Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1675 Star Road Assessment

The sky is filled with dazzling stars, and a full moon hangs high in the sky.

A winding path paved with pure white jade leads straight to the sky, with starry sky above, below, left and right. Apart from this white path, the only thing left in the world is the endless starry sky between the sky and the earth.


After seeing clearly the environment he was in, Du Long immediately turned around subconsciously. As a result, apart from the starry sky, there was no jade path. The place where he stood was the end of the jade path.

"Isn't it?! You want me to go all the way along this jade path, right?!" He muttered speechlessly while standing on the white jade path.

The divine consciousness is released with all its strength, and this space has a great suppressing effect on the divine consciousness. It is impossible to see what is at the end of the white jade stone road!

Even the energy light gate behind him disappeared without a trace. Apart from moving all the way along the white jade path, he could not find any way out!

After waiting for a long time, he didn't hear Zhen Lingqiao'er's reply. Du Long knew that the other party had clearly acquiesced to what he had just said, so he simply didn't bother to respond!

'Could he be deceived by that cunning little beauty? ! Why do I feel completely unsure of myself? ! ';

'Get on your way! ';While he was muttering secretly in his heart, the Ring Spirit Ling'er couldn't help but urge: 'What kind of storms and waves have you not encountered in so many years? ! Why did you become more cautious after coming to the immortal world? ! ';

'hey-hey! ’ Du Long smiled awkwardly and said, ‘There’s no cold left at the top. . . After finally breaking through and reaching the strongest Heavenly Emperor level combat power, if he fell in a certain battle in the God Realm, it would still be considered a spectacular death. If he capsized in the sewers of the Immortal World, he would definitely become the biggest laughing stock in the entire God Realm. ? ! ';

'That's true! '; Ring Spirit Ling'er responded with a sweet smile: 'A powerful man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm finally returned to his hometown of the Immortal World, only to end up capsized in the ditch. That would really make him the biggest laughing stock in the entire God Realm! whee! ';


Du Long was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

Then he no longer hesitated, and immediately ran forward along the white jade path. Perhaps because he thought that there was no cover around him, there should be no danger. He simply used the wind walking method and started walking at full speed.

This white jade trail leads directly to the stars, with no end in sight. You can't fly in the air here, so you can only move forward along the white jade trail!

He didn't want to move forward cautiously. The white jade trail was endless. If he moved forward too carefully, he didn't know how long he would be delayed here!

Just like that, a purple figure rushed forward at high speed on the white jade path. His whole body transformed into a lavender lightning trajectory, and he quickly flashed along the winding path!


At a certain moment, his figure suddenly passed through an invisible energy ripple. Although he felt something in his heart, he didn't care, but continued to run forward along the white jade path at full speed.

"Eh?! Why do I feel like the stars in the sky are falling?!"

As he was running at full speed, Du Long suddenly felt something bad. The stars in the sky were getting bigger, and then they were like raindrops falling from the sky, and many of them were shooting towards him!

As these stars approached, he was shocked to realize that each of the so-called stars was only as big as a football, but they still exuded the power to destroy the world and smashed towards him one after another.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

On the white jade path, Du Long's figure was fast and slow, dodging the dangers of the stars again and again. It was not until the stars approached that he suddenly realized that they were definitely not fake stars!

The stars of different sizes, like footballs, should be bound by magic circles through some kind of magical power. Although they look like only a small number, in fact they are actually real stars!


Because there were too many stars hitting him, Du Long was eventually hit on the left shoulder by one of them. He stumbled suddenly and almost missed being thrown out of the white jade path. Finally, he was able to control his body in danger. Continue to run forward.

"Wow! Was I just hit by a real star?! TND, the area where it was hit really hurt! It actually burned a big hole in my clothes?!"

Amidst the strange screams, Du Long continued to move forward quickly on the white jade path. Just as he said, he was really hit in the shoulder by a star just now!

In a certain secret space, Zhen Lingqiao'er touched his forehead with his hand, and his face was covered with black lines!

'Is this guy still a human? ! After being hit by a star, he was still able to keep moving forward quickly on the star road? ! How hard is his body? ! ';

On the white jade path, Du Long ran forward all the way, the new five elements of wind and thunder under his feet rapidly changing and interlacing, dodging dangerously and avoiding the bombardment of the stars in the sky.

He was a little shocked to find that he could not fly in the starry sky. In other words, once he fell out of the white jade path, the consequences would be unpredictable!

A bad premonition began to well up in his heart. Since he couldn't fly in the air here, if he was knocked out of the white jade path by those stars, he didn't know where he would fall. !

"Um...Miss Qiaoer! Beautiful girl Qiaoer!! What will happen if she is knocked out of this white jade passage?!"

While dodging with all his strength to avoid the bombardment of the stars in the sky, Du Long shouted loudly. For the sake of safety, he decided to ask Zhen Lingqiao'er clearly, lest it would be funny if the ship capsized in the ditch because he was not careful enough.

"Alas!" A faint sigh came from the starry sky: "Originally, during your assessment, I was not allowed to answer any questions, but since you are a core disciple of the Buddhist lineage in the divine world, I will be accommodating. Bar!"

"Du Long! You have to pass through this winding star road as quickly as possible. Don't fall out during this period. What is connected below is the Netherworld Hell. It is definitely a truly terrifying place. If you fall, You'll never get out!"


Du Long secretly took a breath of cold air. His hunch was indeed correct. There was really a big crisis under this white jade path. Once he fell, even he who was in the strongest Heavenly Emperor realm might not be able to survive!

Whoop, whoop, whoop. . .

In the starry sky, stars are falling one after another!

Du Long no longer dared to be careless, and used the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork on his feet with all his strength, and was doing his best to dodge those astonishingly powerful stars!

As time goes by, the number of stars in the sky becomes more and more, and the speed of falling becomes faster and faster. Many times, several stars fall at the same time, which is simply inevitable!

Puff, puff, puff. . .

Unable to avoid it, he received several fierce blows one after another. The severe pain of being hit by stars made him feel uneasy.


Seeing that the purple robe on his body was burned in many places, he finally began to transform, directly entering the three-headed, six-armed and ultimate dragon transformation state, and instantly transformed into a golden dragon-like form.

The new five-element wind and thunder footwork on the soles of his feet was running at full strength. Du Long tried his best to avoid the bombardment of many stars. When it was really unavoidable, he could only use the equivalent of a top-grade artifact while trying his best to ensure that he would not be bombarded by the stars. The strong body resisted.

Gradually, the number of stars in the sky became more and more, and the speed of falling became faster and faster. What made Du Long even more frightened was that the impact force of these stars became stronger and stronger!

At the beginning, when he was hit, he would only shake his body slightly and that would be it.

But being hit now would be much more uncomfortable, as it would cause the body to shake violently, making it extremely difficult to dodge the continuous blasts from other stars!

"That...Du Long!"

In mid-air, Zhen Ling Qiao'er finally couldn't help but asked weakly: "Why have you been dodging the bombardment of these stars but not using weapons to blast them away?! Although your movement speed is very amazing, but If you continue like this for a long time, you will definitely be knocked off the stars in the end!"


In Du Long's mind, there were hundreds of millions of grass and mud horses galloping past. At first, he habitually used his body skills to dodge the bombardment of these stars. But he actually forgot to use weapons to block the bombardment of those stars? !

His old face suddenly turned red, and he was too embarrassed to say anything more. He turned over his hand and took out six super-artifact swords. As a result, he immediately felt many times more relaxed.

Puff, puff, puff. . .

He continued to rush forward at full speed with the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork. Once there were stars that could not be avoided, he would immediately chop them away with his sword. Only using the most basic 9-star combat power bonus was enough to smash those stars. The stars were blown away.


While advancing easily, Du Long was secretly depressed in his heart, apparently still annoyed that he had forgotten to use weapons to blow away these stars.

In fact, after he recognized that these stars were not fakes, he subconsciously did not dare to bombard them easily!

Just imagine, if you knew that stars and the sun were slamming towards you, and then swung a knife to kill them, how terrible would the consequences be if they exploded? !

Du Long never expected that the magic circle that bound the stars would be so strong that it could withstand his own heavy blows. At most, it would be blown away, but it would not be exploded!

"Huh?! The speed and power of these stars have increased again?! You actually need to use the star war power bonus to blast them away?!"

As he went deeper and deeper into this star road, Du Long's newly relaxed mind became tense again. If the star bombardment power on this star road continued to increase, once it exceeded the limit of what his strength could handle, he would have to Big trouble! (To be continued)

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