enemies from outside the territory one after another. The other swords were responsible for dividing the corpses, and the Flame Dragon Slaying Slash and the Extreme Soul Devouring Slash were responsible for devouring the opponent's soul.

In the blink of an eye, all the soul clan members who besieged Du Long were cut into corpses. Although these guys' physical recovery abilities were extremely amazing, it still took a long time to recover as before.

Under the continuous strangulation of the sword light all over the sky, these powerful soul clan men finally turned into lifeless flesh and blood, and disappeared into ashes between heaven and earth!


After wiping out all the enemies around him, Du Long let out a long breath and looked around. Except for a few teammates who still had opponents, all the other enemies were killed by his sword and their souls were destroyed!

'Fortunately, the opponent's so-called young master's soul was captured alive from the beginning. Otherwise, if these people wanted to flee like birds and beasts, they might not be able to kill everyone! ';

'Huh? ! Has the identity token been upgraded to the emperor level? ! Is this upgrade too easy? ! ';

While paying attention to the battle situation of his teammates, Du Long muttered to himself. With just one kill, his identity token had been promoted from soldier to general, king, and emperor!

If outsiders knew about such a rapid promotion of military rank, it would definitely cause a sensation!

In fact, someone had already discovered his abnormal situation at the bloody battle list in Tianwai Immortal City at this moment.

Du Long, military level, blood points: zero

Du Long, general rank, blood points: 300,000!

Du Long, king level, blood points: 1.2 million!

Du Long, emperor level, blood points: 18.6 million!

It took less than a quarter of an hour for Du Long to advance from soldier level to emperor level. The speed of his promotion was so fast that the eyes of those who noticed him almost bulged out.

"Have you made a mistake?! Who is this Du Long?! Why did his military rank rise so quickly? It took less than a quarter of an hour, right?! He was promoted directly from soldier rank to emperor rank?!"

"Wow! Someone is cheating, right?! Otherwise, why would his military rank increase so quickly?!"

"Who knows who this Du Long is?! Why did his military rank rise so quickly?!"

"Well... as far as I know, our Xumi Mountain Buddhist lineage has a disciple named Du Long. He is also the first in the Xumi Mountain Bodhisattva Ranking. It is not surprising that he can rise in rank so quickly!"

"A Buddhist disciple of Mount Sumeru?! Is he Du Long, Sakyamuni's recent direct disciple?"


Word soon spread across the entire Tianwai battlefield. From the initial doubts, to later knowing Du Long's true identity and origin, many people gradually let go of their doubts and began to believe that he had this ability.

Just kidding, the person who ranks first in the Sumeru Ranking of the Bodhisattva Realm of Mount Sumeru naturally disdains cheating in the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!

In a teahouse in the city, after hearing the news, a man secretly took out the messaging array stone and sent a message to the outside world.

'Master Ziyi! Du Long and others have entered the battlefield to hunt extraterrestrial creatures, and their personal military rank has been upgraded to the emperor level! ';

In a certain courtyard, a man with bloody red armor had just come out from treatment. His hand, which was originally cut off by Du Long, had been reconnected and was intact as before.

"Brother Li Huang! You are finally out. It seems that your hand has recovered well!" A teammate stepped forward to greet him and congratulated loudly.

"Well!" Li Huang, the man in red armor, was in a slightly bad mood and asked in a low voice: "What were you talking about just now?! Why do I see you talking so enthusiastically!"

"Hey! Brother Li Huang doesn't know. According to rumors, there is a very powerful person among the new emperors. I heard that he is the number one Bodhisattva from the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Mount Xumi, named Du Long!"

"As expected, he is worthy of being the top Heavenly Emperor from the Buddhist sect. It only took him less than a quarter of an hour to upgrade his status token from soldier level to emperor level!" The subordinate responded with a flattering smile. .

"Sure enough!" Li Huang murmured with a shocked face: "In less than a quarter of an hour, the soldier level token was upgraded to the emperor level?!"

"Who says it's not?!" Another teammate said with admiration: "Being able to upgrade the status token from soldier level to emperor level in a short period of time is enough to prove that Du Long is currently fighting a large group of creatures outside the realm of the Emperor of Heaven. , and it’s still the situation of one against a hundred!"

"Tsk, tsk, compared with these real top Heavenly Emperor Realm experts from the big sect, that brat who was just wandering around on the street is simply a bastard that is worse than shit!"

"That's right! Those brats, it's best not to encounter us on the battlefield, otherwise we'll have to peel off their skins!"


In the courtyard, a group of people gathered around and chatted.

While slandering Du Long, he was also praising his achievements. If they found out that this was exactly the same person, would they slap him in the face?

In the wasteland, a battle ended in the blink of an eye.

Du Long and others boarded the light boat directly, then changed their direction and shot away at full speed in the other direction.

"Haha! It's so exciting. In just a moment, we killed dozens of extraterrestrial creatures at the level of the Emperor of Heaven!" Mo Gang laughed excitedly: "With Boss Du Long here, it's so exciting to kill the extraterrestrial creatures!"

"Alas!" **Hua shook his head and sighed: "Everything is the credit of Brother Du Long. We worked so hard that each of us only killed three to five extraterrestrial creatures on average. Du Long was better, almost half of them." It's all taken care of!"

"Who says it's not?!" Tengchong also shook his head and said: "Look at Du Long's identity token being directly upgraded to the emperor level. It's good for us, at most we can only hover between the general level and the king level!"

"The general level requires at least ten to one million points, and the king level requires between one million and ten million points. The Du Long brothers already have tens of millions of points, right?!" ** Hua sighed again.

"Yeah!" Tengchong continued to nod and added: "Killing extraterrestrial creatures with the initial strength of the Emperor level can get up to 10,000 points, up to 100,000 points at the middle stage, and up to one million points at the later stage. It can be seen from this that the Du Long brothers killed The extraterrestrial creatures are not low-level!"

Several grown men were counting the blood points, while Lin Mo smiled and didn't say anything. The big men were used to her personality, so they didn't care too much.

"That..." Seeing that everyone was chatting, Lin Mo finally frowned and said, "Before coming to the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield, I thought those extraterrestrial creatures were monsters with hideous faces. I also felt that they were not of my race, and their hearts must be evil. They must be eliminated completely."

"However, after meeting those extraterrestrial creatures for the first time today, I discovered that they have similar appearance and body shape to us. I really don't know what the meaning of such a battle is? Isn't there any chance for the two sides to live in peace?!"

"Senior Sister Mazu!" Du Long, who is also a disciple of the same lineage of Buddhist cultivators, said without hesitation: "Don't be fooled by the other person's appearance!"

"Today you have also seen these so-called extraterrestrial soul creatures. When killing the opponent's flesh and blood body, you cannot kill them quickly. Instead, you have to shock their souls with one sword to finally kill them!"

"Yes! But this is just because of the other person's special physique..." Lin Mo still couldn't understand the meaning of Du Long's words.

"Senior sister! Do you know how they cultivated their perverted physiques?!"

Du Long asked back, and immediately continued to explain: "In fact, what they practice is a kind of soul-devouring technique. The extraterrestrial soul tribe is the most powerful race. Their cultivation method is extremely evil. They must devour the enemy's soul." Use your soul to improve your strength!"

"According to legend, before the original or even the first year of the Wilderness Era, it was because the people of our Pangu world were too careless that these soul creatures were allowed to sneak into the Pangu world. As a result, people continued to die inexplicably, and their souls were also devoured by them. Reincarnation is impossible!"

"Just a group of soul clans sneaked into the Pangu world and caused the loss of at least trillions of people in the Pangu world, and they were still the kind of souls that were scattered and never reincarnated. I wonder if senior sister still feels that killing these extraterrestrial creatures is a bit inappropriate. Is that okay?!"


After a brief silence, Mazu Lin Mo finally sighed: "That's it! Mazu's mercy will only be used on those kind people. For these foreign invaders, the only way to deal with them is to raise a butcher's knife!" (To be continued)

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