Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1690 Qinglong Cave Sky

In the fairy world space, Du Long is constantly teleporting back and forth!

First, he sent slaves from the Flower Fairy Spirit Tribe, Fire Ape Demon Tribe, and Fire Fox Tribe back to their respective tribes, and then he immediately embarked on a journey to hunt down the remaining God Killing Guards throughout the fairy world!

For those guys who lied about information to save their lives, his approach was absolutely simple and neat!

Directly suppress his soul into the Demon Suppressing Tower, endure the endless pain of the Five Elements True Fire, and have no choice but to survive or die!

For those whose reports are true, give them a happy life. Du Long will not destroy their souls, but will give them a chance to be reincarnated and be good people again!

After working like this for several days, he finally set his sights on the last place, which was Qinglong Cave, one of the ten most desperate places in the fairy world!

On the Qinglong Planet, among the boundless waves, a green island stands on the sea!

In mid-air, a purple figure appeared silently. Du Long stared deeply at the island in front of him. This is the entrance to the Qinglong Cave World!

According to legend, only one out of ten people enters the world of Qinglong Cave!

According to those who survived from the inside of Qinglong Cave, they were frightened and left immediately after seeing the people in front of them dying tragically.

In short, I have never heard of anyone who was lucky enough to come out alive after going deep into the world of Qinglong Cave!

"Just a glimmer of hope is enough!"

Du Long didn't hesitate too much, he immediately made a decision and flew directly towards the isolated island below!

In the Qinglong Cave World, this is a cave world dominated by ocean and supplemented by land!

A ring-shaped island with a radius of tens of thousands of miles is shrouded in fog all year round. The interior is filled with criss-crossing passages and pitted lakes. It is full of mystery and weirdness under the cover of fog!

According to the inscription at the entrance to the cave, the central area of ​​the many lakes is the Qinglong Palace, which contains a large number of magical elixirs, magical fruit spiritual roots, magical weapons, and endless inheritance of techniques!

At the beginning, when this cave world was just born, it indeed attracted countless people from the fairy world to explore, hoping to find the location of Qinglong Palace and obtain a large number of treasures inside!

However, from ancient times to the present, except for a few people who were lucky enough to harvest some fairy fruits and elixirs in the outer areas of the cave, the vast majority of people, not to mention harvesting treasures, were extremely lucky to come out alive!

Gradually, as more and more people died in it, and the treasures they obtained were extremely limited, everyone no longer had much illusions about this cave world!

Ever since, the Qinglong Cave Heaven World has gradually been rated as one of the top ten cave heaven forbidden places in this fairy world by the world!

Shrouded in fog, more than a thousand miles from the entrance, there is a piece of land with a radius of dozens of miles. At this moment, it has become a temporary camp, with more than 6,000 black-armored god-killing guards stationed inside!

In the largest tent in the camp, dozens of leaders of the God-killing Guards, who are in the late stage of the Heavenly God level and have perfected their strength, are discussing matters!

In addition to the dozens of leaders of the God Killing Guards, there were more than a dozen figures with extremely ugly faces standing in the corner of the tent, among them were several of Du Long's old friends in the fairy world!

There are Xuanyuan Zhan, the contemporary leader of the Xuanyuan Clan, Hu Qingshan, the leader of the Immortal World of the Fire Fox Clan, Ga Yan, the leader of the Immortal World of the Fire Ape Demon Clan, and Mo Xueyun, the contemporary leader of the Mo Clan.

Du Long only knew that these clans were exterminated by the God Killing Guards because of his involvement after he ascended to the God Realm, but he never expected that all the clan leaders would be alive? !

Before Du Fu ascended to the God Realm, he once allowed the ethnic groups that were attached to him to choose freely. As a result, the Xuanyuan Human Clan stayed in the Immortal Realm, while the Fire Fox Clan and the Fire Ape Demon Clan left a large part of their tribesmen respectively. As a result, they finally They have all become the targets of the God Killing Guard!

"Lord Legion Commander! Even if we have these slaves as cannon fodder during our journey, we still have lost a lot of brothers!"

"That's right! There were originally seven or eight thousand brothers, but now there are only more than six thousand left. A total of more than a thousand people have been lost, but they have only advanced more than a thousand miles, which is tens of thousands of miles deep. If we go to the Qinglong Palace, wouldn’t we all be destroyed here?!"

"Yes! How about we quit this damn cave world?!"

"That's right! If we don't retreat, we may all fall here!"


Inside the temporary tent, there were noisy discussions. It could be heard that the morale of these people was fluctuating, and it seemed that they were unwilling to continue to risk going deep inside.

On the main seat, a blond Westerner sat there.

At this moment, he was looking at his generals with an expressionless face, and they were all seeing each other there. He had no intention of speaking. It could be seen that he seemed slightly absent-minded, as if he was waiting for something.

Suddenly, he moved slightly, and immediately turned over his hand and took out a message formation stone. When he saw the content of the message clearly, he was completely dumbfounded!


As he let out a long sigh, everyone who was still noisy all fell silent, turning to look at him one by one, all waiting for him to explain what abnormality had happened!

'It's a matter of confidentiality! In order not to be heard by these slaves, I will introduce the current unfavorable situation to you through divine voice transmission! ';

This Western man transmitted his voice through his spiritual consciousness. Just the first words he said made everyone at the scene change their expressions. Everyone vaguely guessed something. There must be some abnormal change in the outside world!

Sure enough, the Western man continued to speak: 'In fact! As early as hundreds of years ago, except for our 10,000-strong Divine Killing Guards legion, all the other main legions of the Divine Killing Guards in this fairy world were completely destroyed! ';


'How can this be? ! Lord Legion Commander, there are tens of thousands of God Killing Guard troops outside, which are invincible in this fairy world. Even if the God Realm Alliance sends troops to support, it is impossible to wipe out all our people! ';

'That's right! Our God Killing Association controls every move of the Alliance of Gods. Once they send a large number of legions of gods down to earth, our God Killing Association will never sit idly by and ignore them. How can we allow the other party to destroy our tens of thousands of legions here? ! ';

'That's right! I don’t believe this possibility either. Lord Legion, today doesn’t seem to be April Fool’s Day in the West, right? ! Can you please stop making such jokes with us? ! ';

'. . . . . . ';

The moment the blond legion commander paused, the scene immediately erupted into an uproar.

of course!

They all transmit their voices through their spiritual consciousness, and only they themselves can feel the chaos. As for the slaves in their eyes, they can't hear anything.

On weekdays, as long as these divine killer guards talk about certain important topics, they will always switch to the communication method of divine consciousness transmission. Prisoners who have lost their freedom have long been accustomed to it.

'Um! ';

The legion commander nodded and responded casually, and everyone became quiet again. They all craned their necks and waited for his next words!

'In fact! The culprit that led to the annihilation of the tens of thousands of our troops outside was not the army of gods sent by the Alliance of Gods, but Du Long, whose strength had increased to the level of the Emperor of Heaven, returned to this fairyland! ';


All the commanders of the God Killing Guards at the scene were all dumbfounded. How could they not know who Du Long was? ! Before he ascended to the God Realm, he was already an invincible and powerful existence in the immortal world!

The main reason why these people descended to this immortal world collectively was because of this Du Long, and they joined forces to kill his son Du Fengyang as soon as they descended to earth.

The reason why they are still staying in this immortal world is that in addition to rebuilding the power of the Black Killing Society, they also have a particularly important task to find and destroy Du Long's god-level spiritual servants, and then take back the two planets Cave Sky from their hands. world!

'Lord Legion Commander! Are you kidding us? ! that. . . Didn’t our mission target Du Long just ascend to the God Realm not long ago? ! Does this make him a powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor realm? ! And has he returned to this fairyland? ! ';

'impossible! The star road to and from the immortal world is full of dangers. Even if his strength has just broken through and reached the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, it is impossible for him to successfully cross this star road by himself! ';

'. . . . . . ';

After a short period of silence, the commanders of the God Killing Guards finally woke up and expressed their own doubts about this matter!

'well! ';

The legion commander sighed again and said: 'This Du Long. . . He can only be described as a monster! After only ascending to the God Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, less than an epoch year, he has already broken through to reach the level of Heavenly Emperor, and he is also the kind of terrifying powerhouse who can kill the most powerful paladin! ';

'this. . . This is impossible! ! ';Some people screamed and lost their voices on the spot.

No wonder their reaction was so great. Many of them were also beings who had ascended from various immortal worlds to the divine realm. Many epochs had passed since their ascension, but they still remained in the late consummation realm of gods. He couldn't even reach the Hunyuan level!

However, Du Long not only broke through to reach the realm of Heavenly Emperor, but also had the legendary strength of the strongest Heavenly Emperor. How could this not make them feel unbelievable? !

'In fact! When I first received this news, I couldn't believe it. However, after sending people out several times to confirm, it was confirmed. The first thing Du Long did when he returned to the immortal world was to kill all the gods on the Tianxuan planet. The group was wiped out, and tens of thousands of god-killing guards were directly destroyed by his palm! ';

'I believe you all understand that being able to render tens of thousands of gods defenseless and be destroyed by a single palm is extremely difficult even for a perfect and powerful person in the late Hunyuan stage, right? ! ';

The legion commander told all this with an extremely solemn expression. All the commanders of the God Killing Guards on the scene were dumbfounded, and none of them knew what to say.

'And all this! ';

The legion commander was silent for a while before continuing: 'This is the main reason why I defied everyone's opinions hundreds of years ago and marched into the depths of Qinglong Cave with all my strength no matter what! What we are facing when we exit are the powerful men of the Heavenly Emperor Realm who have a blood feud with us. Only by continuing deep into the Qinglong Cave can we have a glimmer of hope! ';(To be continued)

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