Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1704 The Strongest Appears

"Victory with more?!" the Western man in silver armor said disdainfully: "If we didn't want to avoid long nights and dreams and get rid of this scourge of you as soon as possible, why would we use the four most powerful paladins to deal with you?!"

"Don't talk so much nonsense to him! Since ancient times, history has always been written by the living. As for the dead, no one is willing to pay attention to it! Let's go together and kill him quickly to avoid disturbing the wormhole in space. Those Orientals out there!"

"Yes! Kill him quickly before we talk!"

Swish, swish, swish. . .

In the dark light field, nearly a hundred figures suddenly increased. Astonishingly, the two black-armored men finally began to release their own shadow clones. Each of them released more than forty clones, directly filling the originally empty dark space. The light field has become overcrowded!

Du Long stepped on the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork, swayed slightly, and immediately transformed into three heads and more than 700 arms. Faced with the siege of nearly a hundred figures, he had to increase his combat readiness level accordingly.

Within the area enveloped by the dark light domain, bursts of clashing sounds of gold and iron resounded throughout the world. Du Long only used his thirty-six-star combat power bonus for the time being, and was able to barely block the opponent's siege for a while.

The light of the hand swords all over the sky formed a weather-proof network of defensive sword lights, blocking all the attacks coming from the surrounding area. The violent collision of the bursts of sword lights and sword shadows made the void along this star road tremble.

"Haha! This is what you call the true strongest paladin?! It's just me..." After testing for a long time, Du Long never used his strongest combat power. In order to force the opponent's backhand, he He laughed loudly and deliberately with great disdain.

"Hmph!" The same western man in silver armor snorted coldly: "In that case, we will let you see today what is the true combat power of the most powerful Heavenly Emperor!"

In the dark light field, the attack rhythm of the sky-filled figures suddenly became urgent. Both the attack power and speed were increasing continuously. This was obviously to speed up the rhythm of killing Du Long.

Faced with the siege of figures flying in the sky, Du Long tried his best to dodge, but he also found opportunities to fight back, not to be outdone. His combat power bonus also began to increase from the previous 6-star combat power bonus to 9. Star level!

The combat power bonus brought by the basic space fluctuation path reaches 9 stars, the Dou Zhan Dao is 4 stars, the Tathagata Palm star, plus the fusion bonus star level of several paths, which happens to be the 9 star level combat power bonus!

However, the entire 9-star combat power bonus, although it is about one star stronger than some of the enemies, is still about one star weaker than the other parts.

As a result, his total personal combat power output is basically equal to that of his opponent, and he does not have much advantage. When he is outnumbered, he is somewhat at a disadvantage.

However, Du Long didn't take it seriously at all. The new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork on his feet changed rapidly. While running back and forth in the enemy's encirclement at full speed, he did not forget to continue to laugh at his opponent loudly.

"The fighting power is not bad! It's just... This little fighting power doesn't seem to be enough for you to shout out those arrogant words without shame!"

"Oh?! Really?! Since you are so anxious to seek death, then we will help you!"

He was still the blond man in silver armor. Perhaps this guy was used to being arrogant in the Western world and was simply unwilling to admit defeat in front of Du Long.


A lightsaber stabbed towards Du Long as usual. The light of the sword was erratic. It looked like it was still some distance away, but it came to him in an instant!


With a strange scream in his heart, Du Long, who was startled, hurriedly dodged to avoid it. As a result, although he avoided the vital part in danger, the opponent's lightsaber still scratched through the scales of his arm.

That was a super-artifact-level light holy sword attack. The golden scales that reached the top-grade artifact level were instantly torn open, and bursts of pain followed.


Du Long secretly took a deep breath, feeling the stinging pain on his arm, but the scene when the other party launched a strange attack flashed in his mind.

'Control the time flow rate in some areas? ! There seems to be no mystery about space folding involved. . . ';

call out!

Before he could fully understand the silver-armored man's attack method, another black shadow launched a surprise attack from one side. A strange-shaped scimitar seemed to be able to cut through the void and appeared beside him instantly.

'here we go again! ';

With a soft cry in his heart, Du Long hurriedly dodged with all his strength, stepping slightly with the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork on his feet, which contained a small amount of time and space secrets, which actually allowed him to successfully dodge the opponent's fatal blow!

The black shadow was secretly shocked. He obviously didn't expect that his accelerated attack, which contained the secret of space, was actually dodged by the opponent? !

Is this a coincidence, or does the opponent avoid his attack through his own strength? !

In the encirclement, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Du Long's mouth. He was not in a hurry to fully display his insights on the time and space island, but pretended to be embarrassed and dodged the opponent's fatal attacks one after another.

Soon, he discovered how ridiculous the other party's so-called reliance was!

"Haha! Is this what you call the true and powerful Heavenly Emperor's combat power?! You only have a superficial understanding of the avenue of time and space, but you actually dare to claim to be the most powerful Heavenly Emperor's combat power?!"

After the successive attacks failed, the faces of the Westerners became a little ugly.

As Du Long said, their level of understanding of the Avenue of Time and Space really only scratches the surface, and it is still a ridiculous level of understanding that they know but don't know why!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

Within the encirclement, Du Long secretly added his insights on the Time and Space Island into the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork, thereby dodging those seemingly extremely deadly attacks again and again!

He was just one step away from successfully comprehending the mysteries of time and space on the first island of time and space. What he lacked was the practical application of integrating these mysteries of time and space into attacks and movement techniques!

Now that he has a free opponent to hone his application level in the mysteries of time and space, he will naturally not give up such a good opportunity and start to use actual combat to further understand the mysteries of time and space that he has learned on the time and space island!

'There are indeed many differences between theory and reality. No wonder I am stuck at that bottleneck and cannot break through it! ';

'Huh. . . It turns out that the secret of time and space can be integrated into the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork in this way? Ha ha. . . In this way, my new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork is enough to dodge the opponent's siege! ';

'Ha ha. . . I dodge, I dodge again. . . ';

As the secrets of time and space were continuously integrated into the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork by Du Long, an extremely strange scene began to appear at the battle scene. Nearly a hundred figures were besieging them with all their strength, but they were still unable to do anything about the golden figure in the encirclement.

The movement trajectory of this figure can only be described as weird and erratic.

Suddenly east and now west, now left and now right, moving trajectories that are unimaginable, one after another, dodging the extremely deadly attacks one after another!

"Hahaha... Is this what you call the true strongest paladin?! If that's all, then it really disappoints me. With such a trivial understanding of the avenue of time and space, I'm afraid I won't be able to do what you want today. The earth is going to kill me!"

Du Long used words for the last time to stimulate his opponents, hoping to see if they had any other back-ups as soon as possible, and he also gradually integrated his insights on the avenue of time and space into his attacks.

In the encirclement, the golden figure was flashing at high speed, and the sword light gradually became erratic, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, which made the four Westerners tremble with fear. Several shadow clones were accidentally struck suddenly. The accelerated sword light exploded.

They finally realized that the evil young man from the Eastern world in front of them was obviously using them as a whetstone, trying to integrate the mystery of the avenue of time and space into his attacks.

In addition, they were also depressed to find that Du Long's level of understanding of the Avenue of Time and Space was higher than their own, and it was more systematic. Unlike them, they knew it but didn't know why, and only understood some aspects of time or space. The secret of fur!

'Sean! The situation is not good! It seems that with just the four of us, we can't kill this Eastern monster at all, so we can only ask those two adults to take action! ';The man in black armor said with a solemn expression.

'Um! The opponent's strength is beyond expectations, no wonder we, please hurry up and ask those two adults to take action! '; Sean, the man in silver armor, immediately agreed to this request.

The moment the two of them finished speaking, two figures suddenly appeared on the battlefield. One was still a cold Western man in black armor, and the other was a brown-haired man in silver armor.

"Sean, Cage! You two losers can't even deal with a mere little guy who just broke through and reached the strongest Heavenly Emperor realm?!"

"Hmph! They invited us out so quickly. I thought they had invited some help?!"

"Greetings to Ms. Angela and Mr. Kamel! The information is really wrong. This goal is very evil. He actually has a systematic understanding of the avenue of time and space!" Sean, the man in silver armor, hurriedly greeted the greetings, but also did not forget to replace him. Make excuses to get away with it.

"All the time and space avenues have systematic understanding?! This is not right!"

Kamel, the man in black armor who just appeared, stared at the erratic golden figure in the encirclement with a cold smile: "You actually have a systematic understanding of the avenue of time and space?!"

Within the encirclement, Du Long began to feel an uneasy feeling in his heart. After staying in the God Realm for so long, although most of his time was spent on practice, it did not mean that he was really deaf to the world's affairs!

He had heard about the names of the two people who had just appeared in front of him. It was obvious that they were beings whose reputations in the West were similar to those of Samantabhadra and Wenzhu, the true and powerful emperors of Eastern Buddhism. They could be regarded as the most powerful people in the Western world walking on the land of gods. The true most powerful paladin.

Angela, one of the seven most powerful paladins from the Western Temple of Light;

Kamel, the most powerful fallen paladin from the Dark God of the West.

One represents the most powerful paladin of the Temple of Light, and the other represents the most powerful paladin of the Dark God!

'The situation is not good! ';

After finding out how terrifying the true identities of these two people were, Du Long was secretly surprised. At the same time, he did not intend to continue to use his opponents to hone himself, but was prepared to face a real life-and-death fight! (To be continued)

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